public function ActionCreatePDF($id)
     $mpdf = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf();
     $model_historia = $this->loadModel($id);
     $model_historiaO_paciente = HistoriaObstetricia::model()->getHistoriasObstetriciaByPaciente($model_historia->paciente->id);
     $model_historiaG_paciente = HistoriaGinecologia::model()->getHistoriasGinecologicasByPaciente($model_historia->paciente->id);
     $historia = array($model_historiaG_paciente, $model_historiaO_paciente);
     $stylesheet = file_get_contents('C:\\wamp\\www\\Gineobs\\themes\\hebo\\css\\pdfMain.css');
     //configurando pdf general
     $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'Letter-L');
     //agregando header y footer
     $mpdf->SetHeader('{DATE j-m-Y}||Recipe #' . $model_historia->paciente->id);
     $mpdf->SetFooter('Dr. María Hernández|Ginecologia y obstetricia|{PAGENO}');
     //Propiedades del PDF
     $mpdf->setTitle("Historia Medica");
     $mpdf->setAuthor("María Hernández");
     $mpdf->setCreator("Edgar Cardona y Gabriela Soto");
     $mpdf->setSubject("Historia medica de pacientes.");
     //escribiendo CSS
     $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1);
     //Escribiendo PDF
     $mpdf->writeHTML($this->renderPartial('historia', array('model' => $model_historia->paciente->id, 'historia' => $historia), true), 2);
     $mpdf->output("Recipe Medico", EYiiPdf::OUTPUT_TO_DOWNLOAD);
예제 #2
 public static function GerarPdf($html, $titulo = null, $paisagem = false, $nomePdf = null)
     $mpdf = new mPDF();
     $mpdf->allow_charset_conversion = true;
     $mpdf->charset_in = 'utf-8';
     if ($paisagem == true) {
         $mpdf->CurOrientation = 'l';
     //Exibir a pagina inteira no browser
     //Cabeçalho: Seta a data/hora completa de quando o PDF foi gerado + um texto no lado direito
     if ($titulo != null) {
     //Rodapé: Seta a data/hora completa de quando o PDF foi gerado + um texto no lado direito
     $mpdf->SetFooter("{DATE j/m/Y H:i}|{PAGENO}/{nb}| {$titulo}");
     // define um nome para o arquivo PDF
     if ($nomePdf == null) {
         $nomePdf = time() . '.pdf';
     $mpdf->Output($nomePdf, 'I');
예제 #3
function pdf($html, $filename = null, $cabecalho = '', $rodape = '')
    require APPPATH . "helpers/mpdf/mpdf.php";
    $mpdf = new mPDF();
    $mpdf->charset_in = 'utf-8';
    //Exibir a pagina inteira no browser
    //Cabeçalho: Seta a data/hora completa de quando o PDF foi gerado + um texto no lado direito
    if ($cabecalho !== '') {
        $mpdf->SetHeader('{DATE j/m/Y H:i}| | ' . $cabecalho);
    //Rodapé: Seta a data/hora completa de quando o PDF foi gerado + um texto no lado direito
    if ($rodape !== '') {
    // define um nome para o arquivo PDF
    if ($filename == null) {
        $filename = date("Y-m-d_his") . '_impressao.pdf';
    $mpdf->Output($filename, 'I');
예제 #4
    public function laba_rugi_download()
        if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) {
            $total_branch = $this->branch_model->count_branch();
            $timestamp = date("Ymdhis");
            $tgl = date("d-M-Y");
            $filename = "LAPORAN_LABA_RUGI_{$timestamp}";
            $print = "<style> table tr td,table thead tr td, table tr th{ border-left:0; border-right:0; font-size:10px;} table thead tr td,table thead tr th,table tr th{ border-bottom: 0.5px solid #666; }</style>";
            $print .= '';
            //$print .= '<h1 align="center">Amartha Microfinance</h1>';
            //$print .= '<hr/>';
            $print .= '<h2 align="center">LAPORAN LABA RUGI</h2><br/>';
            $print .= '<table border="1" width="100%">';
            $print .= '<tr>
						<th width="350px"></th>
						<th class="text-center">Konsolidasi</th>
						<th class="text-center">Pusat</th>
						<th class="text-center">Ciseeng</th>
						<th class="text-center">Jasinga</th>
						<th class="text-center">Bojong Gede</th>
						<th class="text-center">Kemang</th>
						<th class="text-center">Tenjo</th>
						<th class="text-center">Cangkuang</th>
						<th class="text-center">Pangalengan</th>
            $colspan = $total_branch + 2;
            $colspan2 = $total_branch + 3;
            //Cek User Branch
            $user_branch = $this->session->userdata('user_branch');
            if ($user_branch == "0") {
                $user_branch = NULL;
            function getStartAndEndDate($week, $year)
                $time = strtotime("1 January {$year}", time());
                $day = date('w', $time);
                $time += (7 * $week + 1 - $day) * 24 * 3600;
                $return[0] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                $time += 6 * 24 * 3600;
                $return[1] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                return $return;
            $date_today = date("Y-m-d");
            $date_year_today = date("Y");
            $date_week_today = date("W", strtotime($date_today)) - 1;
            $date_week_before = $date_week_today - 1;
            $week_today = getStartAndEndDate($date_week_today, $date_year_today);
            $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
            $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            if ($date_start and $date_end and $date_start <= $date_end) {
                $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
                $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            } else {
                //$date_start =$week_today[0];
                $date_start = "2015-01-01";
                $date_end = date("Y-m-d");
            $date_end_before = strtotime($date_start);
            //$date_end_before = $date_start;
            $date_end_before = strtotime("-1 day", $date_end_before);
            $date_end_before = date('Y-m-d', $date_end_before);
            $date_start_before = "2014-01-01";
            //echo $date_start_before." ----- ".$date_end_before;
            $account_debet = 0;
            $account_credit = 0;
            $account_saldo = 0;
            $saldo_awal = 0;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Pendapatan</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            //4010000 Pendapatan Pembiayaan
            $code = "4010000";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4010000_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4010000_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4010000[$branch] = $account_4010000_credit[$branch] - $account_4010000_debet[$branch];
                $account_4010000_total += $account_4010000[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_total[$branch] += $account_4010000[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pendapatan Pembiayaan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_4010000_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4010000_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_4010000_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_4010000[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4010000[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_4010000[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //4020000 Pendapatan Jasa Administrasi
            $code = "4020000";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4020000_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4020000_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4020000[$branch] = $account_4020000_credit[$branch] - $account_4020000_debet[$branch];
                $account_4020000_total += $account_4020000[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_total[$branch] += $account_4020000[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pendapatan Administrasi</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_4020000_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4020000_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_4020000_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_4020000[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4020000[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_4020000[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Jumlah Pendapatan
            $account_pendapatan_konsolidasi = $account_4010000_total + $account_4020000_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >Total Pendapatan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan2 . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Biaya Langsung</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            //Beban Dana Pinjaman Bank
            $code = "5010200";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 5);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5010200_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5010200_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5010200[$branch] = $account_5010200_debet[$branch] - $account_5010200_credit[$branch];
                $account_5010200_total += $account_5010200[$branch];
                $account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch] += $account_5010200[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Dana Pinjaman Bank</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5010200_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5010200_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5010200_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5010200[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5010200[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5010200[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Dana Simpanan Berjangka
            $code = "5010100";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 5);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5010100_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5010100_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5010100[$branch] = $account_5010100_debet[$branch] - $account_5010100_credit[$branch];
                $account_5010100_total += $account_5010100[$branch];
                $account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch] += $account_5010100[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Dana Simpanan Berjangka</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5010100_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5010100_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5010100_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5010100[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5010100[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5010100[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Bonus
            $code = "5020000";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5020000_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5020000_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5020000[$branch] = $account_5020000_debet[$branch] - $account_5020000_credit[$branch];
                $account_5020000_total += $account_5020000[$branch];
                $account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch] += $account_5020000[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Bonus</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_5020000_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5020000_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5020000_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_5020000[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5020000[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5020000[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Total Biaya_langsung
            $account_biaya_langsung_konsolidasi = $account_5010100_total + $account_5010200_total + $account_5020000_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >Total Biaya Langsung</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_biaya_langsung_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_biaya_langsung_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_biaya_langsung_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td></td><td align="left" class="border_btm" colspan="' . $colspan . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            //Laba Rugi Kotor
            $account_labarugi_kotor_konsolidasi = $account_pendapatan_konsolidasi - $account_biaya_langsung_konsolidasi;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Laba (Rugi) Kotor</b></td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_labarugi_kotor_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_labarugi_kotor_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_labarugi_kotor_konsolidasi)) . '</b></td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_labarugi_kotor_total[$branch] = $account_pendapatan_total[$branch] - $account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch];
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_labarugi_kotor_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_labarugi_kotor_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_labarugi_kotor_total[$branch])) . '</b></td>';
            $print .= '	</tr>';
            //BEBAN OPERASI
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan2 . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Biaya Operasi</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            //Beban Lainnya: 5030101, 5030102, 5030103, 5030104, 5030105, 5030106, 5030108, 5030109, 5030110, 5030111, 5030112, 5030113, 5030114
            $code = "5030101";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030101_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030101_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030101[$branch] = $account_5030101_debet[$branch] - $account_5030101_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030101_total += $account_5030101[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030101[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030101[$branch];
            $code = "5030102";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030102_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030102_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030102[$branch] = $account_5030102_debet[$branch] - $account_5030102_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030102_total += $account_5030102[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030102[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030102[$branch];
            $code = "5030103";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030103_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030103_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030103[$branch] = $account_5030103_debet[$branch] - $account_5030103_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030103_total += $account_5030103[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030103[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030103[$branch];
            $code = "5030104";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030104_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030104_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030104[$branch] = $account_5030104_debet[$branch] - $account_5030104_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030104_total += $account_5030104[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030104[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030104[$branch];
            $code = "5030105";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030105_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030105_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030105[$branch] = $account_5030105_debet[$branch] - $account_5030105_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030105_total += $account_5030105[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030105[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030105[$branch];
            $code = "5030106";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030106_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030106_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030106[$branch] = $account_5030106_debet[$branch] - $account_5030106_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030106_total += $account_5030106[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030106[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030106[$branch];
            $code = "5030108";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030108_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030108_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030108[$branch] = $account_5030108_debet[$branch] - $account_5030108_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030108_total += $account_5030108[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030108[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030108[$branch];
            $code = "5030109";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030109_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030109_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030109[$branch] = $account_5030109_debet[$branch] - $account_5030109_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030109_total += $account_5030109[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030109[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030109[$branch];
            $code = "5030110";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030110_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030110_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030110[$branch] = $account_5030110_debet[$branch] - $account_5030110_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030110_total += $account_5030110[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030110[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030110[$branch];
            $code = "5030111";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030111_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030111_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030111[$branch] = $account_5030111_debet[$branch] - $account_5030111_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030111_total += $account_5030111[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030111[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030111[$branch];
            $code = "5030112";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030112_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030112_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030112[$branch] = $account_5030112_debet[$branch] - $account_5030112_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030112_total += $account_5030112[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030112[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030112[$branch];
            $code = "5030113";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030113_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030113_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030113[$branch] = $account_5030113_debet[$branch] - $account_5030113_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030113_total += $account_5030113[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030113[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030113[$branch];
            $code = "5030114";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030114_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030114_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030114[$branch] = $account_5030114_debet[$branch] - $account_5030114_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030114_total += $account_5030114[$branch];
                $account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] += $account_5030114[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030114[$branch];
            $account_beban_gaji_konsolidasi = $account_5030101_total + $account_5030102_total + $account_5030103_total + $account_5030104_total + $account_5030105_total + $account_5030106_total + $account_5030108_total + $account_5030109_total + $account_5030110_total + $account_5030111_total + $account_5030112_total + $account_5030113_total + $account_5030114_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Gaji & Honor</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_gaji_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_gaji_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_gaji_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_gaji_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_gaji_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_gaji_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //5080404 Beban Asuransi Jiwa
            $code = "5080404";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080404_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080404_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080404[$branch] = $account_5080404_debet[$branch] - $account_5080404_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080404_total += $account_5080404[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080404[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Asuransi Jiwa</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5080404_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5080404_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5080404_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5080404[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5080404[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5080404[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //5040003 Beban Rekrutmen
            $code = "5040003";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5040003_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040003_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040003[$branch] = $account_5040003_debet[$branch] - $account_5040003_credit[$branch];
                $account_5040003_total += $account_5040003[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5040003[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Rekrutmen</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5040003_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5040003_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5040003_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5040003[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5040003[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5040003[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Training
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Training</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //5030107 Insentif Operations
            $code = "5030107";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5030107_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030107_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5030107[$branch] = $account_5030107_debet[$branch] - $account_5030107_credit[$branch];
                $account_5030107_total += $account_5030107[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5030107[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Insentif Operations</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5030107_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5030107_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5030107_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5030107[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5030107[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5030107[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //5080501 Beban Rumah Tangga Pusat
            $code = "5080501";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080501_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080501_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080501[$branch] = $account_5080501_debet[$branch] - $account_5080501_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080501_total += $account_5080501[$branch];
                $account_beban_RT_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080501[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080501[$branch];
            $code = "5080301";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080301_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080301_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080301[$branch] = $account_5080301_debet[$branch] - $account_5080301_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080301_total += $account_5080301[$branch];
                $account_beban_RT_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080301[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080301[$branch];
            $account_beban_RT_pusat_konsolidasi = $account_5080501_total + $account_5080301_total;
            $account_beban_RT_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_RT_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Rumah Tangga Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban ATK Pusat : 5080201, 5080202, 5080203, 5080401
            $code = "5080201";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080201_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080201_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080201[$branch] = $account_5080201_debet[$branch] - $account_5080201_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080201_total += $account_5080201[$branch];
                $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080201[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080201[$branch];
            $code = "5080202";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080202_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080202_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080202[$branch] = $account_5080202_debet[$branch] - $account_5080202_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080202_total += $account_5080202[$branch];
                $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080202[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080202[$branch];
            $code = "5080203";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080203_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080203_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080203[$branch] = $account_5080203_debet[$branch] - $account_5080203_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080203_total += $account_5080203[$branch];
                $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080203[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080203[$branch];
            $code = "5080401";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080401_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080401_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080401[$branch] = $account_5080401_debet[$branch] - $account_5080401_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080401_total += $account_5080401[$branch];
                $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080401[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080401[$branch];
            $account_beban_ATK_pusat_konsolidasi = $account_5080201_total + $account_5080202_total + $account_5080203_total + $account_5080401_total;
            $account_beban_ATK_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_ATK_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban ATK Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Transportasi Pusat : 5080302, 5080303, 5080304
            $code = "5080302";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080302_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080302_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080302[$branch] = $account_5080302_debet[$branch] - $account_5080302_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080302_total += $account_5080302[$branch];
                $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080302[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080302[$branch];
            $code = "5080303";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080303_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080303_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080303[$branch] = $account_5080303_debet[$branch] - $account_5080303_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080303_total += $account_5080303[$branch];
                $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080303[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080303[$branch];
            $code = "5080304";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080304_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080304_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080304[$branch] = $account_5080304_debet[$branch] - $account_5080304_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080304_total += $account_5080304[$branch];
                $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080304[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080304[$branch];
            $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_konsolidasi = $account_5080302_total + $account_5080303_total + $account_5080304_total;
            $account_beban_transportasi_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Transportasi Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Perawatan Pusat
            $code = "5060000";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5060000_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5060000_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5060000[$branch] = $account_5060000_debet[$branch] - $account_5060000_credit[$branch];
                $account_5060000_total += $account_5060000[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5060000[$branch];
            $account_5060000_cabang = $account_5060000_total - $account_5060000[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Perawatan Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5060000[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5060000[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_5060000[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5060000[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5060000[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_5060000[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Listrik, Air, Telepon dan Internet Pusat : 5080101, 5080102, 5080103
            $code = "5080101";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080101_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080101_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080101[$branch] = $account_5080101_debet[$branch] - $account_5080101_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080101_total += $account_5080101[$branch];
                $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080101[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080101[$branch];
            $code = "5080102";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080102_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080102_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080102[$branch] = $account_5080102_debet[$branch] - $account_5080102_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080102_total += $account_5080102[$branch];
                $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080102[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080102[$branch];
            $code = "5080103";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080103_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080103_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080103[$branch] = $account_5080103_debet[$branch] - $account_5080103_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080103_total += $account_5080103[$branch];
                $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080103[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080103[$branch];
            $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_konsolidasi = $account_5080101_total + $account_5080102_total + $account_5080103_total;
            $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Listrik, Air, Telepon dan Internet Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Lain-lain Pusat : 5080104, 5080402, 5080403, 5080406, 5080502, 5080503, 5080504
            $code = "5080104";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080104_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080104_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080104[$branch] = $account_5080104_debet[$branch] - $account_5080104_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080104_total += $account_5080104[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080104[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080104[$branch];
            $code = "5080402";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080402_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080402_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080402[$branch] = $account_5080402_debet[$branch] - $account_5080402_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080402_total += $account_5080402[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080402[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080402[$branch];
            $code = "5080403";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080403_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080403_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080403[$branch] = $account_5080403_debet[$branch] - $account_5080403_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080403_total += $account_5080403[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080403[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080403[$branch];
            $code = "5080406";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080406_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080406_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080406[$branch] = $account_5080406_debet[$branch] - $account_5080406_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080406_total += $account_5080406[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080406[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080406[$branch];
            $code = "5080502";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080502_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080502_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080502[$branch] = $account_5080502_debet[$branch] - $account_5080502_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080502_total += $account_5080502[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080502[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080502[$branch];
            $code = "5080503";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080503_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080503_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080503[$branch] = $account_5080503_debet[$branch] - $account_5080503_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080503_total += $account_5080503[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080503[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080503[$branch];
            $code = "5080504";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080504_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080504_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080504[$branch] = $account_5080504_debet[$branch] - $account_5080504_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080504_total += $account_5080504[$branch];
                $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_5080504[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5080504[$branch];
            $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_konsolidasi = $account_5080104_total + $account_5080402_total + $account_5080403_total + $account_5080406_total + $account_5080502_total + $account_5080503_total + $account_5080504_total;
            $account_beban_lainlain_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Lain-lain Pusat</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0])) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Rumah Tangga Seluruh Cabang
            $account_beban_RT_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_RT_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_RT_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Rumah Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_RT_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_RT_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_RT_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $total_branch <= 0; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_RT_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban ATK Seluruh Cabang
            $account_beban_ATK_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_ATK_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban ATK Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_ATK_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_ATK_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_ATK_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_ATK_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            //Beban Transportasi Seluruh Cabang
            $account_beban_transportasi_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Transportasi Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_transportasi_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_transportasi_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_transportasi_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_transportasi_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Perawatan Seluruh Cabang
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Perawatan Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5060000_cabang < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5060000_cabang)) . ")" : number_format($account_5060000_cabang)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5060000[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5060000[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5060000[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Listrik, Air, Telepon dan Internet Seluruh Cabang
            $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Listrik, Air, Telepon dan Internet Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_listrik_air_telp_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Lain-lain Seluruh Cabang
            $account_beban_lainlain_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_konsolidasi - $account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[0];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Lain-lain Seluruh Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_lainlain_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lainlain_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lainlain_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">0</td>';
            for ($branch = 1; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lainlain_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            //Beban Cleaning Service
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Cleaning Service</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Keamanan dan Kebersihan
            $code = "5080405";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5080405_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080405_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5080405[$branch] = $account_5080405_debet[$branch] - $account_5080405_credit[$branch];
                $account_5080405_total += $account_5080405[$branch];
                $account_biaya_langsung_total[$branch] += $account_5080405[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Keamanan dan Kebersihan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5080405_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5080405_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5080405_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5080405[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5080405[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5080405[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Penyusutan
            $code = "5070000";
            $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5070000_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5070000_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5070000[$branch] = $account_5070000_debet[$branch] - $account_5070000_credit[$branch];
                $account_5070000_total += $account_5070000[$branch];
                $account_biaya_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5070000[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Penyusutan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5070000_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5070000_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5070000_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5070000[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5070000[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5070000[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Sewa Kantor Cabang : 5040001, 5040002
            $code = "5040001";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5040001_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040001_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040001[$branch] = $account_5040001_debet[$branch] - $account_5040001_credit[$branch];
                $account_5040001_total += $account_5040001[$branch];
                $account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_total[$branch] += $account_5040001[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5040001[$branch];
            $code = "5040002";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5040002_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040002_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5040002[$branch] = $account_5040002_debet[$branch] - $account_5040002_credit[$branch];
                $account_5040002_total += $account_5040002[$branch];
                $account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_total[$branch] += $account_5040002[$branch];
                $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] += $account_5040002[$branch];
            $account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_konsolidasi = $account_5040001_total + $account_5040002_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Sewa Kantor Cabang</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_sewa_kantor_cabang_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban MIS
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban MIS</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Total Biaya Operasi
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_beban_operasi_konsolidasi += $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >Total Biaya Operasi</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_operasi_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_operasi_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_operasi_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_operasi_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_operasi_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_operasi_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '	</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td></td><td align="left" class="border_btm" colspan="' . $colspan . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            //Laba (Rugi) Operasi
            $account_LR_operasi_konsolidasi = $account_labarugi_kotor_konsolidasi - $account_beban_operasi_konsolidasi;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Laba (Rugi) Operasi</b></td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_operasi_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_operasi_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_operasi_konsolidasi)) . '</b></td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_LR_operasi[$branch] = $account_labarugi_kotor_total[$branch] - $account_beban_operasi_total[$branch];
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_operasi[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_operasi[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_operasi[$branch])) . '</b></td>';
            $print .= '	</tr>';
            //Pendapatan Diluar Usaha
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan2 . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Pendapatan & Beban Diluar Usaha</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Pendapatan Diluar Usaha</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            //Pendapatan Bunga Bank
            $code = "4030005";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030005_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030005_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030005[$branch] = $account_4030005_credit[$branch] - $account_4030005_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030005_total += $account_4030005[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030005[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pendapatan Bunga Bank</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_4030005_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4030005_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_4030005_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_4030005[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_4030005[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_4030005[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Pendapatan Lainnya : 4030001, 4030002, 4030003, 4030004, 4030006
            $code = "4030001";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030001_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030001_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030001[$branch] = $account_4030001_credit[$branch] - $account_4030001_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030001_total += $account_4030001[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_4030001[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030001[$branch];
            $code = "4030002";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030002_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030002_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030002[$branch] = $account_4030002_credit[$branch] - $account_4030002_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030002_total += $account_4030002[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_4030002[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030002[$branch];
            $code = "4030003";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030003_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030003_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030003[$branch] = $account_4030003_credit[$branch] - $account_4030003_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030003_total += $account_4030003[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_4030003[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030003[$branch];
            $code = "4030004";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030004_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030004_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030004[$branch] = $account_4030004_credit[$branch] - $account_4030004_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030004_total += $account_4030004[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_4030004[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030004[$branch];
            $code = "4030006";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_4030006_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030006_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_4030006[$branch] = $account_4030006_credit[$branch] - $account_4030006_debet[$branch];
                $account_4030006_total += $account_4030006[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] += $account_4030006[$branch];
                $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_4030006[$branch];
            $account_pendapatan_lain_konsolidasi = $account_4030001_total + $account_4030002_total + $account_4030003_total + $account_4030004_total + $account_4030006_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pendapatan Lainnya</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_lain_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_lain_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_lain_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_lain_pusat_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Total Pendapatan Diluar Usaha
            $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi = $account_4030005_total + $account_pendapatan_lain_konsolidasi;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Total Pendapatan Diluar Usaha</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Diluar Usaha
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan2 . '"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Beban Diluar Usaha</b></td>	<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" ></td></tr>';
            //Beban Bunga Bank
            $code = "5090004";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5090004_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090004_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090004[$branch] = $account_5090004_debet[$branch] - $account_5090004_credit[$branch];
                $account_5090004_total += $account_5090004[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5090004[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Bunga Bank</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5090004_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5090004_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5090004_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5090004[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5090004[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5090004[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Merchant Discount Rate
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Merchant Discount Rate</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Kerugian Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap
            $code = "5090003";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5090003_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090003_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090003[$branch] = $account_5090003_debet[$branch] - $account_5090003_credit[$branch];
                $account_5090003_total += $account_5090003[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5090003[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Kerugian Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5090003_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5090003_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5090003_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5090003[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5090003[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5090003[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Selisih kurs/Penerimaan /Pembayaran
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Selisih kurs/Penerimaan /Pembayaran</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban PPh Pasal 21 Karyawan
            $code = "5050003";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5050003_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050003_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050003[$branch] = $account_5050003_debet[$branch] - $account_5050003_credit[$branch];
                $account_5050003_total += $account_5050003[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5050003[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban PPh Pasal 21 Karyawan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5050003_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5050003_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5050003_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_5050003[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5050003[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5050003[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban PPh Pasal 4 Ayat (2) atas Sewa Ruangan
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban PPh Pasal 4 Ayat (2) atas Sewa Ruangan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban PPh Pasal 4 Ayat (2) atas Bunga Bank
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban PPh Pasal 4 Ayat (2) atas Bunga Bank</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="">' . ($account_9999999[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_9999999[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_9999999[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Beban Lainnya: 5050001, 5050002, 5050005, 5090001, 5090002, 5090005
            $code = "5050001";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5050001_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050001_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050001[$branch] = $account_5050001_debet[$branch] - $account_5050001_credit[$branch];
                $account_5050001_total += $account_5050001[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5050001[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5050001[$branch];
            $code = "5050002";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5050002_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050002_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050002[$branch] = $account_5050002_debet[$branch] - $account_5050002_credit[$branch];
                $account_5050002_total += $account_5050002[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5050002[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5050002[$branch];
            $code = "5050005";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5050005_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050005_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5050005[$branch] = $account_5050005_debet[$branch] - $account_5050005_credit[$branch];
                $account_5050005_total += $account_5050005[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5050005[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5050005[$branch];
            $code = "5090001";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5090001_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090001_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090001[$branch] = $account_5090001_debet[$branch] - $account_5090001_credit[$branch];
                $account_5090001_total += $account_5090001[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5090001[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5090001[$branch];
            $code = "5090002";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5090002_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090002_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090002[$branch] = $account_5090002_debet[$branch] - $account_5090002_credit[$branch];
                $account_5090002_total += $account_5090002[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5090002[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5090002[$branch];
            $code = "5090005";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_5090005_debet[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090005_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $branch);
                $account_5090005[$branch] = $account_5090005_debet[$branch] - $account_5090005_credit[$branch];
                $account_5090005_total += $account_5090005[$branch];
                $account_beban_lain_total[$branch] += $account_5090005[$branch];
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] += $account_5090005[$branch];
            $account_beban_lain_konsolidasi = $account_5050001_total + $account_5050002_total + $account_5050005_total + $account_5090001_total + $account_5090002_total + $account_5090005_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beban Lainnya</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_lain_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lain_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lain_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_lain_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_lain_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_lain_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            //Total Beban Diluar Usaha
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_beban_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi += $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Total Beban Diluar Usaha</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td></td><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="border_btm"> &nbsp;</td></tr>';
            //Laba (Rugi) TOTAL
            //Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak
            $account_LR_sebelum_pajak_konsolidasi = $account_LR_operasi_konsolidasi + $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi - $account_beban_diluar_usaha_konsolidasi;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak</b></td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_sebelum_pajak_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_sebelum_pajak_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_sebelum_pajak_konsolidasi)) . '</b></td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_LR_sebelum_pajak[$branch] = $account_LR_operasi_total[$branch] + $account_pendapatan_diluar_usaha_total[$branch] - $account_beban_diluar_usaha_total[$branch];
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_sebelum_pajak[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_sebelum_pajak[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_sebelum_pajak[$branch])) . '</b></td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td></td><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="border_btm"></td></tr>';
            //Pajak Penghasilan Badan
            $code = "5050004";
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                //$account_5050004_debet[$branch]  = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code,$date_start,$date_end,$branch);
                //$account_5050004_credit[$branch] = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code,$date_start,$date_end,$branch);
                //$account_5050004[$branch] = $account_5050004_debet[$branch] - $account_5050004_credit[$branch];
                $account_5050004[$branch] = 0;
                $account_5050004_total += $account_5050004[$branch];
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pajak Penghasilan Badan</td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_5050004_total < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5050004_total)) . ")" : number_format($account_5050004_total)) . '</td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm">' . ($account_5050004[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_5050004[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_5050004[$branch])) . '</td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            $print .= '	<tr><td></td><td align="left" colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="border_btm"></td></tr>';
            //Laba (Rugi) Bersih
            $account_LR_bersih_konsolidasi = $account_LR_sebelum_pajak_konsolidasi - $account_5050004_total;
            $print .= '	<tr><td align="left" ><b>Laba (Rugi) Bersih</b></td>';
            $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_bersih_konsolidasi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_bersih_konsolidasi)) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_bersih_konsolidasi)) . '</b></td>';
            for ($branch = 0; $branch <= $total_branch; $branch++) {
                $account_LR_bersih_total[$branch] = $account_LR_sebelum_pajak[$branch] - $account_5050004[$branch];
                $print .= '	<td align="right" class="border_btm"><b>' . ($account_LR_bersih_total[$branch] < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_LR_bersih_total[$branch])) . ")" : number_format($account_LR_bersih_total[$branch])) . '</b></td>';
            $print .= '</tr>';
            $print .= '</table>';
            $html .= $print;
            $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4-L');
            $mpdf->SetHeader("Amartha Microfinance" . '||' . $tgl . '|');
            $mpdf->SetFooter("Laporan Laba Rugi" . '||{PAGENO}|');
            //echo $html;
            $pdfFilePath = FCPATH . "downloads/labarugi/{$filename}.pdf";
            $pdffile = base_url() . "downloads/labarugi/{$filename}.pdf";
            $mpdf->Output($pdfFilePath, 'F');
            redirect($pdffile, 'refresh');
        } else {
            //If no session, redirect to login page
            redirect('login', 'refresh');
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예제 #6
*	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*	(at your option) any later version.
*	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*	GNU General Public License for more details.
*	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*	along with this program.  If not, see <>.
*	Primary Author Contact:  Jacob Bates <*****@*****.**>
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use zz\Html\HTMLMinify;
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$pdf = new mPDF();
$stylesheet = <<<EOD
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$pdf->Output($title . '_' . date("Y-m-d_g:i-a") . '.pdf', 'D');

/*Generar el reporte del dia, todos los tours                        */
/*                                                                   */
$hotel = $_GET['hotel'];
$table_header = "";
include "../mpdf/mpdf.php";
$mpdf = new mPDF(”);
//the table stylesheet
$stylesheet = file_get_contents('../mpdf/examples/mpdfstyletables.css');
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$mpdf->SetHeader('{DATE j-m-Y  h:i:s}| <h5>Operadora Zacatecas S.A de C.V<h5> |{PAGENO}');
$texto = "ERROR: ";
//archivo de configuracion
include 'config.php';
$mysqli = new mysqli($hostdb, $usuariodb, $clavedb, $nombredb);
/* comprobar la conexión */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    echo $texto . mysqli_connect_error();
    /**printf("Falló la conexión: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());**/
//Consultar todos los hoteles activos en la base de datos
//Esta consulta carga la clave de los hoteles
//$consulta = 'SELECT th.id_tour, t.nombre_tour, th.horario, t.numero_tour FROM tourhorario th, tours t WHERE th.id_tour = t.id_tour';
예제 #8
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예제 #9
	$fooder .= "<tr>";
		$fooder .= "<td>";
			$fooder .= "<b>Matriz:</b> Av. Santos Dumont, 1504 Km 01 da Estrada do Coco, Itinga - Lauro de Freitas - Bahia ";
			$fooder .= "Tel: (71) 3450-5686 <br>";
			$fooder .= "<b>Filial Feira de Santana: </b>P&ccedil;a Jo&atilde;o Pedreira, 24, Edf. Ant&ocirc;nio Pinto Sala 201, Centro - Feira de Santana - Bahia CEP:44.002-168 ";
			$fooder .= "Tel: (75) 3223-4279 <br>";
			$fooder .= "<b>Filial Salvador:</b> Rua Lucaia, 03, Rio Vermelho- Salvador, Bahia-CEP:41.940-650";
			$fooder .= "Tel: (71) 3018-5686 <br>";
		$fooder .= "</td>";
	$fooder .= "</tr>";
	$fooder .= "<tr>";
		$fooder .= "<td align=\"center\" >";
			$fooder .= "www <br>";
			$fooder .= "<font color=\"#AB3156\"><b>CIDE - 17 Anos Intermediando o seu Desenvolvimento</b></font>";
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$css = file_get_contents("estilo_termo_adtivo.css");

예제 #10
파일: index.php 프로젝트: jHolub/kalkulacka
 * print to a web browser
//echo '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8">' . $this->var_('style') . '</head><body>' . $headCont . $subHeader . $cont . '</body></html>';
 * Create a new PDF document
 * @param string $mode
 * @param string $format
 * @param int $font_size
 * @param string $font
 * @param int $margin_left
 * @param int $margin_right
 * @param int $margin_top (Margin between content and header, not to be mixed with margin_header - which is document margin)
 * @param int $margin_bottom (Margin between content and footer, not to be mixed with margin_footer - which is document margin)
 * @param int $margin_header
 * @param int $margin_footer
 * @param string $orientation (P, L)
  new mPDF($mode, $format, $font_size, $font, $margin_left, $margin_right, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $margin_header, $margin_footer, $orientation);
  default : $mode='',$format='A4',$default_font_size=0,$default_font='',$mgl=15,$mgr=15,$mgt=16,$mgb=16,$mgh=9,$mgf=9, $orientation='P'
 * *  */
$mpdf = new mPDF('', 'A4', 0, '', 15, 15, 24, 16, 9, 9, 'P');
$mpdf->simpleTables = true;
$mpdf->useSubstitutions = false;
// true/ false
$mpdf->defaultheaderline = 0;
$mpdf->SetHeader(\GLOBALVAR\ROOT . '|MZE, VÚMOP v.v.i.|Generováno dne: {DATE d.m.Y}');
$mpdf->setAutoTopMargin = 5;
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8">' . $this->var_('style') . '</head><body>' . $headCont . $subHeader . $cont . '</body></html>');
$mpdf->Output('REPORT_eKalkulacka.pdf', 'I');
$html .= "<td colspan=\"2\"><span class=\"style5\">ESTAGI&Aacute;RIO(A)</span></td>";
$html .= "<td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>";
$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "<tr align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">";
$html .= "<td colspan=\"4\"><span class=\"style6\">Nome do Estagi&aacute;rio:";
$html .=strtoupper($lineDados['nome']);

$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "</table>";

$mpdf=new mPDF();
$css = file_get_contents("estilo_pdf.css");

<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td colspan="2"><span class="style6">RG: 
echo $lineDados['rg'];
예제 #12
                $appendTable .="<td>".$row[$x]."</td>";}
            else if($flag != 3){
                $appendTable .="<td>".$row[$x]."</td>";
    $appendTable .='</tr>';
$appendTable .='</tbody></table>';
$drop_query="DROP TABLE $temp_table ";
$mpdf=new mPDF('utf-8', array($pageWidth,236));
echo $outputpdf;
예제 #13
파일: pdflib.php 프로젝트: rjsmelo/tiki
  * @param $url string - address of the item to print as PDF
  * @return string     - contents of the PDF
 private function mpdf($url)
     if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
         TikiLib::lib('reporterror')->report(tra('mPDF: CURL PHP extension not available'));
         return '';
     // To prevent anyone else using your script to create their PDF files - TODO?
     //if (!preg_match("/^$base_url/", $url)) { die("Access denied"); }
     /*		FIXME later, cookie auth not working yet
     		$cookie = [];
     		foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
     		    $cookie[] = "{$key}={$value}";
     		$cookie = implode(';', $cookie);
     		$ckfile = tempnam("/tmp", 'curl_cookies_');
     		file_put_contents($ckfile, $cookie);
     		$curl_log = fopen('temp/curl_debug.txt', 'w+'); // open file for READ and write
     // For $_POST i.e. forms with fields
     if (count($_POST) > 0) {
         $ch = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
         $formvars = [];
         foreach ($_POST as $name => $post) {
             $formvars = [$name => $post . " \n"];
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $formvars);
         $html = curl_exec($ch);
     } else {
         $ch = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
         $html = curl_exec($ch);
         if (!$html) {
             $err = curl_error($ch);
             TikiLib::lib('errorreport')->report($err ? $err : tr('mPDF: An error occurred retrieving page %0', $url));
             return '';
     include $this->location . 'mpdf.php';
     $mpdf = new mPDF('');
     $mpdf->useSubstitutions = true;
     // optional - just as an example
     $mpdf->SetHeader($url . '||Page {PAGENO}');
     // optional - just as an example
     $mpdf->CSSselectMedia = 'print';
     // assuming you used this in the document header
     $mpdf->autoScriptToLang = true;
     $mpdf->autoLangToFont = true;
     return $mpdf->Output('', 'S');
     // Return as a string
예제 #14
파일: system.php 프로젝트: arturslukins/rvt
 public static function PrintPDF($args)
     $html = $args;
     //$name = $args["name"];
     //$css = $args["css"];
     include "Lib/PDF/mpdf.php";
     $pdf = new mPDF("utf-8");
     $pdf->useOnlyCoreFonts = true;
     $pdf->Output('page.pdf', 'F');
     header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
     header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
     header("Content-Type: application/download");
     header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""');
    if ($i % 3 == 1) {
        $html = $html2;
    } else {
        $html = $html1;
    $pph[$i] = SinglePage($html, $pw, $ph, $minK);
    // $pph saves the actual height of each page
// Save the pages to a file
$mpdf->Output('test.pdf', 'F');
// Now collate those pages using IMPORT - 4 pages to one page
$mpdf = new mPDF();
$mpdf->SetHeader('{DATE j-m-Y}|My Yearbook 2005|{PAGENO}');
$mpdf->SetFooter('|Printed using mPDF|');
$pagecount = $mpdf->SetSourceFile('test.pdf');
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagecount; $i++) {
    if ($i % 4 == 1) {
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    $y2 = $mpdf->tMargin + $pgheight / 2 + $vspacing / 2 + ($pgheight / 2 - $vspacing / 2 - $ph) / 2;
    if ($i % 4 == 1) {
        $x = $x1;
예제 #16
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<br /><br /><br />");
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<p style='font-size: 16px; text-align: center;'> COMMITTEE MEMBERS: </p>");
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<div class='names'>");
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<columns column-count="2" column-gap="12" vAlign="justify" />');
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<p style='font-size: 16px; text-align: left; float: left;'><i> Students: </i></span>");
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<columnbreak />");
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<p style='font-size: 16px; text-align: right; float: right;'><i> Faculty: </i> </span>");
$mpdf->TOCpagebreak(array('toc-preHTML' => '<h1> Contents </h1>'));
$mpdf->AddPage('P', 'Letter', '1');
//$mpdf->WriteHTML('<pagebreak resetpagenum="1" />');
$mpdf->WriteHTML('<columns column-count="2" column-gap="17" />');
$mpdf->keepColumns = true;
$mpdf->pagenumPrefix = "Page ";
foreach ($sql as $name => $dep) {
    $result = $conn->query($dep);
    $mpdf->WriteHTML('<h4 class="text-align: center"> ' . strtoupper($name) . '</h4>');
    $letter = 'A';
    $mpdf->TOC_Entry($name, 0);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $text = $row['abstract'];
            $title = $row['title'];
            $mpdf->TOC_Entry($title, 1);
            $text = iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $text);
            $title = iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $title);
            $authors = array();
            array_push($authors, $row['pauthor']);
            // getting authors
예제 #17
    public function download_labarugi()
        if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) {
            $timestamp = date("Ymdhis");
            $tgl = date("d-M-Y");
            $filename = "LAPORAN_LABARUGI_{$timestamp}";
            $html = "<style> table tr td,table thead tr td, table tr th{ border-left:0; border-right:0;} table thead tr td,table thead tr th,table tr th{ border-bottom: 2px solid #000; }</style>";
            $html .= '';
            //$html .= '<h1 align="center">Amartha Microfinance</h1>';
            //$html .= '<hr/>';
            $html .= '<h2 align="center">LAPORAN LABA RUGI</h2><br/>';
            $html .= '<table border="1" width="100%">';
            //$html .= '<thead>';
            $html .= '<tr>';
            $html .= '<th>Account</th>';
            $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right" width="100px">Saldo Awal</th>';
            $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right" width="100px">Debet</th>';
            $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right" width="100px">Credit</th>';
            $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right" width="100px">Saldo Akhir</th>';
            $html .= '</tr> ';
            $html .= '</thead>';
            //Cek User Branch
            $user_branch = $this->session->userdata('user_branch');
            if ($user_branch == "0") {
                $user_branch = NULL;
            function getStartAndEndDate($week, $year)
                $time = strtotime("1 January {$year}", time());
                $day = date('w', $time);
                $time += (7 * $week + 1 - $day) * 24 * 3600;
                $return[0] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                $time += 6 * 24 * 3600;
                $return[1] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                return $return;
            $date_today = date("Y-m-d");
            $date_year_today = date("Y");
            $date_week_today = date("W", strtotime($date_today)) - 1;
            $date_week_before = $date_week_today - 1;
            $week_today = getStartAndEndDate($date_week_today, $date_year_today);
            $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
            $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            if ($date_start and $date_end and $date_start <= $date_end) {
                $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
                $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            } else {
                $date_start = $week_today[0];
                $date_end = $week_today[1];
            $date_end_before = strtotime($date_end);
            $date_end_before = strtotime("-7 day", $date_end_before);
            $date_end_before = date('Y-m-d', $date_end_before);
            $date_start_before = "2013-01-01";
            $accounting = $this->accounting_model->get_all_accounting_labarugi()->result();
            foreach ($accounting as $c) {
                $code = $c->accounting_code;
                $code_level0 = substr($code, 0, 1);
                $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
                $code_level2 = substr($code, 0, 5);
                $haschild = $c->accounting_haschild;
                $parent = $c->accounting_parent;
                $account_debet = 0;
                $account_credit = 0;
                $account_saldo = 0;
                $saldo_awal = 0;
                if ($code_level0_old != $code_level0) {
                    $neraca .= '<tr><td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr>';
                if ($haschild == "1" and $parent == "0") {
                    //LEVEL 1
                    $account_debet = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_debet_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level1, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level1, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_saldo_before = $account_debet_before - $account_credit_before;
                    $account_saldo = $account_saldo_before + $account_debet - $account_credit;
                    $neraca .= '<tr>     
								<td align="left" ><b>' . $c->accounting_code . " " . $c->accounting_name . '</b></td>	
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($account_saldo_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo_before)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo_before)) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($account_debet) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($account_credit) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($account_saldo < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo)) . '</b></td>								
                } elseif ($haschild == "1" and $parent != "0") {
                    //LEVEL 2
                    $account_debet = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level2, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level2, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_debet_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_debet_by_date($code_level2, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_parent_credit_by_date($code_level2, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_saldo_before = $account_debet_before - $account_credit_before;
                    $account_saldo = $account_saldo_before + $account_debet - $account_credit;
                    $neraca .= '<tr>     
								<td align="left" ><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $c->accounting_code . " " . $c->accounting_name . '</b></td>	
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($account_saldo_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo_before)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo_before)) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($account_debet) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($account_credit) . '</b></td>
								<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($account_saldo < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo)) . '</b></td>
                } else {
                    //LEVEL 3
                    $account_debet = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_debet_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_saldo_before = $account_debet_before - $account_credit_before;
                    $account_saldo = $account_saldo_before + $account_debet - $account_credit;
                    //grand total dihitung dari total account level 3
                    $grand_total_debet += $account_debet;
                    $grand_total_credit += $account_credit;
                    $grand_total_before += $account_saldo_before;
                    if ($code_level0 == "4") {
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_debet += $account_debet;
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_credit += $account_credit;
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_before += $account_saldo_before;
                    } elseif ($code_level0 == "5") {
                        $grand_total_beban_debet += $account_debet;
                        $grand_total_beban_credit += $account_credit;
                        $grand_total_beban_before += $account_saldo_before;
                    $neraca .= '<tr>     
								<td align="left" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $c->accounting_code . " " . $c->accounting_name . '</td>	
								<td class="text-right">' . ($account_saldo_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo_before)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo_before)) . '</td>
								<td class="text-right">' . number_format($account_debet) . '</td>
								<td class="text-right">' . number_format($account_credit) . '</td>
								<td class="text-right">' . ($account_saldo < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($account_saldo)) . ")" : number_format($account_saldo)) . '</td>
                $code_level0_old = $code_level0;
            //GRAND TOTAL
            $grand_total_saldo = $saldo_awal + $grand_total_debet - $grand_total_credit;
            $grand_total_pendapatan_saldo = $grand_total_pendapatan_before + $grand_total_pendapatan_debet - $grand_total_pendapatan_credit;
            $grand_total_beban_saldo = $grand_total_beban_before + $grand_total_beban_debet - $grand_total_beban_credit;
            $laba_rugi = $grand_total_pendapatan_before + $grand_total_pendapatan_credit - ($grand_total_beban_before + $grand_total_beban_debet);
            $neraca .= '<tfoot ><tr bgcolor="#eee">     
							<td align="left" ><b>TOTAL PENDAPATAN</b></td>	
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($grand_total_pendapatan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($grand_total_pendapatan_before)) . ")" : number_format($grand_total_pendapatan_before)) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($grand_total_pendapatan_debet) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($grand_total_pendapatan_credit) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($grand_total_pendapatan_saldo < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($grand_total_pendapatan_saldo)) . ")" : number_format($grand_total_pendapatan_saldo)) . '</b></td>
            $neraca .= '<tr bgcolor="#eee">     
							<td align="left" ><b>TOTAL BEBAN</b></td>	
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($grand_total_beban_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($grand_total_beban_before)) . ")" : number_format($grand_total_beban_before)) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($grand_total_beban_debet) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . number_format($grand_total_beban_credit) . '</b></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($grand_total_beban_saldo < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($grand_total_beban_saldo)) . ")" : number_format($grand_total_beban_saldo)) . '</b></td>
            $neraca .= '<tr bgcolor="#ddd">     
							<td align="left" ><b>LABA RUGI</b></td>	
							<td class="text-right"></td>
							<td class="text-right"></td>
							<td class="text-right"></td>
							<td class="text-right"><b>' . ($laba_rugi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($laba_rugi)) . ")" : number_format($laba_rugi)) . '</b></td>
            $neraca .= '</table>';
            $html .= $neraca;
            $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4-L');
            $mpdf->SetHeader("Amartha Microfinance" . '||' . $tgl . '|');
            $mpdf->SetFooter("Laporan Laba Rugi" . '||{PAGENO}|');
            //echo $html;
            $pdfFilePath = FCPATH . "downloads/labarugi/{$filename}.pdf";
            $pdffile = base_url() . "downloads/labarugi/{$filename}.pdf";
            $mpdf->Output($pdfFilePath, 'F');
            redirect($pdffile, 'refresh');
        } else {
            //If no session, redirect to login page
            redirect('login', 'refresh');
	'R' => array(
		'content' => '{PAGENO}{nbpg}',
		'font-family' => 'sans',
		'font-style' => '',
		'font-size' => '9',	/* gives default */
	'line' => 1,
$footer = '
<table width="100%" style="border-top: 0.1mm solid #000000; vertical-align: top; font-family: sans; font-size: 9pt; color: #000055;"><tr>
<td width="50%"></td>
<td width="50%" align="right">See <a href="">documentation manual</a> for further details</td>





예제 #19
        // 0 => Mode Dev ; 1 => Mode PDF
        include "components/mpdf/mpdf.php";
        $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4');
        $mpdf->defaultheaderfontsize = 10;
        /* in pts */
        $mpdf->defaultheaderfontstyle = B;
        /* blank, B, I, or BI */
        $mpdf->defaultheaderline = 1;
        /* 1 to include line below header/above footer */
        $mpdf->defaultfooterfontsize = 12;
        /* in pts */
        $mpdf->defaultfooterfontstyle = B;
        /* blank, B, I, or BI */
        $mpdf->defaultfooterline = 1;
        /* 1 to include line below header/above footer */
        $mpdf->SetHeader('Gestion de Support ' . $rparameters['company'] . '||{DATE j/m/Y}');
        /* defines footer for Odd and Even Pages - placed at Outer margin */
    } else {
        echo $html;
} else {
    echo '<script language="Javascript">
	// -->
예제 #20
 public function gerarRelatorio($data = NULL, $origem = NULL)
     //verificando a sessao
     //iniciando o relatório
     $mpdf = new mPDF('', '', 0, '', 15, 15, 35, 16, 9, 9, 'L');
     //tamanho do pdf
     $mpdf->SetHeader('|Faculdade de Tecnologia Dom Amaury Castanho <br /> 	Av. Tiradentes, 1211 - Parque Industrial, Itu - SP, 13309-640 <br />(11) 4013-1872|');
     $mpdf->SetFooter('|Página {PAGENO} de {nb}|');
     switch ($origem) {
         case 1:
             $html = $this->load->view('relatorio/modelos/historicoAtivo_view', $data, true);
             $mpdf->SetTitle('Histórico do Ativo');
             //gerar pdf
             $mpdf->Output('historicoDoAtivo.pdf', 'D');
         case 2:
             $html = $this->load->view('relatorio/modelos/ativosPorLocal_view', $data, true);
             $mpdf->SetTitle('Ativos por Local');
             //gerar pdf
             $mpdf->Output('ativosPorLocal.pdf', 'D');
         case 3:
             $mpdf->SetTitle('Relatório de Divergência');
             $html = $this->load->view('relatorio/modelos/divergencia_view', $data, true);
             //adicionando uma nova página
             $html = $this->load->view('relatorio/modelos/ativosLocalErrado_view', $data, true);
             //adicionando uma nova página
             $html = $this->load->view('relatorio/modelos/ativoNaoEncontrado_view', $data, true);
             //gerar pdf
             $mpdf->Output('assets/docs/' . $data['id'] . '.pdf', 'F');
             $mpdf->Output('relatorioDeDivergencia.pdf', 'D');
예제 #21
 public function tabwajib_download()
     $client_account = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $data = $this->tabwajib_model->get_transaction($client_account);
     $client = $this->tabwajib_model->get_account($client_account);
     $client = $client[0];
     $timestamp = date("Ymdhis");
     $tgl = date("d-M-Y");
     $filename = "MUTASI_TAB_WAJIB_" . $client->client_account . "_{$timestamp}";
     $html = "<style> table tr td,table thead tr td, table tr th{ border-left:0; border-right:0;} table thead tr td,table thead tr th,table tr th{ border-bottom: 2px solid #000; }</style>";
     $html .= '';
     $no = 1;
     $html .= '<h2 align="center">MUTASI TABUNGAN WAJIB</h2>';
     $html .= "<p align='center'>" . $client->client_fullname . " - " . $client->client_account . "</p><br/>";
     $html .= '<table border="1" width="100%">';
     ////$html .= '<thead>';
     $html .= '<tr>';
     $html .= '<th>NO</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="left" class="text-left">KODE TRANSAKSI</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="left" class="text-left">TANGGAL</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right">DEBET</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right">KREDIT</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="right" class="text-right">SALDO</th>';
     $html .= '<th align="left" class="text-left">KETERANGAN</th>';
     $html .= '</tr> ';
     foreach ($data as $c) {
         $html .= '<tr> ';
         $html .= '<td align="center">' . $no . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . $c->tr_topsheet_code . '</td>	';
         $html .= '<td>' . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($c->tr_date)) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td align="right" class="text-right">' . number_format($c->tr_debet) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td align="right" class="text-right">' . number_format($c->tr_credit) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td align="right" class="text-right">' . number_format($c->tr_saldo) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . $c->tr_remark . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
     $html .= '</table>';
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     $mpdf->SetHeader("Amartha Microfinance" . '||' . $tgl . '|');
     $mpdf->SetFooter("Mutasi Tabungan Wajib" . '||{PAGENO}|');
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     $mpdf->Output($pdfFilePath, 'F');
     redirect($pdffile, 'refresh');
예제 #22
    } else {
        $html .= "Tidak ada berkas!";
    $html .= "</td>\n               <td>&nbsp;</td>\n          </tr>\n          \n     </table>";
$html .= "<div></div>";
$html .= "</body>\n</html>";
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예제 #25
    public function download_aruskas()
        if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) {
            $timestamp = date("Ymdhis");
            $tgl = date("d-M-Y");
            $filename = "LAPORAN_ARUS_KAS_{$timestamp}";
            $html = "<style> table tr td{ border:0;} </style>";
            $html .= '';
            //$html .= '<h1 align="center">Amartha Microfinance</h1>';
            //$html .= '<hr/>';
            $html .= '<h2 align="center">LAPORAN ARUS KAS</h2><br/>';
            //Cek User Branch
            $user_branch = $this->session->userdata('user_branch');
            function getStartAndEndDate($week, $year)
                $time = strtotime("1 January {$year}", time());
                $day = date('w', $time);
                $time += (7 * $week + 1 - $day) * 24 * 3600;
                $return[0] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                $time += 6 * 24 * 3600;
                $return[1] = date('Y-n-j', $time);
                return $return;
            $date_today = date("Y-m-d");
            $date_year_today = date("Y");
            $date_week_today = date("W", strtotime($date_today)) - 1;
            $date_week_before = $date_week_today - 1;
            $week_today = getStartAndEndDate($date_week_today, $date_year_today);
            $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
            $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            if ($date_start and $date_end and $date_start <= $date_end) {
                $date_start = $this->input->post('date_start');
                $date_end = $this->input->post('date_end');
            } else {
                //$date_start =$week_today[0];
                //$date_end = $week_today[1];
                $date_start = $date_year_today . "-01-01";
                $date_end = $date_today;
            $date_end_before = strtotime($date_start);
            $date_end_before = strtotime("-1 day", $date_end_before);
            $date_end_before = date('Y-m-d', $date_end_before);
            $date_start_before = "2013-01-01";
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual = 0;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before = 0;
            //Hitung Laba Rugi TODAY
            $accounting = $this->accounting_model->get_all_accounting_labarugi()->result();
            foreach ($accounting as $c) {
                $code = $c->accounting_code;
                $code_level0 = substr($code, 0, 1);
                $code_level1 = substr($code, 0, 3);
                $code_level2 = substr($code, 0, 5);
                $haschild = $c->accounting_haschild;
                $parent = $c->accounting_parent;
                $account_debet = 0;
                $account_credit = 0;
                $account_saldo = 0;
                $saldo_awal = 0;
                if ($haschild == "1" and $parent == "0") {
                } elseif ($haschild == "1" and $parent != "0") {
                } else {
                    //LEVEL 3
                    $account_debet = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start, $date_end, $user_branch);
                    $account_debet_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_debet_by_date($code, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_credit_before = $this->jurnal_model->sum_account_credit_by_date($code, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
                    $account_saldo_before = $account_debet_before - $account_credit_before;
                    $account_saldo = $account_saldo_before + $account_debet - $account_credit;
                    //grand total dihitung dari total account level 3
                    $grand_total_debet += $account_debet;
                    $grand_total_credit += $account_credit;
                    $grand_total_before += $account_saldo_before;
                    if ($code_level0 == "4") {
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_debet += $account_debet;
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_credit += $account_credit;
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_before += $account_saldo_before;
                        $grand_total_pendapatan_credit_before += $account_credit;
                    } elseif ($code_level0 == "5") {
                        $grand_total_beban_debet += $account_debet;
                        $grand_total_beban_credit += $account_credit;
                        $grand_total_beban_before += $account_saldo_before;
                        $grand_total_beban_debet_before += $account_debet;
                $code_level0_old = $code_level0;
            $grand_total_saldo = $saldo_awal + $grand_total_debet - $grand_total_credit;
            $grand_total_pendapatan_saldo = $grand_total_pendapatan_before + $grand_total_pendapatan_debet - $grand_total_pendapatan_credit;
            $grand_total_beban_saldo = $grand_total_beban_before + $grand_total_beban_debet - $grand_total_beban_credit;
            $laba_rugi = $grand_total_pendapatan_credit - $grand_total_beban_debet;
            $laba_rugi_before = $grand_total_pendapatan_credit_before - $grand_total_beban_debet_before;
            //End of Hitung Laba Rugi
            //ARUS KAS OPERASI
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $laba_rugi;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $laba_rugi_before;
            $grand_total_debet = 0;
            $grand_total_credit = 0;
            $grand_total_before = 0;
            //Penyusutan aset tetap
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1060302", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $actual_1060302 = $total_saldo;
            $before_1060302 = $total_before;
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1060202", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $actual_1060202 = $total_saldo;
            $before_1060202 = $total_before;
            $penyusutan_aset_tetap_actual = $actual_1060302 + $actual_1060202;
            $penyusutan_aset_tetap_before = $before_1060302 + $before_1060202;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $penyusutan_aset_tetap_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $penyusutan_aset_tetap_before;
            //Piutang Pembiayaan
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1030000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $piutang_pembiayaan_actual = $total_saldo;
            $piutang_pembiayaan_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $piutang_pembiayaan_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $piutang_pembiayaan_before;
            //Beban dibayar di muka
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1070104", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $beban_dibayar_dimuka_actual = $total_saldo;
            $beban_dibayar_dimuka_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $beban_dibayar_dimuka_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $beban_dibayar_dimuka_before;
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1070104", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $persediaan_barang_cetakan_actual = $total_saldo;
            $persediaan_barang_cetakan_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $persediaan_barang_cetakan_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $persediaan_barang_cetakan_before;
            //simpanan anggota
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("2010000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $simpanan_anggota_actual = $total_saldo;
            $simpanan_anggota_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $simpanan_anggota_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $simpanan_anggota_before;
            //simpanan berjangka
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("2020000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $simpanan_berjangka_actual = $total_saldo;
            $simpanan_berjangka_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $simpanan_berjangka_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $simpanan_berjangka_before;
            //hutang pembiayaan
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("2040000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $hutang_pembiayaan_actual = $total_saldo;
            $hutang_pembiayaan_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $hutang_pembiayaan_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $hutang_pembiayaan_before;
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("2050000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $hutang_lain_actual = $total_saldo;
            $hutang_lain_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_operasi_actual += $hutang_lain_actual;
            $arus_kas_operasi_before += $hutang_lain_before;
            //ARUS KAS INVESTASI
            $arus_kas_investasi_actual = 0;
            $arus_kas_investasi_before = 0;
            //Penambahan aset tetap
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1060000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_aset_tetap_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_aset_tetap_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_investasi_actual += $penambahan_aset_tetap_actual;
            $arus_kas_investasi_before += $penambahan_aset_tetap_before;
            //Penambahan aset lain
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1070000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_aset_lain_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_aset_lain_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_investasi_actual += $penambahan_aset_lain_actual;
            $arus_kas_investasi_before += $penambahan_aset_lain_before;
            //ARUS KAS PENDANAAN
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_actual = 0;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_before = 0;
            //Penambahan simpanan
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("3010101", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_simpanan_3010101_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_simpanan_3010101_before = $total_before;
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("3010102", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_simpanan_3010102_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_simpanan_3010102_before = $total_before;
            $penambahan_simpanan_actual = $penambahan_simpanan_3010101_actual + $penambahan_simpanan_3010102_actual;
            $penambahan_simpanan_before = $penambahan_simpanan_3010101_before + $penambahan_simpanan_3010102_before;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_actual += $penambahan_simpanan_actual;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_before += $penambahan_simpanan_before;
            //Penambahan hibah
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("3010103", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_hibah_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_hibah_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_actual += $penambahan_hibah_actual;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_before += $penambahan_hibah_before;
            //Penambahan modal
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("3010202", 3, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $penambahan_modal_actual = $total_saldo;
            $penambahan_modal_before = $total_before;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_actual += $penambahan_modal_actual;
            $arus_kas_pendanaan_before += $penambahan_modal_before;
            //KAS AWAL TAHUN
            $kas_awal_tahun_actual = $arus_kas_operasi_actual + $arus_kas_investasi_actual + $arus_kas_pendanaan_actual;
            $kas_awal_tahun_before = $arus_kas_operasi_before + $arus_kas_investasi_before + $arus_kas_pendanaan_before;
            //KAS AKHIR TAHUN
            $get_account_saldo = $this->get_account_saldo("1010000", 1, $date_start, $date_end, $date_start_before, $date_end_before, $user_branch);
            list($total_before, $total_debet, $total_credit, $total_saldo) = $get_account_saldo;
            $kas_akhir_tahun_actual = $total_saldo;
            $kas_akhir_tahun_before = $total_before;
            //SELISIH KAS
            $selisih_kas_actual = $kas_awal_tahun_actual - $kas_akhir_tahun_actual;
            $selisih_kas_before = $kas_awal_tahun_before - $kas_akhir_tahun_before;
            //LAPORAN FORMAT
            $laporan .= '<table cellpadding="5px" width="95%" align="center">';
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td width="28%" align="left" ></td>	
							<td width="20%" align="center" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">2014</td>							
							<td width="4%" align="left" ></td>	
							<td width="20%" align="center" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">2013</td>
							<td width="28%" align="right"></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><b>Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Operasi</b></td>	
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"><b><i>Cash Flow From Operating Activities</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Laba bersih</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($laba_rugi < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($laba_rugi)) . ")" : number_format($laba_rugi)) . '</td>							
							<td align="right">' . ($laba_rugi_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($laba_rugi_before)) . ")" : number_format($laba_rugi_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Net Income</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penyesuaian untuk merekonsiliasi Laba bersih menjadi arus kas bersih dari aktivitas operasi:</td>	
							<td align="right"> </td>
							<td align="right"> </td>
							<td align="right"><i>Adjustment to reconcile net income to be net cash from Operationg activities:</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penyusutan aset tetap</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($penyusutan_aset_tetap_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penyusutan_aset_tetap_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penyusutan_aset_tetap_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($penyusutan_aset_tetap_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penyusutan_aset_tetap_before)) . ")" : number_format($penyusutan_aset_tetap_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Depreciation of fixed assets</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penyusutan Aset dan Liabilitas dari Operasional: </td>	
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"><i>Changes in operating assets and liablities</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Piutang Pembiayaan</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($piutang_pembiayaan_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($piutang_pembiayaan_actual)) . ")" : number_format($piutang_pembiayaan_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($piutang_pembiayaan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($piutang_pembiayaan_before)) . ")" : number_format($piutang_pembiayaan_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Financing Receivables</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Beban dibayar dimuka</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($beban_dibayar_dimuka_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($beban_dibayar_dimuka_actual)) . ")" : number_format($beban_dibayar_dimuka_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($beban_dibayar_dimuka_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($beban_dibayar_dimuka_before)) . ")" : number_format($beban_dibayar_dimuka_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Prepaid Expenses</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Persediaan Barang Cetakan</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($persediaan_barang_cetakan_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($persediaan_barang_cetakan_actual)) . ")" : number_format($persediaan_barang_cetakan_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($persediaan_barang_cetakan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($persediaan_barang_cetakan_before)) . ")" : number_format($persediaan_barang_cetakan_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Inventory</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Simpanan Anggota</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($simpanan_anggota_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($simpanan_anggota_actual)) . ")" : number_format($simpanan_anggota_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($simpanan_anggota_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($simpanan_anggota_before)) . ")" : number_format($simpanan_anggota_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Members Savings</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Simpanan Berjangka</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($simpanan_berjangka_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($simpanan_berjangka_actual)) . ")" : number_format($simpanan_berjangka_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($simpanan_berjangka_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($simpanan_berjangka_before)) . ")" : number_format($simpanan_berjangka_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Term Deposits</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Hutang Pembiayaan</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($hutang_pembiayaan_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($hutang_pembiayaan_actual)) . ")" : number_format($hutang_pembiayaan_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($hutang_pembiayaan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($hutang_pembiayaan_before)) . ")" : number_format($hutang_pembiayaan_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Financing Payables</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Hutang Lain-lain</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($hutang_lain_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($hutang_lain_actual)) . ")" : number_format($hutang_lain_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($hutang_lain_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($hutang_lain_before)) . ")" : number_format($hutang_lain_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Other Liabilities</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas operasi</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_operasi_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_operasi_actual)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_operasi_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_operasi_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_operasi_before)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_operasi_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Net cash flow from operating activities</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><br/><b>Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Investasi</b></td>	
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"><br/><b><i>Cash Flow From Investment Operating</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penambahan Aset Tetap</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_aset_tetap_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_aset_tetap_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_aset_tetap_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_aset_tetap_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_aset_tetap_before)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_aset_tetap_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Acquisition of Fixed Assets</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penambahan Aset Lain</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($penambahan_aset_lain_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_aset_lain_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_aset_lain_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($penambahan_aset_lain_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_aset_lain_before)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_aset_lain_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Acquisition of Other Assets</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas investasi</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_investasi_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_investasi_actual)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_investasi_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_investasi_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_investasi_actual)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_investasi_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Net cash flow from investment activities</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><br/><b>Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Pendanaan</b></td>	
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"></td>
							<td align="right"><br/><b><i>Cash Flow From Financing Operating</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penambahan (Pengurangan) Simpanan</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_simpanan_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_simpanan_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_simpanan_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_simpanan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_simpanan_before)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_simpanan_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Increase (Decrease) Savings</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penambahan (Pengurangan) Hibah</td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_hibah_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_hibah_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_hibah_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($penambahan_hibah_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_hibah_before)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_hibah_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Increase (Decrease) Grants</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Penambahan (Pengurangan) Modal Penyertaan</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($penambahan_modal_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_modal_actual)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_modal_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($penambahan_modal_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($penambahan_modal_before)) . ")" : number_format($penambahan_modal_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Increase (Decrease) Capital Participations</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" >Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas pendanaan</td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_pendanaan_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_pendanaan_actual)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_pendanaan_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($arus_kas_pendanaan_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($arus_kas_pendanaan_before)) . ")" : number_format($arus_kas_pendanaan_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><i>Net cash flow from investment financing</i></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><br/><b>Kenaikan (penurunan) bersih kas dan setara kas</b></td>	
							<td align="right">' . ($selisih_kas_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($selisih_kas_actual)) . ")" : number_format($selisih_kas_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right">' . ($selisih_kas_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($selisih_kas_before)) . ")" : number_format($selisih_kas_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><br/><b><i>Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalent</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><br/><b>Kas dan setara kas awal tahun</b></td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($kas_awal_tahun_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($kas_awal_tahun_actual)) . ")" : number_format($kas_awal_tahun_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000;">' . ($kas_awal_tahun_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($kas_awal_tahun_before)) . ")" : number_format($kas_awal_tahun_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><br/><b><i>Cash and cash equivalent at beginning of year</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '<tr>
							<td align="left" ><br/><b>Kas dan setara kas akhir tahun</b></td>	
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;">' . ($kas_akhir_tahun_actual < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($kas_akhir_tahun_actual)) . ")" : number_format($kas_akhir_tahun_actual)) . '</td>
							<td align="right" style="border-bottom: 2px solid #000;">' . ($kas_akhir_tahun_before < 0 ? "(" . number_format(abs($kas_akhir_tahun_before)) . ")" : number_format($kas_akhir_tahun_before)) . '</td>
							<td align="right"><br/><b><i>Cash and cash equivalent at end of year</i></b></td>
            $laporan .= '</table>';
            $html .= $laporan;
            $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4-L');
            $mpdf->SetHeader("Amartha Microfinance" . '||' . $tgl . '|');
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예제 #27
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     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Dra. Maria C. Hernandez N.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Ginecologo-Obstetra.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> C.C. Galeno Center Of. C8  Av. Country Club. Bna.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Telf. 0281-2743367/0414-8240064. CM972.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Rif: 3956719-5 MSAS 18083.</H1>';
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     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Dra. Maria C. Hernandez N.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Ginecologo-Obstetra.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> C.C. Galeno Center Of. C8  Av. Country Club. Bna.</H1>';
     $texto = $texto . '<H1 class="h1PDF"> Telf. 0281-2743367/0414-8240064. CM972.</H1>';
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     $texto = $texto . '<p>Paciente: ' . Paciente::GET_NOMBRE_COMPLETO_PK($model->paciente_id) . ' </p>';
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     $mpdf->setCreator("Edgar Cardona y Gabriela Soto");
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