예제 #1
  * @param \Article $article
  * @return JsonFormatNode
 public function getJsonFormatForArticle(\Article $article)
     $measurement = \Wikia\Measurements\Time::start([__CLASS__, __METHOD__]);
     $html = $article->getPage()->getParserOutput(\ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->requestContext))->getText();
     return $this->htmlParser->parse($html);
 public function index()
     $title = Title::newFromText('Version', NS_SPECIAL);
     $popts = ParserOptions::newFromContext(RequestContext::getMain());
     $this->wg->Title = $title;
     $softwareListPrepped = array();
     foreach ($this->version->getSoftwareList() as $key => $val) {
         $softwareListPrepped[$this->wg->Parser->parse($key, $title, $popts)->getText()] = $this->wg->Parser->parse($val, $title, $popts)->getText();
     $this->setVal('copyRightAndAuthorList', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->getCopyrightAndAuthorList(), $title, $popts)->getText());
     $this->setVal('softwareInformation', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->softwareInformation(), $title, $popts)->getText());
     $this->setVal('extensionCredit', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->getExtensionCredits(), $title, $popts)->getText());
     $this->setVal('ip', str_replace('--', ' - ', htmlspecialchars($this->getContext()->getRequest()->getIP())));
     $this->setVal('wikiaCodeMessage', wfMessage('wikia-version-code')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('wikiaCodeVersion', $this->version->getWikiaCodeVersion());
     $this->setVal('wikiaConfigMessage', wfMessage('wikia-version-config')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('wikiaConfigVersion', $this->version->getWikiaConfigVersion());
     $this->setVal('versionLicenseMessage', wfMessage('version-license')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('versionLicenseInfoMessage', wfMessage('version-license-info')->parse());
     $this->setVal('versionSoftwareMessage', wfMessage('version-software')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('versionSoftwareProductMessage', wfMessage('version-software-product')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('versionSoftwareVersionMessage', wfMessage('version-software-version')->escaped());
     $this->setVal('versionSoftwareList', $softwareListPrepped);
예제 #3
 public function execute()
     // Cache may vary on $wgUser because ParserOptions gets data from it
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     // Create title for parser
     $title_obj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
     if (!$title_obj) {
         $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     $result = $this->getResult();
     // Parse text
     global $wgParser;
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     if ($params['includecomments']) {
     if ($params['generatexml']) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, OT_PREPROCESS);
         $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($params['text']);
         if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
             $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         } else {
             $xml = $dom->__toString();
         $xml_result = array();
         $result->setContent($xml_result, $xml);
         $result->addValue(null, 'parsetree', $xml_result);
     $retval = $wgParser->preprocess($params['text'], $title_obj, $options);
     // Return result
     $retval_array = array();
     $result->setContent($retval_array, $retval);
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $retval_array);
예제 #4
  * Get/set the ParserOptions object to use for wikitext parsing
  * @param ParserOptions|null $options Either the ParserOption to use or null to only get the
  *   current ParserOption object
  * @return ParserOptions
 public function parserOptions($options = null)
     if ($options !== null && !empty($options->isBogus)) {
         // Someone is trying to set a bogus pre-$wgUser PO. Check if it has
         // been changed somehow, and keep it if so.
         $anonPO = ParserOptions::newFromAnon();
         if (!$options->matches($anonPO)) {
             wfLogWarning(__METHOD__ . ': Setting a changed bogus ParserOptions: ' . wfGetAllCallers(5));
             $options->isBogus = false;
     if (!$this->mParserOptions) {
         if (!$this->getContext()->getUser()->isSafeToLoad()) {
             // $wgUser isn't unstubbable yet, so don't try to get a
             // ParserOptions for it. And don't cache this ParserOptions
             // either.
             $po = ParserOptions::newFromAnon();
             $po->isBogus = true;
             if ($options !== null) {
                 $this->mParserOptions = empty($options->isBogus) ? $options : null;
             return $po;
         $this->mParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     if ($options !== null && !empty($options->isBogus)) {
         // They're trying to restore the bogus pre-$wgUser PO. Do the right
         // thing.
         return wfSetVar($this->mParserOptions, null, true);
     } else {
         return wfSetVar($this->mParserOptions, $options);
예제 #5
  * @group medium
  * @dataProvider parserTestProvider
  * @param string $desc
  * @param string $input
  * @param string $result
  * @param array $opts
  * @param array $config
 public function testParserTest($desc, $input, $result, $opts, $config)
     if ($this->regex != '' && !preg_match('/' . $this->regex . '/', $desc)) {
         // XXX: don't flood output with "test made no assertions"
         // $this->markTestSkipped( 'Filtered out by the user' );
     if (!$this->isWikitextNS(NS_MAIN)) {
         // parser tests frequently assume that the main namespace contains wikitext.
         // @todo When setting up pages, force the content model. Only skip if
         //        $wgtContentModelUseDB is false.
         $this->markTestSkipped("Main namespace does not support wikitext," . "skipping parser test: {$desc}");
     wfDebug("Running parser test: {$desc}\n");
     $opts = $this->parseOptions($opts);
     $context = $this->setupGlobals($opts, $config);
     $user = $context->getUser();
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($context);
     if (isset($opts['title'])) {
         $titleText = $opts['title'];
     } else {
         $titleText = 'Parser test';
     $local = isset($opts['local']);
     $preprocessor = isset($opts['preprocessor']) ? $opts['preprocessor'] : null;
     $parser = $this->getParser($preprocessor);
     $title = Title::newFromText($titleText);
     # Parser test requiring math. Make sure texvc is executable
     # or just skip such tests.
     if (isset($opts['math']) || isset($opts['texvc'])) {
         global $wgTexvc;
         if (!isset($wgTexvc)) {
             $this->markTestSkipped("SKIPPED: \$wgTexvc is not set");
         } elseif (!is_executable($wgTexvc)) {
             $this->markTestSkipped("SKIPPED: texvc binary does not exist" . " or is not executable.\n" . "Current configuration is:\n\$wgTexvc = '{$wgTexvc}'");
     if (isset($opts['djvu'])) {
         if (!$this->djVuSupport->isEnabled()) {
             $this->markTestSkipped("SKIPPED: djvu binaries do not exist or are not executable.\n");
     if (isset($opts['tidy'])) {
         if (!$this->tidySupport->isEnabled()) {
             $this->markTestSkipped("SKIPPED: tidy extension is not installed.\n");
         } else {
     if (isset($opts['pst'])) {
         $out = $parser->preSaveTransform($input, $title, $user, $options);
     } elseif (isset($opts['msg'])) {
         $out = $parser->transformMsg($input, $options, $title);
     } elseif (isset($opts['section'])) {
         $section = $opts['section'];
         $out = $parser->getSection($input, $section);
     } elseif (isset($opts['replace'])) {
         $section = $opts['replace'][0];
         $replace = $opts['replace'][1];
         $out = $parser->replaceSection($input, $section, $replace);
     } elseif (isset($opts['comment'])) {
         $out = Linker::formatComment($input, $title, $local);
     } elseif (isset($opts['preload'])) {
         $out = $parser->getPreloadText($input, $title, $options);
     } else {
         $output = $parser->parse($input, $title, $options, true, true, 1337);
         $out = $output->getText();
         if (isset($opts['tidy'])) {
             $out = preg_replace('/\\s+$/', '', $out);
         if (isset($opts['showtitle'])) {
             if ($output->getTitleText()) {
                 $title = $output->getTitleText();
             $out = "{$title}\n{$out}";
         if (isset($opts['showindicators'])) {
             $indicators = '';
             foreach ($output->getIndicators() as $id => $content) {
                 $indicators .= "{$id}={$content}\n";
             $out = $indicators . $out;
         if (isset($opts['ill'])) {
             $out = implode(' ', $output->getLanguageLinks());
         } elseif (isset($opts['cat'])) {
             $outputPage = $context->getOutput();
             $cats = $outputPage->getCategoryLinks();
             if (isset($cats['normal'])) {
                 $out = implode(' ', $cats['normal']);
             } else {
                 $out = '';
         $parser->mPreprocessor = null;
     $this->assertEquals($result, $out, $desc);
  * Wrapper around OutputPage::parseInline
  * @param $value String Wikitext to parse
  * @param $lang Language
  * @since 1.3
  * @return String parsed wikitext
 private function parseValue($value, Language $lang)
     global $wgParser;
     $parserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->context);
     $output = $wgParser->parse($value, $this->getTitle(), $parserOptions);
     $parsed = $output->getText();
     // Strip out the surrounding <p> tags
     $m = array();
     if (preg_match('/^<p>(.*)\\n?<\\/p>\\n?/sU', $parsed, $m)) {
         $parsed = $m[1];
     return $parsed;
예제 #7
 public function execute()
     // The data is hot but user-dependent, like page views, so we set vary cookies
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $text = $params['text'];
     $title = $params['title'];
     $page = $params['page'];
     $pageid = $params['pageid'];
     $oldid = $params['oldid'];
     if (!is_null($page) && (!is_null($text) || $title != 'API')) {
         $this->dieUsage('The page parameter cannot be used together with the text and title parameters', 'params');
     $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     if (isset($params['section'])) {
         $this->section = $params['section'];
     } else {
         $this->section = false;
     // The parser needs $wgTitle to be set, apparently the
     // $title parameter in Parser::parse isn't enough *sigh*
     // TODO: Does this still need $wgTitle?
     global $wgParser, $wgTitle, $wgLang;
     // Currently unnecessary, code to act as a safeguard against any change in current behaviour of uselang breaks
     $oldLang = null;
     if (isset($params['uselang']) && $params['uselang'] != $wgLang->getCode()) {
         $oldLang = $wgLang;
         // Backup wgLang
         $wgLang = Language::factory($params['uselang']);
     $popts = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     $redirValues = null;
     // Return result
     $result = $this->getResult();
     if (!is_null($oldid) || !is_null($pageid) || !is_null($page)) {
         if (!is_null($oldid)) {
             // Don't use the parser cache
             $rev = Revision::newFromID($oldid);
             if (!$rev) {
                 $this->dieUsage("There is no revision ID {$oldid}", 'missingrev');
             if (!$rev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser())) {
                 $this->dieUsage("You don't have permission to view deleted revisions", 'permissiondenied');
             $titleObj = $rev->getTitle();
             $wgTitle = $titleObj;
             // If for some reason the "oldid" is actually the current revision, it may be cached
             if ($titleObj->getLatestRevID() === intval($oldid)) {
                 // May get from/save to parser cache
                 $p_result = $this->getParsedSectionOrText($titleObj, $popts, $pageid, isset($prop['wikitext']));
             } else {
                 // This is an old revision, so get the text differently
                 $this->text = $rev->getText(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser());
                 if ($this->section !== false) {
                     $this->text = $this->getSectionText($this->text, 'r' . $rev->getId());
                 // Should we save old revision parses to the parser cache?
                 $p_result = $wgParser->parse($this->text, $titleObj, $popts);
         } else {
             // Not $oldid, but $pageid or $page
             if ($params['redirects']) {
                 $reqParams = array('action' => 'query', 'redirects' => '');
                 if (!is_null($pageid)) {
                     $reqParams['pageids'] = $pageid;
                 } else {
                     // $page
                     $reqParams['titles'] = $page;
                 $req = new FauxRequest($reqParams);
                 $main = new ApiMain($req);
                 $data = $main->getResultData();
                 $redirValues = isset($data['query']['redirects']) ? $data['query']['redirects'] : array();
                 $to = $page;
                 foreach ((array) $redirValues as $r) {
                     $to = $r['to'];
                 $titleObj = Title::newFromText($to);
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($pageid)) {
                     $reqParams['pageids'] = $pageid;
                     $titleObj = Title::newFromID($pageid);
                 } else {
                     // $page
                     $to = $page;
                     $titleObj = Title::newFromText($to);
             if (!is_null($pageid)) {
                 if (!$titleObj) {
                     // Still throw nosuchpageid error if pageid was provided
                     $this->dieUsageMsg(array('nosuchpageid', $pageid));
             } elseif (!$titleObj || !$titleObj->exists()) {
                 $this->dieUsage("The page you specified doesn't exist", 'missingtitle');
             $wgTitle = $titleObj;
             if (isset($prop['revid'])) {
                 $oldid = $titleObj->getLatestRevID();
             // Potentially cached
             $p_result = $this->getParsedSectionOrText($titleObj, $popts, $pageid, isset($prop['wikitext']));
     } else {
         // Not $oldid, $pageid, $page. Hence based on $text
         if (is_null($text)) {
             $this->dieUsage('The text parameter should be passed with the title parameter. Should you be using the "page" parameter instead?', 'params');
         $this->text = $text;
         $titleObj = Title::newFromText($title);
         if (!$titleObj) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $title));
         $wgTitle = $titleObj;
         if ($this->section !== false) {
             $this->text = $this->getSectionText($this->text, $titleObj->getText());
         if ($params['pst'] || $params['onlypst']) {
             $this->pstText = $wgParser->preSaveTransform($this->text, $titleObj, $this->getUser(), $popts);
         if ($params['onlypst']) {
             // Build a result and bail out
             $result_array = array();
             $result_array['text'] = array();
             $result->setContent($result_array['text'], $this->pstText);
             if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
                 $result_array['wikitext'] = array();
                 $result->setContent($result_array['wikitext'], $this->text);
             $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $result_array);
         // Not cached (save or load)
         $p_result = $wgParser->parse($params['pst'] ? $this->pstText : $this->text, $titleObj, $popts);
     $result_array = array();
     $result_array['title'] = $titleObj->getPrefixedText();
     if (!is_null($oldid)) {
         $result_array['revid'] = intval($oldid);
     if ($params['redirects'] && !is_null($redirValues)) {
         $result_array['redirects'] = $redirValues;
     if (isset($prop['text'])) {
         $result_array['text'] = array();
         $result->setContent($result_array['text'], $p_result->getText());
     if (!is_null($params['summary'])) {
         $result_array['parsedsummary'] = array();
         $result->setContent($result_array['parsedsummary'], Linker::formatComment($params['summary'], $titleObj));
     if (isset($prop['langlinks'])) {
         $result_array['langlinks'] = $this->formatLangLinks($p_result->getLanguageLinks());
     if (isset($prop['languageshtml'])) {
         $languagesHtml = $this->languagesHtml($p_result->getLanguageLinks());
         $result_array['languageshtml'] = array();
         $result->setContent($result_array['languageshtml'], $languagesHtml);
     if (isset($prop['categories'])) {
         $result_array['categories'] = $this->formatCategoryLinks($p_result->getCategories());
     if (isset($prop['categorieshtml'])) {
         $categoriesHtml = $this->categoriesHtml($p_result->getCategories());
         $result_array['categorieshtml'] = array();
         $result->setContent($result_array['categorieshtml'], $categoriesHtml);
     if (isset($prop['links'])) {
         $result_array['links'] = $this->formatLinks($p_result->getLinks());
     if (isset($prop['templates'])) {
         $result_array['templates'] = $this->formatLinks($p_result->getTemplates());
     if (isset($prop['images'])) {
         $result_array['images'] = array_keys($p_result->getImages());
     if (isset($prop['externallinks'])) {
         $result_array['externallinks'] = array_keys($p_result->getExternalLinks());
     if (isset($prop['sections'])) {
         $result_array['sections'] = $p_result->getSections();
     if (isset($prop['displaytitle'])) {
         $result_array['displaytitle'] = $p_result->getDisplayTitle() ? $p_result->getDisplayTitle() : $titleObj->getPrefixedText();
     if (isset($prop['headitems']) || isset($prop['headhtml'])) {
         $context = $this->getContext();
         if (isset($prop['headitems'])) {
             $headItems = $this->formatHeadItems($p_result->getHeadItems());
             $css = $this->formatCss($context->getOutput()->buildCssLinksArray());
             $scripts = array($context->getOutput()->getHeadScripts());
             $result_array['headitems'] = array_merge($headItems, $css, $scripts);
         if (isset($prop['headhtml'])) {
             $result_array['headhtml'] = array();
             $result->setContent($result_array['headhtml'], $context->getOutput()->headElement($context->getSkin()));
     if (isset($prop['iwlinks'])) {
         $result_array['iwlinks'] = $this->formatIWLinks($p_result->getInterwikiLinks());
     if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
         $result_array['wikitext'] = array();
         $result->setContent($result_array['wikitext'], $this->text);
         if (!is_null($this->pstText)) {
             $result_array['psttext'] = array();
             $result->setContent($result_array['psttext'], $this->pstText);
     $result_mapping = array('redirects' => 'r', 'langlinks' => 'll', 'categories' => 'cl', 'links' => 'pl', 'templates' => 'tl', 'images' => 'img', 'externallinks' => 'el', 'iwlinks' => 'iw', 'sections' => 's', 'headitems' => 'hi');
     $this->setIndexedTagNames($result_array, $result_mapping);
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $result_array);
     if (!is_null($oldLang)) {
         $wgLang = $oldLang;
         // Reset $wgLang to $oldLang
예제 #8
  * Get parser options suitable for rendering the primary article wikitext
  * @param IContextSource|User|string $context One of the following:
  *        - IContextSource: Use the User and the Language of the provided
  *          context
  *        - User: Use the provided User object and $wgLang for the language,
  *          so use an IContextSource object if possible.
  *        - 'canonical': Canonical options (anonymous user with default
  *          preferences and content language).
  * @return ParserOptions
 public function makeParserOptions($context)
     global $wgContLang;
     if ($context instanceof IContextSource) {
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($context);
     } elseif ($context instanceof User) {
         // settings per user (even anons)
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser($context);
     } else {
         // canonical settings
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang(new User(), $wgContLang);
     if ($this->getTitle()->isConversionTable()) {
     // show inclusion/loop reports
     // fix bad HTML
     return $options;
예제 #9
 public function execute()
     // Cache may vary on $wgUser because ParserOptions gets data from it
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $this->requireMaxOneParameter($params, 'prop', 'generatexml');
     if ($params['prop'] === null) {
         $this->setWarning('Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a ' . 'legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in ' . 'the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the new' . 'format to always be used.');
         $prop = array();
     } else {
         $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     // Get title and revision ID for parser
     $revid = $params['revid'];
     if ($revid !== null) {
         $rev = Revision::newFromId($revid);
         if (!$rev) {
             $this->dieUsage("There is no revision ID {$revid}", 'missingrev');
         $title_obj = $rev->getTitle();
     } else {
         $title_obj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
         if (!$title_obj || $title_obj->isExternal()) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     $result = $this->getResult();
     // Parse text
     global $wgParser;
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     if ($params['includecomments']) {
     $retval = array();
     if (isset($prop['parsetree']) || $params['generatexml']) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
         $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($params['text']);
         if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
             $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         } else {
             $xml = $dom->__toString();
         if (isset($prop['parsetree'])) {
             $retval['parsetree'] = $xml;
         } else {
             // the old way
             $result->addValue(null, 'parsetree', $xml);
             $result->addValue(null, ApiResult::META_BC_SUBELEMENTS, array('parsetree'));
     // if they didn't want any output except (probably) the parse tree,
     // then don't bother actually fully expanding it
     if ($prop || $params['prop'] === null) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
         $frame = $wgParser->getPreprocessor()->newFrame();
         $wikitext = $wgParser->preprocess($params['text'], $title_obj, $options, $revid, $frame);
         if ($params['prop'] === null) {
             // the old way
             ApiResult::setContentValue($retval, 'wikitext', $wikitext);
         } else {
             $p_output = $wgParser->getOutput();
             if (isset($prop['categories'])) {
                 $categories = $p_output->getCategories();
                 if ($categories) {
                     $categories_result = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $category => $sortkey) {
                         $entry = array();
                         $entry['sortkey'] = $sortkey;
                         ApiResult::setContentValue($entry, 'category', $category);
                         $categories_result[] = $entry;
                     ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($categories_result, 'category');
                     $retval['categories'] = $categories_result;
             if (isset($prop['properties'])) {
                 $properties = $p_output->getProperties();
                 if ($properties) {
                     ApiResult::setArrayType($properties, 'BCkvp', 'name');
                     ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($properties, 'property');
                     $retval['properties'] = $properties;
             if (isset($prop['volatile'])) {
                 $retval['volatile'] = $frame->isVolatile();
             if (isset($prop['ttl']) && $frame->getTTL() !== null) {
                 $retval['ttl'] = $frame->getTTL();
             if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
                 $retval['wikitext'] = $wikitext;
             if (isset($prop['modules'])) {
                 $retval['modules'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModules()));
                 $retval['modulescripts'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModuleScripts()));
                 $retval['modulestyles'] = array_values(array_unique($p_output->getModuleStyles()));
             if (isset($prop['jsconfigvars'])) {
                 $retval['jsconfigvars'] = ApiResult::addMetadataToResultVars($p_output->getJsConfigVars());
             if (isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
                 $retval['encodedjsconfigvars'] = FormatJson::encode($p_output->getJsConfigVars(), false, FormatJson::ALL_OK);
                 $retval[ApiResult::META_SUBELEMENTS][] = 'encodedjsconfigvars';
             if (isset($prop['modules']) && !isset($prop['jsconfigvars']) && !isset($prop['encodedjsconfigvars'])) {
                 $this->setWarning("Property 'modules' was set but not 'jsconfigvars' " . "or 'encodedjsconfigvars'. Configuration variables are necessary " . "for proper module usage.");
     ApiResult::setSubelementsList($retval, array('wikitext', 'parsetree'));
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $retval);
예제 #10
 private function extractRowInfo($row)
     $revision = new Revision($row);
     $title = $revision->getTitle();
     $vals = array();
     if ($this->fld_ids) {
         $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId());
         // $vals['oldid'] = intval( $row->rev_text_id ); // todo: should this be exposed?
         if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) {
             $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId());
     if ($this->fld_flags && $revision->isMinor()) {
         $vals['minor'] = '';
     if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) {
             $vals['userhidden'] = '';
         } else {
             if ($this->fld_user) {
                 $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText();
             $userid = $revision->getUser();
             if (!$userid) {
                 $vals['anon'] = '';
             if ($this->fld_userid) {
                 $vals['userid'] = $userid;
     if ($this->fld_timestamp) {
         $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp());
     if ($this->fld_size) {
         if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) {
             $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize());
         } else {
             $vals['size'] = 0;
     if ($this->fld_sha1) {
         if ($revision->getSha1() != '') {
             $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40);
         } else {
             $vals['sha1'] = '';
     if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) {
             $vals['commenthidden'] = '';
         } else {
             $comment = $revision->getComment();
             if ($this->fld_comment) {
                 $vals['comment'] = $comment;
             if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) {
                 $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title);
     if ($this->fld_tags) {
         if ($row->ts_tags) {
             $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags);
             $this->getResult()->setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag');
             $vals['tags'] = $tags;
         } else {
             $vals['tags'] = array();
     if (!is_null($this->token)) {
         $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions();
         foreach ($this->token as $t) {
             $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $title->getArticleID(), $title, $revision);
             if ($val === false) {
                 $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user");
             } else {
                 $vals[$t . 'token'] = $val;
     $text = null;
     global $wgParser;
     if ($this->fld_content || !is_null($this->difftotext)) {
         $text = $revision->getText();
         // Expand templates after getting section content because
         // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess()
         // will have less input
         if ($this->section !== false) {
             $text = $wgParser->getSection($text, $this->section, false);
             if ($text === false) {
                 $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection');
     if ($this->fld_content && !$revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) {
         if ($this->generateXML) {
             $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), OT_PREPROCESS);
             $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($text);
             if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
                 $xml = $dom->saveXML();
             } else {
                 $xml = $dom->__toString();
             $vals['parsetree'] = $xml;
         if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) {
             $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
         if ($this->parseContent) {
             $text = $wgParser->parse($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()))->getText();
         ApiResult::setContent($vals, $text);
     } elseif ($this->fld_content) {
         $vals['texthidden'] = '';
     if (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext)) {
         global $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs;
         static $n = 0;
         // Number of uncached diffs we've had
         if ($n < $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs) {
             $vals['diff'] = array();
             $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext());
             if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) {
                 $engine = new DifferenceEngine($context);
                 $engine->setText($text, $this->difftotext);
             } else {
                 $engine = new DifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto);
                 $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid();
                 $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid();
             $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody();
             ApiResult::setContent($vals['diff'], $difftext);
             if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) {
         } else {
             $vals['diff']['notcached'] = '';
     return $vals;
예제 #11
  * Get the text that should be returned, or false if the page or revision
  * was not found.
  * @return String|Bool
 public function getRawText()
     global $wgParser;
     # No longer used
     if ($this->mGen) {
         return '';
     $text = false;
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // If it's a MediaWiki message we can just hit the message cache
     if ($request->getBool('usemsgcache') && $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) {
         // The first "true" is to use the database, the second is to use the content langue
         // and the last one is to specify the message key already contains the language in it ("/de", etc.)
         $text = MessageCache::singleton()->get($title->getDBkey(), true, true, true);
         // If the message doesn't exist, return a blank
         if ($text === false) {
             $text = '';
     } else {
         // Get it from the DB
         $rev = Revision::newFromTitle($title, $this->getOldId());
         if ($rev) {
             $lastmod = wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $rev->getTimestamp());
             $request->response()->header("Last-modified: {$lastmod}");
             // Public-only due to cache headers
             $content = $rev->getContent();
             if ($content === null) {
                 // revision not found (or suppressed)
                 $text = false;
             } elseif (!$content instanceof TextContent) {
                 // non-text content
                 wfHttpError(415, "Unsupported Media Type", "The requested page uses the content model `" . $content->getModel() . "` which is not supported via this interface.");
             } else {
                 // want a section?
                 $section = $request->getIntOrNull('section');
                 if ($section !== null) {
                     $content = $content->getSection($section);
                 if ($content === null || $content === false) {
                     // section not found (or section not supported, e.g. for JS and CSS)
                     $text = false;
                 } else {
                     $text = $content->getNativeData();
     if ($text !== false && $text !== '' && $request->getVal('templates') === 'expand') {
         $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
     return $text;
예제 #12
  * Run a given wikitext input through a freshly-constructed wiki parser,
  * and compare the output against the expected results.
  * Prints status and explanatory messages to stdout.
  * staticSetup() and setupWikiData() must be called before this function
  * is entered.
  * @param array $test The test parameters:
  *  - test: The test name
  *  - desc: The subtest description
  *  - input: Wikitext to try rendering
  *  - options: Array of test options
  *  - config: Overrides for global variables, one per line
  * @return ParserTestResult or false if skipped
 public function runTest($test)
     wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": running {$test['desc']}");
     $opts = $this->parseOptions($test['options']);
     $teardownGuard = $this->perTestSetup($test);
     $context = RequestContext::getMain();
     $user = $context->getUser();
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($context);
     if (isset($opts['tidy'])) {
         if (!$this->tidySupport->isEnabled()) {
             $this->recorder->skipped($test, 'tidy extension is not installed');
             return false;
         } else {
     if (isset($opts['title'])) {
         $titleText = $opts['title'];
     } else {
         $titleText = 'Parser test';
     $local = isset($opts['local']);
     $preprocessor = isset($opts['preprocessor']) ? $opts['preprocessor'] : null;
     $parser = $this->getParser($preprocessor);
     $title = Title::newFromText($titleText);
     if (isset($opts['pst'])) {
         $out = $parser->preSaveTransform($test['input'], $title, $user, $options);
     } elseif (isset($opts['msg'])) {
         $out = $parser->transformMsg($test['input'], $options, $title);
     } elseif (isset($opts['section'])) {
         $section = $opts['section'];
         $out = $parser->getSection($test['input'], $section);
     } elseif (isset($opts['replace'])) {
         $section = $opts['replace'][0];
         $replace = $opts['replace'][1];
         $out = $parser->replaceSection($test['input'], $section, $replace);
     } elseif (isset($opts['comment'])) {
         $out = Linker::formatComment($test['input'], $title, $local);
     } elseif (isset($opts['preload'])) {
         $out = $parser->getPreloadText($test['input'], $title, $options);
     } else {
         $output = $parser->parse($test['input'], $title, $options, true, true, 1337);
         $out = $output->getText();
         if (isset($opts['tidy'])) {
             $out = preg_replace('/\\s+$/', '', $out);
         if (isset($opts['showtitle'])) {
             if ($output->getTitleText()) {
                 $title = $output->getTitleText();
             $out = "{$title}\n{$out}";
         if (isset($opts['showindicators'])) {
             $indicators = '';
             foreach ($output->getIndicators() as $id => $content) {
                 $indicators .= "{$id}={$content}\n";
             $out = $indicators . $out;
         if (isset($opts['ill'])) {
             $out = implode(' ', $output->getLanguageLinks());
         } elseif (isset($opts['cat'])) {
             $out = '';
             foreach ($output->getCategories() as $name => $sortkey) {
                 if ($out !== '') {
                     $out .= "\n";
                 $out .= "cat={$name} sort={$sortkey}";
     $expected = $test['result'];
     if (count($this->normalizationFunctions)) {
         $expected = ParserTestResultNormalizer::normalize($test['expected'], $this->normalizationFunctions);
         $out = ParserTestResultNormalizer::normalize($out, $this->normalizationFunctions);
     $testResult = new ParserTestResult($test, $expected, $out);
     return $testResult;
예제 #13
  * Get the text that should be returned, or false if the page or revision
  * was not found.
  * @return String|Bool
 public function getRawText()
     global $wgParser;
     # No longer used
     if ($this->mGen) {
         return '';
     $text = false;
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // If it's a MediaWiki message we can just hit the message cache
     if ($request->getBool('usemsgcache') && $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) {
         $key = $title->getDBkey();
         $msg = wfMessage($key)->inContentLanguage();
         # If the message doesn't exist, return a blank
         $text = !$msg->exists() ? '' : $msg->plain();
     } else {
         // Get it from the DB
         $rev = Revision::newFromTitle($title, $this->getOldId());
         if ($rev) {
             $lastmod = wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $rev->getTimestamp());
             $request->response()->header("Last-modified: {$lastmod}");
             // Public-only due to cache headers
             $text = $rev->getText();
             $section = $request->getIntOrNull('section');
             if ($section !== null) {
                 $text = $wgParser->getSection($text, $section);
     if ($text !== false && $text !== '' && $request->getVal('templates') === 'expand') {
         $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
     return $text;
예제 #14
  * @param $user User
  * @param $context IContextSource
  * @param $defaultPreferences
  * @return void
 static function profilePreferences($user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
     global $wgAuth, $wgContLang, $wgParser, $wgCookieExpiration, $wgLanguageCode, $wgDisableTitleConversion, $wgDisableLangConversion, $wgMaxSigChars, $wgEnableEmail, $wgEmailConfirmToEdit, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgEmailAuthentication, $wgEnotifWatchlist, $wgEnotifUserTalk, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress;
     ## User info #####################################
     // Information panel
     $defaultPreferences['username'] = array('type' => 'info', 'label-message' => 'username', 'default' => $user->getName(), 'section' => 'personal/info');
     $defaultPreferences['userid'] = array('type' => 'info', 'label-message' => 'uid', 'default' => $user->getId(), 'section' => 'personal/info');
     # Get groups to which the user belongs
     $userEffectiveGroups = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
     $userGroups = $userMembers = array();
     foreach ($userEffectiveGroups as $ueg) {
         if ($ueg == '*') {
             // Skip the default * group, seems useless here
         $groupName = User::getGroupName($ueg);
         $userGroups[] = User::makeGroupLinkHTML($ueg, $groupName);
         $memberName = User::getGroupMember($ueg, $user->getName());
         $userMembers[] = User::makeGroupLinkHTML($ueg, $memberName);
     $lang = $context->getLanguage();
     $defaultPreferences['usergroups'] = array('type' => 'info', 'label' => $context->msg('prefs-memberingroups')->numParams(count($userGroups))->parse(), 'default' => $context->msg('prefs-memberingroups-type', $lang->commaList($userGroups), $lang->commaList($userMembers))->plain(), 'raw' => true, 'section' => 'personal/info');
     $defaultPreferences['editcount'] = array('type' => 'info', 'label-message' => 'prefs-edits', 'default' => $lang->formatNum($user->getEditCount()), 'section' => 'personal/info');
     if ($user->getRegistration()) {
         $displayUser = $context->getUser();
         $userRegistration = $user->getRegistration();
         $defaultPreferences['registrationdate'] = array('type' => 'info', 'label-message' => 'prefs-registration', 'default' => $context->msg('prefs-registration-date-time', $lang->userTimeAndDate($userRegistration, $displayUser), $lang->userDate($userRegistration, $displayUser), $lang->userTime($userRegistration, $displayUser))->parse(), 'section' => 'personal/info');
     // Actually changeable stuff
     $defaultPreferences['realname'] = array('type' => $wgAuth->allowPropChange('realname') ? 'text' : 'info', 'default' => $user->getRealName(), 'section' => 'personal/info', 'label-message' => 'yourrealname', 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-realname');
     $defaultPreferences['gender'] = array('type' => 'select', 'section' => 'personal/info', 'options' => array($context->msg('gender-male')->text() => 'male', $context->msg('gender-female')->text() => 'female', $context->msg('gender-unknown')->text() => 'unknown'), 'label-message' => 'yourgender', 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-gender');
     if ($wgAuth->allowPasswordChange()) {
         $link = Linker::link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ChangePassword'), $context->msg('prefs-resetpass')->escaped(), array(), array('returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Preferences')));
         $defaultPreferences['password'] = array('type' => 'info', 'raw' => true, 'default' => $link, 'label-message' => 'yourpassword', 'section' => 'personal/info');
     if ($wgCookieExpiration > 0) {
         $defaultPreferences['rememberpassword'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'label' => $context->msg('tog-rememberpassword')->numParams(ceil($wgCookieExpiration / (3600 * 24)))->text(), 'section' => 'personal/info');
     // Language
     $languages = Language::getLanguageNames(false);
     if (!array_key_exists($wgLanguageCode, $languages)) {
         $languages[$wgLanguageCode] = $wgLanguageCode;
     $options = array();
     foreach ($languages as $code => $name) {
         $display = wfBCP47($code) . ' - ' . $name;
         $options[$display] = $code;
     $defaultPreferences['language'] = array('type' => 'select', 'section' => 'personal/i18n', 'options' => $options, 'label-message' => 'yourlanguage');
     /* see if there are multiple language variants to choose from*/
     $variantArray = array();
     if (!$wgDisableLangConversion) {
         $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();
         foreach ($variants as $v) {
             $v = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($v));
             $variantArray[$v] = $wgContLang->getVariantname($v, false);
         $options = array();
         foreach ($variantArray as $code => $name) {
             $display = wfBCP47($code) . ' - ' . $name;
             $options[$display] = $code;
         if (count($variantArray) > 1) {
             $defaultPreferences['variant'] = array('label-message' => 'yourvariant', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $options, 'section' => 'personal/i18n', 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-variant');
     if (count($variantArray) > 1 && !$wgDisableLangConversion && !$wgDisableTitleConversion) {
         $defaultPreferences['noconvertlink'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/i18n', 'label-message' => 'tog-noconvertlink');
     // show a preview of the old signature first
     $oldsigWikiText = $wgParser->preSaveTransform("~~~", $context->getTitle(), $user, ParserOptions::newFromContext($context));
     $oldsigHTML = $context->getOutput()->parseInline($oldsigWikiText, true, true);
     $defaultPreferences['oldsig'] = array('type' => 'info', 'raw' => true, 'label-message' => 'tog-oldsig', 'default' => $oldsigHTML, 'section' => 'personal/signature');
     $defaultPreferences['nickname'] = array('type' => $wgAuth->allowPropChange('nickname') ? 'text' : 'info', 'maxlength' => $wgMaxSigChars, 'label-message' => 'yournick', 'validation-callback' => array('Preferences', 'validateSignature'), 'section' => 'personal/signature', 'filter-callback' => array('Preferences', 'cleanSignature'));
     $defaultPreferences['fancysig'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'label-message' => 'tog-fancysig', 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-signature', 'section' => 'personal/signature');
     ## Email stuff
     if ($wgEnableEmail) {
         $helpMessages[] = $wgEmailConfirmToEdit ? 'prefs-help-email-required' : 'prefs-help-email';
         if ($wgEnableUserEmail) {
             // additional messages when users can send email to each other
             $helpMessages[] = 'prefs-help-email-others';
         $link = Linker::link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ChangeEmail'), $context->msg($user->getEmail() ? 'prefs-changeemail' : 'prefs-setemail')->escaped(), array(), array('returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Preferences')));
         $emailAddress = $user->getEmail() ? htmlspecialchars($user->getEmail()) : '';
         if ($wgAuth->allowPropChange('emailaddress')) {
             $emailAddress .= $emailAddress == '' ? $link : " ({$link})";
         $defaultPreferences['emailaddress'] = array('type' => 'info', 'raw' => true, 'default' => $emailAddress, 'label-message' => 'youremail', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'help-messages' => $helpMessages);
         $disableEmailPrefs = false;
         if ($wgEmailAuthentication) {
             if ($user->getEmail()) {
                 if ($user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp()) {
                     // date and time are separate parameters to facilitate localisation.
                     // $time is kept for backward compat reasons.
                     // 'emailauthenticated' is also used in SpecialConfirmemail.php
                     $displayUser = $context->getUser();
                     $emailTimestamp = $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp();
                     $time = $lang->userTimeAndDate($emailTimestamp, $displayUser);
                     $d = $lang->userDate($emailTimestamp, $displayUser);
                     $t = $lang->userTime($emailTimestamp, $displayUser);
                     $emailauthenticated = $context->msg('emailauthenticated', $time, $d, $t)->parse() . '<br />';
                     $disableEmailPrefs = false;
                 } else {
                     $disableEmailPrefs = true;
                     $emailauthenticated = $context->msg('emailnotauthenticated')->parse() . '<br />' . Linker::linkKnown(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Confirmemail'), $context->msg('emailconfirmlink')->escaped()) . '<br />';
             } else {
                 $disableEmailPrefs = true;
                 $emailauthenticated = $context->msg('noemailprefs')->escaped();
             $defaultPreferences['emailauthentication'] = array('type' => 'info', 'raw' => true, 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'prefs-emailconfirm-label', 'default' => $emailauthenticated);
         if ($wgEnableUserEmail && $user->isAllowed('sendemail')) {
             $defaultPreferences['disablemail'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'invert' => true, 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'allowemail', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
             $defaultPreferences['ccmeonemails'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'tog-ccmeonemails', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
         if ($wgEnotifWatchlist) {
             $defaultPreferences['enotifwatchlistpages'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
         if ($wgEnotifUserTalk) {
             $defaultPreferences['enotifusertalkpages'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifusertalkpages', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
         if ($wgEnotifUserTalk || $wgEnotifWatchlist) {
             $defaultPreferences['enotifminoredits'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifminoredits', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
             if ($wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress) {
                 $defaultPreferences['enotifrevealaddr'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifrevealaddr', 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs);
예제 #15
 public function parseText($rawText)
     global $wgEnableParserCache;
     $this->mRawtext = self::removeMetadataTag($rawText);
     $wgEnableParserCache = false;
     $parser = ParserPool::get();
     $parser->ac_metadata = [];
     // VOLDEV-68: Remove broken section edit links
     $opts = ParserOptions::newFromContext(RequestContext::getMain());
     $head = $parser->parse($rawText, $this->mTitle, $opts);
     $this->mText = wfFixMalformedHTML($head->getText());
     $this->mHeadItems = $head->getHeadItems();
     if (isset($parser->ac_metadata)) {
         $this->mMetadata = $parser->ac_metadata;
     } else {
         $this->mMetadata = [];
     return $this->mText;
예제 #16
  * Show the new revision of the page.
 function renderNewRevision()
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $revHeader = $this->getRevisionHeader($this->mNewRev);
     # Add "current version as of X" title
     $out->addHTML("<hr class='diff-hr' />\n\t\t<h2 class='diff-currentversion-title'>{$revHeader}</h2>\n");
     # Page content may be handled by a hooked call instead...
     if (wfRunHooks('ArticleContentOnDiff', array($this, $out))) {
         if ($this->mNewPage->isCssJsSubpage() || $this->mNewPage->isCssOrJsPage()) {
             // Stolen from Article::view --AG 2007-10-11
             // Give hooks a chance to customise the output
             // @TODO: standardize this crap into one function
             if (wfRunHooks('ShowRawCssJs', array($this->mNewtext, $this->mNewPage, $out))) {
                 // Wrap the whole lot in a <pre> and don't parse
                 $m = array();
                 preg_match('!\\.(css|js)$!u', $this->mNewPage->getText(), $m);
                 $out->addHTML("<pre class=\"mw-code mw-{$m[1]}\" dir=\"ltr\">\n");
         } elseif (!wfRunHooks('ArticleViewCustom', array($this->mNewtext, $this->mNewPage, $out))) {
             // Handled by extension
         } else {
             // Normal page
             if ($this->getTitle()->equals($this->mNewPage)) {
                 // If the Title stored in the context is the same as the one
                 // of the new revision, we can use its associated WikiPage
                 // object.
                 $wikiPage = $this->getWikiPage();
             } else {
                 // Otherwise we need to create our own WikiPage object
                 $wikiPage = WikiPage::factory($this->mNewPage);
             $parserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
             if (!$this->mNewRev->isCurrent()) {
             $parserOutput = $wikiPage->getParserOutput($parserOptions, $this->mNewid);
             # WikiPage::getParserOutput() should not return false, but just in case
             if ($parserOutput) {
     # Add redundant patrol link on bottom...
  * @param $article
  * @param $htmlParser
  * @return JsonFormatSectionNode
 protected function parseArticleToSection($article, $htmlParser, $tabTitle)
     $html = $article->getPage()->getParserOutput(\ParserOptions::newFromContext(new RequestContext()))->getText();
     $jsonArticle = $htmlParser->parse($html);
     $tabSection = new JsonFormatSectionNode(1, $tabTitle);
     foreach ($jsonArticle->getChildren() as $child) {
     return $tabSection;
예제 #18
 public function execute()
     // Cache may vary on $wgUser because ParserOptions gets data from it
     // Get parameters
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     $this->requireMaxOneParameter($params, 'prop', 'generatexml');
     if ($params['prop'] === null) {
         $this->setWarning('Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a ' . 'legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in ' . 'the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the new' . 'format to always be used.');
         $prop = array();
     } else {
         $prop = array_flip($params['prop']);
     // Create title for parser
     $title_obj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
     if (!$title_obj || $title_obj->isExternal()) {
         $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
     $result = $this->getResult();
     // Parse text
     global $wgParser;
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     if ($params['includecomments']) {
     $retval = array();
     if (isset($prop['parsetree']) || $params['generatexml']) {
         if (!isset($prop['parsetree'])) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, OT_PREPROCESS);
         $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($params['text']);
         if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
             $xml = $dom->saveXML();
         } else {
             $xml = $dom->__toString();
         if (isset($prop['parsetree'])) {
             $retval['parsetree'] = $xml;
         } else {
             // the old way
             $xml_result = array();
             ApiResult::setContent($xml_result, $xml);
             $result->addValue(null, 'parsetree', $xml_result);
     // if they didn't want any output except (probably) the parse tree,
     // then don't bother actually fully expanding it
     if ($prop || $params['prop'] === null) {
         $wgParser->startExternalParse($title_obj, $options, OT_PREPROCESS);
         $frame = $wgParser->getPreprocessor()->newFrame();
         $wikitext = $wgParser->preprocess($params['text'], $title_obj, $options, null, $frame);
         if ($params['prop'] === null) {
             // the old way
             ApiResult::setContent($retval, $wikitext);
         } else {
             if (isset($prop['categories'])) {
                 $categories = $wgParser->getOutput()->getCategories();
                 if (!empty($categories)) {
                     $categories_result = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $category => $sortkey) {
                         $entry = array();
                         $entry['sortkey'] = $sortkey;
                         ApiResult::setContent($entry, $category);
                         $categories_result[] = $entry;
                     $result->setIndexedTagName($categories_result, 'category');
                     $retval['categories'] = $categories_result;
             if (isset($prop['volatile']) && $frame->isVolatile()) {
                 $retval['volatile'] = '';
             if (isset($prop['ttl']) && $frame->getTTL() !== null) {
                 $retval['ttl'] = $frame->getTTL();
             if (isset($prop['wikitext'])) {
                 $retval['wikitext'] = $wikitext;
     $result->setSubelements($retval, array('wikitext', 'parsetree'));
     $result->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $retval);
예제 #19
  * Get parser options suitable for rendering and caching the article
  * @param IContextSource|User|string $context One of the following:
  *        - IContextSource: Use the User and the Language of the provided
  *                                            context
  *        - User: Use the provided User object and $wgLang for the language,
  *                                            so use an IContextSource object if possible.
  *        - 'canonical': Canonical options (anonymous user with default
  *                                            preferences and content language).
  * @throws MWException
  * @return ParserOptions
 public function makeParserOptions($context)
     global $wgContLang, $wgEnableParserLimitReporting;
     if ($context instanceof IContextSource) {
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($context);
     } elseif ($context instanceof User) {
         // settings per user (even anons)
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser($context);
     } elseif ($context === 'canonical') {
         // canonical settings
         $options = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang(new User(), $wgContLang);
     } else {
         throw new MWException("Bad context for parser options: {$context}");
     // show inclusion/loop reports
     // fix bad HTML
     return $options;
  * Extract information from the Revision
  * @param Revision $revision
  * @param object $row Should have a field 'ts_tags' if $this->fld_tags is set
  * @return array
 protected function extractRevisionInfo(Revision $revision, $row)
     $title = $revision->getTitle();
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $vals = array();
     $anyHidden = false;
     if ($this->fld_ids) {
         $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId());
         if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) {
             $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId());
     if ($this->fld_flags) {
         $vals['minor'] = $revision->isMinor();
     if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) {
             $vals['userhidden'] = true;
             $anyHidden = true;
         if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_USER, $user)) {
             if ($this->fld_user) {
                 $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText(Revision::RAW);
             $userid = $revision->getUser(Revision::RAW);
             if (!$userid) {
                 $vals['anon'] = true;
             if ($this->fld_userid) {
                 $vals['userid'] = $userid;
     if ($this->fld_timestamp) {
         $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp());
     if ($this->fld_size) {
         if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) {
             $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize());
         } else {
             $vals['size'] = 0;
     if ($this->fld_sha1) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) {
             $vals['sha1hidden'] = true;
             $anyHidden = true;
         if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user)) {
             if ($revision->getSha1() != '') {
                 $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40);
             } else {
                 $vals['sha1'] = '';
     if ($this->fld_contentmodel) {
         $vals['contentmodel'] = $revision->getContentModel();
     if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) {
             $vals['commenthidden'] = true;
             $anyHidden = true;
         if ($revision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT, $user)) {
             $comment = $revision->getComment(Revision::RAW);
             if ($this->fld_comment) {
                 $vals['comment'] = $comment;
             if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) {
                 $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title);
     if ($this->fld_tags) {
         if ($row->ts_tags) {
             $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags);
             ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag');
             $vals['tags'] = $tags;
         } else {
             $vals['tags'] = array();
     $content = null;
     global $wgParser;
     if ($this->fetchContent) {
         $content = $revision->getContent(Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser());
         // Expand templates after getting section content because
         // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess()
         // will have less input
         if ($content && $this->section !== false) {
             $content = $content->getSection($this->section, false);
             if (!$content) {
                 $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection');
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) {
             $vals['texthidden'] = true;
             $anyHidden = true;
         } elseif (!$content) {
             $vals['textmissing'] = true;
     if ($this->fld_content && $content) {
         $text = null;
         if ($this->generateXML) {
             if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) {
                 $t = $content->getNativeData();
                 # note: don't set $text
                 $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), Parser::OT_PREPROCESS);
                 $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($t);
                 if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
                     $xml = $dom->saveXML();
                 } else {
                     $xml = $dom->__toString();
                 $vals['parsetree'] = $xml;
             } else {
                 $vals['badcontentformatforparsetree'] = true;
                 $this->setWarning("Conversion to XML is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel());
         if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) {
             #XXX: implement template expansion for all content types in ContentHandler?
             if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) {
                 $text = $content->getNativeData();
                 $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
             } else {
                 $this->setWarning("Template expansion is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel());
                 $vals['badcontentformat'] = true;
                 $text = false;
         if ($this->parseContent) {
             $po = $content->getParserOutput($title, $revision->getId(), ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
             $text = $po->getText();
         if ($text === null) {
             $format = $this->contentFormat ? $this->contentFormat : $content->getDefaultFormat();
             $model = $content->getModel();
             if (!$content->isSupportedFormat($format)) {
                 $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
                 $this->setWarning("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not " . "supported for content model {$model} used by {$name}");
                 $vals['badcontentformat'] = true;
                 $text = false;
             } else {
                 $text = $content->serialize($format);
                 // always include format and model.
                 // Format is needed to deserialize, model is needed to interpret.
                 $vals['contentformat'] = $format;
                 $vals['contentmodel'] = $model;
         if ($text !== false) {
             ApiResult::setContentValue($vals, 'content', $text);
     if ($content && (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext))) {
         static $n = 0;
         // Number of uncached diffs we've had
         if ($n < $this->getConfig()->get('APIMaxUncachedDiffs')) {
             $vals['diff'] = array();
             $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext());
             $handler = $revision->getContentHandler();
             if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) {
                 $model = $title->getContentModel();
                 if ($this->contentFormat && !ContentHandler::getForModelID($model)->isSupportedFormat($this->contentFormat)) {
                     $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
                     $this->setWarning("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not " . "supported for content model {$model} used by {$name}");
                     $vals['diff']['badcontentformat'] = true;
                     $engine = null;
                 } else {
                     $difftocontent = ContentHandler::makeContent($this->difftotext, $title, $model, $this->contentFormat);
                     $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context);
                     $engine->setContent($content, $difftocontent);
             } else {
                 $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto);
                 $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid();
                 $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid();
             if ($engine) {
                 $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody();
                 ApiResult::setContentValue($vals['diff'], 'body', $difftext);
                 if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) {
         } else {
             $vals['diff']['notcached'] = true;
     if ($anyHidden && $revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED)) {
         $vals['suppressed'] = true;
     return $vals;
예제 #21
  * Get/set the ParserOptions object to use for wikitext parsing
  * @param ParserOptions|null $options Either the ParserOption to use or null to only get the
  *   current ParserOption object
  * @return ParserOptions
 public function parserOptions($options = null)
     if (!$this->mParserOptions) {
         $this->mParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     return wfSetVar($this->mParserOptions, $options);
 private function extractRowInfo($row)
     $revision = new Revision($row);
     $title = $revision->getTitle();
     $vals = array();
     if ($this->fld_ids) {
         $vals['revid'] = intval($revision->getId());
         // $vals['oldid'] = intval( $row->rev_text_id ); // todo: should this be exposed?
         if (!is_null($revision->getParentId())) {
             $vals['parentid'] = intval($revision->getParentId());
     if ($this->fld_flags && $revision->isMinor()) {
         $vals['minor'] = '';
     if ($this->fld_user || $this->fld_userid) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_USER)) {
             $vals['userhidden'] = '';
         } else {
             if ($this->fld_user) {
                 $vals['user'] = $revision->getUserText();
             $userid = $revision->getUser();
             if (!$userid) {
                 $vals['anon'] = '';
             if ($this->fld_userid) {
                 $vals['userid'] = $userid;
     if ($this->fld_timestamp) {
         $vals['timestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $revision->getTimestamp());
     if ($this->fld_size) {
         if (!is_null($revision->getSize())) {
             $vals['size'] = intval($revision->getSize());
         } else {
             $vals['size'] = 0;
     if ($this->fld_sha1) {
         if ($revision->getSha1() != '') {
             $vals['sha1'] = wfBaseConvert($revision->getSha1(), 36, 16, 40);
         } else {
             $vals['sha1'] = '';
     if ($this->fld_contentmodel) {
         $vals['contentmodel'] = $revision->getContentModel();
     if ($this->fld_comment || $this->fld_parsedcomment) {
         if ($revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_COMMENT)) {
             $vals['commenthidden'] = '';
         } else {
             $comment = $revision->getComment();
             if ($this->fld_comment) {
                 $vals['comment'] = $comment;
             if ($this->fld_parsedcomment) {
                 $vals['parsedcomment'] = Linker::formatComment($comment, $title);
     if ($this->fld_tags) {
         if ($row->ts_tags) {
             $tags = explode(',', $row->ts_tags);
             $this->getResult()->setIndexedTagName($tags, 'tag');
             $vals['tags'] = $tags;
         } else {
             $vals['tags'] = array();
     if (!is_null($this->token)) {
         $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions();
         foreach ($this->token as $t) {
             $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $title->getArticleID(), $title, $revision);
             if ($val === false) {
                 $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user");
             } else {
                 $vals[$t . 'token'] = $val;
     $content = null;
     global $wgParser;
     if ($this->fld_content || !is_null($this->difftotext)) {
         $content = $revision->getContent();
         // Expand templates after getting section content because
         // template-added sections don't count and Parser::preprocess()
         // will have less input
         if ($this->section !== false) {
             $content = $content->getSection($this->section, false);
             if (!$content) {
                 $this->dieUsage("There is no section {$this->section} in r" . $revision->getId(), 'nosuchsection');
     if ($this->fld_content && !$revision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) {
         $text = null;
         if ($this->generateXML) {
             if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) {
                 $t = $content->getNativeData();
                 # note: don't set $text
                 $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()), OT_PREPROCESS);
                 $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($t);
                 if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) {
                     $xml = $dom->saveXML();
                 } else {
                     $xml = $dom->__toString();
                 $vals['parsetree'] = $xml;
             } else {
                 $this->setWarning("Conversion to XML is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel() . ")");
         if ($this->expandTemplates && !$this->parseContent) {
             #XXX: implement template expansion for all content types in ContentHandler?
             if ($content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT) {
                 $text = $content->getNativeData();
                 $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
             } else {
                 $this->setWarning("Template expansion is supported for wikitext only, " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . " uses content model " . $content->getModel() . ")");
                 $text = false;
         if ($this->parseContent) {
             $po = $content->getParserOutput($title, $revision->getId(), ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
             $text = $po->getText();
         if ($text === null) {
             $format = $this->contentFormat ? $this->contentFormat : $content->getDefaultFormat();
             if (!$content->isSupportedFormat($format)) {
                 $model = $content->getModel();
                 $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
                 $this->dieUsage("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not supported " . "for content model {$model} used by {$name}", 'badformat');
             $text = $content->serialize($format);
             $vals['contentformat'] = $format;
         if ($text !== false) {
             ApiResult::setContent($vals, $text);
     } elseif ($this->fld_content) {
         $vals['texthidden'] = '';
     if (!is_null($this->diffto) || !is_null($this->difftotext)) {
         global $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs;
         static $n = 0;
         // Number of uncached diffs we've had
         if ($n < $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs) {
             $vals['diff'] = array();
             $context = new DerivativeContext($this->getContext());
             $handler = $revision->getContentHandler();
             if (!is_null($this->difftotext)) {
                 $model = $title->getContentModel();
                 if ($this->contentFormat && !ContentHandler::getForModelID($model)->isSupportedFormat($this->contentFormat)) {
                     $name = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
                     $this->dieUsage("The requested format {$this->contentFormat} is not supported for " . "content model {$model} used by {$name}", 'badformat');
                 $difftocontent = ContentHandler::makeContent($this->difftotext, $title, $model, $this->contentFormat);
                 $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context);
                 $engine->setContent($content, $difftocontent);
             } else {
                 $engine = $handler->createDifferenceEngine($context, $revision->getID(), $this->diffto);
                 $vals['diff']['from'] = $engine->getOldid();
                 $vals['diff']['to'] = $engine->getNewid();
             $difftext = $engine->getDiffBody();
             ApiResult::setContent($vals['diff'], $difftext);
             if (!$engine->wasCacheHit()) {
         } else {
             $vals['diff']['notcached'] = '';
     return $vals;
  * Renders the supplied wikitext as html
  * @param Title $title
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 private function generateHtml(Title $title, $text)
     global $wgParser;
     $popts = ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext());
     $pout = $wgParser->parse($text, $title, $popts);
     return $pout->getText();
예제 #24
 /** @dataProvider parserTestProvider */
 public function testParserTest($desc, $input, $result, $opts, $config)
     if ($this->regex != '' && !preg_match('/' . $this->regex . '/', $desc)) {
         // XXX: don't flood output with "test made no assertions"
         //$this->markTestSkipped( 'Filtered out by the user' );
     wfDebug("Running parser test: {$desc}\n");
     $opts = $this->parseOptions($opts);
     $context = $this->setupGlobals($opts, $config);
     $user = $context->getUser();
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext($context);
     if (isset($opts['title'])) {
         $titleText = $opts['title'];
     } else {
         $titleText = 'Parser test';
     $local = isset($opts['local']);
     $preprocessor = isset($opts['preprocessor']) ? $opts['preprocessor'] : null;
     $parser = $this->getParser($preprocessor);
     $title = Title::newFromText($titleText);
     if (isset($opts['pst'])) {
         $out = $parser->preSaveTransform($input, $title, $user, $options);
     } elseif (isset($opts['msg'])) {
         $out = $parser->transformMsg($input, $options, $title);
     } elseif (isset($opts['section'])) {
         $section = $opts['section'];
         $out = $parser->getSection($input, $section);
     } elseif (isset($opts['replace'])) {
         $section = $opts['replace'][0];
         $replace = $opts['replace'][1];
         $out = $parser->replaceSection($input, $section, $replace);
     } elseif (isset($opts['comment'])) {
         $out = Linker::formatComment($input, $title, $local);
     } elseif (isset($opts['preload'])) {
         $out = $parser->getpreloadText($input, $title, $options);
     } else {
         $output = $parser->parse($input, $title, $options, true, true, 1337);
         $out = $output->getText();
         if (isset($opts['showtitle'])) {
             if ($output->getTitleText()) {
                 $title = $output->getTitleText();
             $out = "{$title}\n{$out}";
         if (isset($opts['ill'])) {
             $out = $this->tidy(implode(' ', $output->getLanguageLinks()));
         } elseif (isset($opts['cat'])) {
             $outputPage = $context->getOutput();
             $cats = $outputPage->getCategoryLinks();
             if (isset($cats['normal'])) {
                 $out = $this->tidy(implode(' ', $cats['normal']));
             } else {
                 $out = '';
         $parser->mPreprocessor = null;
         $result = $this->tidy($result);
     $this->assertEquals($result, $out, $desc);
예제 #25
	 * @param $user User
	 * @param $context IContextSource
	 * @param $defaultPreferences
	 * @return void
	static function profilePreferences( $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences ) {
		global $wgAuth, $wgContLang, $wgParser, $wgCookieExpiration, $wgLanguageCode,
			$wgDisableTitleConversion, $wgDisableLangConversion, $wgMaxSigChars,
			$wgEnableEmail, $wgEmailConfirmToEdit, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgEmailAuthentication,
			$wgEnotifWatchlist, $wgEnotifUserTalk, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress,

		// retrieving user name for GENDER and misc.
		$userName = $user->getName();

		## User info #####################################
		// Information panel
		$defaultPreferences['username'] = array(
			'type' => 'info',
			'label-message' => array( 'username', $userName ),
			'default' => $userName,
			'section' => 'personal/info',

		$defaultPreferences['userid'] = array(
			'type' => 'info',
			'label-message' => array( 'uid', $userName ),
			'default' => $user->getId(),
			'section' => 'personal/info',

		# Get groups to which the user belongs
		$userEffectiveGroups = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
		$userGroups = $userMembers = array();
		foreach ( $userEffectiveGroups as $ueg ) {
			if ( $ueg == '*' ) {
				// Skip the default * group, seems useless here
			$groupName = User::getGroupName( $ueg );
			$userGroups[] = User::makeGroupLinkHTML( $ueg, $groupName );

			$memberName = User::getGroupMember( $ueg, $userName );
			$userMembers[] = User::makeGroupLinkHTML( $ueg, $memberName );
		asort( $userGroups );
		asort( $userMembers );

		$lang = $context->getLanguage();

		$defaultPreferences['usergroups'] = array(
			'type' => 'info',
			'label' => $context->msg( 'prefs-memberingroups' )->numParams(
				count( $userGroups ) )->params( $userName )->parse(),
			'default' => $context->msg( 'prefs-memberingroups-type',
				$lang->commaList( $userGroups ),
				$lang->commaList( $userMembers )
			'raw' => true,
			'section' => 'personal/info',

		$editCount = Linker::link( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( "Contributions", $userName ),
			$lang->formatNum( $user->getEditCount() ) );

		$defaultPreferences['editcount'] = array(
			'type' => 'info',
			'raw' => true,
			'label-message' => 'prefs-edits',
			'default' => $editCount,
			'section' => 'personal/info',

		if ( $user->getRegistration() ) {
			$displayUser = $context->getUser();
			$userRegistration = $user->getRegistration();
			$defaultPreferences['registrationdate'] = array(
				'type' => 'info',
				'label-message' => 'prefs-registration',
				'default' => $context->msg(
					$lang->userTimeAndDate( $userRegistration, $displayUser ),
					$lang->userDate( $userRegistration, $displayUser ),
					$lang->userTime( $userRegistration, $displayUser )
				'section' => 'personal/info',

		$canViewPrivateInfo = $user->isAllowed( 'viewmyprivateinfo' );
		$canEditPrivateInfo = $user->isAllowed( 'editmyprivateinfo' );

		// Actually changeable stuff
		$defaultPreferences['realname'] = array(
			// (not really "private", but still shouldn't be edited without permission)
			'type' => $canEditPrivateInfo && $wgAuth->allowPropChange( 'realname' ) ? 'text' : 'info',
			'default' => $user->getRealName(),
			'section' => 'personal/info',
			'label-message' => 'yourrealname',
			'help-message' => 'prefs-help-realname',

		if ( $canEditPrivateInfo && $wgAuth->allowPasswordChange() ) {
			$link = Linker::link( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ChangePassword' ),
				$context->msg( 'prefs-resetpass' )->escaped(), array(),
				array( 'returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getPrefixedText() ) );

			$defaultPreferences['password'] = array(
				'type' => 'info',
				'raw' => true,
				'default' => $link,
				'label-message' => 'yourpassword',
				'section' => 'personal/info',
		if ( $wgCookieExpiration > 0 ) {
			$defaultPreferences['rememberpassword'] = array(
				'type' => 'toggle',
				'label' => $context->msg( 'tog-rememberpassword' )->numParams(
					ceil( $wgCookieExpiration / ( 3600 * 24 ) ) )->text(),
				'section' => 'personal/info',
		// Only show preferhttps if secure login is turned on
		if ( $wgSecureLogin && wfCanIPUseHTTPS( $context->getRequest()->getIP() ) ) {
			$defaultPreferences['prefershttps'] = array(
				'type' => 'toggle',
				'label-message' => 'tog-prefershttps',
				'help-message' => 'prefs-help-prefershttps',
				'section' => 'personal/info'

		// Language
		$languages = Language::fetchLanguageNames( null, 'mw' );
		if ( !array_key_exists( $wgLanguageCode, $languages ) ) {
			$languages[$wgLanguageCode] = $wgLanguageCode;
		ksort( $languages );

		$options = array();
		foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) {
			$display = wfBCP47( $code ) . ' - ' . $name;
			$options[$display] = $code;
		$defaultPreferences['language'] = array(
			'type' => 'select',
			'section' => 'personal/i18n',
			'options' => $options,
			'label-message' => 'yourlanguage',

		$defaultPreferences['gender'] = array(
			'type' => 'radio',
			'section' => 'personal/i18n',
			'options' => array(
				$context->msg( 'parentheses',
					$context->msg( 'gender-unknown' )->text()
				)->text() => 'unknown',
				$context->msg( 'gender-female' )->text() => 'female',
				$context->msg( 'gender-male' )->text() => 'male',
			'label-message' => 'yourgender',
			'help-message' => 'prefs-help-gender',

		// see if there are multiple language variants to choose from
		if ( !$wgDisableLangConversion ) {
			foreach ( LanguageConverter::$languagesWithVariants as $langCode ) {
				if ( $langCode == $wgContLang->getCode() ) {
					$variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();

					if ( count( $variants ) <= 1 ) {

					$variantArray = array();
					foreach ( $variants as $v ) {
						$v = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $v ) );
						$variantArray[$v] = $lang->getVariantname( $v, false );

					$options = array();
					foreach ( $variantArray as $code => $name ) {
						$display = wfBCP47( $code ) . ' - ' . $name;
						$options[$display] = $code;

					$defaultPreferences['variant'] = array(
						'label-message' => 'yourvariant',
						'type' => 'select',
						'options' => $options,
						'section' => 'personal/i18n',
						'help-message' => 'prefs-help-variant',

					if ( !$wgDisableTitleConversion ) {
						$defaultPreferences['noconvertlink'] = array(
							'type' => 'toggle',
							'section' => 'personal/i18n',
							'label-message' => 'tog-noconvertlink',
				} else {
					$defaultPreferences["variant-$langCode"] = array(
						'type' => 'api',

		// Stuff from Language::getExtraUserToggles()
		// FIXME is this dead code? $extraUserToggles doesn't seem to be defined for any language
		$toggles = $wgContLang->getExtraUserToggles();

		foreach ( $toggles as $toggle ) {
			$defaultPreferences[$toggle] = array(
				'type' => 'toggle',
				'section' => 'personal/i18n',
				'label-message' => "tog-$toggle",

		// show a preview of the old signature first
		$oldsigWikiText = $wgParser->preSaveTransform( "~~~", $context->getTitle(), $user, ParserOptions::newFromContext( $context ) );
		$oldsigHTML = $context->getOutput()->parseInline( $oldsigWikiText, true, true );
		$defaultPreferences['oldsig'] = array(
			'type' => 'info',
			'raw' => true,
			'label-message' => 'tog-oldsig',
			'default' => $oldsigHTML,
			'section' => 'personal/signature',
		$defaultPreferences['nickname'] = array(
			'type' => $wgAuth->allowPropChange( 'nickname' ) ? 'text' : 'info',
			'maxlength' => $wgMaxSigChars,
			'label-message' => 'yournick',
			'validation-callback' => array( 'Preferences', 'validateSignature' ),
			'section' => 'personal/signature',
			'filter-callback' => array( 'Preferences', 'cleanSignature' ),
		$defaultPreferences['fancysig'] = array(
			'type' => 'toggle',
			'label-message' => 'tog-fancysig',
			'help-message' => 'prefs-help-signature', // show general help about signature at the bottom of the section
			'section' => 'personal/signature'

		## Email stuff

		if ( $wgEnableEmail ) {
			if ( $canViewPrivateInfo ) {
				$helpMessages[] = $wgEmailConfirmToEdit
						? 'prefs-help-email-required'
						: 'prefs-help-email';

				if ( $wgEnableUserEmail ) {
					// additional messages when users can send email to each other
					$helpMessages[] = 'prefs-help-email-others';

				$emailAddress = $user->getEmail() ? htmlspecialchars( $user->getEmail() ) : '';
				if ( $canEditPrivateInfo && $wgAuth->allowPropChange( 'emailaddress' ) ) {
					$link = Linker::link(
						SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ChangeEmail' ),
						$context->msg( $user->getEmail() ? 'prefs-changeemail' : 'prefs-setemail' )->escaped(),
						array( 'returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getPrefixedText() ) );

					$emailAddress .= $emailAddress == '' ? $link : (
						$context->msg( 'word-separator' )->plain()
						. $context->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $link )->plain()

				$defaultPreferences['emailaddress'] = array(
					'type' => 'info',
					'raw' => true,
					'default' => $emailAddress,
					'label-message' => 'youremail',
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'help-messages' => $helpMessages,
					# 'cssclass' chosen below

			$disableEmailPrefs = false;

			if ( $wgEmailAuthentication ) {
				$emailauthenticationclass = 'mw-email-not-authenticated';
				if ( $user->getEmail() ) {
					if ( $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() ) {
						// date and time are separate parameters to facilitate localisation.
						// $time is kept for backward compat reasons.
						// 'emailauthenticated' is also used in SpecialConfirmemail.php
						$displayUser = $context->getUser();
						$emailTimestamp = $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp();
						$time = $lang->userTimeAndDate( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
						$d = $lang->userDate( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
						$t = $lang->userTime( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
						$emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'emailauthenticated',
							$time, $d, $t )->parse() . '<br />';
						$disableEmailPrefs = false;
						$emailauthenticationclass = 'mw-email-authenticated';
					} else {
						$disableEmailPrefs = true;
						$emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'emailnotauthenticated' )->parse() . '<br />' .
								SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Confirmemail' ),
								$context->msg( 'emailconfirmlink' )->escaped()
							) . '<br />';
						$emailauthenticationclass = "mw-email-not-authenticated";
				} else {
					$disableEmailPrefs = true;
					$emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'noemailprefs' )->escaped();
					$emailauthenticationclass = 'mw-email-none';

				if ( $canViewPrivateInfo ) {
					$defaultPreferences['emailauthentication'] = array(
						'type' => 'info',
						'raw' => true,
						'section' => 'personal/email',
						'label-message' => 'prefs-emailconfirm-label',
						'default' => $emailauthenticated,
						# Apply the same CSS class used on the input to the message:
						'cssclass' => $emailauthenticationclass,
					$defaultPreferences['emailaddress']['cssclass'] = $emailauthenticationclass;

			if ( $wgEnableUserEmail && $user->isAllowed( 'sendemail' ) ) {
				$defaultPreferences['disablemail'] = array(
					'type' => 'toggle',
					'invert' => true,
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'label-message' => 'allowemail',
					'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
				$defaultPreferences['ccmeonemails'] = array(
					'type' => 'toggle',
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'label-message' => 'tog-ccmeonemails',
					'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,

			if ( $wgEnotifWatchlist ) {
				$defaultPreferences['enotifwatchlistpages'] = array(
					'type' => 'toggle',
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'label-message' => 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages',
					'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
			if ( $wgEnotifUserTalk ) {
				$defaultPreferences['enotifusertalkpages'] = array(
					'type' => 'toggle',
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'label-message' => 'tog-enotifusertalkpages',
					'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
			if ( $wgEnotifUserTalk || $wgEnotifWatchlist ) {
				$defaultPreferences['enotifminoredits'] = array(
					'type' => 'toggle',
					'section' => 'personal/email',
					'label-message' => 'tog-enotifminoredits',
					'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,

				if ( $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress ) {
					$defaultPreferences['enotifrevealaddr'] = array(
						'type' => 'toggle',
						'section' => 'personal/email',
						'label-message' => 'tog-enotifrevealaddr',
						'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
예제 #26
  * Get the text that should be returned, or false if the page or revision
  * was not found.
  * @return String|Bool
 public function getRawText()
     global $wgParser;
     # No longer used
     if ($this->mGen) {
         return '';
     $text = false;
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // If it's a MediaWiki message we can just hit the message cache
     if ($request->getBool('usemsgcache') && $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) {
         // The first "true" is to use the database, the second is to use the content langue
         // and the last one is to specify the message key already contains the language in it ("/de", etc.)
         $text = MessageCache::singleton()->get($title->getDBkey(), true, true, true);
         // If the message doesn't exist, return a blank
         if ($text === false) {
             $text = '';
     } else {
         // Get it from the DB
         $rev = Revision::newFromTitle($title, $this->getOldId());
         if ($rev) {
             $lastmod = wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $rev->getTimestamp());
             $request->response()->header("Last-modified: {$lastmod}");
             // Public-only due to cache headers
             $text = $rev->getText();
             $section = $request->getIntOrNull('section');
             if ($section !== null) {
                 $text = $wgParser->getSection($text, $section);
     if ($text !== false && $text !== '' && $request->getVal('templates') === 'expand') {
         $text = $wgParser->preprocess($text, $title, ParserOptions::newFromContext($this->getContext()));
     return $text;