예제 #1
  * Returns HTML <select> element containing the specified list, or portion of the list.
  * @param mixed $pm_list_name_or_id
  * @param string $ps_name
  * @param array $pa_attributes 
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options. Valid options include:
  * 	childrenOnlyForItemID = if set only items below item_id in the list item hierarchy are returned. Default (null) is to return all items in the list.
  * 	directChildrenOnly = if set only items with item_id=childrenOnlyForItemID as parent in the list item hierarchy are returned. Default (null) is to return all items in the list.
  *  nullOption = if set then a "null" (no value) option is available labeled with the value passed in this option
  *  additionalOptions = an optional array of options that will be passed through to caHTMLSelect; keys are display labels and values are used as option values
  *  value = if set, the <select> will have default selection set to the item whose *value* matches the option value. If none is set then the first item in the list will be selected
  *  key = ca_list_item field to be used as value for the <select> element list; can be set to either item_id or item_value; default is item_id
  *	width = the display width of the list in characters or pixels
  *  limitToItemsWithID = An optional array of list item_ids. Item_ids not in the array will be omitted from the returned list.
  *  omitItemsWithID = An optional array of list item_ids. Item_ids in the array will be omitted from the returned list.
  *  disableItemsWithID = An optional array of list item_ids. Item_ids in the array will be disabled in the returned list.	
  *	limitToItemsRelatedToCollections = an array of collection_ids or collection idno's; returned items will be restricted to those attached to the specified collections
  *	limitToItemsRelatedToCollectionWithRelationshipTypes = array of collection type names or type_ids; returned items will be restricted to those attached to the specified collectionss with the specified relationship type
  *	limitToListIDs = array of list_ids to restrict returned items to when using "limitToItemsRelatedToCollections"
  *  indentForHierarchy = indicate hierarchy with indentation. [Default is true]
  * 	transaction = transaction to perform database operations within. [Default is null]
  *  useDefaultWhenNull = if a list has a null value the default value is typically ignored and null used as the initial value; set this option to use the default in all cases [Default=false]
  * @return string - HTML code for the <select> element; empty string if the list is empty
 public static function getListAsHTMLFormElement($pm_list_name_or_id, $ps_name, $pa_attributes = null, $pa_options = null)
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     if ($o_trans = caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null)) {
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     if (!(isset($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollection']) && is_array($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollections']))) {
         $vn_list_id = $t_list->_getListID($pm_list_name_or_id);
     $vn_root_id = isset($pa_options['childrenOnlyForItemID']) && $pa_options['childrenOnlyForItemID'] ? $pa_options['childrenOnlyForItemID'] : null;
     $va_disabled_item_ids = caGetOption('disableItemsWithID', $pa_options, null);
     $vs_render_as = isset($pa_options['render']) ? $pa_options['render'] : '';
     $vn_sort_type = $t_list->get('default_sort');
     if ($vs_render_as == 'yes_no_checkboxes' && $vn_sort_type == __CA_LISTS_SORT_BY_LABEL__) {
         $vn_sort_type = __CA_LISTS_SORT_BY_IDENTIFIER__;
         // never allow sort-by-label when rendering as yes/no checkbox
     if (!in_array($vs_render_as, array('lookup', 'horiz_hierbrowser', 'vert_hierbrowser'))) {
         if (isset($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollections']) && is_array($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollections'])) {
             $t_collection = new ca_collections();
             $va_collection_ids = array();
             foreach ($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollections'] as $vn_collection_id) {
                 if ($vn_collection_id && !is_numeric($vn_collection_id)) {
                     if ($vn_collection_id = $t_collection->load(array('idno' => $vn_collection_id))) {
                         $va_collection_ids[] = $vn_collection_id;
                 } else {
                     if ($vn_collection_id) {
                         $va_collection_ids[] = $vn_collection_id;
             if (sizeof($va_collection_ids)) {
                 $qr_collections = $t_list->makeSearchResult('ca_collections', $va_collection_ids, array('restrictToRelationshipTypes' => isset($pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollectionWithRelationshipTypes']) ? $pa_options['limitToItemsRelatedToCollectionWithRelationshipTypes'] : null));
                 $va_item_ids = array();
                 while ($qr_collections->nextHit()) {
                     $va_list_items = $qr_collections->get('ca_list_items', array('returnAsArray' => true));
                     foreach ($va_list_items as $vn_rel_id => $va_list_item) {
                         $va_item_ids[$vn_rel_id] = $va_list_item['item_id'];
                 if ($va_limit_to_listIDs = isset($pa_options['limitToListIDs']) && is_array($pa_options['limitToListIDs']) ? $pa_options['limitToListIDs'] : null) {
                     // for some reason the option comes back as array(0 => null) if no list is selected in UI
                     // -> have to make sure to catch this case here
                     if (sizeof($va_limit_to_listIDs) == 1 && empty($va_limit_to_listIDs[0])) {
                         $va_limit_to_listIDs = null;
                 if (is_array($va_limit_to_listIDs) && sizeof($va_item_ids)) {
                     // filter out items from tables we don't want
                     $qr_list_items = $t_list->makeSearchResult("ca_list_items", array_values($va_item_ids));
                     while ($qr_list_items->nextHit()) {
                         if (!in_array($qr_list_items->get('ca_list_items.list_id'), $va_limit_to_listIDs)) {
                             if (is_array($va_k = array_keys($va_item_ids, $qr_list_items->get('ca_list_items.item_id')))) {
                                 foreach ($va_k as $vs_k) {
         } else {
             $va_list_items = $t_list->getItemsForList($pm_list_name_or_id, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnHierarchyLevels' => caGetOption('indentForHierarchy', $pa_options, true), 'item_id' => $vn_root_id, 'extractValuesByUserLocale' => true, 'sort' => $vn_sort_type)));
     if (!is_array($va_list_items)) {
         $va_list_items = array();
     $va_options = array();
     $va_disabled_options = array();
     if (!isset($pa_options['value'])) {
         $pa_options['value'] = null;
     if (!isset($pa_options['key'])) {
         $pa_options['key'] = 'item_id';
     if (!in_array($pa_options['key'], array('item_id', 'item_value'))) {
         $pa_options['key'] = 'item_id';
     if (!isset($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID']) || !is_array($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID']) || !sizeof($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'])) {
         $pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'] = null;
     if (!isset($pa_options['omitItemsWithID']) || !is_array($pa_options['omitItemsWithID']) || !sizeof($pa_options['omitItemsWithID'])) {
         $pa_options['omitItemsWithID'] = null;
     if (isset($pa_options['nullOption']) && $pa_options['nullOption'] && $vs_render_as != 'checklist') {
         $va_options[''] = $pa_options['nullOption'];
     if (is_array($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID']) && sizeof($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'])) {
         // expand limit list to include parents of items that are included
         $va_to_add = array();
         foreach ($va_list_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
             if (($vn_parent_id = $va_item['parent_id']) && in_array($vn_item_id, $pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'])) {
                 $va_to_add[$vn_parent_id] = true;
                 while ($vn_parent_id = $va_list_items[$vn_parent_id]['parent_id']) {
                     if ($va_list_items[$vn_parent_id]['parent_id']) {
                         $va_to_add[$va_list_items[$vn_parent_id]['parent_id']] = true;
         $pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'] += array_keys($va_to_add);
     $pa_check_access = caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null);
     if (!is_array($pa_check_access) && $pa_check_access) {
         $va_check_access = array($va_check_access);
     $va_in_use_list = null;
     if ($pa_options['inUse'] && (int) $pa_options['element_id'] && $pa_options['table']) {
         $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
         if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstance($pa_options['table'], true)) {
             $va_params = array((int) $pa_options['element_id']);
             if (is_array($pa_check_access) && sizeof($pa_check_access)) {
                 $va_params[] = $pa_check_access;
             $qr_in_use = $t_list->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT cav.item_id\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attribute_values cav\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_attributes AS ca ON ca.attribute_id = cav.attribute_id\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . $t_instance->tableName() . " AS t ON t." . $t_instance->primaryKey() . " = ca.row_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(cav.element_id = ?) AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca.table_num = " . $t_instance->tableNum() . ") \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($t_instance->hasField('deleted') ? " AND (t.deleted = 0)" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (is_array($pa_check_access) && sizeof($pa_check_access) ? " AND t.access IN (?)" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t", $va_params);
             $va_in_use_list = $qr_in_use->getAllFieldValues('item_id');
     $va_colors = array();
     $vn_default_val = null;
     foreach ($va_list_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
         if (is_array($pa_options['limitToItemsWithID']) && !in_array($vn_item_id, $pa_options['limitToItemsWithID'])) {
         if (is_array($pa_options['omitItemsWithID']) && in_array($vn_item_id, $pa_options['omitItemsWithID'])) {
         if (is_array($va_in_use_list) && !in_array($vn_item_id, $va_in_use_list)) {
         $va_options[$va_item[$pa_options['key']]] = str_repeat('&nbsp;', intval($va_item['LEVEL']) * 3) . ' ' . $va_item['name_singular'];
         if (!$va_item['is_enabled'] || is_array($va_disabled_item_ids) && in_array($vn_item_id, $va_disabled_item_ids)) {
             $va_disabled_options[$va_item[$pa_options['key']]] = true;
         $va_colors[$vn_item_id] = $va_item['color'];
         if ($va_item['is_default']) {
             $vn_default_val = $va_item[$pa_options['key']];
         // get default value
         if ($va_item['is_default'] && (!isset($pa_options['nullOption']) || isset($pa_options['useDefaultWhenNull']) && (bool) $pa_options['useDefaultWhenNull'])) {
             // set default if needed, but only if there's not a null option set
             if (!is_array($pa_options['value']) && (!isset($pa_options['value']) || !strlen($pa_options['value']))) {
                 $pa_options['value'] = $vn_default_val;
             } else {
                 if (is_array($pa_options['value']) && !sizeof($pa_options['value'])) {
                     $pa_options['value'] = array(0 => $vn_default_val);
     if (isset($pa_options['additionalOptions']) && is_array($pa_options['additionalOptions'])) {
         $va_options = array_merge($va_options, array_flip($pa_options['additionalOptions']));
     $pa_options['disabledOptions'] = $va_disabled_options;
     switch ($vs_render_as) {
         case 'radio_buttons':
             if (!sizeof($va_options)) {
                 return '';
             // return empty string if list has no values
             $vn_c = 0;
             $vn_i = 0;
             $vs_buf = "<table>\n";
             foreach ($va_options as $vm_value => $vs_label) {
                 if ($vn_c == 0) {
                     $vs_buf .= "<tr>";
                 $va_attributes = array('value' => $vm_value);
                 if (isset($va_disabled_options[$vm_value]) && $va_disabled_options[$vm_value]) {
                     $va_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
                 $va_attributes['value'] = $vm_value;
                 $va_attributes['id'] = $ps_name . '_' . $vn_i;
                 if ($pa_options['value'] == $vm_value) {
                     $va_attributes['checked'] = '1';
                 if (isset($pa_options['readonly']) && $pa_options['readonly']) {
                     $va_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
                 $vs_buf .= "<td>" . caHTMLRadioButtonInput($ps_name, $va_attributes, $pa_options) . " {$vs_label}</td>";
                 if ($vn_c >= $pa_options['maxColumns']) {
                     $vn_c = 0;
                     $vs_buf .= "</tr>\n";
             if ($vn_c != 0) {
                 $vs_buf .= "</tr>\n";
             $vs_buf .= "</table>";
             return $vs_buf;
         case 'yes_no_checkboxes':
             if (!sizeof($va_options)) {
                 return '';
             // return empty string if list has no values
             $vn_c = 0;
             $vb_is_checked = false;
             if (!$pa_options['value']) {
                 $pa_options['value'] = (string) $vn_default_val;
             foreach ($va_options as $vm_value => $vs_label) {
                 if (strlen($vm_value) == 0) {
                 // don't count null values when calculating the first value for the yes/no
                 switch ($vn_c) {
                     case 0:
                         if ($pa_options['value'] === (string) $vm_value) {
                             $vb_is_checked = true;
                         $pa_attributes['value'] = $pa_options['value'] = $vm_value;
                         $pa_options['label'] = $vs_label;
                     case 1:
                         $pa_options['returnValueIfUnchecked'] = $vm_value;
                         // exit
                         break 2;
             if ($vb_is_checked) {
                 $pa_attributes['checked'] = 1;
             if (isset($pa_options['readonly']) && $pa_options['readonly']) {
                 $pa_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
             return caHTMLCheckboxInput($ps_name, $pa_attributes, $pa_options);
         case 'checklist':
             if (!sizeof($va_options)) {
                 return '';
             // return empty string if list has no values
             $vn_c = 0;
             $vs_buf = "<table>\n";
             foreach ($va_options as $vm_value => $vs_label) {
                 if ($vn_c == 0) {
                     $vs_buf .= "<tr valign='top'>";
                 $va_attributes = array('value' => $vm_value);
                 if (isset($va_disabled_options[$vm_value]) && $va_disabled_options[$vm_value]) {
                     $va_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
                 if (isset($pa_options['readonly']) && $pa_options['readonly']) {
                     $va_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
                 if (is_array($pa_options['value']) && in_array($vm_value, $pa_options['value'])) {
                     $va_attributes['checked'] = '1';
                 $vs_buf .= "<td>" . caHTMLCheckboxInput($ps_name . '_' . $vm_value, $va_attributes, $pa_options) . " {$vs_label}</td><td> </td>";
                 if ($vn_c >= $pa_options['maxColumns']) {
                     $vn_c = 0;
                     $vs_buf .= "</tr>\n";
             if ($vn_c != 0) {
                 $vs_buf .= "</tr>\n";
             $vs_buf .= "</table>";
             return $vs_buf;
         case 'lookup':
             $vs_value = $vs_hidden_value = "";
             if (caGetOption('forSearch', $pa_options)) {
                 if ($vs_val_id = caGetOption('value', $pa_options)) {
                     $vs_value = $t_list->getItemFromListForDisplayByItemID($pm_list_name_or_id, $vs_val_id);
                     $vs_hidden_value = $vs_val_id;
             } else {
                 $vs_value = "{" . $pa_options['element_id'] . "_label}";
                 $vs_hidden_value = "{" . $pa_options['element_id'] . "}";
             $vs_buf = caHTMLTextInput($ps_name . '_autocomplete', array('width' => isset($pa_options['width']) && $pa_options['width'] > 0 ? $pa_options['width'] : 300, 'height' => isset($pa_options['height']) && $pa_options['height'] > 0 ? $pa_options['height'] : 1, 'value' => $vs_value, 'maxlength' => 512, 'id' => $ps_name . "_autocomplete", 'class' => 'lookupBg')) . caHTMLHiddenInput($ps_name, array('value' => $vs_hidden_value, 'id' => $ps_name));
             if ($pa_options['request']) {
                 $vs_url = caNavUrl($pa_options['request'], 'lookup', 'ListItem', 'Get', array('list' => ca_lists::getListCode($vn_list_id), 'noInline' => 1, 'noSymbols' => 1, 'max' => 100));
             } else {
                 // hardcoded default for testing.
                 $vs_url = '/index.php/lookup/ListItem/Get';
             $vs_buf .= '</div>';
             $vs_buf .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_name}_autocomplete').autocomplete({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsource: '{$vs_url}', minLength: 3, delay: 800, html: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect: function(event, ui) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (parseInt(ui.item.id) > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_name}').val(ui.item.id);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_name}_autocomplete').val('');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_name}').val('');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t";
             return $vs_buf;
         case 'horiz_hierbrowser':
         case 'horiz_hierbrowser_with_search':
         case 'vert_hierbrowser':
             $va_width = caParseFormElementDimension($pa_options['width'] ? $pa_options['width'] : $pa_options['width']);
             if ($va_width['type'] != 'pixels' && $va_width['dimension'] < 250) {
                 $va_width['dimension'] = 500;
             $vn_width = $va_width['dimension'] . 'px';
             $va_height = caParseFormElementDimension($pa_options['height']);
             if ($va_height['type'] != 'pixels' && $va_height['dimension'] < 100) {
                 $va_height['dimension'] = 200;
             $vn_height = $va_height['dimension'] . 'px';
             $t_root_item = new ca_list_items();
             $t_root_item->load(array('list_id' => $vn_list_id, 'parent_id' => null));
             // don't set fixed container height when autoshrink is turned on, because we want it to grow/shrink with the
             // hier browser element ... set max height for autoshrink instead
             $vn_autoshrink_height = 180;
             if (caGetOption('auto_shrink', $pa_options, false)) {
                 $vn_height = null;
                 $vn_autoshrink_height = (int) $va_height['dimension'];
             $vs_buf = "<div style='width: {$vn_width}; " . ($vn_height ? "height: {$vn_height}" : "") . ";'><div id='{$ps_name}_hierarchyBrowser{n}' style='width: 100%; height: 100%;' class='" . ($vs_render_as == 'vert_hierbrowser' ? 'hierarchyBrowserVertical' : 'hierarchyBrowser') . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- Content for hierarchy browser is dynamically inserted here by ca.hierbrowser -->\n\t\t\t\t</div><!-- end hierarchyBrowser -->\t</div>";
             $vs_buf .= "\n\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() { \n\t\t\tvar oHierBrowser = caUI.initHierBrowser('{$ps_name}_hierarchyBrowser{n}', {\n\t\t\t\tuiStyle: '" . ($vs_render_as == 'vert_hierbrowser' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal') . "',\n\t\t\t\tlevelDataUrl: '" . caNavUrl($pa_options['request'], 'lookup', 'ListItem', 'GetHierarchyLevel', array('noSymbols' => 1)) . "',\n\t\t\t\tinitDataUrl: '" . caNavUrl($pa_options['request'], 'lookup', 'ListItem', 'GetHierarchyAncestorList') . "',\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tselectOnLoad : true,\n\t\t\t\tbrowserWidth: " . (int) $va_width['dimension'] . ",\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tclassName: '" . ($vs_render_as == 'vert_hierbrowser' ? 'hierarchyBrowserLevelVertical' : 'hierarchyBrowserLevel') . "',\n\t\t\t\tclassNameContainer: '" . ($vs_render_as == 'vert_hierbrowser' ? 'hierarchyBrowserContainerVertical' : 'hierarchyBrowserContainer') . "',\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\teditButtonIcon: \"" . caNavIcon($pa_options['request'], __CA_NAV_BUTTON_RIGHT_ARROW__) . "\",\n\t\t\t\tdisabledButtonIcon: \"" . caNavIcon($pa_options['request'], __CA_NAV_BUTTON_DOT__) . "\",\n\t\t\t\tinitItemID: '{" . $pa_options['element_id'] . "}',\n\t\t\t\tdefaultItemID: '" . $t_list->getDefaultItemID() . "',\n\t\t\t\tuseAsRootID: '" . $t_root_item->getPrimaryKey() . "',\n\t\t\t\tindicatorUrl: '" . $pa_options['request']->getThemeUrlPath() . "/graphics/icons/indicator.gif',\n\t\t\t\tautoShrink: '" . (caGetOption('auto_shrink', $pa_options, false) ? 'true' : 'false') . "',\n\t\t\t\tautoShrinkAnimateID: '{$ps_name}_hierarchyBrowser{n}',\n\t\t\t\tautoShrinkMaxHeightPx: {$vn_autoshrink_height},\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tcurrentSelectionDisplayID: '{$ps_name}_browseCurrentSelectionText{n}',\n\t\t\t\tonSelection: function(item_id, parent_id, name, display) {\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_name}').val(item_id);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n";
             if ($vs_render_as == 'horiz_hierbrowser_with_search') {
                 $vs_buf .= "jQuery('#{$ps_name}_hierarchyBrowserSearch{n}').autocomplete(\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsource: '" . caNavUrl($pa_options['request'], 'lookup', 'ListItem', 'Get', array('list' => ca_lists::getListCode($vn_list_id), 'noSymbols' => 1)) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\tminLength: 3, delay: 800,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tselect: function(event, ui) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toHierBrowser.setUpHierarchy(ui.item.id);\t// jump browser to selected item\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t);";
             $vs_buf .= "});\n\t</script>";
             if ($vs_render_as == 'horiz_hierbrowser_with_search') {
                 $vs_buf .= "<div class='hierarchyBrowserSearchBar'>" . _t('Search') . ": <input type='text' id='{$ps_name}_hierarchyBrowserSearch{n}' class='hierarchyBrowserSearchBar' name='search' value='' size='20'/></div>";
             if ($vs_render_as != 'vert_hierbrowser') {
                 $vs_buf .= "<div id='{$ps_name}_browseCurrentSelection{n}' class='hierarchyBrowserCurrentSelection'>" . _t("Current selection") . ": <span id='{$ps_name}_browseCurrentSelectionText{n}' class='hierarchyBrowserCurrentSelectionText'>?</span></div>";
             $vs_buf .= caHTMLHiddenInput($ps_name, array('value' => "{" . $pa_options['element_id'] . "}", 'id' => $ps_name));
             return $vs_buf;
         case 'text':
             return caHTMLTextInput($ps_name, $pa_attributes, $pa_options);
         case 'options':
             return $va_options;
             if (!sizeof($va_options)) {
                 return '';
             // return empty string if list has no values
             if (isset($pa_options['readonly']) && $pa_options['readonly']) {
                 $pa_attributes['disabled'] = 1;
             return caHTMLSelect($ps_name, $va_options, $pa_attributes, array_merge($pa_options, array('contentArrayUsesKeysForValues' => true, 'colors' => $va_colors, 'height' => null)));