function getNinjaBoardPosts($params) { if (!file_exists(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_ninjaboard/ninjaboard.php')) { return; } //connect to database $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); //get current user $user =& JFactory::getUser(); //load module parameters & set defaults $num_posts = $params->get('num_posts', 1); //if $num_posts isn't set or set to zero, then set it to one if ($num_posts <= 0) { $num_posts = 1; } /* $show_public = $params->get('show_public', 1); $show_regualar = $params->get('show_regular', 0); $show_special = $params->get('show_special', 0);*/ $only_forums = $params->get('only_forums', 0); $not_forums = $params->get('not_forums', 0); $child_forums = $params->get('child_forums', 1); $which_posts = $params->get('which_posts', 0); $order_by = $params->get('order_by', 0); $show_recent = $params->get('show_recent', '720'); $show_unread = $params->get('show_unread', 1); $unread_image = $params->get('unread_image', 1); $subject_max = $params->get('subject_max', 50); $message_max = $params->get('message_max', 200); $name_link = $params->get('name_link', 1); $item_format = $params->get('item_format', '%R %S<br /><small>%N %D</small>'); $tooltip_format = $params->get('tooltip_format', '%F > %L'); $date_format = $params->get('date_format', 'j.n.Y G:i'); $avatar_w_h = $params->get('avatar_w_h', 'height'); $avatar_size = $params->get('avatar_size', '50'); $name_link = $params->get('name_link', 'nb'); $url_view = JRequest::getVar('view'); $url_option = JRequest::getVar('option'); //get current forum id if ($url_option == 'com_ninjaboard') { $url_id = JRequest::getInt('id', ''); } //get menu id $itemId = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::getItemId(); //get com menu id $comItemid = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::getComItemid($name_link); //create new post indicator //if user is logged in if ($user->id != 0) { //get last session from sessions table by user id $db->setQuery("SELECT time FROM #__session WHERE userid = {$user->id} ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1"); $session = $db->loadResult(); //if user has visited in last year if ($session > time() - 1314000) { $lasttime = $session; //limit to 1 year, if user hasn't visited in over a year } else { $lasttime = time() - 1314000; } //if user isn't logged or is guest } else { $lasttime = 0; } if ($lasttime > 0) { //logged in user $sql_new = ", (unix_timestamp(p.created_time) > " . $lasttime . ") AS show_unread"; } else { //user isn't logged or is guest $sql_new = ", 1 AS show_unread"; } //how recent should shown posts be $sql_time = ''; if ($show_recent > 0) { $recent_time = time() - $show_recent * 3600; $sql_time = 'AND unix_timestamp(p.created_time) >= ' . $recent_time; } // access levels /* $i = $show_public + 2 * $show_regualar + 4 * $show_special; switch ($i) { case 0: $sql_access = ''; break; case 1: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (0,1)'; break; case 2: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (-1,18)'; break; case 3: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (0,1,-1,18)'; break; case 4: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (19,20,21)'; break; case 5: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (0,1,19,20,21)'; break; case 6: $sql_access = 'AND u.gid in (-1,18,19,20,21)'; break; default: $sql_access = ''; } */ //get posts in selected categories $sql_forum = ''; if ($url_option == "com_ninjaboard" && $url_view == "forum") { $current_forums = $url_id; } if ($url_option == "com_ninjaboard" && $url_view == "topic") { $current_forums = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::getForumId($url_id); } if (!empty($current_forums) && empty($only_forums)) { $include_forums = $current_forums; } elseif (empty($current_forums) && !empty($only_forums)) { $include_forums = $only_forums; } elseif (!empty($current_forums) && !empty($only_forums)) { $include_forums = array_merge((array) $current_forums, (array) $only_forums); } $include_forums = ''; if ($include_forums) { $forums = $include_forums; foreach ($forums as $i => $forum) { $forums[$i] = (int) $forum; if ($forum == 0) { unset($forums[$i]); } } $include_forums = implode(',', $forums); if ($include_forums) { if ($forums) { $sql_forum = " AND (f.ninjaboard_forum_id IN (" . $include_forums . ") OR f.parent_id IN (" . $include_forums . "))"; } else { $sql_forum = " AND f.ninjaboard_forum_id IN (" . $include_forums . ")"; } } } //get posts not in selected categories if ($not_forums) { $forums = $not_forums; foreach ($forums as $i => $forum) { $forums[$i] = (int) $forum; if ($forum == 0) { unset($forums[$i]); } } $not_forums = implode(',', $forums); if ($not_forums) { if ($forums) { $sql_forum .= " AND (f.ninjaboard_forum_id NOT IN (" . $not_forums . ") AND f.parent_id NOT IN (" . $not_forums . "))"; } else { $sql_forum .= " AND f.ninjaboard_forum_id NOT IN (" . $not_forums . ")"; } } } //post type $post_type = "Left Join #__ninjaboard_topics AS t ON p.ninjaboard_topic_id = t.ninjaboard_topic_id"; if ($which_posts = 1) { $post_type = "Left Join #__ninjaboard_topics AS t ON p.ninjaboard_post_id = t.first_post_id"; } if ($which_posts = 2) { $post_type = "Left Join #__ninjaboard_topics AS t ON p.ninjaboard_post_id = t.last_post_id"; } switch ($name_link) { //get avatar from cbe profiler case 'cbe': $select = 'avt.`avatar` as custom_avatar, avt.`user_id`, '; $join = 'LEFT JOIN #__cbe avt ON p.`created_user_id`=avt.`user_id` '; $and = 'AND avt.`avatarapproved`=1 '; break; //get avatar from cb profiler //get avatar from cb profiler case 'cb': $select = 'avt.`avatar` as custom_avatar, avt.`user_id`, '; $join = 'LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler avt ON p.`created_user_id`=avt.`user_id` '; $and = 'AND avt.`avatarapproved`=1 '; break; //get avatar from jomsocial //get avatar from jomsocial case 'js': $select = 'avt.`avatar` as custom_avatar, avt.`userid`, '; $join = 'LEFT JOIN #__community_users avt ON p.`created_user_id`=avt.`userid` '; $and = ''; break; //get avatar from ninjaboard //get avatar from ninjaboard case 'nb': $select = 'avt.`avatar` as custom_avatar, avt.`ninjaboard_person_id`, '; $join = 'LEFT JOIN #__ninjaboard_people avt ON p.`created_user_id`=avt.`ninjaboard_person_id` '; $and = ''; break; //default //default default: $select = ''; $join = ''; $and = ''; break; } $query = "\n SELECT\n " . $select . "\n\t\tu.username as author_name, \n\t\,\n p.locked,\n p.`text` as message,\n p.subject as subject,\n\t\tp.created_time as created,\n\t\tp.modified as modified,\n p.ninjaboard_post_id as post_id,\n p.ninjaboard_topic_id,\n p.created_user_id as userid,\n p.guest_name as name,\n\t\tt.hits as topic_hits,\n t.ninjaboard_topic_id as topic_id,\n t.forum_id,\n f.title as forumname,\n f.ninjaboard_forum_id,\n f.enabled,\n f.parent_id as parent_id\n " . $sql_new . "\n FROM \n #__ninjaboard_posts AS p\n " . $post_type . "\n Left Join #__ninjaboard_forums AS f ON t.forum_id = f.ninjaboard_forum_id\n\t\tLeft Join #__users AS u ON p.created_user_id =\n " . $join . "\n WHERE\n p.enabled = '1' AND\n f.enabled = '1' \n " . $sql_time . "\t\t\n\t\t" . $sql_forum . "\n\t\t" . $and . "\n\t\tGROUP BY p.subject \n\t\tORDER BY p.created_time DESC\t\t\n\t\tLIMIT 0," . $num_posts; $db->setQuery($query); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); //$countid = count($rows); if (!count($rows)) { return; } $items = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $item = ''; //lets build the avatar //set which avatar file retrieved from the db to use $avatar_file = $name_link == 'default' ? $row->avatar_file : $row->custom_avatar; //set $avatar_file for tmpl use $item->avatar_file = $avatar_file; //get paths and default files for avatars switch ($name_link) { //get avatar from cbe profiler case 'cbe': //$avatar_file = (strpos($avatar_file, 'gallery/') === false) ? 'tn' . $avatar_file : $avatar_file; if ($avatar_file) { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'images/cbe/' . $avatar_file; } else { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'components/com_cbe/images/english/nophoto.png'; } $user_link = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_cbe&task=userProfile&user='******'<a href="' . $user_link . $row->userid . '&Itemid=' . $comItemid . '"><img name="' . $row->author_name . '" src="' . $avatar_path . '" ' . $avatar_w_h . '="' . str_replace('px', '', $avatar_size) . '" alt="" id="nb-posts-avatar" /></a>'; break; //get avatar from cb profiler //get avatar from cb profiler case 'cb': //$avatar_file = (strpos($avatar_file, 'gallery/') === false) ? 'tn' . $avatar_file : $avatar_file; if ($avatar_file) { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'images/comprofiler/' . $avatar_file; } else { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/luna/images/avatar/tnnophoto_n.png'; } $user_link = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user='******'<a href="' . $user_link . $row->userid . '&Itemid=' . $comItemid . '"><img name="' . $row->author_name . '" src="' . $avatar_path . '" ' . $avatar_w_h . '="' . str_replace('px', '', $avatar_size) . '" alt="" id="nb-posts-avatar" /></a>'; break; //get avatar from jomsocial //get avatar from jomsocial case 'js': if ($avatar_file) { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . $avatar_file; } else { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'components/com_community/assets/default_thumb.jpg'; } $user_link = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid='; $item->avatar = '<a href="' . $user_link . $row->userid . '&Itemid=' . $comItemid . '"><img name="' . $row->author_name . '" src="' . $avatar_path . '" ' . $avatar_w_h . '="' . str_replace('px', '', $avatar_size) . '" alt="" id="nb-posts-avatar" /></a>'; break; //get avatar from ninjaboard //get avatar from ninjaboard case 'nb': case 'default': if ($avatar_file) { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . $avatar_file; } else { $avatar_path = JURI::base() . 'media/com_ninjaboard/images/avatar.png'; } $user_link = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_ninjaboard&view=person&id=' . $row->userid . '&Itemid=' . $comItemid; $item->avatar = '<a href="' . $user_link . '"><img name="' . $row->name . '" src="' . $avatar_path . '" ' . $avatar_w_h . '="' . str_replace('px', '', $avatar_size) . '" alt="" id="nb-posts-avatar" /></a>'; break; } $item->subject = stripslashes($row->subject) ? stripslashes($row->subject) : ''; $item->subject_max = JString::strlen($item->subject) > $subject_max ? JString::substr($item->subject, 0, $subject_max - 4) . '...' : $item->subject; $row->message = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::parseBBcode($row->message); $item->message = stripslashes($row->message) ? stripslashes($row->message) : ''; $item->message_max = JString::strlen($item->message) > $message_max ? JString::substr($item->message, 0, $message_max - 4) . '...' : $item->message; $item->postname = $row->userid > 0 ? "<a href='" . $user_link . "' title='" . $row->author_name . "'>" . $row->author_name . "</a>" : JText::_('GUEST'); $item->name = $row->userid > 0 ? $row->author_name : JText::_('GUEST'); $item->postlink_s = "<a href='" . JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_ninjaboard&view=topic&id=' . $row->topic_id . '&Itemid=' . $itemId . '#post' . $row->post_id . "' title='" . $item->subject_max . "'>" . $item->subject_max . "</a>"; $item->postlink_l = "<a href='" . JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_ninjaboard&view=topic&id=' . $row->topic_id . '&Itemid=' . $itemId . '#post' . $row->post_id . "' title='" . $item->subject . "'>" . $item->subject . "</a>"; $item->datetime = date($date_format, strtotime($row->created)); $item->unreadimage = '<img src="' . JURI::base() . 'modules/mod_ninjaboard_related_posts/images/new.png" alt="new" />'; $item->online_status = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::getOnlineStatus($row->userid) ? '<span id="nb-posts-online">' . JText::_('ONLINE') . '</span>' : '<span id="nb-posts-offline">' . JText::_('OFFLINE') . '</span>'; $s = $item_format; $s = str_replace('%S', $item->postlink_s, $s); $s = str_replace('%L', $item->postlink_l, $s); $s = str_replace('%M', $item->message_max, $s); $s = str_replace('%T', $item->message, $s); $s = str_replace('%N', $item->postname, $s); $s = str_replace('%D', $item->datetime, $s); $s = str_replace('%H', $row->topic_hits, $s); $s = str_replace('%F', $row->forumname, $s); $s = str_replace('%I', $item->unreadimage, $s); $s = strpos($s, '%A') === false ? $s : str_replace('%A', $item->avatar, $s); $s = strpos($s, '%O') === false ? $s : str_replace('%O', $item->online_status, $s); $s = str_replace('title=""', '', $s); $item->title = $s; $s = $tooltip_format; $s = str_replace('%S', $item->subject_max, $s); $s = str_replace('%L', $item->subject, $s); $s = str_replace('%M', $item->message_max, $s); $s = str_replace('%T', $item->message, $s); $s = str_replace('%N', $item->name, $s); $s = str_replace('%D', date($date_format, strtotime($row->created)), $s); $s = str_replace('%H', $row->topic_hits, $s); $s = str_replace('%F', $row->forumname, $s); $s = str_replace('%I', $item->unreadimage, $s); $s = strpos($s, '%O') === false ? $s : str_replace('%O', $item->online_status, $s); $item->tooltip = $s; $items[] = $item; } return $items; }
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php'; $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base(true) . '/modules/mod_ninjaboard_related_posts/css/mod_ninjaboard_related_posts.css', 'text/css'); $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/media/com_ninja/js/jquery/jquery.min.js', 'text/javascript'); $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/media/com_ninja/js/jquery/', 'text/javascript'); //Load module parameters $layout = $params->get('layout', 'default'); $height = $params->get('height', 200); $width = $params->get('width', 200); $num_cols = $params->get('num_cols', 1); $num_posts = $params->get('num_posts', 1); //safety measures for bad user input //set $num_cols to at least one so we don't recieve div by zero error if ($num_cols <= 0) { $num_cols = 1; } //set $num_posts to at least one so we don't return empty results if ($num_posts <= 0) { $num_posts = 1; } //set $num_cols equal to $num_posts so we don't recieve results less than one if ($num_cols > $num_posts) { $num_cols = $num_posts; } $module_id = $module->id; //get list items $items = modNinjaBoardRelatedHelper::getNinjaBoardPosts($params); //if no results return //if (!count($items)) return; //get template require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_ninjaboard_related_posts', $layout);