  * Draws the subscription for registrations and profile views
  * @param  string   $plansTitle              Title field of the plans (for validation texts)
  * @param  string   $selectionId             html input tag attribute id=''    field for the input
  * @param  string   $selectionName           html input tag attribute name=''  field for the input
  * @param  string   $selectionValue          html input tag attribute value='' field for the input
  * @param  string   $insertBeforePrice       HTML text to insert after description of this item but before price
  * @param  string   $insertAfterDescription  HTML text to insert after this item as sub-items
  * @param  boolean  $selected                TRUE if the item is selected
  * @param  string   $reason                  Payment reason: 'N'=new subscription (default), 'R'=renewal, 'U'=update
  * @param  boolean  $displayDescription      TRUE: display description also
  * @param  boolean  $displayPrice            TRUE: display price/price selection also
  * @param  int      $user_id                 User-id for whom the plan is drawn
  * @return string                            HTML
 public function drawProduct($plansTitle, $selectionId, $selectionName, $selectionValue, $insertBeforePrice, $insertAfterDescription, $selected, $reason, $displayDescription, $displayPrice, $user_id)
     parent::drawProduct($plansTitle, $selectionId, $selectionName, $selectionValue, $insertBeforePrice, $insertAfterDescription, $selected, $reason, $displayDescription, $displayPrice, $user_id);
     $this->periodPrice = null;
     if ($displayPrice) {
         $this->_setOptionNames($selectionId, $selectionName, true);
         $this->currency = $this->_model->get('currency');
         if (!$this->currency) {
             $this->currency = cbpaidApp::settingsParams()->get('currency_code');
         $cbpaidMoney = cbpaidMoney::getInstance();
         $currencySymbol = $cbpaidMoney->renderCurrencySymbol($this->currency, true);
         if ($cbpaidMoney->currencyAfterOrNotBefore()) {
             $currencySymbolAfter = ' ' . $currencySymbol;
             $currencySymbolBefore = '';
         } else {
             $currencySymbolAfter = '';
             $currencySymbolBefore = $currencySymbol . ' ';
         $this->fixedchoices = $this->_model->getParam('fixedchoices', 1);
         $this->defaultchoice = $this->_model->getParam('defaultchoice', '');
         $this->donateamounts = explode(',', $this->_model->getParam('donateamount', ''));
         if ($this->fixedchoices == 2 && count($this->donateamounts) == 1) {
             $this->periodPrice = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->_donselName . '" value="' . $this->donateamounts[0] . '" />' . '<span class="cbregDonationRate">' . $this->_model->displayPeriodPrice($reason, 'I', 0, null, null, true) . '</span>';
         } elseif ($this->fixedchoices > 1) {
             $options = array();
             $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('', htmlspecialchars(CBPTXT::T("--- Select amount ---")));
             $this->_valuesToOptions($options, $this->donateamounts, $this->currency);
             if ($this->fixedchoices == 3) {
                 $options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('0', htmlspecialchars(CBPTXT::T("Other...")));
             $this->periodPrice = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($options, $this->_donselName, 'class="inputbox cbregDonationSelector"', 'value', 'text', $this->defaultchoice, 2, false);
         if ($this->fixedchoices == 3) {
             $this->periodPrice = '<span class="cbregDonationSelect">' . $this->periodPrice . '</span>';
         $hiddenStyle = '';
         if ($this->fixedchoices != 2) {
             if ($this->fixedchoices == 3 && (in_array($this->defaultchoice, $this->donateamounts) || $this->defaultchoice == '')) {
                 $hiddenStyle = ' style="display:none;"';
                 $defaultDonateValue = '';
             } else {
                 $defaultDonateValue = $this->defaultchoice;
             /*	if ( ( $this->fixedchoices == 1 ) {
             					$defaultDonateValue	=	$this->defaultchoice;
             $this->periodPrice .= '<span class="cbregDonationValue" id="' . $selectionId . 'donspan' . '"' . $hiddenStyle . '>' . $currencySymbolBefore . '<input type="text" size="12" name="' . $this->_donvalName . '" id="' . $selectionId . 'donval' . '" class="inputbox cbregDonationFreeValue" value="' . htmlspecialchars($defaultDonateValue) . '"' . ' />' . $currencySymbolAfter . '</span>';
     return $this->display();
  * Draws the subscription for registrations and profile views
  * @param  string   $plansTitle              Title field of the plans (for validation texts)
  * @param  string   $selectionId             html input tag attribute id=''    field for the input
  * @param  string   $selectionName           html input tag attribute name=''  field for the input
  * @param  string   $selectionValue          html input tag attribute value='' field for the input
  * @param  string   $insertBeforePrice       HTML text to insert after description of this item but before price
  * @param  string   $insertAfterDescription  HTML text to insert after this item as sub-items
  * @param  boolean  $selected                TRUE if the item is selected
  * @param  string   $reason                  Payment reason: 'N'=new subscription (default), 'R'=renewal, 'U'=update
  * @param  boolean  $displayDescription      TRUE: display description also
  * @param  boolean  $displayPrice            TRUE: display price/price selection also
  * @param  int      $user_id                 User id
  * @return string
 public function drawProduct($plansTitle, $selectionId, $selectionName, $selectionValue, $insertBeforePrice, $insertAfterDescription, $selected, $reason, $displayDescription, $displayPrice, $user_id)
     parent::drawProduct($plansTitle, $selectionId, $selectionName, $selectionValue, $insertBeforePrice, $insertAfterDescription, $selected, $reason, $displayDescription, $displayPrice, $user_id);
     if ($displayPrice) {
         $this->periodPrice = $this->_model->displayPeriodPrice($reason, 'I', 0, null, null, true);
         if (strtolower($this->_model->get('pricedisplay')) == '[automatic]') {
             $this->periodPrice .= '.';
     } else {
         $this->periodPrice = null;
     return $this->display();