예제 #1
 function rt_generate_staff_box($theGroupID, $theTemplateID, $options, $randomClass)
     $boxName = __("Staff List", "rt_theme_admin");
     $contet_type = "staff_box";
     $theTemplateID = str_replace('_' . $contet_type, '', $theTemplateID);
     $isNewBox = trim($randomClass) == "" ? false : true;
     $opacity = 1;
     $layout = "one passive_module";
     $position = $isNewBox ? 'open minus' : 'plus';
     $data_position = 'display: none;';
     $ids = isset($options['ids']) ? $options['ids'] : "";
     $list_orderby = isset($options['list_orderby']) ? $options['list_orderby'] : "";
     $list_order = isset($options['list_order']) ? $options['list_order'] : "";
     $style = isset($options['style']) ? $options['style'] : "";
     $item_width = isset($options['item_width']) ? $options['item_width'] : "";
     $values = isset($options['values']) ? $options['values'] : array();
     echo '<li class="ui-state-default ' . $layout . '" style="opacity:' . $opacity . ';">';
     echo '<div class="box_shadow"><div class="Itemholder"><div class="Itemheader"><h5>' . $boxName . '</h5>';
     echo $this->module_controls($isNewBox);
     echo '</div><div class="ItemData" style="' . $data_position . '">';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="theTemplateID_' . $theGroupID . '" value="' . $theTemplateID . '"><input type="hidden" name="theGroupID_' . $theGroupID . '" value="' . $theGroupID . '"><input type="hidden" name="source_type_' . $theGroupID . '" value="' . $contet_type . '">';
     $options = array(array("desc" => __("This module displays a team / staff memberlist from the team / staff post type following the settings below.", 'rt_theme_admin'), "hr" => "true", "type" => "info"), array("type" => "table_start"), array("name" => __("Select Staff (Optional)", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __("You can filter team / staff members by selecting them from this list. If you don't select individual members, all team / staff members will be listed.", 'rt_theme_admin'), "id" => $theTemplateID . '_' . $theGroupID . "_staff_box[values][ids][]", "options" => RTTheme::rt_get_staff_list(), "purpose" => "sidebar", "type" => "selectmultiple", "class" => $randomClass, "default" => $ids), array("name" => __("OrderBy Parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __("Select and set the sorting order for the team / staff member items within the memberlist by this parameter.", 'rt_theme_admin'), "id" => $theTemplateID . '_' . $theGroupID . "_staff_box[values][list_orderby]", "options" => array('author' => 'Author', 'date' => 'Date', 'title' => 'Title', 'modified' => 'Modified', 'ID' => 'ID', 'rand' => 'Randomized'), "value" => $list_orderby, "default" => "date", "dont_save" => true, "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Order", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __("Select and set the ascending or descending order for the ORDERBY parameter.", 'rt_theme_admin'), "id" => $theTemplateID . '_' . $theGroupID . "_staff_box[values][list_order]", "options" => array('ASC' => 'Ascending', 'DESC' => 'Descending'), "value" => $list_order, "default" => "DESC", "dont_save" => true, "type" => "select"), array("type" => "td_col"), array("name" => __("List Style", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __('Select and set a style to display the team / staff memberlist.', 'rt_theme_admin'), "id" => $theTemplateID . '_' . $theGroupID . "_staff_box[values][style]", "options" => array("style-one" => "Style One", "style-two" => "Style Two", "style-three" => "Style Three"), "default" => "style-one", "value" => $style, "type" => "select"), array("name" => __("Content Layout", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __('Select and set the column layout for the team / staff memberlist.', 'rt_theme_admin'), "id" => $theTemplateID . '_' . $theGroupID . "_staff_box[values][item_width]", "options" => array(5 => "1/5", 4 => "1/4", 3 => "1/3", 2 => "1/2", 1 => "1/1"), "default" => "1", "value" => $item_width, "type" => "select"), array("type" => "table_end"));
     echo $this->rt_generate_forms($options);
     echo '</div></div></div></li>';