  *  Map the child elements of the current element, to the properties of the GpxElement object
  *  @param   \SimpleXMLElement      $element     The element that we want to reformat as an object
  *  @return  \GpxReader\GpxElement  $gpxElement  The object that we want to set the properties for
 protected function mapChildElements($element, GpxElement $gpxElement)
     switch ($element->getName()) {
         case 'ele':
             $gpxElement->elevation = (double) $element->__toString();
         case 'time':
             $gpxElement->timestamp = new \DateTime($element->__toString());
  * Recusive function for parseProducts
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $c The SimpleXMLElement object to parse
  * @param int $depth Not used
  * @param array $prod Custom associative array to store the parsed children
 public function childProdParse($c, $depth, $prod)
     $name = $c->getName();
     $value = $c->__toString();
     if ($name == "Custom") {
         $prod['cust_' . $c['id']->__toString()] = $value;
     } elseif (isset($prod[$name])) {
         if ($c->children()->count() || $c->attributes()) {
             $value = ['v' => $value];
         if ($c->attributes()) {
             $value['_attr'] = [];
             foreach ($c->attributes() as $a => $b) {
                 $value['_attr'][$a] = $b->__toString();
         if ($c->children()->count()) {
             $value['_children'] = [];
             foreach ($c->children() as $cc) {
                 $value['_children'] = $this->childProdParse($cc, $depth + 1, $value['_children']);
         if (is_array($prod[$name]) && !isset($prod[$name]['v'])) {
             $prod[$name][] = $value;
         } else {
             $prod[$name] = [$prod[$name], $value];
     } else {
         if ($c->children()->count() || $c->attributes()) {
             $prod[$name] = ['v' => $value];
         } else {
             // if($name == "Image"){
             // $prod[$name] = [[$value]];
             // }else
             $prod[$name] = $value;
         if ($c->attributes()) {
             $prod[$name]['_attr'] = [];
             foreach ($c->attributes() as $a => $b) {
                 $prod[$name]['_attr'][$a] = $b->__toString();
         if ($c->children()->count()) {
             $prod[$name]['_children'] = [];
             foreach ($c->children() as $cc) {
                 $prod[$name]['_children'] = $this->childProdParse($cc, $depth + 1, $prod[$name]['_children']);
         if ($name == "Image") {
             $prod[$name] = [$prod[$name]];
     return $prod;
예제 #3
 public function handle(ResponseCore $response)
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->body);
     $location = $xml->__toString();
     return $location;