예제 #1
파일: core_fight.php 프로젝트: josh04/quest
  * gets all the stuff we need for the fight
  * @param string $section section name
  * @param string $page section page
  * @param array $config config array for db
 public function load_core($common)
     $this->db =& code_database_wrapper::get_db();
     $this->section = 'common';
     $this->page = 'fight';
     $this->player =& $common->player;
     $this->player_section = $common->section;
     $this->player_page = $common->page;
     $common->page_generation->section = 'common';
     $this->skin =& $common->page_generation->make_skin("skin_fight");
     $this->lang =& $common->lang;
     $common->page_generation->section = $this->player_section;
     // hacky hacky hacky
예제 #2
  * initiation function
  * @param code_common $common page calling
  * @return core_mail_api this thing
 public function load_core($common)
     $this->db =& code_database_wrapper::get_db();
     return $this;
예제 #3
파일: core_cron.php 프로젝트: josh04/quest
  * constructor, gives us the db
  * @param array $config db values
 public function __construct($settings = array(), $config = array())
     $this->db = code_database_wrapper::get_db($config);
예제 #4
  * The common constructor for every class which extends code_common.
  * Accepts and sets the section name and the page name, and an optional
  * config array. Also invokes code_database_wrapper to get the database
  * object.
  * @param string $section name of the site chunk we're in
  * @param string $page name of our particular page
  * @param string $config config values
 public function __construct($section = "", $page = "", $config = array())
     $this->section = $section;
     $this->page = $page;
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->db = code_database_wrapper::get_db($this->config);
예제 #5
  * admin? install? or something more sinister? decide which section and page we're heading too.
 public function page_setup()
      * Default page and section
      * (TODO) make these customisable?
     $section = "public";
     $page = "index";
      * Gets sections, by reading the folder names from 'code'
     $sections = code_bootstrap::get_sections();
     if ($this->config['default_section'] && in_array($this->config['default_section'], $sections)) {
         $section = $this->config['default_section'];
     $test = strtolower($_GET['section']);
     if (in_array($test, $sections)) {
         $section = strtolower($_GET['section']);
     require_once "code/common/code_database_wrapper.php";
      * Check if we're meant to be running the installer. If not, proceed to
      * load up the database
     if (!IS_INSTALLED) {
         $section = "install";
         $pages[$section] = array("index" => "start", "database" => "database", "user" => "user", "upgrade_database" => "upgrade_database");
     } else {
         $this->db =& code_database_wrapper::get_db($this->config);
         // this unassuming line creates the database
         if (!$this->db->IsConnected()) {
             $this->page = new code_common();
             $this->page->skin =& $this->page->page_generation->make_skin();
         $page_query = $this->db->execute("SELECT * FROM `pages`");
         while ($page_row = $page_query->fetchrow()) {
             foreach (explode(",", $page_row['redirect']) as $redirect) {
                 $pages[$page_row['section']][$redirect] = $page_row['name'];
             if ($page_row['mod']) {
                 $mods[$page_row['section']][$page_row['name']] = $page_row['mod'];
      * If the page exists, take it.
     if ($pages[$section][$_GET['page']]) {
         $page = $_GET['page'];
      * Else; shit the bed.
     if (!$pages[$section][$page]) {
         $this->page = new code_common();
     if (file_exists("code/" . $section . "/" . "code_common_" . $section . ".php")) {
          *If there is, for example, a code_common_install which makes universal adjustments to code_common
          * then load it.
         require_once "code/" . $section . "/" . "code_common_" . $section . ".php";
      * The main code_whatever.php page is required here
     require_once "code/" . $section . "/code_" . $pages[$section][$page] . ".php";
      * Our delightful hook override system thingy! If there's a 'mod', load
      * that. Otherwise, take the default class name.
     if (isset($mods[$section][$pages[$section][$page]])) {
         require_once "mods/" . $mods[$section][$pages[$section][$page]] . ".php";
         $class_name = $mods[$section][$pages[$section][$page]];
     } else {
         $class_name = "code_" . $pages[$section][$page];
     $this->page = new $class_name($section, $page, $this->config);
     $this->page->pages = $pages;
예제 #6
  * Manual database connection function.
  * Connects to the database, if for whatever reason this failed when the
  * class was constructed.
  * @param bool $skipError if set, the error message isn't displayed if the connection fails
  * @return void
 public function make_db($skipError = false)
     $this->db =& code_database_wrapper::get_db($this->config);
     if (!$this->db->IsConnected() && !$skipError) {
         if (!$this->skin) {
             $this->skin =& $this->page_generation->make_skin();