public function saveAction()
     $values = Zend_Json::decode($this->getParam("data"));
     // convert all special characters to their entities so the xml writer can put it into the file
     $values = array_htmlspecialchars($values);
     try {
         $sphinx_config = new SphinxSearch_Config();
         $plugin_config = new SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin();
         $config_data = $plugin_config->getData();
         $config_data["path"]["pid"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_pid"];
         $config_data["path"]["querylog"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_querylog"];
         $config_data["path"]["log"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_logfile"];
         $config_data["path"]["indexer"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_indexer"];
         $config_data["path"]["phpcli"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_phpcli"];
         $config_data["path"]["searchd"] = $values["sphinxsearch.path_searchd"];
         $config_data["indexer"]["period"] = $values["sphinxsearch.indexer_period"];
         $config_data["indexer"]["runwithmaintenance"] = $values["sphinxsearch.indexer_maintenance"] == "true" ? "true" : "false";
         $config_data["indexer"]["onchange"] = $values["sphinxsearch.indexer_onchange"];
         $config_data["documents"]["use_i18n"] = $values["sphinxsearch.documents_i18n"] == "true" ? "true" : "false";
         $config_data["searchd"]["port"] = $values["sphinxsearch.searchd_port"];
         $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
  * Returns an instance of SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin
  * Singleton pattern implementation
  * @return SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin
 public static function getInstance()
     if (null === self::$_instance) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
 public function __construct($query)
     $this->query = $query;
     $max_results = intval(SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("results", "maxresults"));
     $this->limit = $max_results;
     $SphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $this->SphinxClient = $SphinxClient;
     $SphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@weight DESC");
     $SphinxClient->setServer("localhost", SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("searchd", "port"));
     // Sphinx Client is to always return everything - it's just IDs
     // Paginator is then to cast the necessary Items, this can be done
     // with offset/limit
     $SphinxClient->setLimits(0, $max_results, $max_results);
 public static function queryDocument($query, $params = array())
     if (trim($query) == "") {
         return array();
     $sphinx_config = SphinxSearch_Config::getInstance();
     $documents_config = $sphinx_config->getDocumentsAsArray();
     $SphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $entries = array();
     $language = "all";
     if (SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("documents", "use_i18n") == "true") {
         if (array_key_exists("language", $params)) {
             $language = $params["language"];
         } else {
             $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
             $language = $locale->getLanguage();
     $field_weights = array();
     $indexes = array();
     foreach ($documents_config as $document_name => $document_properties) {
         $indexes[] = "idx_document_" . $document_name . "_" . $language;
         foreach ($document_properties["elements"] as $field_name => $field_config) {
             if (array_key_exists("weight", $field_config) && intval($field_config["weight"]) > 0) {
                 $field_weights[$field_name] = intval($field_config["weight"]);
     if (sizeof($field_weights) > 0) {
     $search_result = $SphinxClient->Query($query, implode(", ", $indexes));
     if ($search_result === false) {
         throw new Exception($SphinxClient->GetLastError());
     if ($search_result["total_found"] > 0) {
         foreach ($search_result["matches"] as $id => $meta) {
             $entries[] = array("result" => Document::getById($id), "id" => $id, "meta" => $meta, "type" => "document");
     return $entries;
 public static function runIndexer($index_name = null)
     if (is_null($index_name)) {
         $index_name = "--all";
     $lockfile = SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lock.txt";
     $output = array();
     try {
         $indexer = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("path", "indexer");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $indexer = "/usr/bin/indexer";
     if (!(is_file($indexer) && is_executable($indexer))) {
         $message = "SphinxSearch Indexer could not be executed at " . $indexer;
         $output[] = $message;
         $return_var = 1;
     } else {
         $fp = @fopen($lockfile, "a+");
         if ($fp === false) {
             $message = "SphinxSearch Indexer could open lockfile " . $lockfile;
             $output[] = $message;
             $return_var = 1;
         } else {
             if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
                 logger::debug("SphinxSearch Indexer locked with " . $lockfile);
                 ftruncate($fp, 0);
                 fwrite($fp, getmypid());
                 $return_var = null;
                 exec("{$indexer} --config " . SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sphinx.conf " . $index_name . (self::isSearchdRunning() ? " --rotate " : ""), $output, $return_var);
                 if ($return_var == 0) {
                     SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::setValue("indexer", "lastrun", time());
                 flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
                 // release the lock
                 logger::debug("SphinxSearch Indexer unlocked" . $lockfile);
             } else {
                 $message = "SphinxSearch Indexer is not executed: locked with " . $lockfile;
                 $output[] = $message;
                 $return_var = 1;
     return array("output" => implode("\n", $output), "return_var" => $return_var);
    public function writeSphinxConfig()
        $pimcore_config = Pimcore_Config::getSystemConfig();
        $params = $pimcore_config->database->params;
        $db_host = $params->host;
        $db_user = $params->username;
        $db_password = $params->password;
        $db_name = $params->dbname;
        $db_port = $params->port;
        $index_path = SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "index";
        $pid_path = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("path", "pid");
        $logfile_path = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("path", "log");
        $querylog_path = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("path", "querylog");
        $port = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("searchd", "port");
        if (substr($pid_path, 0, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $pid_path = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pid_path;
        if (substr($logfile_path, 0, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $logfile_path = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logfile_path;
        if (substr($querylog_path, 0, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $querylog_path = PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $querylog_path;
        $config = <<<EOL

mem_limit = 32M

port = {$port}
log = {$logfile_path}
query_log = {$querylog_path}
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = {$pid_path}
max_matches = 1000
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 0
unlink_old = 1

        $indexer = SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("path", "phpcli") . " " . $cli_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "index_documents.php";
        $documents_config = $this->getDocumentsAsArray();
        $languages = array("all");
        if (SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("documents", "use_i18n") == "true") {
            $languages = Pimcore_Tool::getValidLanguages();
        foreach ($languages as $lang) {
            foreach ($documents_config as $document_name => $document_properties) {
                $source_name = "document_" . $document_name . "_" . $lang;
                $index_name = "idx_document_" . $document_name . "_" . $lang;
                $document_index_path = $index_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "document_" . $document_name . "_" . $lang;
                $config .= <<<EOL

source {$source_name} {
    type = xmlpipe2
    xmlpipe_command = {$indexer} -d {$document_name} -l {$lang}

index {$index_name} {
    source = {$source_name}
    path   = {$document_index_path}
    charset_type = utf-8

        foreach ($this->getClasses()->children() as $class) {
             * @var $class SimpleXMLElement
            $class_name = $class->getName();
            $object_class = Object_Class::getByName($class_name);
            $fields = array("oo_id", "o_creationDate", "o_modificationDate", "o_published", "o_type");
            $attributes = array("o_creationDate" => "sql_attr_timestamp", "o_modificationDate" => "sql_attr_timestamp", "o_published" => "sql_field_string", "o_type" => "sql_field_string");
            foreach ($class->children() as $field) {
                $fields[] = $field->attributes()->name;
                if ($field->attributes()->field_type) {
                    $attributes[$field->attributes()->name->__toString()] = $field->attributes()->field_type;
            $fields = "`" . implode("`,`", $fields) . "`";
            $attributes_definition = "";
            foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
                $attributes_definition .= "        {$value} = {$key}\n";
                // Yes, really $value first
            // Do we have localized fields?
            if ($object_class->getFieldDefinition("localizedfields")) {
                $pimcore_languages = Pimcore_Tool::getValidLanguages();
                foreach ($pimcore_languages as $lang) {
                    $source_class_name = $class_name . "_" . $lang;
                    $table = "object_localized_" . $object_class->getId() . "_" . $lang;
                    $config .= <<<EOL
source {$source_class_name}
        type                    = mysql

        sql_host                = {$db_host}
        sql_user                = {$db_user}
        sql_pass                = {$db_password}
        sql_db                  = {$db_name}
        sql_port                = {$db_port}  # optional, default is 3306

        sql_query               = SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table}
        sql_query_info          = SELECT oo_id FROM {$table} WHERE oo_id=\$id

index idx_{$source_class_name}
        source                  = {$source_class_name}
        path                    = {$index_path}/{$source_class_name}
        docinfo                 = extern
        charset_type            = utf-8

        min_word_len            = 1
        min_prefix_len          = 0
        min_infix_len           = 1

            } else {
                $table = "object_" . $object_class->getId();
                $document_index_path = $index_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $class_name;
                $config .= <<<EOL
source {$class_name}
        type                    = mysql

        sql_host                = {$db_host}
        sql_user                = {$db_user}
        sql_pass                = {$db_password}
        sql_db                  = {$db_name}
        sql_port                = {$db_port}  # optional, default is 3306

        sql_query               = SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table}
        sql_query_info          = SELECT oo_id FROM {$table} WHERE oo_id=\$id

index idx_{$class_name}
        source                  = {$class_name}
        path                    = {$document_index_path}
        docinfo                 = extern
        charset_type            = utf-8

        min_word_len            = 1
        min_prefix_len          = 0
        min_infix_len           = 1

        if (is_dir(SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sphinx.conf.d")) {
            foreach (glob(SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sphinx.conf.d/*.conf") as $filename) {
                $config .= file_get_contents($filename);
        file_put_contents(SPHINX_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sphinx.conf", $config);