set_input_encoding() 공개 메소드

This overrides the encoding reported by the feed, however it will fall back to the normal encoding detection if the override fails
public set_input_encoding ( string $encoding = false )
$encoding string Character encoding
예제 #1
  * _createSimplePie
  * @param   string  &$feed  Params
  * @return	object
 private function _createSimplePie(&$feed)
     include_once JPATH_AUTOTWEET . '/libs/SimplePie_autoloader.php';
     // Process the feed with SimplePie
     $simplePie = new SimplePie();
     if ($feed->xtform->get('encoding', 'utf-8')) {
     if ($feed->xtform->get('force_fsockopen')) {
     $use_sp_cache = EParameter::getComponentParam(CAUTOTWEETNG, 'use_sp_cache', true);
     if ($use_sp_cache && is_writable(JPATH_CACHE)) {
     } else {
     $set_sp_timeout = EParameter::getComponentParam(CAUTOTWEETNG, 'set_sp_timeout', 10);
     if ($set_sp_timeout) {
         $simplePie->set_timeout((int) $set_sp_timeout);
     return $simplePie;
예제 #2
파일: News.php 프로젝트: nsystem1/ZeeJong
 private function getFeedByUrl($url)
     // Create a new instance of the SimplePie object
     $feed = new \SimplePie();
     // Set feed
     // Allow us to change the input encoding from the URL string if we want to. (optional)
     if (!empty($_GET['input'])) {
     // Allow us to choose to not re-order the items by date. (optional)
     if (!empty($_GET['orderbydate']) && $_GET['orderbydate'] == 'false') {
     // Trigger force-feed
     if (!empty($_GET['force']) && $_GET['force'] == 'true') {
     $feed->set_cache_location(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cache/');
     return $feed->get_items(0, 10);
예제 #3
include_once '../idn/idna_convert.class.php';
// Create a new instance of the SimplePie object
$feed = new SimplePie();
// Make sure that page is getting passed a URL
if (isset($_GET['feed']) && $_GET['feed'] !== '') {
    // Strip slashes if magic quotes is enabled (which automatically escapes certain characters)
    if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $_GET['feed'] = stripslashes($_GET['feed']);
    // Use the URL that was passed to the page in SimplePie
// Allow us to change the input encoding from the URL string if we want to. (optional)
if (!empty($_GET['input'])) {
// Allow us to choose to not re-order the items by date. (optional)
if (!empty($_GET['orderbydate']) && $_GET['orderbydate'] == 'false') {
// Trigger force-feed
if (!empty($_GET['force']) && $_GET['force'] == 'true') {
// Initialize the whole SimplePie object.  Read the feed, process it, parse it, cache it, and
// all that other good stuff.  The feed's information will not be available to SimplePie before
// this is called.
$success = $feed->init();
// We'll make sure that the right content type and character encoding gets set automatically.
// This function will grab the proper character encoding, as well as set the content type to text/html.
예제 #4
파일: helper.php 프로젝트: pguilford/vcomcc
 public static function getFeedData($params)
     $rssurl = str_replace("\n", ",", JString::trim($params->get('rssurl', '')));
     $feedTimeout = (int) $params->get('feedTimeout', 10);
     $rssdateorder = (int) $params->get('rssdateorder', 1);
     $dformat = $params->get('dformat', '%d %b %Y %H:%M %P');
     $rssperfeed = (int) $params->get('rssperfeed', 3);
     $textfilter = JString::trim($params->get('textfilter', ''));
     $pagination = (int) $params->get('pagination', 0);
     $totalfeeds = (int) $params->get('rssitems', 5);
     $filtermode = (int) $params->get('filtermode', 0);
     $showfeedinfo = (int) $params->get('showfeedinfo', 1);
     $input_encoding = JString::trim($params->get('inputencoding', ''));
     $showimage = (int) $params->get('rssimage', 1);
     $cacheTime = (int) $params->get('feedcache', 15) * 60;
     $orderBy = $params->get('orderby', 'date');
     $tmzone = (int) $params->get('tmzone', 0) ? true : false;
     $cachePath = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'mod_we_ufeed_display';
     $start = $end = 0;
     if ($pagination) {
         $pagination_items = (int) $params->get('paginationitems', 5);
         $current_limit = modFeedShowHelper::getPage($params->get('mid', 0));
         $start = ($current_limit - 1) * $pagination_items;
         $end = $current_limit * $pagination_items;
     #Get clean array
     $rss_urls = @array_filter(explode(",", $rssurl));
     #If only 1 link, use totalfeeds for total limit
     if (count($rss_urls) == 1) {
         $rssperfeed = $totalfeeds;
     # Intilize RSS Doc
     if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) {
     //Parser Code
     $simplepie = new SimplePie();
     //$simplepie->force_fsockopen(false); //gives priority to CURL if is installed
     if ($input_encoding) {
     $rssTotalItems = (int) $simplepie->get_item_quantity($totalfeeds);
     if ((int) $params->get('debug', 0)) {
         echo "<h3>Total RSS Items:" . $rssTotalItems . "</h3>";
         echo print_r($simplepie, true);
     if (get_class($simplepie) != 'SimplePie' || !$rssTotalItems) {
         return array("rsstotalitems" => 0, 'items' => false);
     $feedItems = array();
     #store all feeds items
     $counter = 1;
     foreach ($simplepie->get_items($start, $end) as $key => $feed) {
         #Word Filter
         if (!empty($textfilter) && $filtermode != 0) {
             $filter = modFeedShowHelper::filterItems($feed, $textfilter);
             #Include						#Exclude
             if ($filtermode == 1 && !$filter || $filtermode == 2 && $filter) {
         $FeedValues[$key] = new stdClass();
         # channel header and link
         $channel = $feed->get_feed();
         $FeedValues[$key]->FeedTitle = $channel->get_title();
         $FeedValues[$key]->FeedLink = $channel->get_link();
         if ($showfeedinfo) {
             $FeedValues[$key]->FeedFavicon = '' . urlencode($FeedValues[$key]->FeedLink);
         $FeedValues[$key]->FeedDescription = $channel->get_description();
         $FeedValues[$key]->FeedLogo = $channel->get_image_url();
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemTitle = $feed->get_title();
         $feeDateUNIX = $feed->get_date('U');
         if ($feeDateUNIX < 1) {
             $feeDateUNIX = strtotime(trim(str_replace(",", "", $feed->get_date(''))));
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemDate = WEJM16 ? JHTML::_('date', $feeDateUNIX, $dformat, $tmzone) : JHtml::date($feeDateUNIX, $dformat, $tmzone);
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemLink = $feed->get_link();
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemText = $feed->get_description();
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemFulltext = $feed->get_content();
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemEnclosure = $feed->get_enclosure();
         $FeedValues[$key]->ItemEnclosures = $feed->get_enclosures();
         if ($showimage) {
             $FeedValues[$key]->ItemImage = "";
         //for next version
         if ($orderBy == 'title') {
             $idx = str_replace(array(':', '-', '(', ')', '+', '*', ' '), '', JString::strtolower(strip_tags($FeedValues[$key]->ItemTitle)));
             //ORDER BY TITLE
         } else {
             $idx = $feeDateUNIX;
             //Order By date
         if (isset($feedItems[$idx])) {
             $idx .= $counter;
         #unique idx
         $feedItems[$idx] = $FeedValues[$key];
     if ($rssdateorder == 1) {
     } elseif ($rssdateorder == 2) {
     } elseif ($rssdateorder == 3) {
     if ((int) $params->get('debug', 0)) {
         echo "<p>Total RSS in Array:" . count($feedItems) . "</p>";
     return array("rsstotalitems" => $rssTotalItems, 'items' => $feedItems);
예제 #5
 // Get Template
 $rss['template_ITEM'] = get_tmpl_section('ITEM', $rssfeed['template']);
 $rss['template_DIVIDER'] = get_tmpl_section('DIVIDER', $rssfeed['template']);
 $rss['template_FEEDINFO'] = get_tmpl_section('FEEDINFO', $rssfeed['template']);
 $rss['template_RSSFEED'] = get_tmpl_section('RSSFEED', $rssfeed['template']);
 // Load SimplePie
 require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_ext/';
 $rss_obj = new SimplePie();
 // Feed URL
 // Output Encoding Charset
 // Input Encoding Charset
 if (!empty($rssfeed['content_type'])) {
 // Feed Cache Timeout
 if (!$rssfeed["timeout"]) {
     // set to default value = 3600 seconds = 1 hour
     $rssfeed["timeout"] = 3600;
 if ($rssfeed["cacheoff"]) {
     // check if cache enabled or not
     $rssfeed["timeout"] = 0;
 if ($rssfeed["timeout"]) {
 } else {
예제 #6
     * Processing the parameters into placeholders
     * @param string    $spie   snippet parameters
     * @return array    placeholders
    private function _setSimplePieModxPlaceholders($spie) {
         * @link
        if (!file_exists($spie['simplePieClassFile'])) {
            return 'File ' . $spie['simplePieClassFile'] . ' does not exist.';
        include_once $spie['simplePieClassFile'];
        $feed = new SimplePie();
        $joinKey = 0;
        foreach ($spie['setFeedUrl'] as $setFeedUrl) {

            if (isset($spie['setInputEncoding'])) {
            if (isset($spie['setOutputEncoding'])) {
            // if no cURL, try fsockopen
            if (isset($spie['forceFSockopen'])) {
            if (isset($spie['enableCache']))
            if (isset($spie['enableOrderByDate']))
            if (isset($spie['setCacheDuration']))
            if (!empty($spie['setFaviconHandler']))
                $feed->set_favicon_handler($spie['setFaviconHandler'][0], $spie['setFaviconHandler'][1]);
            if (!empty($spie['setImageHandler'])) {
                // handler_image.php?image=67d5fa9a87bad230fb03ea68b9f71090
                $feed->set_image_handler($spie['setImageHandler'][0], $spie['setImageHandler'][1]);

            // disabled since these are all splitted into a single fetching
            // it's  been used with different way, see below looping
//            if (isset($spie['setItemLimit']))
//                $feed->set_item_limit((int) $spie['setItemLimit']);

            if (isset($spie['setJavascript']))
            if (isset($spie['stripAttributes']))
                $feed->strip_attributes(array_merge($feed->strip_attributes, $spie['stripAttributes']));
            if (isset($spie['stripComments']))
            if (isset($spie['stripHtmlTags']))
                $feed->strip_htmltags(array_merge($feed->strip_htmltags, $spie['stripHtmlTags']));

             * Initiating the Feeding.
             * This always be placed AFTER all the settings above.
            if (!$feed->init()) {
                echo $feed->error();
                return FALSE;

            $countItems = count($feed->get_items());
            if (1 > $countItems) {


            $countLimit = 0;
            foreach ($feed->get_items($getItemStart, $getItemEnd) as $item) {

                if (isset($spie['setItemLimit']) && $spie['setItemLimit'] == $countLimit)

                $phArray[$joinKey]['favicon'] = $feed->get_favicon();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['link'] = $item->get_link();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['title'] = $item->get_title();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['description'] = $item->get_description();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['content'] = $item->get_content();

                $phArray[$joinKey]['permalink'] = $item->get_permalink();
                $parsedUrl = parse_url($phArray[$joinKey]['permalink']);
                $implodedParsedUrl = $parsedUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $parsedUrl['host'];
                $imageLink = $feed->get_image_link() != '' ? $feed->get_image_link() : $implodedParsedUrl;
                $phArray[$joinKey]['imageLink'] = $imageLink;

                $phArray[$joinKey]['imageTitle'] = $feed->get_image_title();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['imageUrl'] = $feed->get_image_url();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['imageWidth'] = $feed->get_image_width();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['imageHeight'] = $feed->get_image_height();

                $phArray[$joinKey]['date'] = $item->get_date($spie['dateFormat']);
                $phArray[$joinKey]['localDate'] = $item->get_local_date($spie['localDateFormat']);
                $phArray[$joinKey]['copyright'] = $item->get_copyright();

                $phArray[$joinKey]['latitude'] = $feed->get_latitude();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['longitude'] = $feed->get_longitude();

                $phArray[$joinKey]['language'] = $feed->get_language();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['encoding'] = $feed->get_encoding();

                if ($item->get_authors()) {
                    foreach ($item->get_authors() as $authorObject) {
                        $authorName = $authorObject->get_name();
                        $authorLink = $authorObject->get_link();
                        $authorEmail = $authorObject->get_email();
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['authorName'] = $authorName;
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['authorLink'] = $authorLink;
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['authorEmail'] = $authorEmail;

                $category = $item->get_category();
                if ($category) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['category'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($category->get_label(), ENT_QUOTES);

                $contributor = $item->get_contributor();
                $phArray[$joinKey]['contributor'] = '';
                if ($contributor) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['contributor'] = $contributor->get_name();

                if ($feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['getType'] = 'Unknown';
                } elseif ($feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['getType'] = 'RSS';
                } elseif ($feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['getType'] = 'Atom';
                } elseif ($feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL) {
                    $phArray[$joinKey]['getType'] = 'Supported';
				// Media from Flickr RSS stream
				if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()) {
						$phArray[$joinKey]['itemImageThumbnailUrl'] = $enclosure->get_thumbnail();
						$phArray[$joinKey]['itemImageWidth'] = $enclosure->get_width();
						$phArray[$joinKey]['itemImageHeight'] = $enclosure->get_height();

            } // foreach ($feed->get_items($getItemStart, $getItemEnd) as $item)
        } // foreach ($spie['setFeedUrl'] as $setFeedUrl)
        return $this->_filterModxTags($phArray);
예제 #7
function fetchDataFromArXiv($itemArray, $sourceFormat = "arXiv XML")
    global $errors;
    // NOTE: ATM, error checking is done in function 'arxivToRefbase()'
    $sourceURLArray = array();
    if (!empty($itemArray)) {
        // Remove any duplicate IDs:
        $itemArray = array_unique($itemArray);
        // NOTE:
        // When querying for multiple arXiv IDs *at once*, errors are not
        // returned inline on a per-record basis. If one or more of the given
        // arXiv IDs are invalid, returns a *single* error message, and
        // any other requested records seem to get omitted from the arXiv response.
        // To work around this, we'll query for each given arXiv ID
        // *individually*, and we then perform the record validation (i.e. error
        // checking) in function 'arxivToRefbase()'.
        foreach ($itemArray as $item) {
            //				if (preg_match("#(arXiv:|http://arxiv\.org/abs/)?([\w.-]+/\d{7}|\d{4}\.\d{4,})(v\d+)?#i", $item)) // '$item' is an arXiv ID
            //				{
            // Build query URL:
            $sourceURLArray[] = "" . "?id_list=" . rawurlencode($item);
            //				}
        // Perform query:
        $feed = new SimplePie();
        // setup new SimplePie constructor
        // setup multi-feed request
        // force UTF-8 as input encoding
        // disable caching
        // disable automatic sorting of entries by date
        // process options, fetch feeds, cache, parse, merge, etc
    return array($errors, $feed);