예제 #1
  * Get the metadata stored in the PHP archive.
  * @param InstallFile $fileInfo
  * @return array
 protected function getMetadata(InstallFile $fileInfo) : array
     $alias = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(33)) . '.phar';
     $phar = new \Phar($fileInfo->getPath(), \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME);
     $metadata = $phar->getMetadata();
     return $metadata;
예제 #2
파일: CLI.php 프로젝트: fpoirotte/xrl
  * Return XRL's version.
  * \retval string
  *      XRL's version, or "dev" if the version
  *      information could not be retrieved.
 public static function getVersion()
     // From a phar release.
     if (!strncmp('phar://', __FILE__, 7)) {
         $phar = new \Phar(__FILE__);
         $md = $phar->getMetadata();
         return $md['version'];
     // From a composer install.
     $getver = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'erebot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'buildenv' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'get_version.php';
     if (file_exists($getver)) {
         return trim(shell_exec($getver));
     // Default guess.
     return 'dev';
예제 #3
 * Displays the phar file metadata and optionally a file list
 * @param boolean $includeFileList
 * @return void
function showInfo($includeFileList = false)
    $p = new Phar('phar://' . __FILE__);
    fwrite(STDOUT, "Morph Library\n-------------\n");
    foreach ($p->getMetadata() as $field => $value) {
        $field = str_pad($field, 16, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        fwrite(STDOUT, "{$field}: {$value}\n");
    if ($includeFileList === true) {
        fwrite(STDOUT, "\nFile List\n---------\n");
        $i = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($p);
        $baseName = 'phar://' . __FILE__ . '/';
        foreach ($i as $file) {
            $name = $file->getPath() . '/' . $file->getFilename();
            $name = str_replace($baseName, '', $name);
            fwrite(STDOUT, "{$name}\n");
    fwrite(STDOUT, "\n");
예제 #4
파일: CLI.php 프로젝트: erebot/erebot
  * Entry-point for Erebot.
  * \return
  *      This method never returns.
  *      Instead, the program exits with an appropriate
  *      return code when Erebot is stopped.
 public static function run()
     // Apply patches.
     // Load the configuration for the Dependency Injection Container.
     $dic = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder();
     $dic->setParameter('Erebot.src_dir', __DIR__);
     $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($dic, new \Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator(getcwd()));
     $dicConfig = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml';
     $dicCwdConfig = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml';
     if (!strncasecmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) {
         if (!file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) {
             copy($dicConfig, $dicCwdConfig);
         $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig;
     } elseif (file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) {
         $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig;
     // Determine availability of PHP extensions
     // needed by some of the command-line options.
     $hasPosix = in_array('posix', get_loaded_extensions());
     $hasPcntl = in_array('pcntl', get_loaded_extensions());
     $logger = $dic->get('logging');
     $localeGetter = $dic->getParameter('i18n.default_getter');
     $coreTranslatorCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.i18n');
     $translator = new $coreTranslatorCls("Erebot\\Core");
     $categories = array('LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_MONETARY', 'LC_TIME', 'LC_NUMERIC');
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $locales = call_user_func($localeGetter);
         $locales = empty($locales) ? array() : array($locales);
         $localeSources = array('LANGUAGE' => true, 'LC_ALL' => false, $category => false, 'LANG' => false);
         foreach ($localeSources as $source => $multiple) {
             if (!isset($_SERVER[$source])) {
             if ($multiple) {
                 $locales = explode(':', $_SERVER[$source]);
             } else {
                 $locales = array($_SERVER[$source]);
         $translator->setLocale($translator->nameToCategory($category), $locales);
     // Also, include some information about the version
     // of currently loaded PHAR modules, if any.
     $version = 'dev-master';
     if (!strncmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) {
         $phar = new \Phar(\Phar::running(true));
         $md = $phar->getMetadata();
         $version = $md['version'];
     if (defined('Erebot_PHARS')) {
         $phars = unserialize(Erebot_PHARS);
         foreach ($phars as $module => $metadata) {
             if (strncasecmp($module, 'Erebot_Module_', 14)) {
             $version .= "\n  with {$module} version {$metadata['version']}";
     \Console_CommandLine::registerAction('StoreProxy', '\\Erebot\\Console\\StoreProxyAction');
     $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'Erebot', 'description' => $translator->gettext('A modular IRC bot written in PHP'), 'version' => $version, 'add_help_option' => true, 'add_version_option' => true, 'force_posix' => false));
     $parser->accept(new \Erebot\Console\MessageProvider());
     $parser->renderer->options_on_different_lines = true;
     $defaultConfigFile = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Erebot.xml';
     $parser->addOption('config', array('short_name' => '-c', 'long_name' => '--config', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Path to the configuration file to use instead ' . 'of "Erebot.xml", relative to the current ' . 'directory.'), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => $defaultConfigFile));
     $parser->addOption('daemon', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Run the bot in the background (daemon).' . ' [requires the POSIX and pcntl extensions]'), 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
     $noDaemon = new \Erebot\Console\ParallelOption('no_daemon', array('short_name' => '-n', 'long_name' => '--no-daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Do not run the bot in the background. ' . 'This is the default, unless the -d option ' . 'is used or the bot is configured otherwise.'), 'action' => 'StoreProxy', 'action_params' => array('option' => 'daemon')));
     $parser->addOption('pidfile', array('short_name' => '-p', 'long_name' => '--pidfile', 'description' => $translator->gettext("Store the bot's PID in this file."), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     $parser->addOption('group', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--group', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set group identity to this GID/group during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change group ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'GROUP/GID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     $parser->addOption('user', array('short_name' => '-u', 'long_name' => '--user', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set user identity to this UID/username during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change user ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'USER/UID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     try {
         $parsed = $parser->parse();
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
     // Parse the configuration file.
     $config = new \Erebot\Config\Main($parsed->options['config'], \Erebot\Config\Main::LOAD_FROM_FILE, $translator);
     $coreCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.core');
     $bot = new $coreCls($config, $translator);
     $dic->set('bot', $bot);
     // Use values from the XML configuration file
     // if there is no override from the command line.
     $overrides = array('daemon' => 'mustDaemonize', 'group' => 'getGroupIdentity', 'user' => 'getUserIdentity', 'pidfile' => 'getPidfile');
     foreach ($overrides as $option => $func) {
         if ($parsed->options[$option] === null) {
             $parsed->options[$option] = $config->{$func}();
     /* Handle daemonization.
      * See also:
      * - http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~dpotter/howto/daemonize
      * - http://andytson.com/blog/2010/05/daemonising-a-php-cli-script
     if ($parsed->options['daemon']) {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('The posix extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background'));
         if (!$hasPcntl) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pcntl extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background'));
         foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), array(__CLASS__, 'startupSighandler'));
         $logger->info($translator->gettext('Starting the bot in the background...'));
         $pid = pcntl_fork();
         if ($pid < 0) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)'));
         if ($pid > 0) {
             pcntl_wait($dummy, WUNTRACED);
         $parent = posix_getppid();
         // Ignore some of the signals.
         foreach (array('SIGTSTP', 'SIGTOU', 'SIGTIN', 'SIGHUP') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_IGN);
         // Restore the signal handlers we messed with.
         foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_DFL);
         if (umask() != 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Could not change umask'));
         if (posix_setsid() == -1) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to setsid)'));
         // Prevent the child from ever acquiring a controlling terminal.
         // Not required under Linux, but required by at least System V.
         $pid = pcntl_fork();
         if ($pid < 0) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)'));
         if ($pid > 0) {
         // Avoid locking up the current directory.
         if (!chdir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not chdir to "%(path)s"'), array('path' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
         // Explicitly close the magic stream-constants (just in case).
         foreach (array('STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STDERR') as $stream) {
             if (defined($stream)) {
         // Re-open them with the system's blackhole.
          * \todo
          *      should be made portable, but the requirement on the POSIX
          *      extension prevents this, so this is okay for now.
         $stdin = fopen('/dev/null', 'r');
         $stdout = fopen('/dev/null', 'w');
         $stderr = fopen('/dev/null', 'w');
         if (defined('SIGUSR1')) {
             posix_kill($parent, SIGUSR1);
         $logger->info($translator->gettext('Successfully started in the background'));
     try {
         /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that.
         $identd = $dic->get('identd');
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $identd = null;
     try {
         /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that.
         $prompt = $dic->get('prompt');
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $prompt = null;
     // Change group identity if necessary.
     if ($parsed->options['group'] !== null && $parsed->options['group'] != '') {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change group identity.'));
         } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change group identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid()));
         } else {
             if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['group'])) {
                 $info = posix_getgrgid((int) $parsed->options['group']);
             } else {
                 $info = posix_getgrnam($parsed->options['group']);
             if ($info === false) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such group "%(group)s"'), array('group' => $parsed->options['group']));
             if (!posix_setgid($info['gid'])) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('id' => $info['gid'], 'name' => $info['name']));
             $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['gid']));
     // Change user identity if necessary.
     if ($parsed->options['user'] !== null || $parsed->options['user'] != '') {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change user identity.'));
         } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change user identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid()));
         } else {
             if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['user'])) {
                 $info = posix_getpwuid((int) $parsed->options['user']);
             } else {
                 $info = posix_getpwnam($parsed->options['user']);
             if ($info === false) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such user "%(user)s"'), array('user' => $parsed->options['user']));
             if (!posix_setuid($info['uid'])) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid']));
             $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid']));
     // Write new pidfile.
     if ($parsed->options['pidfile'] !== null && $parsed->options['pidfile'] != '') {
         $pid = @file_get_contents($parsed->options['pidfile']);
         // If the file already existed, the bot may already be started
         // or it may contain data not related to Erebot at all.
         if ($pid !== false) {
             $pid = (int) rtrim($pid);
             if (!$pid) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pidfile (%(pidfile)s) contained garbage. ' . 'Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
             } else {
                 posix_kill($pid, 0);
                 $res = posix_errno();
                 switch ($res) {
                     case 0:
                         // No error.
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Erebot is already running ' . 'with PID %(pid)d'), array('pid' => $pid));
                     case 3:
                         // ESRCH.
                         $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Found stalled PID %(pid)d in pidfile ' . '"%(pidfile)s". Removing it'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid));
                     case 1:
                         // EPERM.
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Found another program\'s PID %(pid)d in ' . 'pidfile "%(pidfile)s". Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid));
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unknown error while checking for ' . 'the existence of another running ' . 'instance of Erebot (%(error)s)'), array('error' => posix_get_last_error()));
         $pidfile = fopen($parsed->options['pidfile'], 'wt');
         flock($pidfile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock);
         if ($wouldBlock) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not lock pidfile (%(pidfile)s). ' . 'Is the bot already running?'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
         $pid = sprintf("%u\n", getmypid());
         $res = fwrite($pidfile, $pid);
         if ($res !== strlen($pid)) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unable to write PID to pidfile (%(pidfile)s)'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
         $logger->debug($translator->gettext('PID (%(pid)d) written into %(pidfile)s'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => getmypid()));
         // Register a callback to remove the pidfile upon exit.
         register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'cleanupPidfile'), $pidfile, $parsed->options['pidfile']);
     // Display a desperate warning when run as user root.
     if ($hasPosix && posix_getuid() === 0) {
         $logger->warning($translator->gettext('You SHOULD NOT run Erebot as root!'));
     if ($identd !== null) {
     if ($prompt !== null) {
     // This doesn't return until we purposely
     // make the bot drop all active connections.
예제 #5
  * Let's install the automatic update.
  * If we get to this point:
  * 1. We know the signature is signed by
  *    Paragon Initiative Enterprises, LLC.
  * 2. The hash was checked into Keyggdrasil, which
  *    was independently vouched for by our peers.
  * @param UpdateInfo $info
  * @param UpdateFile $file
  * @throws CouldNotUpdate
 protected function install(UpdateInfo $info, UpdateFile $file)
     if (!$file->hashMatches($info->getChecksum())) {
         throw new CouldNotUpdate(\__('Checksum mismatched'));
     // Let's open the update package:
     $path = $file->getPath();
     $updater = new \Phar($path, \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME);
     $metadata = $updater->getMetadata();
     // We need to do this while we're replacing files.
     if (isset($metadata['files'])) {
         foreach ($metadata['files'] as $fileName) {
     if (isset($metadata['autoRun'])) {
         foreach ($metadata['autoRun'] as $autoRun) {
     // If we included composer.lock, we need to install the dependencies.
     if (\in_array('composer.lock', $metadata['files'])) {
         $composers = ['/usr/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer.phar', \dirname(ROOT) . '/composer', \dirname(ROOT) . '/composer.phar'];
         $composerUpdated = false;
         foreach ($composers as $composer) {
             if (\file_exists($composer)) {
                 $dir = \getcwd();
                 \shell_exec("{$composer} install");
                 $composerUpdated = true;
         if (!$composerUpdated) {
             self::$continuumLogger->store(LogLevel::INFO, 'Could not update dependencies. Please run Composer manually.', $this->getLogContext($info, $file));
     // Free up the updater alias
     $garbageAlias = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(63)) . '.phar';
     // Now bring it back up.
     self::$continuumLogger->store(LogLevel::INFO, 'CMS Airship core update installed', $this->getLogContext($info, $file));
예제 #6
  * We just need to replace the Phar
  * If we get to this point:
  * 1. We know the signature is signed by the supplier.
  * 2. The hash was checked into Keyggdrasil, which
  *    was independently vouched for by our peers.
  * @param UpdateInfo $info
  * @param UpdateFile $file
  * @throws CouldNotUpdate
 protected function install(UpdateInfo $info, UpdateFile $file)
     if (!$file->hashMatches($info->getChecksum())) {
         throw new CouldNotUpdate(\__('Checksum mismatched'));
     // Create a backup of the old Gadget:
     \rename($this->filePath, $this->filePath . '.backup');
     \rename($file->getPath(), $this->filePath);
     $this->log('Begin install process', LogLevel::DEBUG, ['path' => $file->getPath(), 'hash' => $file->getHash(), 'version' => $file->getVersion(), 'size' => $file->getSize()]);
     // Get metadata from the old version of this Gadget:
     $oldAlias = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(48)) . '.phar';
     $oldGadget = new \Phar($this->filePath, \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME);
     $oldMetadata = $oldGadget->getMetadata();
     // Let's open the update package:
     $newGadget = new \Phar($this->filePath, \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME, $this->pharAlias);
     $metaData = $newGadget->getMetadata();
     // We need to do this while we're replacing files.
     Sandbox::safeRequire('phar://' . $this->pharAlias . '/update_trigger.php', $oldMetadata);
     // Free up the updater alias
     $garbageAlias = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(48)) . '.phar';
     // Now bring it back up.
     // Make sure we update the version info. in the DB cache:
     $this->updateDBRecord('Gadget', $info);
     if ($metaData) {
         $this->updateJSON($info, $metaData);
     self::$continuumLogger->store(LogLevel::INFO, 'Gadget update installed', $this->getLogContext($info, $file));

$p = new Phar(__FILE__);
echo "ok\n";
__halt_compiler(); ?>
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예제 #8
  * Apply the update
  * @access public      
  * @return boolean
 public static function applyPackage($pharWithPath = null, $pharType = 'addon')
     $phar_can_open = true;
     $meta = array();
     $pro_hart = array();
     try {
         if ($pharWithPath == null) {
             $pharFile = 'update.phar';
             $phar = new Phar(DIR_FS_WORK . 'updates/' . $pharFile);
             $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
             self::$_to_version = $meta['version_to'];
             // reset the log
             if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt') && is_writable(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt')) {
                 unlink(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt');
             $pharCode = 'update';
             if (defined('ADDONS_SYSTEM_LOADED_7_PRO_STATUS') && is_dir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/Loaded_7_Pro')) {
                 self::rmdir_r(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/Loaded_7_Pro');
             if (defined('ADDONS_SYSTEM_LOADED_7_B2B_STATUS') && is_dir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/Loaded_7_B2B')) {
                 self::rmdir_r(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/Loaded_7_B2B');
             self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' STARTED', $pharCode);
         } else {
             $pharFile = end(explode('/', $pharWithPath));
             $phar = new Phar(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $pharFile);
             $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
             $pharCode = str_replace('.phar', '', $pharFile);
             if ($meta['type'] != '') {
                 $pharType = $meta['type'];
             // reset the log
             if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/addon-' . $pharCode . '.txt') && is_writable(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/addon-' . $pharCode . '.txt')) {
                 unlink(DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/addon-' . $pharCode . '.txt');
             self::log('##### ADDON INSTALL ' . $pharCode . ' STARTED', $pharCode);
         // first delete files before extracting new files
         if (is_array($meta['delete']) && count($meta['delete']) > 0) {
             foreach ($meta['delete'] as $file) {
                 $directory = realpath(DIR_FS_CATALOG) . '/';
                 if (file_exists($directory . $file)) {
                     if (is_dir($directory . $file)) {
                         if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                             $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'directory', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => true);
                     } else {
                         if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                             $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'file', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => true);
         // loop through each file individually as extractTo() does not work with
         // directories (see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54289)
         foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $iteration) {
             if (($pos = strpos($iteration->getPathName(), '.phar')) !== false) {
                 $file = substr($iteration->getPathName(), $pos + 6);
                 if (version_compare($meta['compatibility'], '') != -1 || $pharType == 'template' || $pharType == 'language' || $pharWithPath == null) {
                     $directory = realpath(DIR_FS_CATALOG) . '/';
                 } else {
                     $directory = realpath(DIR_FS_CATALOG) . '/addons/' . $pharCode . '/';
                 if (file_exists($directory . $file)) {
                     if (rename($directory . $file, $directory . dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file))) {
                         $pro_hart[] = array('type' => 'file', 'where' => $directory, 'path' => dirname($file) . '/.CU_' . basename($file), 'log' => false);
                 if ($phar->extractTo($directory, $file, true)) {
                     self::log('Extracted: ' . $file, $pharCode);
                 } else {
                     self::log('*** Could Not Extract: ' . $file, $pharCode);
         self::log('##### CLEANUP', $pharCode);
         foreach (array_reverse($pro_hart, true) as $mess) {
             if ($mess['type'] == 'directory') {
                 if (self::rmdir_r($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('Deleted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']), $pharCode);
                 } else {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('*** Could Not Delete: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']), $pharCode);
             } else {
                 if (unlink($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('Deleted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']), $pharCode);
                 } else {
                     if ($mess['log'] === true) {
                         self::log('*** Could Not Delete: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']), $pharCode);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $phar_can_open = false;
         self::log('##### ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage(), $pharCode);
         self::log('##### REVERTING STARTED', $pharCode);
         foreach (array_reverse($pro_hart, true) as $mess) {
             if ($mess['type'] == 'directory') {
                 if (file_exists($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']))) {
                     self::rmdir_r($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']))) {
                     unlink($mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             if (file_exists($mess['where'] . $mess['path'])) {
                 rename($mess['where'] . $mess['path'], $mess['where'] . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']));
             self::log('Reverted: ' . str_replace('/.CU_', '/', $mess['path']), $pharCode);
         self::log('##### REVERTING COMPLETE', $pharCode);
         self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' FAILED', $pharCode);
         trigger_error('Please review the update log at: ' . DIR_FS_WORK . 'logs/update-' . self::$_to_version . '.txt');
     if ($pharWithPath == null) {
         // execute run after process
         // verify 644 permissions on PHP files on Linux systems
         if (utility::execEnabled() === true && utility::isLinux() === true) {
             try {
                 exec('\\find ' . DIR_FS_CATALOG . ' \\( -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\; \\);');
                 self::log('##### UPDATED Permissions on PHP files/directories', $pharCode);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 self::log('*** Could NOT Set Permissions on PHP files/directories', $pharCode);
             self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' COMPLETE', $pharCode);
         } else {
             try {
                 self::log('##### UPDATED Permissions on PHP files/directories', $pharCode);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 self::log('*** Could NOT Set Permissions on PHP files/directories', $pharCode);
             // remove the update phar
             if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'updates/update.phar')) {
                 unlink(DIR_FS_WORK . 'updates/update.phar');
             self::log('##### UPDATE TO ' . self::$_to_version . ' COMPLETE', $pharCode);
     } else {
         // remove the addon phar & pubkey
         if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $pharCode . '.phar')) {
             unlink(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $pharCode . '.phar');
         if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $pharCode . '.phar.pubkey')) {
             unlink(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $pharCode . '.phar.pubkey');
         self::log('##### ADDON INSTALL ' . $code . ' COMPLETE', $pharCode);
     return $phar_can_open;
예제 #9
 public static function install($key)
     global $lC_Database, $lC_Language, $lC_Vqmod, $lC_Addons;
     $isTemplate = strstr($key, 'lC_Template_') ? true : false;
     if ($isTemplate) {
         $key = str_replace('lC_Template_', '', $key);
         if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'includes/templates/' . $key . '.php')) {
             // get the addon phar from the store
             self::getAddonPhar($key, 'template');
             // apply the addon phar
             if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $key . '.phar')) {
                 lC_Updates_Admin::applyPackage(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $key . '.phar', 'template');
         return true;
     } else {
         // is addon or language
         if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $key . '/controller.php')) {
             // get the addon phar from the store
             $phar = new Phar(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $key . '.phar', 0);
             $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
             // apply the addon phar
             if (file_exists(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $key . '.phar')) {
                 lC_Updates_Admin::applyPackage(DIR_FS_WORK . 'addons/' . $key . '.phar');
             if ($meta['type'] == 'language') {
                 return true;
         // sanity check to see if the object is already installed
         $okToInstall = true;
         $Qchk = $lC_Database->query("select id from :table_templates_boxes where modules_group LIKE '%" . $key . "%'");
         $Qchk->bindTable(':table_templates_boxes', TABLE_TEMPLATES_BOXES);
         if ($Qchk->numberOfRows() > 0) {
             $okToInstall = false;
         if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $key . '/controller.php') && $okToInstall === true) {
             include_once DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $key . '/controller.php';
             $addon = $key;
             $addon = new $addon();
             $modules_group = $addon->getAddonType() . '|' . $key;
             $code = $addon->getAddonType();
             $title = $addon->getAddonTitle();
             // check for payment or shipping modules and adjust addon $code to module $code
             if (is_dir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $addon->getAddonCode() . '/modules/payment/')) {
                 $lC_DirectoryListing = new lC_DirectoryListing(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $addon->getAddonCode() . '/modules/payment/');
                 foreach ($lC_DirectoryListing->getFiles() as $ao) {
                     if (isset($ao['name'])) {
                         $code = substr($ao['name'], 0, strpos($ao['name'], '.'));
                         $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
                         $modules_group = 'payment|' . $key;
             } else {
                 if (is_dir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $addon->getAddonCode() . '/modules/shipping/')) {
                     $lC_DirectoryListing = new lC_DirectoryListing(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'addons/' . $addon->getAddonCode() . '/modules/shipping/');
                     foreach ($lC_DirectoryListing->getFiles() as $ao) {
                         if (isset($ao['name'])) {
                             $code = substr($ao['name'], 0, strpos($ao['name'], '.'));
                             $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
                             $modules_group = 'shipping|' . $key;
             if (empty($code) === false) {
                 $Qdel = $lC_Database->query('delete from :table_templates_boxes where modules_group = :modules_group');
                 $Qdel->bindTable(':table_templates_boxes', TABLE_TEMPLATES_BOXES);
                 $Qdel->bindValue(':modules_group', $modules_group);
                 $Qinstall = $lC_Database->query('insert into :table_templates_boxes (title, code, author_name, author_www, modules_group) values (:title, :code, :author_name, :author_www, :modules_group)');
                 $Qinstall->bindTable(':table_templates_boxes', TABLE_TEMPLATES_BOXES);
                 $Qinstall->bindValue(':title', $title);
                 $Qinstall->bindValue(':code', $code);
                 $Qinstall->bindValue(':author_name', $addon->getAddonAuthor());
                 $Qinstall->bindValue(':author_www', $addon->getAddonAuthorWWW());
                 $Qinstall->bindValue(':modules_group', $modules_group);
                 return true;
     return false;
예제 #10
파일: stub.php 프로젝트: erebot/erebot
            foreach ($package['autoload']['psr-0'] as $autoload) {
                Erebot_Autoload::initialize("phar://" . $pharPath . "/vendor/{$package['name']}/{$autoload}");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Create installed repo, this contains all local packages
// and platform packages (php, extensions & system libs).
$platformRepository = new \Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository();
$installedRepository = new \Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository(array($platformRepository, $repository));
$pool = new \Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool();
$request = new \Composer\DependencyResolver\Request($pool);
$phar = new Phar(__FILE__);
$md = $phar->getMetadata();
$policy = new \Composer\DependencyResolver\DefaultPolicy();
$solver = new \Composer\DependencyResolver\Solver($policy, $pool, $repository);
try {
} catch (\Composer\DependencyResolver\SolverProblemsException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
// Necessary for PEAR 1 packages that require() stuff.
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, Erebot_Autoload::getPaths()));
예제 #11

echo "PocketMine-MP plugin timezoneFix v1.0-alpha\nThis file has been generated using DevTools vbleeding-x at Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:48:43 +0900\n----------------\n";
if (extension_loaded("phar")) {
    $phar = new \Phar(__FILE__);
    foreach ($phar->getMetadata() as $key => $value) {
        echo ucfirst($key) . ": " . (is_array($value) ? implode(", ", $value) : $value) . "\n";
__halt_compiler(); ?>
예제 #12
         echo "Usage: -e <phar_file> [extract_directory]\n";
 } elseif (strtolower($argv[1]) == "-i") {
     //PharTools Info command
     if (isset($argv[2])) {
         //Get fixed filename
         if (strtolower(substr($argv[2], -5)) == ".phar" || strpos($argv[2], '.') !== false) {
             $file = $argv[2];
         } else {
             $file = $argv[2] . ".phar";
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             try {
                 $phar = new Phar($file, 0);
                 if ($phar->hasMetadata()) {
                     $metadata = metadataToString($phar->getMetadata());
                 } else {
                     $metadata = "No metadata found\n";
                 echo "Size: " . round(filesize($file) * 0.0009765625 * 0.0009765625, 2) . " MB (" . round(filesize($file) * 0.0009765625, 3) . " KB)\n";
                 echo "Signature: " . $phar->getSignature()["hash"] . "\n";
                 echo "Signature type: " . $phar->getSignature()["hash_type"] . "\n";
                 echo "Writable: " . strbool($phar->isWritable()) . "\n";
                 echo "Readable: " . strbool($phar->isReadable()) . "\n";
                 echo "Metadata: " . $metadata;
                 echo "Show stub (y, n)? ";
                 $input = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
                 $line = fgets($input);
                 if (trim($line) == 'y') {
                     echo $phar->getStub();
예제 #13
파일: Cabin.php 프로젝트: paragonie/airship
  * Cabin install process.
  * 1. Extract files to proper directory.
  * 2. Run the update triggers (install hooks and incremental upgrades)
  * 3. Create/update relevant configuration files.
  * 4. Create symbolic links.
  * 5. Clear the cache files.
  * @param InstallFile $fileInfo
  * @return bool
 public function install(InstallFile $fileInfo) : bool
     $ns = $this->makeNamespace($this->supplier->getName(), $this->package);
     $alias = 'cabin.' . $this->supplier->getName() . '.' . $this->package . '.phar';
     $updater = new \Phar($fileInfo->getPath(), \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME);
     $metadata = $updater->getMetadata();
     // Overwrite files
     $updater->extractTo(ROOT . '/Cabin/' . $ns);
     // Run the update trigger.
     $updateTrigger = ROOT . '/Cabin/' . $ns . '/update_trigger.php';
     if (\file_exists($updateTrigger)) {
          * @security Make sure arbitrary RCE isn't possible here.
         \shell_exec('php -dphar.readonly=0 ' . \escapeshellarg($updateTrigger) . ' >/dev/null 2>&1 &');
     // Free up the updater alias
     $garbageAlias = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(33)) . '.phar';
     self::$continuumLogger->store(LogLevel::INFO, 'Cabin install successful', $this->getLogContext($fileInfo));
     return $this->configure($ns, $metadata);
예제 #14
$fname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.php';
$fname2 = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.2.phar.php';
if (file_exists($fname)) {
if (file_exists($fname2)) {
$phar = new Phar($fname);
// no entries, never flushed
$phar = new Phar($fname2);
$phar['b'] = 'whatever';
// flushed
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$phar = new Phar($fname);
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.php');
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.2.phar.php');

try {
    $p = new Phar(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bug69324.phar', 0);
    $meta = $p->getMetadata();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
예제 #16
  * Get metadata from the Phar
  * @param string $file
  * @return array
 public function getPharManifest(string $file) : array
     $phar = new \Phar($file);
     $meta = $phar->getMetadata();
     if (empty($meta)) {
         return [];
     return $meta;
예제 #17
function unphar_toZip($tmpName, &$result, $name = "")
    $result = ["tmpDir" => null, "zipPath" => null, "zipRelativePath" => null, "basename" => null, "error" => false];
    rename($tmpName, "{$tmpName}.phar");
    $tmpName .= ".phar";
    try {
        $phar = new Phar($tmpName);
        $result["tmpDir"] = $tmpDir = getTmpDir();
        $pharPath = "phar://{$phar->getPath()}/";
        foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($pharPath)) as $f) {
            $subpath = substr($f, strlen($pharPath));
            @mkdir(dirname($realSubpath = $tmpDir . $subpath), 0777, true);
            copy($f, $realSubpath);
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $dir = "/data/phars/";
        while (is_file($file = htdocs . ($rel = $dir . randomClass(16, "zip_" . $name . "_") . ".zip"))) {
        $result["zipPath"] = $file;
        $result["zipRelativePath"] = $rel;
        $result["basename"] = substr($rel, 12);
        $err = $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
        if ($err !== true) {
            $msg = "Error creating zip file: ";
            switch ($err) {
                case ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS:
                    $msg .= "ER_EXISTS ({$err}) File already exists ({$file})";
                case ZipArchive::ER_INCONS:
                    $msg .= "ER_INCONS ({$err}) Zip archive inconsistent.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_INVAL:
                    $msg .= "ER_INVAL ({$err}) Invalid argument.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY:
                    $msg .= "ER_MEMORY ({$err}) Malloc failure.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_NOENT:
                    $msg .= "ER_NOENT ({$err}) No such file.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP:
                    $msg .= "ER_NOZIP ({$err}) Not a zip archive.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_OPEN:
                    $msg .= "ER_OPEN ({$err}) Can't open file.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_READ:
                    $msg .= "ER_READ ({$err}) Read error.";
                case ZipArchive::ER_SEEK:
                    $msg .= "ER_SEEK ({$err}) Seek error.";
            throw new RuntimeException($msg . " Dump: " . var_export($result, true));
        $tmpDir = realpath($tmpDir);
        foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmpDir)) as $file) {
            if (!is_file($file)) {
            $file = realpath($file);
            $rel = substr($file, strlen($tmpDir) + 1);
            $zip->addFile($file, str_replace("\\", "/", $rel));
        $zip->setArchiveComment(json_encode($phar->getMetadata(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "<pre>";
        echo get_class($e) . ": {$e->getMessage()}";
        echo "\r\n\tat {$e->getFile()}:{$e->getLine()}</pre>";
        $result["error"] = true;
예제 #18
파일: stub.php 프로젝트: erebot/buildenv
  * Displays this module's version.
 public function run_version()
     $phar = new Phar(__FILE__);
     $md = $phar->getMetadata();
     echo $md['version'] . PHP_EOL;
예제 #19

define('OC_CACHE_HOST', '');
define('OC_CACHE_PORT', '11211');
define('OC_TMP', 'TMP');
define('OC_LAST_ADD_VM', 'lastAddVM');
define('OC_LAST_ADD_PM', 'lastAddPM');
define('OC_LAST_REM_VM', 'lastRemVM');
define('OC_LAST_REM_PM', 'lastRemPM');
define('OC_ND_HIGH_CONVERGENCE', true);
define('OC_STORE', 'classes');
$phar = Phar::running();
$p = new Phar($phar);
$files = $p->getMetadata()['files'];
foreach ($files as $file) {
    require_once $phar . "/" . $file;
$cache = new Memcached();
$cache->addServer(OC_CACHE_HOST, OC_CACHE_PORT);
Cache::$cache = $cache;
require_once "tests/dummyClasses.php";
Counter::$start = time() - 1;