public function destroy($id) { $question = Question::find($id); $question->delete(); Session::flash('message', 'Usuário deletado com sucesso!'); return Redirect::to('questions'); }
public function postQues() { if (Session::get('currentqid') != Input::get('qid')) { return Response::json('error', 400); } if (Session::get('currentbatchid') != Input::get('batchid')) { return Response::json('error', 400); } $question = Question::find(Session::get('currentqid')); $question->user_id = Auth::id(); $question->batchentry_id = Input::get('batchid'); $question->qbodytext = Input::get('qbodytext'); $question->aoptiontext = Input::get('aoptiontext'); $question->boptiontext = Input::get('boptiontext'); $question->coptiontext = Input::get('coptiontext'); $question->doptiontext = Input::get('doptiontext'); $question->solutiontext = Input::get('solutiontext'); $question->exam_id = Input::get('exam_id'); $question->exam_year = Input::get('examyear'); $question->topic_id = Input::get('topicid'); $question->doubt = Input::get('doubt'); $question->page_no = Input::get('pageNo'); $question->correctans = Input::get('correctans'); $question->complete = 1; $question->save(); return Response::json(array('flash' => 'Question id', Session::get('currentqid') . 'sucessfully updated!'), 200); }
public function postSave() { $postData = Input::all(); if ($postData['formOrigin'] == "edit") { $rules = array('topic' => 'required', 'correct_answer' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make($postData, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('backends/quizz/edit/' . $postData['id'])->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } else { $question = Question::find($postData['id']); $question->topic = $postData['topic']; $question->correct_answer = $postData['correct_answer']; $question->save(); return Redirect::to('backends/quizz/edit/' . $question->id); } } else { $rules = array('topic' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make($postData, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('backends/quizz/add')->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } else { $question = Question::create(['topic' => $postData['topic']]); return Redirect::to('backends/quizz/edit/' . $question->id); } } }
private function question_belongs_to_users($id) { $question = Question::find($id); if ($question->user_id == Auth::user()->user_id) { return true; } return false; }
public function singleQuestion($qid) { $insertView = Question::find($qid); $currentNumberOfView = $insertView->numsofview; $insertView->numsofview = $currentNumberOfView + 1; $insertView->save(); return View::make('questions.single-question')->with('title', 'Single Question')->with('singleQuestion', Question::find($qid)); }
public function getQuestion($id) { $i = -1; $question = Question::find($id); $choices = Choice::orderby('id')->having('question_id', '=', $id)->get(); $choices_count = Choice::where('question_id', $id)->count(); return View::make('admin.student.studentqcm')->with(compact('question', 'choices', 'choices_count', 'i')); }
public function deleteQuestions($id) { $question = Question::find($id); Question::destroy($id); Session::flash('flash_msg', "La question N° " . $question->idQuestion . " a bien été supprimée."); Session::flash('flash_type', "success"); return Redirect::to('/admin/questions'); }
public static function findByPapernameAndNums($paper_name, $numbers) { $paper_id = Paper::findId($paper_name); $qlist = Question::find(array('paper_id = :pid: AND number IN ({numbers:array})', 'bind' => array('pid' => $paper_id, 'numbers' => array_values($numbers)))); if (count($qlist) == 0) { throw new Exception("Can not find any questions."); } return $qlist; }
public function postEdit($id) { $question = Question::find($id); $question->title = Input::get('title'); $question->question = Input::get('question'); $question->last_session = Session::getId(); $question->answer = Input::get('answer'); $question->is_visible = Input::get('is_visible', '1'); $question->pin = Input::get('pin', '0'); $question->save(); return Redirect::to('faq'); }
public function getDownvotequestion($id, $uID) { if (Auth::check() == NULL) { return Redirect::back()->with('alertError', "you have to be logged in to perform this action."); } //return $id . $uID; $data['question'] = Question::find($id); //return $data['question']->user_id . '==' . Auth::user()->id; if ($data['question']->user_id == Auth::user()->id) { return Redirect::back()->with('alertError', "You can not downvote your own question."); } $hasUserVoted = Qvote::where('user_id', '=', User::find(Auth::user()->id)->id)->where('question_id', '=', $id)->count(); if ($hasUserVoted == 0) { $reputationTest = User::find(Auth::user()->id); if ($reputationTest->reputation < 125) { return Redirect::back()->with('alertError', "You need 125 reputation to downvote a question."); } else { $vote = new Qvote(); $vote->user_id = User::find(Auth::user()->id)->id; $vote->question_id = $id; $vote->save(); $userToUpdate = User::find($uID); $reputation = $userToUpdate->reputation; $reputation -= 2; //$userToUpdate->reputation = $reputation - 2; if ($reputation < 1) { $userToUpdate->reputation = 1; } else { $userToUpdate->reputation = $reputation; } $userToUpdate->save(); $questionToDownVote = Question::find($id); $votes = $questionToDownVote->votes; $questionToDownVote->votes = $votes - 1; $questionToDownVote->save(); $questionReputation = new Qreputation(); $questionReputation->user_id = $uID; $questionReputation->question_id = $id; $questionReputation->points = "-2"; $questionReputation->action = "downvote"; $questionReputation->save(); return Redirect::back(); } } else { return Redirect::back()->with('alertError', "you have already voted this question."); } }
public function generateQuestionChart($question_id, $title) { $answers = Question::find($question_id)->answers; $content = $answers->lists('content'); $total = 0; $index = 0; $votes = array(); foreach ($answers as $answer) { $count = UserAnswer::where('answer_id', '=', $answer->id)->count(); $total += $count; $votes[$index++] = $count; } $index = 0; $percentages = array(); foreach ($votes as $vote) { $percentages[$index++] = round($vote / $total * 100, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); } return array('title' => $title, 'xaxis' => $content, 'percentages' => $percentages, 'votes' => $votes, 'total' => $total); }
public function imgUpload() { $destinationPath = 'public/Figures'; $file = Input::file('file'); $type = Input::get('type'); $extension = Input::file('file')->getClientOriginalExtension(); //extension to check if specefic file type is allowed $fileName = Session::get('currentqid') . '_' . $type . '_' . '1' . '.' . $extension; $upload_success = Input::file('file')->move($destinationPath, $fileName); if ($upload_success) { $question = Question::find(Session::get('currentqid')); if ($type == 'qbody') { $question->qbodyimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } if ($type == 'aopt') { $question->aoptionimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } if ($type == 'bopt') { $question->boptionimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } if ($type == 'copt') { $question->coptionimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } if ($type == 'dopt') { $question->doptionimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } if ($type == 'sol') { $question->solutionimgname = $fileName; $question->save(); } return Response::json($fileName); } else { return Response::json('error', 400); } }
public function postGuardar() { $bandera = false; $id = Input::get('idQues'); $ans = Input::get('res'); $answers = Answer::all(); $question = Question::find($id); $cantidad = Question::count(); foreach ($answers as $a) { if ($a->id_question == $id) { $bandera = true; $answer = $a; break; } } if (!$bandera) { $answer = new Answer(); $answer->id_question = $id; $ids = Auth::id(); $student = Student::where('id_user', '=', $ids)->get()->first(); $answer->id_student = $student->id; $answer->answer = $ans; $answer->result = QuestionsController::verifyAnswer($question, $ans); $answer->save(); } else { $answer->result = QuestionsController::verifyAnswer($question, $ans); $answer->answer = $ans; $answer->save(); } if ($cantidad == $id) { return Redirect::to('questions/exam?endTest=yes'); //"holi ".$id." ".$ans; } else { if ($cantidad > $id) { return Redirect::to('questions/exam?numberQIn=' . ++$id); } } }
public function testAction() { $frontCache = new Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Data(array("lifetime" => 172800)); // Create the component that will cache "Data" to a "File" backend // Set the cache file directory - important to keep the "/" at the end of // of the value for the folder $cache = new Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File($frontCache, array("cacheDir" => "../cache/cachefile/")); // Try to get cached records $cacheKey = "questions.txt"; if ($cache->exists($cacheKey)) { $questions = $cache->get($cacheKey); foreach ($questions as $item) { echo $item->topic, "<br>"; } } else { $questions = Question::find(array("order" => "q_id")); // Store it in the cache $cache->save($cacheKey, $questions); echo "from db<br>"; foreach ($questions as $item) { echo $item->topic, "<br>"; } } }
public function getQuestion($id) { $question = Question::find($id); $fb_og = array('url' => Request::url(), 'title' => $question->content, 'description' => $question->content); return View::make('question')->with('question', $question); }
public function postQuestionChange() { //message-notification $messages = array(); //handle navigation $admin_navigation = new AdminNavigation(); if ($admin_navigation->isNavigate()) { return $admin_navigation->goToN(); } //handle chapter-text change //redirect after changed if (Input::has('chapter_change')) { $chapter = Chapter::find(Input::get('chapter_change')); $chapter->text = Input::get('chapter_text'); $chapter->save(); $messages['chapter_change_text'] = 'chapter-' . $chapter->id . ':saved'; $this->messageController->send($messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::back(); } //handle delete-question //redirect after deleted, no need to modify other inputs if (Input::has('delete_question')) { $question = Question::find(Input::get('delete_question')); $store_question_id = $question->id; $question->delete(); $messages['delete_question'] = 'question-' . $store_question_id . ':deleted'; $this->messageController->send($messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::back(); } //handle change on a question (both this one, and it's options) //redirect after all-changes saved if (Input::has('question_change')) { $question = Question::find(Input::get('question_change')); //question-change, change question-text if (Input::has('question_text')) { $question->text = Input::get('question_text'); $question->save(); $messages['question_change_text'] = 'question-' . $question->id . ':saved'; } //question-change, change question-chapter_id if (Input::has('chapter_id')) { $question->chapter_id = Input::get('chapter_id'); $question->save(); $new_chapter = $question->getChapter; $messages['question_change_chapter_id'] = 'question-' . $question->id . ':now belongs to chapter-' . $new_chapter->id; } //options-change if (Input::has('options')) { $options = Input::get('options'); //save options-change $i = -1; foreach ($options as $option_id => $option_text) { $option = Option::find($option_id); $option->text = $option_text; //reset all option-is_right = 0 //is_right set again with input-is_right checked $option->is_right = 0; $option->save(); $messages['options_change[' . ++$i . ']'] = 'option-' . $option->id . ':saved'; } //modify option-is_right if (Input::has('is_right')) { $option = Option::find(Input::get('is_right')); //this option set is_right = 1 $option->is_right = 1; $option->save(); $messages['options_change_is_right'] = 'option-' . $option->id . '-is_right:saved'; } } //send message-notification $this->messageController->send($messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::back(); } //new-question //redirect after create new-one if (Input::has('new_question')) { //save new question $question = new Question(); //delete + auto_increment >>> modify question-id not continuous //manually change question-id $last_question = Question::all()->last(); $question->id = $last_question->id + 1; $question->text = Input::get('question_text'); $question->chapter_id = Input::get('chapter_id'); $question->save(); $question_id = $question->id; $messages['new_question'] = 'question-' . $question->id . ':saved'; //save new options $options_text = Input::get('options'); $created_options = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $option = new Option(); $option->text = $options_text[$i]; $option->question_id = $question_id; $option->is_right = 0; $option->save(); //store in array new-option in $created_options, to add is_right on which $created_options[$i] = $option; $messages['option[' . $i . ']'] = 'option-' . $option->id . ':saved'; } if (Input::has('is_right')) { $right_option = Input::get('is_right'); //get option from store-$created_options, which selected is_right $option = $created_options[$right_option]; $option->is_right = 1; $option->save(); $messages['option_is_right'] = 'option-' . $option->id . '-is_right:saved'; } //send message-notification $this->messageController->send($messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::back(); } //as a fallback //send message-notification $this->messageController->send($messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::back(); }
public static function shareQuestionOnLinkedin($question_id) { $question = Question::find($question_id); $receiverDetail = User::find($question->user_id); $url = URL::to('/') . '/question/' . $question->id . '/' . $question->question_url; $comment = "I just posted a question on KarmaCircles."; $title = $question->subject; $description = $question->description; MessageHelper::shareOnLinkedin($receiverDetail->token, $url, $comment, $title, $description); }
/** * Delete the question * * @param $id */ public function deleteAction($id) { $question = Question::find($id); if (is_null($question)) { return Redirect::route('tests.index')->with('error', 'Incorrect question id'); } $test = $question->test; /** * Check if we have results already */ if (count(Result::where('test_id', $test->id)->get())) { return Redirect::route('tests.index')->with('error', 'Нельзя редактировать тест, на который есть ответы'); } DB::table('answer')->where('question_id', $id)->delete(); DB::table('question')->where('id', $id)->delete(); return Redirect::route('', $test->id); }
}); $app->get('/:id/questions', function ($id) use($app) { $ids = explode(';', $id); $questions = Question::whereIn('set_id', $ids)->get(); $questions->load('answers'); $res = $app->response(); $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; $res->body($questions); }); }); $app->group('/question(s)', function () use($app) { $app->get('/', function () use($app) { $questions = Question::with('answers')->get(); $res = $app->response(); $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; $res->body($questions); }); $app->get('/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $question = Question::with('answers')->find($id); $res = $app->response(); $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; $res->body($question); }); $app->get('/:id/answers', function ($id) use($app) { $answers = Question::find($id)->answers; $res = $app->response(); $res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; $res->body($answers); }); }); $app->run();
public function getDeletequestion() { Question::find($_GET['keyword'])->delete(); Answer::where('question_id', $_GET['keyword'])->delete(); return Redirect::to('backends/dashboard'); }
return Redirect::to('/meetingRequests/groupOnly'); } }); Route::filter('QuestionGroupCheck', function ($route) { $Question_id = Route::input('id'); $question_url = Route::input('question_url'); $question_detail = Question::find($Question_id); if (empty($question_detail) || $question_detail->question_url != $question_url) { return Redirect::to('404'); } elseif ($question_detail->access == 'private') { if (Auth::check()) { if ($question_detail->user_id != Auth::user()->id) { return; } $CurrentUser_group = Auth::User()->Groups; $QuestionGroup = Question::find($Question_id)->Groupquestion; foreach ($CurrentUser_group as $key => $valueUsers) { foreach ($QuestionGroup as $key => $valueQuestion) { if ($valueUsers->id == $valueQuestion->group_id) { return; } } } return Redirect::to('404'); } else { return Redirect::to('404'); } } elseif ($question_detail->access == 'public') { return; } });
/** * 查看题目信息 * @param unknown $name * @throws Exception * @return boolean */ public static function checkTKByName($name) { if (self::dataFormatCheck($name) != 1) { throw new Exception("input type is not available!"); } $name = strtoupper(trim($name)); try { $number = 0; switch ($name) { case 'SPM': $number = 60; break; case 'CPI': $number = 230; break; case 'EPQA': $number = 88; break; case 'EPPS': $number = 225; break; case '16PF': $number = 187; break; case 'SCL': $number = 90; break; default: throw new Exception("no this Type data"); } $paper_record = Paper::getListByName($name); if (isset($paper_record->id)) { $data = Question::find(array("paper_id = :paper_id:", 'bind' => array('paper_id' => intval($paper_record->id)))); $data_count = count($data); if ($data_count == 0) { echo "{$name} 数据为空"; return true; } else { if ($data_count == $number) { echo "<h1>" . $name . "题库</h1>"; foreach ($data as $record) { echo "题目编号 <span style='color:red'>" . $record->id; echo "</span><br />"; echo "题目内容 " . $record->topic; echo "<br />"; echo "题目选项 " . $record->options; echo "<br />"; echo "题目所在试卷的题号 <strong>" . $record->number; echo "</strong><br />"; echo "题目所在的试卷好 " . $record->paper_id; echo "<hr />"; } } else { throw new Exception("Database Error or link error"); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
public static function getTopGroupQuery($CurrentUserId, $groupId, $start, $perpage) { $group_question = DB::table('users_groups')->join('questions', 'users_groups.user_id', '=', 'questions.user_id')->leftjoin('users', 'questions.user_id', '=', '')->select(array('questions.*', 'users_groups.group_id', 'users.karmascore'))->where('questions.user_id', '!=', $CurrentUserId)->where('users_groups.group_id', '=', $groupId)->where('questions.queryStatus', '=', 'open')->orderBy('users.karmascore', 'DESC')->skip($start)->take($perpage)->get(); //echo '<pre>';print_r($group_question);die; $toppers = array(); if (!empty($group_question)) { foreach ($group_question as $key => $value) { if (isset($value->user_id)) { $value->user_id = User::find($value->user_id); } if (isset($value->id)) { $value->giver_Info = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp; $value->giver_Count = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp()->count(); } $value->answered = 0; if (!$value->giver_Info->isEmpty()) { foreach ($value->giver_Info as $key => $giver_Info) { if (isset($giver_Info->user_id)) { $toppers[] = $giver_Info->user_id; if ($giver_Info->user_id == $CurrentUserId) { $value->answered = 1; } else { if ($value->answered != '1') { $value->answered = 0; } } $giver_Info->user_id = User::find($giver_Info->user_id); } } } else { $value->answered = 0; } $value->skills = KarmaHelper::getSkillsname($value->skills); } } return $group_question; }
/** * Deletes the question **/ public function getDelete($id) { //First, let's try to find the question: $question = Question::find($id); if ($question) { //We delete the question directly Question::delete(); //We won't have to think about the tags and the answers, , //because they are set as foreign key and we defined them cascading on deletion, //they will be automatically deleted //Let's return to the index page with a success message return Redirect::route('index')->with('success', 'Question deleted successfully!'); } else { return Redirect::route('index')->with('error', 'Nothing to delete!'); } }
public function getdataByorder() { $currentTab = Input::get('currentTab'); $setting = Input::get('setting'); $groupId = Input::get('groupId'); $group_question = ""; $All_groups[] = array($groupId); $CurrentUserId = 0; $CurrentUser = ""; if (Auth::check()) { $CurrentUser = Auth::User(); $CurrentUserId = $CurrentUser->id; if ($CurrentUserId != "") { $CurrentUserId = $CurrentUserId; } } if ($currentTab == "topquery") { $group_question = DB::table('users_groups')->join('questions', 'users_groups.user_id', '=', 'questions.user_id')->select(array('questions.*', 'users_groups.group_id'))->where('questions.user_id', '!=', $CurrentUserId)->where('users_groups.group_id', '=', $groupId)->where('questions.queryStatus', '=', 'open')->orderBy('questions.created_at', 'DESC')->get(); if ($setting == 'Recent') { if (!empty($group_question)) { foreach ($group_question as $key => $value) { if (isset($value->user_id)) { $value->user_id = User::find($value->user_id); } if (isset($value->id)) { $value->giver_Info = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp; $value->giver_Count = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp()->count(); } $value->answered = 0; if (!$value->giver_Info->isEmpty()) { foreach ($value->giver_Info as $key => $giver_Info) { if (isset($giver_Info->user_id)) { $toppers[] = $giver_Info->user_id; if ($giver_Info->user_id == $CurrentUserId) { $value->answered = 1; } else { if ($value->answered != '1') { $value->answered = 0; } } $giver_Info->user_id = User::find($giver_Info->user_id); } } } else { $value->answered = 0; } $value->skills = KarmaHelper::getSkillsname($value->skills); } } } elseif ($setting == 'Unanswered') { if (!empty($group_question)) { foreach ($group_question as $key => $value) { if (isset($value->user_id)) { $value->user_id = User::find($value->user_id); } if (isset($value->id)) { $value->giver_Info = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp; $value->giver_Count = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp()->count(); } $value->answered = 0; if (!$value->giver_Info->isEmpty()) { foreach ($value->giver_Info as $key => $giver_Info) { if (isset($giver_Info->user_id)) { $toppers[] = $giver_Info->user_id; if ($giver_Info->user_id == $CurrentUserId) { $value->answered = 1; } else { if ($value->answered != '1') { $value->answered = 0; } } $giver_Info->user_id = User::find($giver_Info->user_id); } } } else { $value->answered = 0; } $value->skills = KarmaHelper::getSkillsname($value->skills); } $group_question = array_values(array_sort($group_question, function ($value) { return $value->giver_Count; })); } } elseif ($setting == 'Populer') { if (!empty($group_question)) { foreach ($group_question as $key => $value) { if (isset($value->user_id)) { $value->user_id = User::find($value->user_id); } if (isset($value->id)) { $value->giver_Info = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp; $value->giver_Count = Question::find($value->id)->GiversHelp()->count(); } $value->answered = 0; if (!$value->giver_Info->isEmpty()) { foreach ($value->giver_Info as $key => $giver_Info) { if (isset($giver_Info->user_id)) { $toppers[] = $giver_Info->user_id; if ($giver_Info->user_id == $CurrentUserId) { $value->answered = 1; } else { if ($value->answered != '1') { $value->answered = 0; } } $giver_Info->user_id = User::find($giver_Info->user_id); } } } else { $value->answered = 0; } $value->skills = KarmaHelper::getSkillsname($value->skills); } $group_question = array_values(array_sort($group_question, function ($value) { return $value->giver_Count; })); $group_question = array_reverse($group_question); } } } return View::make('group.ajax_group_queryOrder', array('group_question' => $group_question, 'coutTopQuery' => 0, 'CurrentUserId' => $CurrentUserId)); }
<?php include '../../inc/'; if (isset($id) && is_numeric($id) && Question::exists($id)) { $res->question = Question::find($id); $res->responses = Question::find('all', array('conditions' => array('question_id' => $id), 'order' => 'created_at asc')); $res->useTemplate("Liste des Questions"); } else { echo "La question n'existe pas"; }
public function getAcceptanswer($aID, $qID, $uID) { //return $aID. ' '. $qID; $answerToAccept = Answer::find($aID); $answerToAccept->status = 'accepted'; $answerToAccept->save(); $questionToUpdate = Question::find($qID); $questionToUpdate->status = 'solved'; $questionToUpdate->save(); $userToUpdate = User::find($uID); $reputation = $userToUpdate->reputation; $userToUpdate->reputation = $reputation + 15; $userToUpdate->save(); $answerReputation = new Areputation(); $answerReputation->user_id = $uID; $answerReputation->answer_id = $aID; $answerReputation->points = "+15"; $answerReputation->action = "accept"; $answerReputation->save(); $authReputation = new Areputation(); $authReputation->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $authReputation->answer_id = $aID; $authReputation->points = "+2"; $authReputation->action = "accept"; $authReputation->save(); $userReputation = User::find(Auth::user()->id); $rep = $userReputation->reputation; $userReputation->reputation = $rep + 2; $userReputation->save(); return Redirect::back(); }
} break; } $body .= '</tr> </tbody> </table>'; echo $header . $body; }); HTML::macro('survey', function ($survey, $questions) { $count = 1; $output = '<fieldset><legend><h2>' . $survey->title . '</h2></legend>'; $output .= '<h3>' . $survey->slogan . '</h3><p> ' . $survey->description . ' </p>'; $output .= Form::open(); $output .= '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">'; foreach ($questions as $question) { $answers = Question::find($question->id)->answers()->select(array('', 'text'))->get(); if (count($answers)) { $output .= '<article class="question">'; $output .= '<h4>' . $count++ . ' - ' . trim($question->text) . '</h4>'; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $output .= '<div class="radio">'; $output .= '<label>'; $output .= '<input type="radio" name="' . trim($question->id) . '" value="' . trim($answer->id) . '"> ' . $answer->text . ''; $output .= '</label>'; $output .= '</div>'; } $output .= '</article>'; } } $output .= '<div class="clearfix">';
public function writeprojectdetailAction() { try { $manager = $this->session->get('Manager'); $project_id = $manager->project_id; #添加项目判断,是否有被试答题,若有答题则不能更新配置的模块 $result = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()->columns(array('COUNT( as count'))->from('Examinee')->join('QuestionAns', ' = QuestionAns.examinee_id AND Examinee.project_id = ' . $project_id)->getQuery()->execute(); $result = $result->toArray(); if ($result[0]['count'] > 0) { $this->dataReturn(array('error' => '已有被试答题,项目模块不可再修改!')); return; } if ($manager) { $module_names = array(); $checkeds = $this->request->getpost('checkeds'); $values = $this->request->getpost('values'); $i = 0; foreach ($checkeds as $value) { if ($value == 'true') { $module_names[] = PmDB::getModuleName($values[$i]); } $i++; } #全选情况 $project_detail_info = array(); $index_names = array(); if (count($module_names) == 10) { $index = Index::find(); foreach ($index as $index_record) { $index_names[] = $index_record->name; } $factor = Factor::find(); $factor_names = array(); foreach ($factor as $factor_record) { $factor_names[] = $factor_record->name; } $question = Question::find(); $examination = array(); foreach ($question as $question_record) { $paper_name = Paper::findFirst($question_record->paper_id)->name; $examination[$paper_name][] = $question_record->number; } $project_detail_info['exam_json'] = json_encode($examination, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } else { #所有相关指标名数组 $index_names = PmDB::getIndexName($module_names); #所有相关因子名数组 $factor_names = PmDB::getFactorName($index_names); #所有相关试卷下题目的数组 $examination = PmDB::getQuestionName($factor_names); $project_detail_info['exam_json'] = json_encode($examination, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } #因子分类 以及寻找子因子 $factors = PmDB::getAllDividedFactors($factor_names); $project_detail_info['factor_names'] = json_encode($factors, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $project_detail_info['module_names'] = implode(',', $module_names); $project_detail_info['index_names'] = implode(',', $index_names); $project_detail_info['project_id'] = $project_id; #插入到project_detail 并更新状态 PmDB::insertProjectDetail($project_detail_info); #模块配置的类型设为true #需求量表的上传设为false $this->dataReturn(array('success' => true)); return; } else { $this->dataBack(array('error' => "您的身份验证出错!请重新登录!")); return; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->dataReturn(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); return; } }
return Response::json(array("status" => "error", "errors" => $question->validator()->errors->all())); } } public function action_update() { $question = Config::get('question'); $answer = trim(Input::get('answer')); if ($answer && $answer != "") { $question->answer = $answer; $question->answered_by = Auth::officer()->id; $question->save(); return Response::json(array("status" => "success", "question" => $question->to_array(), "html" => View::make('projects.partials.question')->with('question', $question)->render())); } else { return Response::json(array("status" => "error", "errors" => array('No answer provided.'))); } } } Route::filter('question_exists', function () { $id = Request::$route->parameters[0]; $question = Question::find($id); if (!$question) { return Redirect::to('/'); } Config::set('question', $question); }); Route::filter('i_am_collaborator', function () { $question = Config::get('question'); if (!$question->project->is_mine()) { return Redirect::to('/'); } });