예제 #1
 /** Render the index pages and rss
 public function indexAction()
     if (in_array($this->_helper->contextSwitch()->getCurrentContext(), array('rss', 'atom'))) {
         $vacs = new Vacancies();
         $vacs = $vacs->getJobs(25);
         $feedArray = array('title' => 'Current vacancies at the Portable Antiquities Scheme', 'link' => $this->view->CurUrl(), 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'description' => 'The latest vacancies at the Portable Antiquities Scheme', 'author' => 'The Portable Antiquities Scheme', 'image' => Zend_Registry::get('siteurl') . '/images/logos/pas.gif', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'copyright' => 'Creative Commons Licenced', 'generator' => 'The Scheme database powered by Zend Framework and Dan\'s magic', 'language' => 'en', 'entries' => array());
         foreach ($vacs as $vac) {
             $feedArray['entries'][] = array('title' => $vac['title'] . ' - ' . $vac['staffregions'], 'link' => Zend_Registry::get('siteurl') . '/getinvolved/vacancies/vacancy/id/' . $vac['id'], 'guid' => Zend_Registry::get('siteurl') . '/getinvolved/vacancies/vacancy/id/' . $vac['id'], 'description' => strip_tags(substr($vac['specification'], 0, 300)), 'lastUpdate' => strtotime($vac['created']), 'content' => strip_tags($vac['specification'], ''));
         $feed = Zend_Feed::importArray($feedArray, $this->_getParam('format'));
     } else {
         $vacs = new Vacancies();
         $this->view->vacs = $vacs->getLiveJobs($this->_getParam('page'));
         //		$links = new Links();
         //		$this->view->links = $links->getLinksByType('5');
예제 #2
 /** Render the index pages and rss
  * @access public
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->vacs = $this->_vacancies->getLiveJobs($this->getParam('page'));
예제 #3
 /** Render the index pages and rss
  * @access public
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->vacs = $this->_vacancies->getLiveJobs($this->getParam('page'));
     $this->view->delicious = $this->_helper->config()->webservice->delicious;