예제 #1
파일: external.php 프로젝트: evltuma/moodle
  * Returns the list of badges awarded to a user.
  * @param int $userid       user id
  * @param int $courseid     course id
  * @param int $page         page of records to return
  * @param int $perpage      number of records to return per page
  * @param string  $search   a simple string to search for
  * @param bool $onlypublic  whether to return only public badges
  * @return array array containing warnings and the awarded badges
  * @since  Moodle 3.1
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function get_user_badges($userid = 0, $courseid = 0, $page = 0, $perpage = 0, $search = '', $onlypublic = false)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $warnings = array();
     $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'page' => $page, 'perpage' => $perpage, 'search' => $search, 'onlypublic' => $onlypublic);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_user_badges_parameters(), $params);
     if (empty($CFG->enablebadges)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('badgesdisabled', 'badges');
     if (empty($CFG->badges_allowcoursebadges) && $params['courseid'] != 0) {
         throw new moodle_exception('coursebadgesdisabled', 'badges');
     // Default value for userid.
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $params['userid'] = $USER->id;
     // Validate the user.
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
     if ($USER->id != $user->id) {
         require_capability('moodle/badges:viewotherbadges', $usercontext);
         // We are looking other user's badges, we must retrieve only public badges.
         $params['onlypublic'] = true;
     $userbadges = badges_get_user_badges($user->id, $params['courseid'], $params['page'], $params['perpage'], $params['search'], $params['onlypublic']);
     $result = array();
     $result['badges'] = array();
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     foreach ($userbadges as $badge) {
         $context = $badge->type == BADGE_TYPE_SITE ? context_system::instance() : context_course::instance($badge->courseid);
         $badge->badgeurl = moodle_url::make_webservice_pluginfile_url($context->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, '/', 'f1')->out(false);
         // Return all the information if we are requesting our own badges.
         // Or, if we have permissions for configuring badges in the badge context.
         if ($USER->id == $user->id or has_capability('moodle/badges:configuredetails', $context)) {
             $result['badges'][] = (array) $badge;
         } else {
             $result['badges'][] = array('name' => $badge->name, 'description' => $badge->description, 'badgeurl' => $badge->badgeurl, 'issuername' => $badge->issuername, 'issuerurl' => $badge->issuerurl, 'issuercontact' => $badge->issuercontact, 'uniquehash' => $badge->uniquehash, 'dateissued' => $badge->dateissued, 'dateexpire' => $badge->dateexpire);
     return $result;
예제 #2
  * Trigger the user profile viewed event.
  * @param int $userid id of user
  * @param int $courseid id of course
  * @return array of warnings and status result
  * @since Moodle 2.9
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function view_user_profile($userid, $courseid = 0)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/user/profile/lib.php";
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::view_user_profile_parameters(), array('userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $courseid));
     $warnings = array();
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $params['userid'] = $USER->id;
     if (empty($params['courseid'])) {
         $params['courseid'] = SITEID;
     $course = get_course($params['courseid']);
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     if ($course->id == SITEID) {
         $coursecontext = context_system::instance();
     } else {
         $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $currentuser = $USER->id == $user->id;
     $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
     if (!$currentuser and !has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $coursecontext) and !has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('cannotviewprofile');
     // Case like user/profile.php.
     if ($course->id == SITEID) {
         profile_view($user, $usercontext);
     } else {
         // Case like user/view.php.
         if (!$currentuser and !can_access_course($course, $user, '', true)) {
             throw new moodle_exception('notenrolledprofile');
         profile_view($user, $coursecontext, $course);
     $result = array();
     $result['status'] = true;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #3
  * Return the list of mobile devices that are registered in Moodle for the given user.
  * @param  string  $appid  app unique id (usually a reversed domain)
  * @param  integer $userid the user id, 0 for current user
  * @return array warnings and devices
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @since Moodle 3.2
 public static function get_user_devices($appid, $userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_user_devices_parameters(), array('appid' => $appid, 'userid' => $userid));
     $context = context_system::instance();
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $user = $USER;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
         // Allow only admins to retrieve other users devices.
         if ($user->id != $USER->id) {
             require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context);
     $warnings = array();
     $devices = array();
     // Check if mobile notifications are enabled.
     if (!self::is_system_configured()) {
         $warnings[] = array('item' => 'user', 'itemid' => $user->id, 'warningcode' => 'systemnotconfigured', 'message' => 'Mobile notifications are not configured');
     } else {
         // We catch exceptions here because get_user_devices may try to connect to Airnotifier.
         try {
             $manager = new message_airnotifier_manager();
             $devices = $manager->get_user_devices($appid, $user->id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $warnings[] = array('item' => 'user', 'itemid' => $user->id, 'warningcode' => 'errorgettingdevices', 'message' => $e->getMessage());
     return array('devices' => $devices, 'warnings' => $warnings);
예제 #4
파일: launch.php 프로젝트: janeklb/moodle
if (!$CFG->enablewebservices) {
    throw new moodle_exception('enablewsdescription', 'webservice');
// Check if the plugin is properly configured.
$typeoflogin = get_config('tool_mobile', 'typeoflogin');
if ($typeoflogin != tool_mobile\api::LOGIN_VIA_BROWSER and $typeoflogin != tool_mobile\api::LOGIN_VIA_EMBEDDED_BROWSER) {
    throw new moodle_exception('pluginnotenabledorconfigured', 'tool_mobile');
// Check if the service exists and is enabled.
$service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('shortname' => $serviceshortname, 'enabled' => 1));
if (empty($service)) {
    throw new moodle_exception('servicenotavailable', 'webservice');
require_login(0, false);
// Require an active user: not guest, not suspended.
// Get an existing token or create a new one.
$token = external_generate_token_for_current_user($service);
// Log token access.
$DB->set_field('external_tokens', 'lastaccess', time(), array('id' => $token->id));
$params = array('objectid' => $token->id);
$event = \core\event\webservice_token_sent::create($params);
$event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token);
// Passport is generated in the mobile app, so the app opening can be validated using that variable.
// Passports are valid only one time, it's deleted in the app once used.
$siteid = md5($CFG->wwwroot . $passport);
$apptoken = base64_encode($siteid . ':::' . $token->token);
// Redirect using the custom URL scheme checking first if a URL scheme is forced in the site settings.
$forcedurlscheme = get_config('tool_mobile', 'forcedurlscheme');
if (!empty($forcedurlscheme)) {
예제 #5
  * Return user preferences.
  * @param string $name preference name, empty for all
  * @param int $userid id of the user, 0 for current user
  * @return array of warnings and preferences
  * @since Moodle 3.2
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function get_user_preferences($name = '', $userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_user_preferences_parameters(), array('name' => $name, 'userid' => $userid));
     $preferences = array();
     $warnings = array();
     $context = context_system::instance();
     if (empty($params['name'])) {
         $name = null;
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $user = null;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
         if ($user->id != $USER->id) {
             // Only admins can retrieve other users preferences.
             require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context);
     $userpreferences = get_user_preferences($name, null, $user);
     // Check if we received just one preference.
     if (!is_array($userpreferences)) {
         $userpreferences = array($name => $userpreferences);
     foreach ($userpreferences as $name => $value) {
         $preferences[] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value);
     $result = array();
     $result['preferences'] = $preferences;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #6
  * Deletes a message
  * @param  int $messageid the message id
  * @param  int $userid the user id of who we want to delete the message for
  * @param  bool $read if is a message read (default to true)
  * @return external_description
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @since 3.1
 public static function delete_message($messageid, $userid, $read = true)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // Check if private messaging between users is allowed.
     if (empty($CFG->messaging)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('disabled', 'message');
     // Warnings array, it can be empty at the end but is mandatory.
     $warnings = array();
     // Validate params.
     $params = array('messageid' => $messageid, 'userid' => $userid, 'read' => $read);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_message_parameters(), $params);
     // Validate context.
     $context = context_system::instance();
     $messagestable = $params['read'] ? 'message_read' : 'message';
     $message = $DB->get_record($messagestable, array('id' => $params['messageid']), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $status = false;
     if (message_can_delete_message($message, $user->id)) {
         $status = message_delete_message($message, $user->id);
     } else {
         throw new moodle_exception('You do not have permission to delete this message');
     $results = array('status' => $status, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $results;
예제 #7
  * Test require_active_user
 public function test_require_active_user()
     global $DB;
     // Create a default user for the test.
     $userexpected = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     // Simple case, all good.
     core_user::require_active_user($userexpected, true, true);
     // Set user not confirmed.
     $DB->set_field('user', 'confirmed', 0, array('id' => $userexpected->id));
     try {
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('usernotconfirmed', $e->errorcode);
     $DB->set_field('user', 'confirmed', 1, array('id' => $userexpected->id));
     // Set nologin auth method.
     $DB->set_field('user', 'auth', 'nologin', array('id' => $userexpected->id));
     try {
         core_user::require_active_user($userexpected, false, true);
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('suspended', $e->errorcode);
     // Check no exceptions are thrown if we don't specify to check suspended.
     $DB->set_field('user', 'auth', 'manual', array('id' => $userexpected->id));
     // Set user suspended.
     $DB->set_field('user', 'suspended', 1, array('id' => $userexpected->id));
     try {
         core_user::require_active_user($userexpected, true);
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('suspended', $e->errorcode);
     // Check no exceptions are thrown if we don't specify to check suspended.
     // Delete user.
     try {
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('userdeleted', $e->errorcode);
     // Use a not real user.
     $noreplyuser = core_user::get_noreply_user();
     try {
         core_user::require_active_user($noreplyuser, true);
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('invaliduser', $e->errorcode);
     // Get the guest user.
     $guestuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => 'guest'));
     try {
         core_user::require_active_user($guestuser, true);
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('guestsarenotallowed', $e->errorcode);
예제 #8
  * Retrieves SCO tracking data for the given user id and attempt number
  * @param int $scoid the sco id
  * @param int $userid the user id
  * @param int $attempt the attempt number
  * @return array warnings and the scoes data
  * @since Moodle 3.0
 public static function get_scorm_sco_tracks($scoid, $userid, $attempt = 0)
     global $USER, $DB;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_scorm_sco_tracks_parameters(), array('scoid' => $scoid, 'userid' => $userid, 'attempt' => $attempt));
     $tracks = array();
     $warnings = array();
     $sco = scorm_get_sco($params['scoid'], SCO_ONLY);
     if (!$sco) {
         throw new moodle_exception('cannotfindsco', 'scorm');
     $scorm = $DB->get_record('scorm', array('id' => $sco->scorm), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('scorm', $scorm->id);
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Extra checks so only users with permissions can view other users attempts.
     if ($USER->id != $user->id) {
         require_capability('mod/scorm:viewreport', $context);
     scorm_require_available($scorm, true, $context);
     if (empty($params['attempt'])) {
         $params['attempt'] = scorm_get_last_attempt($scorm->id, $user->id);
     $attempted = false;
     if ($scormtracks = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id, $params['userid'], $params['attempt'])) {
         // Check if attempted.
         if ($scormtracks->status != '') {
             $attempted = true;
             foreach ($scormtracks as $element => $value) {
                 $tracks[] = array('element' => $element, 'value' => $value);
     if (!$attempted) {
         $warnings[] = array('item' => 'attempt', 'itemid' => $params['attempt'], 'warningcode' => 'notattempted', 'message' => get_string('notattempted', 'scorm'));
     $result = array();
     $result['data']['attempt'] = $params['attempt'];
     $result['data']['tracks'] = $tracks;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #9
  * Check that the user has enough permission to retrieve message or notifications preferences.
  * @param  int $userid the user id requesting the preferences
  * @return stdClass full user object
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @since  Moodle 3.2
 protected static function validate_preferences_permissions($userid)
     global $USER;
     if (empty($userid)) {
         $user = $USER;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     // Check access control.
     if ($user->id == $USER->id) {
         // Editing own message profile.
         require_capability('moodle/user:editownmessageprofile', $systemcontext);
     } else {
         // Teachers, parents, etc.
         $personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         require_capability('moodle/user:editmessageprofile', $personalcontext);
     return $user;
예제 #10
 * Generate or return an existing token for the current authenticated user.
 * This function is used for creating a valid token for users authenticathing via login/token.php or admin/tool/mobile/launch.php.
 * @param stdClass $service external service object
 * @return stdClass token object
 * @since Moodle 3.2
 * @throws moodle_exception
function external_generate_token_for_current_user($service)
    global $DB, $USER;
    core_user::require_active_user($USER, true, true);
    // Check if there is any required system capability.
    if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, context_system::instance())) {
        throw new moodle_exception('missingrequiredcapability', 'webservice', '', $service->requiredcapability);
    // Specific checks related to user restricted service.
    if ($service->restrictedusers) {
        $authoriseduser = $DB->get_record('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid' => $service->id, 'userid' => $USER->id));
        if (empty($authoriseduser)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('usernotallowed', 'webservice', '', $service->shortname);
        if (!empty($authoriseduser->validuntil) and $authoriseduser->validuntil < time()) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invalidtimedtoken', 'webservice');
        if (!empty($authoriseduser->iprestriction) and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $authoriseduser->iprestriction)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invalidiptoken', 'webservice');
    // Check if a token has already been created for this user and this service.
    $conditions = array('userid' => $USER->id, 'externalserviceid' => $service->id, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT);
    $tokens = $DB->get_records('external_tokens', $conditions, 'timecreated ASC');
    // A bit of sanity checks.
    foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
        // Checks related to a specific token. (script execution continue).
        $unsettoken = false;
        // If sid is set then there must be a valid associated session no matter the token type.
        if (!empty($token->sid)) {
            if (!\core\session\manager::session_exists($token->sid)) {
                // This token will never be valid anymore, delete it.
                $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('sid' => $token->sid));
                $unsettoken = true;
        // Remove token is not valid anymore.
        if (!empty($token->validuntil) and $token->validuntil < time()) {
            $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('token' => $token->token, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT));
            $unsettoken = true;
        // Remove token if its ip not in whitelist.
        if (isset($token->iprestriction) and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $token->iprestriction)) {
            $unsettoken = true;
        if ($unsettoken) {
    // If some valid tokens exist then use the most recent.
    if (count($tokens) > 0) {
        $token = array_pop($tokens);
    } else {
        $context = context_system::instance();
        $isofficialservice = $service->shortname == MOODLE_OFFICIAL_MOBILE_SERVICE;
        if ($isofficialservice and has_capability('moodle/webservice:createmobiletoken', $context) or !is_siteadmin($USER) && has_capability('moodle/webservice:createtoken', $context)) {
            // Create a new token.
            $token = new stdClass();
            $token->token = md5(uniqid(rand(), 1));
            $token->userid = $USER->id;
            $token->tokentype = EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT;
            $token->contextid = context_system::instance()->id;
            $token->creatorid = $USER->id;
            $token->timecreated = time();
            $token->externalserviceid = $service->id;
            // MDL-43119 Token valid for 3 months (12 weeks).
            $token->validuntil = $token->timecreated + 12 * WEEKSECS;
            $token->iprestriction = null;
            $token->sid = null;
            $token->lastaccess = null;
            // Generate the private token, it must be transmitted only via https.
            $token->privatetoken = random_string(64);
            $token->id = $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $token);
            $eventtoken = clone $token;
            $eventtoken->privatetoken = null;
            $params = array('objectid' => $eventtoken->id, 'relateduserid' => $USER->id, 'other' => array('auto' => true));
            $event = \core\event\webservice_token_created::create($params);
            $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $eventtoken);
        } else {
            throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatetoken', 'webservice', '', $service->shortname);
    return $token;
예제 #11
파일: external.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
  * Trigger the user report events, do the same that the web interface view of the report
  * @param int $courseid id of course
  * @param int $userid id of the user the report belongs to
  * @return array of warnings and status result
  * @since Moodle 3.2
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function view_grade_report($courseid, $userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::view_grade_report_parameters(), array('courseid' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid));
     $warnings = array();
     $course = get_course($params['courseid']);
     $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     if (empty($userid)) {
         $userid = $USER->id;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     $personalcontext = context_user::instance($userid);
     $access = grade_report_overview::check_access($systemcontext, $context, $personalcontext, $course, $userid);
     if (!$access) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nopermissiontoviewgrades', 'error');
     grade_report_overview::viewed($context, $course->id, $userid);
     $result = array();
     $result['status'] = true;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #12
     * Simulates the web interface view of notes/index.php: trigger events
     * @param int $courseid id of the course
     * @param int $userid id of the user
     * @return array of warnings and status result
     * @since Moodle 2.9
     * @throws moodle_exception
    public static function view_notes($courseid, $userid = 0) {
        global $CFG;
        require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/notes/lib.php");

        if (empty($CFG->enablenotes)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('notesdisabled', 'notes');

        $warnings = array();
        $arrayparams = array(
            'courseid' => $courseid,
            'userid' => $userid
        $params = self::validate_parameters(self::view_notes_parameters(), $arrayparams);

        if (empty($params['courseid'])) {
            $params['courseid'] = SITEID;

        $course = get_course($params['courseid']);

        if ($course->id == SITEID) {
            $context = context_system::instance();
        } else {
            $context = context_course::instance($course->id);

        // First of all, validate the context before do further permission checks.
        require_capability('moodle/notes:view', $context);

        if (!empty($params['userid'])) {
            $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);

            if ($course->id != SITEID and !can_access_course($course, $user, '', true)) {
                throw new moodle_exception('notenrolledprofile');

        note_view($context, $params['userid']);

        $result = array();
        $result['status'] = true;
        $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
        return $result;

예제 #13
  * Update or delete the user picture in the site
  * @param  int  $draftitemid id of the user draft file to use as image
  * @param  bool $delete      if we should delete the user picture
  * @param  int $userid       id of the user, 0 for current user
  * @return array warnings and success status
  * @since Moodle 3.2
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function update_picture($draftitemid, $delete = false, $userid = 0)
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_picture_parameters(), array('draftitemid' => $draftitemid, 'delete' => $delete, 'userid' => $userid));
     $context = context_system::instance();
     if (!empty($CFG->disableuserimages)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('userimagesdisabled', 'admin');
     if (empty($params['userid']) or $params['userid'] == $USER->id) {
         $user = $USER;
         require_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $context);
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         require_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $personalcontext);
         if (is_siteadmin($user) and !is_siteadmin($USER)) {
             // Only admins may edit other admins.
             throw new moodle_exception('useradmineditadmin');
     // Load the appropriate auth plugin.
     $userauth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
     if (is_mnet_remote_user($user) or !$userauth->can_edit_profile() or $userauth->edit_profile_url()) {
         throw new moodle_exception('noprofileedit', 'auth');
     $filemanageroptions = array('maxbytes' => $CFG->maxbytes, 'subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1, 'accepted_types' => 'web_image');
     $user->deletepicture = $params['delete'];
     $user->imagefile = $params['draftitemid'];
     $success = core_user::update_picture($user, $filemanageroptions);
     $result = array('success' => $success, 'warnings' => array());
     if ($success) {
         $userpicture = new user_picture(core_user::get_user($user->id));
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         // Size f1.
         $result['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     return $result;
예제 #14
 * Utility function for getting a subwiki by group and user, validating that the user can view it.
 * If the subwiki doesn't exists in DB yet it'll have id -1.
 * @param stdClass $wiki The wiki.
 * @param int $groupid Group ID. 0 means the subwiki doesn't use groups.
 * @param int $userid User ID. 0 means the subwiki doesn't use users.
 * @return stdClass Subwiki. If it doesn't exists in DB yet it'll have id -1. If the user can't view the
 *                  subwiki this function will return false.
 * @since  Moodle 3.1
 * @throws moodle_exception
function wiki_get_subwiki_by_group_and_user_with_validation($wiki, $groupid, $userid)
    global $USER, $DB;
    // Get subwiki based on group and user.
    if (!($subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki_by_group($wiki->id, $groupid, $userid))) {
        // The subwiki doesn't exist.
        // Validate if user is valid.
        if ($userid != 0) {
            $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
        // Validate that groupid is valid.
        if ($groupid != 0 && !groups_group_exists($groupid)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('cannotfindgroup', 'error');
        // Valid data but subwiki not found. We'll simulate a subwiki object to check if the user would be able to see it
        // if it existed. If he's able to see it then we'll return an empty array because the subwiki has no pages.
        $subwiki = new stdClass();
        $subwiki->id = -1;
        $subwiki->wikiid = $wiki->id;
        $subwiki->userid = $userid;
        $subwiki->groupid = $groupid;
    // Check that the user can view the subwiki. This function checks capabilities.
    if (!wiki_user_can_view($subwiki, $wiki)) {
        return false;
    return $subwiki;
예제 #15
파일: autologin.php 프로젝트: dg711/moodle
$context = context_system::instance();
// Force https.
// Check if the user is already logged-in.
if (isloggedin() and !isguestuser()) {
    delete_user_key('tool_mobile', $userid);
    if ($USER->id == $userid) {
    } else {
        throw new moodle_exception('alreadyloggedin', 'error', '', format_string(fullname($USER)));
// Validate and delete the key.
$key = validate_user_key($key, 'tool_mobile', null);
delete_user_key('tool_mobile', $userid);
// Double check key belong to user.
if ($key->userid != $userid) {
    throw new moodle_exception('invalidkey');
// Key validated, now require an active user: not guest, not suspended.
$user = core_user::get_user($key->userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
core_user::require_active_user($user, true, true);
// Do the user log-in.
if (!($user = get_complete_user_data('id', $user->id))) {
    throw new moodle_exception('cannotfinduser', '', '', $user->id);
\core\session\manager::apply_concurrent_login_limit($user->id, session_id());
예제 #16
  * Gets a list of groups that the user is allowed to access within the specified activity.
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @param int $cmid course module id
  * @param int $userid id of user.
  * @return array of group objects (id, name, description, format) and possible warnings.
  * @since Moodle 3.0
 public static function get_activity_allowed_groups($cmid, $userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     // Warnings array, it can be empty at the end but is mandatory.
     $warnings = array();
     $params = array('cmid' => $cmid, 'userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_activity_allowed_groups_parameters(), $params);
     $cmid = $params['cmid'];
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id(null, $cmid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
     // Security checks.
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($cm->course);
     if (empty($userid)) {
         $userid = $USER->id;
     $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Check if we have permissions for retrieve the information.
     if ($user->id != $USER->id) {
         if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) {
             throw new moodle_exception('accessdenied', 'admin');
         // Validate if the user is enrolled in the course.
         $course = get_course($cm->course);
         if (!can_access_course($course, $user, '', true)) {
             // We return a warning because the function does not fail for not enrolled users.
             $warning = array();
             $warning['item'] = 'course';
             $warning['itemid'] = $cm->course;
             $warning['warningcode'] = '1';
             $warning['message'] = "User {$user->id} cannot access course {$cm->course}";
             $warnings[] = $warning;
     $usergroups = array();
     if (empty($warnings)) {
         $groups = groups_get_activity_allowed_groups($cm, $user->id);
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             list($group->description, $group->descriptionformat) = external_format_text($group->description, $group->descriptionformat, $coursecontext->id, 'group', 'description', $group->id);
             $group->courseid = $cm->course;
             $usergroups[] = $group;
     $results = array('groups' => $usergroups, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $results;
예제 #17
  * Retrieve a list of users blocked
  * @param  int $userid the user whose blocked users we want to retrieve
  * @return external_description
  * @since 2.9
 public static function get_blocked_users($userid)
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/message/lib.php";
     // Warnings array, it can be empty at the end but is mandatory.
     $warnings = array();
     // Validate params.
     $params = array('userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_blocked_users_parameters(), $params);
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     // Validate context.
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // Check if private messaging between users is allowed.
     if (empty($CFG->messaging)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('disabled', 'message');
     $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Check if we have permissions for retrieve the information.
     if ($userid != $USER->id and !has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $context)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('accessdenied', 'admin');
     // Now, we can get safely all the blocked users.
     $users = message_get_blocked_users($user);
     $blockedusers = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $newuser = array('id' => $user->id, 'fullname' => fullname($user));
         $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         // Size f1.
         $newuser['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
         $blockedusers[] = $newuser;
     $results = array('users' => $blockedusers, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $results;
예제 #18
  * Trigger the user report events, do the same that the web interface view of the report
  * @param int $courseid id of course
  * @param int $userid id of the user the report belongs to
  * @return array of warnings and status result
  * @since Moodle 2.9
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function view_grade_report($courseid, $userid = 0)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/grade/lib.php";
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/grade/report/user/lib.php";
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::view_grade_report_parameters(), array('courseid' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid));
     $warnings = array();
     $course = get_course($params['courseid']);
     $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     if (empty($userid)) {
         $userid = $USER->id;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $access = false;
     if (has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $context)) {
         // Can view all course grades (any user).
         $access = true;
     } else {
         if ($userid == $USER->id and has_capability('moodle/grade:view', $context) and $course->showgrades) {
             // View own grades.
             $access = true;
     if (!$access) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nopermissiontoviewgrades', 'error');
     // Create a report instance. We don't need the gpr second parameter.
     $report = new grade_report_user($course->id, null, $context, $userid);
     $result = array();
     $result['status'] = true;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #19
  * Set user preferences.
  * @param array $preferences list of preferences including name, value and userid
  * @return array of warnings and preferences saved
  * @since Moodle 3.2
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function set_user_preferences($preferences)
     global $USER;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::set_user_preferences_parameters(), array('preferences' => $preferences));
     $warnings = array();
     $saved = array();
     $context = context_system::instance();
     require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context);
     $userscache = array();
     foreach ($params['preferences'] as $pref) {
         // Check to which user set the preference.
         if (!empty($userscache[$pref['userid']])) {
             $user = $userscache[$pref['userid']];
         } else {
             try {
                 $user = core_user::get_user($pref['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
                 $userscache[$pref['userid']] = $user;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $warnings[] = array('item' => 'user', 'itemid' => $pref['userid'], 'warningcode' => 'invaliduser', 'message' => $e->getMessage());
         try {
             set_user_preference($pref['name'], $pref['value'], $user);
             $saved[] = array('name' => $pref['name'], 'userid' => $user->id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $warnings[] = array('item' => 'user', 'itemid' => $user->id, 'warningcode' => 'errorsavingpreference', 'message' => $e->getMessage());
     $result = array();
     $result['saved'] = $saved;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #20
  * Returns information about an assignment submission status for a given user.
  * @param int $assignid assignment instance id
  * @param int $userid user id (empty for current user)
  * @return array of warnings and grading, status, feedback and previous attempts information
  * @since Moodle 3.1
  * @throws required_capability_exception
 public static function get_submission_status($assignid, $userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     $warnings = array();
     $params = array('assignid' => $assignid, 'userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_submission_status_parameters(), $params);
     list($assign, $course, $cm, $context) = self::validate_assign($params['assignid']);
     // Default value for userid.
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $params['userid'] = $USER->id;
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     if (!$assign->can_view_submission($user->id)) {
         throw new required_capability_exception($context, 'mod/assign:viewgrades', 'nopermission', '');
     $gradingsummary = $lastattempt = $feedback = $previousattempts = null;
     // Get the renderable since it contais all the info we need.
     if ($assign->can_view_grades()) {
         $gradingsummary = $assign->get_assign_grading_summary_renderable();
     // Retrieve the rest of the renderable objects.
     if (has_capability('mod/assign:submit', $assign->get_context(), $user)) {
         $lastattempt = $assign->get_assign_submission_status_renderable($user, true);
     $feedback = $assign->get_assign_feedback_status_renderable($user);
     $previousattempts = $assign->get_assign_attempt_history_renderable($user);
     // Now, build the result.
     $result = array();
     // First of all, grading summary, this is suitable for teachers/managers.
     if ($gradingsummary) {
         $result['gradingsummary'] = $gradingsummary;
     // Did we submit anything?
     if ($lastattempt) {
         $submissionplugins = $assign->get_submission_plugins();
         if (empty($lastattempt->submission)) {
         } else {
             $lastattempt->submission->plugins = self::get_plugins_data($assign, $submissionplugins, $lastattempt->submission);
         if (empty($lastattempt->teamsubmission)) {
         } else {
             $lastattempt->teamsubmission->plugins = self::get_plugins_data($assign, $submissionplugins, $lastattempt->teamsubmission);
         // We need to change the type of some of the structures retrieved from the renderable.
         if (!empty($lastattempt->submissiongroup)) {
             $lastattempt->submissiongroup = $lastattempt->submissiongroup->id;
         } else {
         if (!empty($lastattempt->usergroups)) {
             $lastattempt->usergroups = array_keys($lastattempt->usergroups);
         // We cannot use array_keys here.
         if (!empty($lastattempt->submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit)) {
             $lastattempt->submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit = array_map(function ($e) {
                 return $e->id;
             }, $lastattempt->submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit);
         $result['lastattempt'] = $lastattempt;
     // The feedback for our latest submission.
     if ($feedback) {
         if ($feedback->grade) {
             $feedbackplugins = $assign->get_feedback_plugins();
             $feedback->plugins = self::get_plugins_data($assign, $feedbackplugins, $feedback->grade);
         } else {
         $result['feedback'] = $feedback;
     // Retrieve only previous attempts.
     if ($previousattempts and count($previousattempts->submissions) > 1) {
         // Don't show the last one because it is the current submission.
         // Show newest to oldest.
         $previousattempts->submissions = array_reverse($previousattempts->submissions);
         foreach ($previousattempts->submissions as $i => $submission) {
             $attempt = array();
             $grade = null;
             foreach ($previousattempts->grades as $onegrade) {
                 if ($onegrade->attemptnumber == $submission->attemptnumber) {
                     $grade = $onegrade;
             $attempt['attemptnumber'] = $submission->attemptnumber;
             if ($submission) {
                 $submission->plugins = self::get_plugins_data($assign, $previousattempts->submissionplugins, $submission);
                 $attempt['submission'] = $submission;
             if ($grade) {
                 // From object to id.
                 $grade->grader = $grade->grader->id;
                 $feedbackplugins = self::get_plugins_data($assign, $previousattempts->feedbackplugins, $grade);
                 $attempt['grade'] = $grade;
                 $attempt['feedbackplugins'] = $feedbackplugins;
             $result['previousattempts'][] = $attempt;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #21
파일: external.php 프로젝트: evltuma/moodle
  * Get Course completion status
  * @param int $courseid ID of the Course
  * @param int $userid ID of the User
  * @return array of course completion status and warnings
  * @since Moodle 2.9
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function get_course_completion_status($courseid, $userid)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/grouplib.php';
     $warnings = array();
     $arrayparams = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_course_completion_status_parameters(), $arrayparams);
     $course = get_course($params['courseid']);
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
     // Can current user see user's course completion status?
     // This check verifies if completion is enabled because $course is mandatory.
     if (!completion_can_view_data($user->id, $course)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('cannotviewreport');
     // The previous function doesn't check groups.
     if ($user->id != $USER->id) {
         if (!groups_user_groups_visible($course, $user->id)) {
             // We are not in the same group!
             throw new moodle_exception('accessdenied', 'admin');
     $info = new completion_info($course);
     // Check this user is enroled.
     if (!$info->is_tracked_user($user->id)) {
         if ($USER->id == $user->id) {
             throw new moodle_exception('notenroled', 'completion');
         } else {
             throw new moodle_exception('usernotenroled', 'completion');
     $completions = $info->get_completions($user->id);
     if (empty($completions)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nocriteriaset', 'completion');
     // Load course completion.
     $completionparams = array('userid' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id);
     $ccompletion = new completion_completion($completionparams);
     $completionrows = array();
     // Loop through course criteria.
     foreach ($completions as $completion) {
         $criteria = $completion->get_criteria();
         $completionrow = array();
         $completionrow['type'] = $criteria->criteriatype;
         $completionrow['title'] = $criteria->get_title();
         $completionrow['status'] = $completion->get_status();
         $completionrow['complete'] = $completion->is_complete();
         $completionrow['timecompleted'] = $completion->timecompleted;
         $completionrow['details'] = $criteria->get_details($completion);
         $completionrows[] = $completionrow;
     $result = array('completed' => $info->is_course_complete($user->id), 'aggregation' => $info->get_aggregation_method(), 'completions' => $completionrows);
     $results = array('completionstatus' => $result, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $results;
예제 #22
  * Combines the review options from a number of different quiz attempts.
  * @param int $quizid quiz instance id
  * @param int $userid user id (empty for current user)
  * @return array of warnings and the review options
  * @since Moodle 3.1
 public static function get_combined_review_options($quizid, $userid = 0)
     global $DB, $USER;
     $warnings = array();
     $params = array('quizid' => $quizid, 'userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_combined_review_options_parameters(), $params);
     list($quiz, $course, $cm, $context) = self::validate_quiz($params['quizid']);
     // Default value for userid.
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $params['userid'] = $USER->id;
     $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Extra checks so only users with permissions can view other users attempts.
     if ($USER->id != $user->id) {
         require_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context);
     $attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $user->id, 'all', true);
     $result = array();
     $result['someoptions'] = [];
     $result['alloptions'] = [];
     list($someoptions, $alloptions) = quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempts);
     foreach (array('someoptions', 'alloptions') as $typeofoption) {
         foreach (${$typeofoption} as $key => $value) {
             $result[$typeofoption][] = array("name" => $key, "value" => !empty($value) ? $value : 0);
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
예제 #23
  * Get the notification preferences for a given user.
  * @param int $userid id of the user, 0 for current user
  * @return external_description
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @since 3.2
 public static function get_user_notification_preferences($userid = 0)
     global $USER, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_user_notification_preferences_parameters(), array('userid' => $userid));
     if (empty($params['userid'])) {
         $user = $USER;
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     // Check access control.
     if ($user->id == $USER->id) {
         // Editing own message profile.
         require_capability('moodle/user:editownmessageprofile', $systemcontext);
     } else {
         // Teachers, parents, etc.
         $personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         require_capability('moodle/user:editmessageprofile', $personalcontext);
     $processors = get_message_processors();
     $providers = message_get_providers_for_user($user->id);
     $preferences = \core_message\api::get_all_message_preferences($processors, $providers, $user);
     $notificationlist = new \core_message\output\preferences\notification_list($processors, $providers, $preferences, $user);
     $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_message');
     $result = array('warnings' => array(), 'preferences' => $notificationlist->export_for_template($renderer));
     return $result;