getTypeName() 정적인 공개 메소드

static public getTypeName ( $nb )
  * @see CommonGLPI::getTabNameForItem()
 function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0)
     switch ($item->getType()) {
         case 'User':
             if (!$withtemplate) {
                 $nb = 0;
                 if ($_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs']) {
                     $nb = self::countForUserLicense($item->getID());
                 return array(1 => self::createTabEntry(SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(2), $nb));
     return '';
예제 #2
  * Display form to unlock fields and links
  * @param CommonDBTM $item the source item
 static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item)
     global $DB;
     $ID = $item->getID();
     $itemtype = $item->getType();
     $header = false;
     //If user doesn't have write right on the item, lock form must not be displayed
     if (!$item->canCreate()) {
         return false;
     echo "<div width='50%'>";
     echo "<form method='post' id='lock_form'\n             name='lock_form' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$ID}'>\n";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='itemtype' value='{$itemtype}'>\n";
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr><th colspan='2''>" . __('Locked items') . "</th></tr>";
     //Use a hook to allow external inventory tools to manage per field lock
     $results = Plugin::doHookFunction('display_locked_fields', array('item' => $item, 'header' => $header));
     $header |= $results['header'];
     //Special locks for computers only
     if ($itemtype == 'Computer') {
         //Locks for items recorded in glpi_computers_items table
         $types = array('Monitor', 'Peripheral', 'Printer');
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $params = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1, 'computers_id' => $ID, 'itemtype' => $type);
             $params['FIELDS'] = array('id', 'items_id');
             $first = true;
             foreach ($DB->request('glpi_computers_items', $params) as $line) {
                 $tmp = new $type();
                 $header = true;
                 if ($first) {
                     echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . $type::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
                     $first = false;
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
                 echo "<input type='checkbox' name='Computer_Item[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
                 echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $tmp->getName() . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
         $types = array('ComputerDisk', 'ComputerVirtualMachine');
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $params = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1, 'computers_id' => $ID);
             $params['FIELDS'] = array('id', 'name');
             $first = true;
             foreach ($DB->request(getTableForItemType($type), $params) as $line) {
                 $header = true;
                 if ($first) {
                     echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . $type::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
                     $first = false;
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
                 echo "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $type . "[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
                 echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $line['name'] . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>\n";
         //Software versions
         $params = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1, 'computers_id' => $ID);
         $first = true;
         $query = "SELECT `csv`.`id` AS `id`,\n                           `sv`.`name` AS `version`,\n                           `s`.`name` AS `software`\n                    FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions` AS csv\n                    LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions` AS sv\n                       ON (`csv`.`softwareversions_id` = `sv`.`id`)\n                    LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares` AS s\n                       ON (`sv`.`softwares_id` = `s`.`id`)\n                    WHERE `csv`.`is_deleted` = '1'\n                          AND `csv`.`is_dynamic` = '1'\n                          AND `csv`.`computers_id` = '{$ID}'";
         foreach ($DB->request($query) as $line) {
             $header = true;
             if ($first) {
                 echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . Software::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
                 $first = false;
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
             echo "<input type='checkbox' name='Computer_SoftwareVersion[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
             echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $line['software'] . " " . $line['version'] . "</td>";
             echo "</tr>\n";
         //Software licenses
         $params = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1, 'computers_id' => $ID);
         $first = true;
         $query = "SELECT `csv`.`id` AS `id`,\n                           `sv`.`name` AS `version`,\n                           `s`.`name` AS `software`\n                    FROM `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses` AS csv\n                    LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwarelicenses` AS sv\n                       ON (`csv`.`softwarelicenses_id` = `sv`.`id`)\n                    LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares` AS s\n                       ON (`sv`.`softwares_id` = `s`.`id`)\n                    WHERE `csv`.`is_deleted` = '1'\n                          AND `csv`.`is_dynamic` = '1'\n                          AND `csv`.`computers_id` = '{$ID}'";
         foreach ($DB->request($query) as $line) {
             $header = true;
             if ($first) {
                 echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(2) . "</th>" . "</tr>\n";
                 $first = false;
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
             echo "<input type='checkbox' name='Computer_SoftwareLicense[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
             echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $line['software'] . " " . $line['version'] . "</td>";
             echo "</tr>\n";
     $first = true;
     $item = new NetworkPort();
     $params = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 1, 'items_id' => $ID, 'itemtype' => $itemtype);
     $params['FIELDS'] = array('id');
     foreach ($DB->request('glpi_networkports', $params) as $line) {
         $header = true;
         if ($first) {
             echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . NetworkPort::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
             $first = false;
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
         echo "<input type='checkbox' name='NetworkPort[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
         echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $item->getName() . "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     $first = true;
     $item = new NetworkName();
     $params = array('`glpi_networknames`.`is_dynamic`' => 1, '`glpi_networknames`.`is_deleted`' => 1, '`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype`' => 'NetworkPort', '`glpi_networknames`.`items_id`' => '`glpi_networkports`.`id`', '`glpi_networkports`.`items_id`' => $ID, '`glpi_networkports`.`itemtype`' => $itemtype);
     $params['FIELDS'] = array('glpi_networknames' => 'id');
     foreach ($DB->request(array('glpi_networknames', 'glpi_networkports'), $params) as $line) {
         $header = true;
         if ($first) {
             echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . NetworkName::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
             $first = false;
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
         echo "<input type='checkbox' name='NetworkName[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
         echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $item->getName() . "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     $first = true;
     $item = new IPAddress();
     $params = array('`glpi_ipaddresses`.`is_dynamic`' => 1, '`glpi_ipaddresses`.`is_deleted`' => 1, '`glpi_ipaddresses`.`itemtype`' => 'Networkname', '`glpi_ipaddresses`.`items_id`' => '`glpi_networknames`.`id`', '`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype`' => 'NetworkPort', '`glpi_networknames`.`items_id`' => '`glpi_networkports`.`id`', '`glpi_networkports`.`items_id`' => $ID, '`glpi_networkports`.`itemtype`' => $itemtype);
     $params['FIELDS'] = array('glpi_ipaddresses' => 'id');
     foreach ($DB->request(array('glpi_ipaddresses', 'glpi_networknames', 'glpi_networkports'), $params) as $line) {
         $header = true;
         if ($first) {
             echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . IPAddress::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>\n";
             $first = false;
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
         echo "<input type='checkbox' name='IPAddress[" . $line['id'] . "]'></td>";
         echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>" . $item->getName() . "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     $types = Item_Devices::getDeviceTypes();
     $nb = 0;
     foreach ($types as $old => $type) {
         $nb += countElementsInTable(getTableForItemType($type), "`items_id`='{$ID}'\n                                         AND `itemtype`='{$itemtype}'\n                                         AND `is_dynamic`='1'\n                                         AND `is_deleted`='1'");
     if ($nb) {
         $header = true;
         echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . _n('Component', 'Components', 2) . "</th></tr>\n";
         foreach ($types as $old => $type) {
             $associated_type = str_replace('Item_', '', $type);
             $associated_table = getTableForItemType($associated_type);
             $fk = getForeignKeyFieldForTable($associated_table);
             $query = "SELECT `i`.`id`,\n                             `t`.`designation` AS `name`\n                      FROM `" . getTableForItemType($type) . "` AS i\n                      LEFT JOIN `{$associated_table}` AS t\n                         ON (`t`.`id` = `i`.`{$fk}`)\n                      WHERE `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'\n                            AND `items_id` = '{$ID}'\n                            AND `is_dynamic` = '1'\n                            AND `is_deleted` = '1'";
             foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center' width='10'>";
                 echo "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $type . "[" . $data['id'] . "]'></td>";
                 echo "<td class='left' width='95%'>";
                 printf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $associated_type::getTypeName(), $data['name']);
                 echo "</td></tr>\n";
     if ($header) {
         echo "</table>";
         Html::openArrowMassives('lock_form', true);
         Html::closeArrowMassives(array('unlock' => _sx('button', 'Unlock')));
     } else {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
         echo "<td class='center' colspan='2'>" . __('No locked item') . "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
     echo "</div>\n";
예제 #3
        if ($license->restore($_POST)) {
            Event::log($_POST["id"], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%s restores an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST["delete"])) {
            $license->check($_POST['id'], DELETE);
            $license->delete($_POST, 0);
            Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s deletes the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST["purge"])) {
                $license->check($_POST['id'], PURGE);
                $license->delete($_POST, 1);
                Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s purges the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
                    $license->check($_POST['id'], UPDATE);
                    Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s updates the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
                } else {
                    Html::header(SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "management", "softwarelicense");
예제 #4
if (!isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $_GET["id"] = "";
if (!isset($_GET["softwares_id"])) {
    $_GET["softwares_id"] = "";
$license = new SoftwareLicense();
if (isset($_POST["add"])) {
    $license->check(-1, 'w', $_POST);
    $newID = $license->add($_POST);
    Event::log($_POST['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s adds the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $newID));
} else {
    if (isset($_POST["delete"])) {
        $license->check($_POST['id'], 'd');
        Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s deletes the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
            $license->check($_POST['id'], 'w');
            Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s updates the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
        } else {
            Html::header(SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(2), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "inventory", "software");
            $license->showForm($_GET["id"], array('softwares_id' => $_GET["softwares_id"]));
예제 #5
파일: state.class.php 프로젝트: stweil/glpi
  * Get search function for the class
  * @since version 0.85
  * @return array of search option
 function getSearchOptions()
     $tab = parent::getSearchOptions();
     $tab[21]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[21]['field'] = 'is_visible_computer';
     $tab[21]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Computer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[21]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[22]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[22]['field'] = 'is_visible_softwareversion';
     $tab[22]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), SoftwareVersion::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[22]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[23]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[23]['field'] = 'is_visible_monitor';
     $tab[23]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Monitor::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[23]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[24]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[24]['field'] = 'is_visible_printer';
     $tab[24]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Printer::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[24]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[25]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[25]['field'] = 'is_visible_peripheral';
     $tab[25]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Peripheral::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[25]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[26]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[26]['field'] = 'is_visible_phone';
     $tab[26]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), Phone::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[26]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[27]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[27]['field'] = 'is_visible_networkequipment';
     $tab[27]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), NetworkEquipment::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[27]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     $tab[28]['table'] = $this->getTable();
     $tab[28]['field'] = 'is_visible_softwarelicense';
     $tab[28]['name'] = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Visibility'), SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()));
     $tab[28]['datatype'] = 'bool';
     return $tab;
예제 #6
    $_GET["softwares_id"] = "";
$license = new SoftwareLicense();
if (isset($_POST["add"])) {
    $license->check(-1, CREATE, $_POST);
    if ($newID = $license->add($_POST)) {
        Event::log($_POST['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s adds the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $newID));
        if ($_SESSION['glpibackcreated']) {
            Html::redirect($license->getFormURL() . "?id=" . $newID);
} else {
    if (isset($_POST["purge"])) {
        $license->check($_POST['id'], PURGE);
        $license->delete($_POST, 1);
        Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s purges the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
            $license->check($_POST['id'], UPDATE);
            Event::log($license->fields['softwares_id'], "software", 4, "inventory", sprintf(__('%1$s updates the license %2$s'), $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_POST["id"]));
        } else {
            Html::header(SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "assets", "software");
            $license->display(array('id' => $_GET["id"], 'softwares_id' => $_GET["softwares_id"]));
  * @see CommonGLPI::getTabNameForItem()
 public function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0)
     if ($withtemplate || !self::isSoftwareTabActive($item)) {
         return '';
     $recordsCount = $_SESSION['glpishow_count_on_tabs'] ? self::countLicenses($item) : 0;
     return self::createTabEntry(SoftwareLicense::getTypeName(2) . ' - ' . User::getTypeName(2), $recordsCount);