  * Export language entries to xml file
  * @param	integer	$lang_id	Language pack to export
  * @param	bool	$disk		Save to disk instead
  * @return void
 public function languageExportToXML($lang_id, $disk = false)
     // Init
     $app_dir = trim($this->request['app_dir']);
     $type = trim($this->request['type']);
     $_where = '';
     $_name = 'language.xml';
     $LATESTVERSION = IPSLib::fetchVersionNumber();
     $doPack = true;
     // Filter
     if ($app_dir) {
         $_where = " AND word_app='" . $app_dir . "'";
         $_name = $app_dir . '_language_pack.xml';
         $doPack = false;
     if ($type) {
         if ($type == 'admin') {
             $_where .= " AND word_pack LIKE 'admin_%'";
             $_name = 'admin_' . $_name;
         } else {
             $_where .= " AND word_pack LIKE 'public_%'";
             $_name = 'public_' . $_name;
         $doPack = false;
     // Create the XML library
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXML.php';
     $xml = new classXML(IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     $xml->addElement('languagegroup', 'languageexport');
     // Get language pack
     $data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_lang', 'where' => "lang_id={$lang_id}"));
     // Add pack if necessary
     if ($doPack) {
         $xml->addElementAsRecord('languagegroup', 'langinfo', $data);
     // Get the words
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_lang_words', 'where' => "lang_id={$lang_id}" . $_where));
     // Add words to export
     $word_packs = array();
     $_strings = 0;
     while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $content = array();
         if ($disk) {
             $content = array('word_app' => $r['word_app'], 'word_pack' => $r['word_pack'], 'word_key' => $r['word_key'], 'word_default' => $r['word_default']);
             if ($r['word_js']) {
                 $content['word_js'] = $r['word_js'];
         } else {
             $content = array('word_app' => $r['word_app'], 'word_pack' => $r['word_pack'], 'word_key' => $r['word_key'], 'word_default' => $r['word_default'], 'word_custom' => $r['word_custom'], 'word_default_version' => $r['word_default_version'] >= 30000 ? $r['word_default_version'] : $LATESTVERSION['long'], 'word_custom_version' => $r['word_custom_version'], 'word_js' => $r['word_js']);
         $xml->addElementAsRecord('languagegroup', 'lang', $content);
     // Got any strings?
     if (!$_strings) {
         if ($disk) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['l_nolangbits'];
     // Write to disk or output to browser
     if ($disk) {
         @unlink(IPSLib::getAppDir($app_dir) . '/xml/' . $_name);
         @file_put_contents(IPSLib::getAppDir($app_dir) . '/xml/' . $_name, $xml->fetchDocument());
         return true;
     } else {
         // Create xml archive
         require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXMLArchive.php';
         $xmlArchive = new classXMLArchive();
         // Add XML document
         $xmlArchive->add($xml->fetchDocument(), 'language_entries.xml');
         // Print to browser
         $this->registry->output->showDownload($xmlArchive->getArchiveContents(), $_name);
예제 #2
  * Export the specified emoticon directory
  * @return	@e void
 public function emoticonsPackExport()
     /* Setup XML */
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXML.php';
     $xml = new classXML(IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET);
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXMLArchive.php';
     $xmlarchive = new classXMLArchive();
     /* Check the emoticon set */
     if (!$this->request['emo_set']) {
         $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['emo_specify_exS'];
     /* Get emoticons from the database */
     $emo_db = array();
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'emoticons', 'where' => "emo_set='{$this->request['emo_set']}'"));
     while ($r = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $emo_db[$r['image']] = $r;
     /* Get Emoticon Folders */
     $emodirs = array();
     $emodd = array();
     $files_to_add = array();
     try {
         foreach (new DirectoryIterator(DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_emoticons/' . $this->request['emo_set']) as $file) {
             if (!$file->isDot()) {
                 if ($emo_db[$file->getFilename()] != "") {
                     $files_to_add[] = DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_emoticons/' . $this->request['emo_set'] . '/' . $file->getFilename();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     /* Add each file to the xml archive */
     foreach ($files_to_add as $f) {
     $xml->addElement('emogroup', 'emoticonexport');
     foreach ($emo_db as $r) {
         $content = array();
         $content['typed'] = $r['typed'];
         $content['image'] = $r['image'];
         $content['clickable'] = $r['clickable'];
         $xml->addElementAsRecord('emogroup', 'emoticon', $content);
     /* Create the XML Document */
     $xmlData = $xml->fetchDocument();
     /* Add the xml document to the archive */
     $xmlarchive->add($xmlData, 'emoticon_data.xml');
     /* Send the archive to the browser */
     $imagearchive = $xmlarchive->getArchiveContents();
     $this->registry->output->showDownload($imagearchive, 'ipb_emoticons.xml');
예제 #3
  * Return an XML archive
  * @return string
 public function getXmlArchive()
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXMLArchive.php';
     $xmlArchive = new classXMLArchive();
     $xml = $xmlArchive->getArchiveContents();
     return $xml;
  * Generate XML Archive for skin set
  * @access	public
  * @param	int			Skin set ID
  * @param	boolean		Modifications in this set only
  * @param	array		[Array of apps to export from. Default is all]
  * @return	string		XML
 public function generateSetXMLArchive($setID = 0, $setOnly = FALSE, $appslimit = null)
     // INIT
     $templates = array();
     $csss = array();
     $replacements = "";
     $css = "";
     $setData = $this->fetchSkinData($setID);
     // Reset handlers
     // First up... fetch templates
     $apps = new IPSApplicationsIterator();
     foreach ($apps as $app) {
         if (is_array($appslimit) and !in_array($apps->fetchAppDir(), $appslimit)) {
         if ($apps->isActive()) {
             $templates[$apps->fetchAppDir()] = $this->generateTemplateXML($apps->fetchAppDir(), $setID, $setOnly);
             $csss[$apps->fetchAppDir()] = $this->generateCSSXML($apps->fetchAppDir(), $setID, $setOnly);
     // Replacements
     $replacements = $this->generateReplacementsXML($setID, $setOnly);
     // Information
     $info = $this->generateInfoXML($setID);
     // De-bug
     foreach ($templates as $app_dir => $templateXML) {
         IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Template Export: {$app_dir}\n" . $templateXML, 'admin-setExport');
     foreach ($csss as $app_dir => $cssXML) {
         IPSDebug::addLogMessage("CSS Export: {$app_dir}\n" . $cssXML, 'admin-setExport');
     IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Replacements Export:\n" . $replacements, 'admin-setExport');
     IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Info Export:\n" . $info, 'admin-setExport');
     // Create new XML archive...
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXMLArchive.php';
     $xmlArchive = new classXMLArchive();
     # Templates
     foreach ($templates as $app_dir => $templateXML) {
         $xmlArchive->add($templateXML, "templates/" . $app_dir . ".xml");
     # CSS
     foreach ($csss as $app_dir => $cssXML) {
         $xmlArchive->add($cssXML, "css/" . $app_dir . ".xml");
     # Replacements
     $xmlArchive->add($replacements, "replacements.xml");
     # Information
     $xmlArchive->add($info, 'info.xml');
     return $xmlArchive->getArchiveContents();
  * Generate XML Archive for skin set
  * @access	public
  * @param	int			Skin set ID
  * @param	boolean		Modifications in this set only
  * @param	array		[Array of apps to export from. Default is all]
  * @return	string		XML
 public function generateSetXMLArchive($setID = 0, $setOnly = FALSE, $appslimit = null)
     // INIT
     $templates = array();
     $csss = array();
     $replacements = "";
     $css = "";
     $setData = $this->fetchSkinData($setID);
     // Reset handlers
     // First up... fetch templates
     foreach (ipsRegistry::$applications as $appDir => $data) {
         if (is_array($appslimit) and !in_array($appDir, $appslimit)) {
         if (!empty($data['app_enabled'])) {
             $templates[$appDir] = $this->generateTemplateXML($appDir, $setID, $setOnly);
             $csss[$appDir] = $this->generateCSSXML($appDir, $setID, $setOnly);
     // Replacements
     $replacements = $this->generateReplacementsXML($setID, $setOnly);
     // Information
     $info = $this->generateInfoXML($setID);
     // De-bug
     foreach ($templates as $app_dir => $templateXML) {
         IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Template Export: {$app_dir}\n" . $templateXML, 'admin-setExport', false, true, true);
     foreach ($csss as $app_dir => $cssXML) {
         IPSDebug::addLogMessage("CSS Export: {$app_dir}\n" . $cssXML, 'admin-setExport', false, true);
     IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Replacements Export:\n" . $replacements, 'admin-setExport', false, true);
     IPSDebug::addLogMessage("Info Export:\n" . $info, 'admin-setExport', false, true);
     // Create new XML archive...
     require_once IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classXMLArchive.php';
     $xmlArchive = new classXMLArchive();
     /* Add in version numbers */
     $version = IPSLib::fetchVersionNumber();
     $xmlArchive->addRootTagValues(array('ipbLongVersion' => $version['long'], 'ipbHumanVersion' => $version['human']));
     # Templates
     foreach ($templates as $app_dir => $templateXML) {
         $xmlArchive->add($templateXML, "templates/" . $app_dir . ".xml");
     # CSS
     foreach ($csss as $app_dir => $cssXML) {
         $xmlArchive->add($cssXML, "css/" . $app_dir . ".xml");
     # Replacements
     $xmlArchive->add($replacements, "replacements.xml");
     # Information
     $xmlArchive->add($info, 'info.xml');
     return $xmlArchive->getArchiveContents();