singleton() 공개 메소드

Static singleton method. If you want to keep only one instance of this class in use, this method will give you a reference to the last created PEAR_Config object if one exists, or create a new object.
또한 보기: PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config
public singleton ( $user_file = '', $system_file = '', $strict = true ) : object
리턴 object an existing or new PEAR_Config instance
예제 #1
 public function getConfig()
     if (!$this->_config) {
         $pear_dir = $this->getPearDir();
         $config = PEAR_Config::singleton($pear_dir . DS . 'pear.ini', '-');
         $config->set('auto_discover', 1);
         $config->set('cache_ttl', 60);
         #$config->set('preferred_state', 'beta');
         $config->set('bin_dir', $pear_dir);
         $config->set('php_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'php');
         $config->set('download_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'download');
         $config->set('temp_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'temp');
         $config->set('data_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'data');
         $config->set('cache_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'cache');
         $config->set('test_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'tests');
         $config->set('doc_dir', $pear_dir . DS . 'docs');
         foreach ($config->getKeys() as $key) {
             if (!(substr($key, 0, 5) === 'mage_' && substr($key, -4) === '_dir')) {
             $config->set($key, preg_replace('#^\\.#', $this->getBaseDir(), $config->get($key)));
             #echo $key.' : '.$config->get($key).'<br>';
         $reg = $this->getRegistry();
         PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($config, $pear_dir . DS . 'php' . DS . '.depdb');
         #PEAR_Command::registerCommands(false, $pear_dir.DS.'php'.DS.'PEAR'.DS.'Command'.DS);
         $this->_config = $config;
     return $this->_config;
예제 #2
파일: Horde.php 프로젝트: raz0rsdge/horde
 function setup(&$installer, $pkg, $atts, $file)
     /* Check for proper setup. */
     $pear_config = PEAR_Config::singleton();
     if (!$pear_config->get('horde_dir')) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Missing "horde_dir" configuration in PEAR.');
예제 #3
 function renderTxt()
     $date = date('Y-m-d');
     if ($this->query('date')) {
         $post = $this->query();
         $date = $post['date']['Y'] . '-' . $post['date']['M'] . '-' . $post['date']['d'];
     // Ensures that PEAR uses correct config file.
     PEAR_Config::singleton(PATH_ROOT . '.pearrc');
     $this->db->query("SELECT, tilmelding.dato_slut\n            FROM langtkursus_tilmelding tilmelding\n                INNER JOIN langtkursus ON = tilmelding.kursus_id\n                INNER JOIN adresse ON tilmelding.adresse_id =\n            WHERE\n                ((tilmelding.dato_slut > langtkursus.dato_slut AND tilmelding.dato_start < DATE_ADD('{$date}', INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND tilmelding.dato_slut > NOW())\n                OR (tilmelding.dato_slut <= langtkursus.dato_slut AND tilmelding.dato_start < DATE_ADD('{$date}', INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND tilmelding.dato_slut > '{$date}')\n                OR (tilmelding.dato_slut = '0000-00-00' AND langtkursus.dato_start < DATE_ADD('{$date}', INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND langtkursus.dato_slut > '{$date}'))\n                AND = 1\n            ORDER BY adresse.fornavn ASC, adresse.efternavn ASC");
     $list = array();
     $i = 0;
     while ($this->db->nextRecord()) {
         $t = new VIH_Model_LangtKursus_Tilmelding($this->db->f('id'));
         // strange way to do it, but only way to get the header match data!
         $list[$i][3] = $t->get('navn');
         $list[$i][5] = $t->get('email');
         $list[$i][6] = $t->get('adresse');
         $list[$i][7] = $t->get('postby');
         $list[$i][8] = $t->get('postnr');
         $list[$i][11] = $t->get('telefon');
         // $list[$i][10] = $t->get('nationalitet');
         $list[$i][13] = $t->get('mobil');
     $address_book = new Contact_AddressBook();
     $csv_builder = $address_book->createBuilder('csv_wab');
     if (PEAR::isError($csv_builder)) {
         throw new Exception('CSV_builder error: ' . $csv_builder->getUserInfo());
     $result = $csv_builder->setData($list);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         throw new Exception('CSV_builder data error: ' . $result->getUserInfo());
     // @todo some error in the build. It has been traced back to getConfig();
     $result = $csv_builder->build();
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         throw new Exception('CSV_builder build error: ' . $result->getUserInfo());
     // This could be nice, but there is an error in the method!
     // echo $csv_builder->download('holdliste');
     // instead the following should do the job!
     if (headers_sent()) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot process headers, headers already sent');
     $filename = 'holdliste.csv';
     if (Net_UserAgent_Detect::isIE()) {
         // IE need specific headers
         header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $filename . '"');
         header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
         header('Pragma: public');
     } else {
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"');
         header('Pragma: no-cache');
     header('Content-Type: ' . $csv_builder->mime);
     return $csv_builder->result;
예제 #4
파일: Pear.php 프로젝트: mikejw/empathy
 public static function getConfigDir()
     $er = error_reporting();
     require_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
     $global_config_dir = \PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('cfg_dir');
     return $global_config_dir;
예제 #5
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     self::$_migrationDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../migration/Horde/Lock';
     if (!is_dir(self::$_migrationDir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         self::$_migrationDir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_Lock/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
예제 #6
  * Constructor for the data repository
 private function __construct()
     $pearDataDir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Xinc';
     $customInstallDataDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data';
     if (is_dir($pearDataDir)) {
         $this->baseDir = $pearDataDir;
     } else {
         if (is_dir($customInstallDataDir)) {
             $this->baseDir = $customInstallDataDir;
예제 #7
  * An object that supports the PEAR_Common->log() signature, or null
  * @param PEAR_Common|null
 function PEAR_RunTest($logger = null, $options = array())
     $this->ini_overwrites[] = 'error_reporting=' . E_ALL;
     if (is_null($logger)) {
         require_once 'PEAR/Common.php';
         $logger = new PEAR_Common();
     $this->_logger = $logger;
     $this->_options = $options;
     $conf =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $this->_php = $conf->get('php_bin');
예제 #8
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: raz0rsdge/horde
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     self::$logger = new Horde_Log_Logger(new Horde_Log_Handler_Cli());
     self::$dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../migration/Horde/History';
     if (!is_dir(self::$dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         self::$dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_History/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     self::$history = new Horde_History_Sql('test_user', self::$db);
예제 #9
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: horde/horde
 protected function _getCache($params = array())
     $logger = new Horde_Log_Logger(new Horde_Log_Handler_Cli());
     $dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../migration/Horde/Cache';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_Cache/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     $this->migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator($this->db, null, array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_cache_schema_info'));
     return new Horde_Cache(new Horde_Cache_Storage_File(array_merge(array('db' => $this->db), $params)));
예제 #10
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: jubinpatel/horde
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $logger = new Horde_Log_Logger(new Horde_Log_Handler_Cli());
     $dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../migration/Horde/Alarm';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_Alarm/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     self::$migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator(self::$db, null, array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_alarm_test_schema'));
예제 #11
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: raz0rsdge/horde
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $logger = new Horde_Log_Logger(new Horde_Log_Handler_Cli());
     $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../migration/Horde/SessionHandler';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_SessionHandler/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     self::$migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator(self::$db, null, array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_sessionhandler_schema_info'));
     self::$handler = new Horde_SessionHandler_Storage_Sql(array('db' => self::$db));
예제 #12
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: raz0rsdge/horde
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     //$logger = new Horde_Log_Logger(new Horde_Log_Handler_Cli());
     $dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../migration/Horde/Prefs';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_Prefs/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     self::$migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator(self::$db, null, array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_prefs_schema_info'));
     self::$db->insert('INSERT INTO horde_prefs (pref_uid, pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', array('joe', 'horde', 'theme', new Horde_Db_Value_Binary('silver')));
     self::$prefs = new Horde_Prefs_Storage_Sql('joe', array('db' => self::$db));
예제 #13
  * Returns information about a package file.  Expects the name of
  * a gzipped tar file as input.
  * @param string  $file  name of .tgz file
  * @return array  array with package information
  * @access public
  * @deprecated use PEAR_PackageFile->fromTgzFile() instead
 function infoFromTgzFile($file)
     $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $packagefile = new PEAR_PackageFile($config);
     $pf =& $packagefile->fromTgzFile($file, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
     if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
         $errs = $pf->getUserinfo();
         if (is_array($errs)) {
             foreach ($errs as $error) {
                 $e = $this->raiseError($error['message'], $error['code'], null, null, $error);
         return $pf;
     return $this->_postProcessValidPackagexml($pf);
예제 #14
 public function __construct()
     // Create the local PEAR config.
     if (!@(include_once 'PEAR/Config.php') || !@(include_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php')) {
         throw new Exception('PEAR libraries are not in the PHP include_path.');
     /* We are heavily relying on the PEAR libraries which are not clean
      * with regard to E_STRICT. */
     if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
     } else {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
     $pear_config = PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $this->pear_pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($pear_config);
예제 #15
파일: RunTest.php 프로젝트: rjsmelo/tiki
  * An object that supports the PEAR_Common->log() signature, or null
  * @param PEAR_Common|null
 function PEAR_RunTest($logger = null, $options = array())
     if (!defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
         define('E_DEPRECATED', 0);
     if (!defined('E_STRICT')) {
         define('E_STRICT', 0);
     $this->ini_overwrites[] = 'error_reporting=' . (E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT));
     if (is_null($logger)) {
         $logger = new PEAR_Common();
     $this->_logger = $logger;
     $this->_options = $options;
     $conf =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $this->_php = $conf->get('php_bin');
예제 #16
  *  config for local.
  *  @return true|Ethna_Error
  *  @access private 
 protected function _setLocalConfig()
     $true = true;
     // determine dirs
     $base = $this->target_ctl->getBaseDir();
     $bin = $this->target_ctl->getDirectory('bin');
     $tmp = $this->target_ctl->getDirectory('tmp');
     $lib = "{$base}/lib";
     $dirs = array('php_dir' => "{$lib}", 'bin_dir' => "{$base}/bin", 'cache_dir' => "{$tmp}/.pear/cache", 'download_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/download", 'temp_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/temp", 'doc_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/doc", 'ext_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/ext", 'data_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/data", 'test_dir' => "{$lib}/.pear/test");
     $default_pearrc = "{$base}" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "pear.conf";
     $app_config = $this->target_ctl->getConfig();
     $app_pearrc = $app_config->get('app_pear_local_config');
     $pearrc = empty($app_pearrc) ? $default_pearrc : "{$base}/{$app_pearrc}";
     $this->conf_file = $pearrc;
     $this->config = PEAR_Config::singleton($pearrc);
     // read local .pearrc if exists.
     if (is_file($pearrc) && is_readable($pearrc)) {
     // set dirs to config
     foreach ($dirs as $key => $dir) {
         $_dir = $this->config->get($key, 'user');
         if (!isset($_dir)) {
             if (is_dir($dir) == false) {
                 Ethna_Util::mkdir($dir, 0755);
             $this->config->set($key, $dir);
     if ($this->channel == 'dummy') {
         $default_channel = $this->config->get('default_channel', 'user');
         $this->channel = empty($default_channel) ? '' : $default_channel;
     // setup channel
     $reg = $this->config->getRegistry();
     if ($reg->channelExists($this->channel) == false) {
         $ret = $this->doChannelDiscover();
         if (Ethna::isError($ret)) {
             return $ret;
     $this->config->set('default_channel', $this->channel);
     // write local .pearrc
     return $true;
예제 #17
파일: RunTest.php 프로젝트: orcoliver/oneye
  * An object that supports the PEAR_Common->log() signature, or null
  * @param PEAR_Common|null
 function PEAR_RunTest($logger = null, $options = array())
     if (!defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
         define('E_DEPRECATED', 0);
     if (!defined('E_STRICT')) {
         define('E_STRICT', 0);
     $this->ini_overwrites[] = 'error_reporting=' . (E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT));
     if (is_null($logger)) {
         require_once EYE_ROOT . '/' . SYSTEM_DIR . '/' . LIB_DIR . '/eyePear/PEAR/Common.php';
         $logger = new PEAR_Common();
     $this->_logger = $logger;
     $this->_options = $options;
     $conf =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $this->_php = $conf->get('php_bin');
예제 #18
파일: Base.php 프로젝트: jubinpatel/horde
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../migration/Horde/Auth';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
         $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_Auth/migration';
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     self::$migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator(self::$db, null, array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_auth_test_schema'));
     self::$auth = new Horde_Auth_Sql(array('db' => self::$db, 'encryption' => 'plain'));
     // Don't rely on auth->addUser as this is the unit under test
     $row = "INSERT INTO horde_users VALUES ('mozilla', 'liketokyo', NULL, NULL);";
     $row = "INSERT INTO horde_users VALUES ('konqui', 'kde', NULL, NULL);";
     $row = "INSERT INTO horde_users VALUES ('tux', 'fish', NULL, NULL);";
예제 #19
 function runMacro($func, $arg)
     global $dbh;
     $ret = '';
     switch ($func) {
         case 'list':
             $arg = str_replace('?', '_', $arg);
             $arg = str_replace('*', '%', $arg);
             $sql = "SELECT name FROM nodes WHERE name LIKE '{$arg}'";
             // catch errors
             $nodes = $dbh->getCol($sql, 0);
             if (is_array($nodes)) {
                 $ret = implode("\n", $nodes);
         case 'phpdoc':
             $url = "{$arg}";
             $ret = "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$arg} (</a>";
         case 'pear-listall':
             include_once "PEAR/Config.php";
             include_once "PEAR/Remote.php";
             $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
             @($remote =& new PEAR_Remote($config));
             @($packages = $remote->call('package.listAll'));
             $ret = implode("\n", array_keys($packages));
         case 'recent':
             include_once "Date.php";
             $arg = (int) $arg;
             $res = $dbh->limitQuery("SELECT name, mtime FROM nodes ORDER BY mtime DESC", 0, $arg);
             $ret = '';
             while ($res->fetchInto($tmp)) {
                 $date = new Date($tmp['mtime']);
                 $ret .= "{$tmp['name']} " . $date->getDate() . "\n";
     return $ret;
예제 #20
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) {
         self::$reason = 'No oci8 extension';
     $config = self::getConfig('HISTORY_SQL_OCI8_TEST_CONFIG', __DIR__ . '/..');
     if ($config && !empty($config['history']['sql']['oci8'])) {
         self::$db = new Horde_Db_Adapter_Oci8($config['history']['sql']['oci8']);
         $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../migration/Horde/History';
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);
             $dir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir', null, '') . '/Horde_History/migration';
             error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
         self::$logger = new Horde_Test_Log();
         self::$migrator = new Horde_Db_Migration_Migrator(self::$db, self::$logger->getLogger(), array('migrationsPath' => $dir, 'schemaTableName' => 'horde_histories_schema'));
         self::$history = new Horde_History_Sql('test_user', self::$db);
     } else {
         self::$reason = 'No oci8 configuration';
  * Return an XML document based on the package info (as returned
  * by the PEAR_Common::infoFrom* methods).
  * @param array $pkginfo package info
  * @return string XML data
  * @access public
  * @deprecated use a PEAR_PackageFile_v* object's generator instead
 function xmlFromInfo($pkginfo)
     include_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';
     include_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
     $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $packagefile =& new PEAR_PackageFile($config);
     $pf =& $packagefile->fromArray($pkginfo);
     if (!$pf->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL)) {
         $errors = $pf->getValidationWarnings();
         return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid package.xml file', null, null, null, $errors);
     if (isset($this->_provides)) {
     $ret = $this->toXml();
     if (!$ret) {
         $errors = $pf->getValidationWarnings();
         return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid package.xml file', null, null, null, $errors);
     return $ret;
예제 #22
 private function __construct()
     $ret = (include_once 'PEAR/Config.php');
     if (!$ret || !class_exists('PEAR_Config')) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot load pear config');
     $strIniDir = PEAR_Config::singleton()->get('data_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Xinc';
     $this->strFileName = $strIniDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xinc.ini';
     if (file_exists($this->strFileName)) {
         if (is_readable($this->strFileName)) {
             $this->_ini = @parse_ini_file($this->strFileName, true);
             if (!is_array($this->_ini)) {
                 $this->_ini = array();
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Cannot read xinc.ini, permission denied?');
     } elseif (!is_dir($strIniDir) && !mkdir($strIniDir, 0700, true) || !touch($this->strFileName)) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot create empty xinc.ini.');
     } else {
         $this->_ini = array();
예제 #23
  * Perform all functions for this task.
 public function execute()
     global $notification, $registry;
     $hconfig = new Horde_Config();
     try {
         $versions = $hconfig->checkVersions();
         foreach ($versions as &$app) {
             $app['version'] = preg_replace('/H\\d \\((.*)\\)/', '$1', $app['version']);
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
     $pearConfig = PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $packageFile = new PEAR_PackageFile($pearConfig);
     $packages = array();
     foreach ($pearConfig->getRegistry()->packageInfo(null, null, '') as $package) {
         $packages[$package['name']] = $package['version']['release'];
     $configLink = Horde::link(Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', false, array('app' => 'horde')));
     if (class_exists('Horde_Bundle') && isset($versions[Horde_Bundle::NAME]) && version_compare($versions[Horde_Bundle::NAME]['version'], Horde_Bundle::VERSION, '>')) {
         $notification->push($configLink . sprintf(_("A newer version of %s exists."), Horde_Bundle::FULLNAME) . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
     foreach ($registry->listAllApps() as $app) {
         if (($version = $registry->getVersion($app, true)) && isset($versions[$app]) && version_compare($versions[$app]['version'], $version, '>')) {
             $notification->push($configLink . _("A newer version of an application exists.") . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
     foreach ($packages as $app => $version) {
         if (isset($versions[$app]) && version_compare($versions[$app]['version'], $version, '>')) {
             $notification->push($configLink . _("A newer version of a library exists.") . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
예제 #24
  * Download a file through HTTP.  Considers suggested file name in
  * Content-disposition: header and can run a callback function for
  * different events.  The callback will be called with two
  * parameters: the callback type, and parameters.  The implemented
  * callback types are:
  *  'setup'       called at the very beginning, parameter is a UI object
  *                that should be used for all output
  *  'message'     the parameter is a string with an informational message
  *  'saveas'      may be used to save with a different file name, the
  *                parameter is the filename that is about to be used.
  *                If a 'saveas' callback returns a non-empty string,
  *                that file name will be used as the filename instead.
  *                Note that $save_dir will not be affected by this, only
  *                the basename of the file.
  *  'start'       download is starting, parameter is number of bytes
  *                that are expected, or -1 if unknown
  *  'bytesread'   parameter is the number of bytes read so far
  *  'done'        download is complete, parameter is the total number
  *                of bytes read
  *  'connfailed'  if the TCP/SSL connection fails, this callback is called
  *                with array(host,port,errno,errmsg)
  *  'writefailed' if writing to disk fails, this callback is called
  *                with array(destfile,errmsg)
  * If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config
  * setting), the proxy will be used.
  * @param string  $url       the URL to download
  * @param object  $ui        PEAR_Frontend_* instance
  * @param object  $config    PEAR_Config instance
  * @param string  $save_dir  directory to save file in
  * @param mixed   $callback  function/method to call for status
  *                           updates
  * @param false|string|array $lastmodified header values to check against for caching
  *                           use false to return the header values from this download
  * @param false|array $accept Accept headers to send
  * @param false|string $channel Channel to use for retrieving authentication
  * @return string|array  Returns the full path of the downloaded file or a PEAR
  *                       error on failure.  If the error is caused by
  *                       socket-related errors, the error object will
  *                       have the fsockopen error code available through
  *                       getCode().  If caching is requested, then return the header
  *                       values.
  * @access public
 function downloadHttp($url, &$ui, $save_dir = '.', $callback = null, $lastmodified = null, $accept = false, $channel = false)
     static $redirect = 0;
     // always reset , so we are clean case of error
     $wasredirect = $redirect;
     $redirect = 0;
     if ($callback) {
         call_user_func($callback, 'setup', array(&$ui));
     $info = parse_url($url);
     if (!isset($info['scheme']) || !in_array($info['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download non-http URL "' . $url . '"');
     if (!isset($info['host'])) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download from non-URL "' . $url . '"');
     $host = isset($info['host']) ? $info['host'] : null;
     $port = isset($info['port']) ? $info['port'] : null;
     $path = isset($info['path']) ? $info['path'] : null;
     if (isset($this)) {
         $config =& $this->config;
     } else {
         $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $proxy_host = $proxy_port = $proxy_user = $proxy_pass = '';
     if ($config->get('http_proxy') && ($proxy = parse_url($config->get('http_proxy')))) {
         $proxy_host = isset($proxy['host']) ? $proxy['host'] : null;
         if (isset($proxy['scheme']) && $proxy['scheme'] == 'https') {
             $proxy_host = 'ssl://' . $proxy_host;
         $proxy_port = isset($proxy['port']) ? $proxy['port'] : 8080;
         $proxy_user = isset($proxy['user']) ? urldecode($proxy['user']) : null;
         $proxy_pass = isset($proxy['pass']) ? urldecode($proxy['pass']) : null;
         if ($callback) {
             call_user_func($callback, 'message', "Using HTTP proxy {$host}:{$port}");
     if (empty($port)) {
         $port = isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https' ? 443 : 80;
     $scheme = isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'https' : 'http';
     if ($proxy_host != '') {
         $fp = @fsockopen($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr);
         if (!$fp) {
             if ($callback) {
                 call_user_func($callback, 'connfailed', array($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr));
             return PEAR::raiseError("Connection to `{$proxy_host}:{$proxy_port}' failed: {$errstr}", $errno);
         if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) {
             $request = "GET {$url} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
             $request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
         } else {
             $request = "GET {$url} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
             $request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
     } else {
         $network_host = $host;
         if (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') {
             $network_host = 'ssl://' . $host;
         $fp = @fsockopen($network_host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
         if (!$fp) {
             if ($callback) {
                 call_user_func($callback, 'connfailed', array($host, $port, $errno, $errstr));
             return PEAR::raiseError("Connection to `{$host}:{$port}' failed: {$errstr}", $errno);
         if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) {
             $request = "GET {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
             $request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
         } else {
             $request = "GET {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
             $request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
     $ifmodifiedsince = '';
     if (is_array($lastmodified)) {
         if (isset($lastmodified['Last-Modified'])) {
             $ifmodifiedsince = 'If-Modified-Since: ' . $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] . "\r\n";
         if (isset($lastmodified['ETag'])) {
             $ifmodifiedsince .= "If-None-Match: {$lastmodified['ETag']}\r\n";
     } else {
         $ifmodifiedsince = $lastmodified ? "If-Modified-Since: {$lastmodified}\r\n" : '';
     $request .= $ifmodifiedsince . "User-Agent: PEAR/1.9.4/PHP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\n";
     if (isset($this)) {
         // only pass in authentication for non-static calls
         $username = $config->get('username', null, $channel);
         $password = $config->get('password', null, $channel);
         if ($username && $password) {
             $tmp = base64_encode("{$username}:{$password}");
             $request .= "Authorization: Basic {$tmp}\r\n";
     if ($proxy_host != '' && $proxy_user != '') {
         $request .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($proxy_user . ':' . $proxy_pass) . "\r\n";
     if ($accept) {
         $request .= 'Accept: ' . implode(', ', $accept) . "\r\n";
     $request .= "Connection: close\r\n";
     $request .= "\r\n";
     fwrite($fp, $request);
     $headers = array();
     $reply = 0;
     while (trim($line = fgets($fp, 1024))) {
         if (preg_match('/^([^:]+):\\s+(.*)\\s*\\z/', $line, $matches)) {
             $headers[strtolower($matches[1])] = trim($matches[2]);
         } elseif (preg_match('|^HTTP/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) |', $line, $matches)) {
             $reply = (int) $matches[1];
             if ($reply == 304 && ($lastmodified || $lastmodified === false)) {
                 return false;
             if (!in_array($reply, array(200, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307))) {
                 return PEAR::raiseError("File {$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}{$path} not valid (received: {$line})");
     if ($reply != 200) {
         if (!isset($headers['location'])) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("File {$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}{$path} not valid (redirected but no location)");
         if ($wasredirect > 4) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("File {$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}{$path} not valid (redirection looped more than 5 times)");
         $redirect = $wasredirect + 1;
         return $this->downloadHttp($headers['location'], $ui, $save_dir, $callback, $lastmodified, $accept);
     if (isset($headers['content-disposition']) && preg_match('/\\sfilename=\\"([^;]*\\S)\\"\\s*(;|\\z)/', $headers['content-disposition'], $matches)) {
         $save_as = basename($matches[1]);
     } else {
         $save_as = basename($url);
     if ($callback) {
         $tmp = call_user_func($callback, 'saveas', $save_as);
         if ($tmp) {
             $save_as = $tmp;
     $dest_file = $save_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $save_as;
     if (is_link($dest_file)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('SECURITY ERROR: Will not write to ' . $dest_file . ' as it is symlinked to ' . readlink($dest_file) . ' - Possible symlink attack');
     if (!($wp = @fopen($dest_file, 'wb'))) {
         if ($callback) {
             call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg));
         return PEAR::raiseError("could not open {$dest_file} for writing");
     $length = isset($headers['content-length']) ? $headers['content-length'] : -1;
     $bytes = 0;
     if ($callback) {
         call_user_func($callback, 'start', array(basename($dest_file), $length));
     while ($data = fread($fp, 1024)) {
         $bytes += strlen($data);
         if ($callback) {
             call_user_func($callback, 'bytesread', $bytes);
         if (!@fwrite($wp, $data)) {
             if ($callback) {
                 call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg));
             return PEAR::raiseError("{$dest_file}: write failed ({$php_errormsg})");
     if ($callback) {
         call_user_func($callback, 'done', $bytes);
     if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) {
         if (isset($headers['etag'])) {
             $lastmodified = array('ETag' => $headers['etag']);
         if (isset($headers['last-modified'])) {
             if (is_array($lastmodified)) {
                 $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] = $headers['last-modified'];
             } else {
                 $lastmodified = $headers['last-modified'];
         return array($dest_file, $lastmodified, $headers);
     return $dest_file;
예제 #25
파일: pear-rest.php 프로젝트: stof/pearweb
    public function saveAllReleasesREST($package)
        require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v2.php';
        require_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
        include_once 'pear-database-package.php';
        $pid = package::info($package, 'id');
        $releases = $this->db->getAll('SELECT * FROM releases WHERE package = ? ORDER BY releasedate DESC', array($pid), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        if (PEAR::isError($releases)) {
            return $releases;
        $deps = $this->db->getAssoc('SELECT `release`, `version` FROM deps WHERE package = ? AND type="php" and relation="ge"', false, array($pid));
        if (PEAR::isError($deps)) {
            return $releases;
        $rdir = $this->getReleaseDirectory();
        if (!is_dir($rdir)) {
            if (!mkdir($rdir, 0777, true)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Creating directory ' . $rdir . ' failed - Check the permissions');
            @chmod($rdir, 0777);
        if (!$releases || !count($releases)) {
            // start from scratch, so that any pulled releases have their REST deleted
            require_once 'System.php';
            System::rm(array('-r', $rdir . strtolower($package)));
        $info = $this->_getAllReleasesRESTProlog($package);
        $info2 = $this->_getAllReleases2RESTProlog($package);
        foreach ($releases as $release) {
            $packagexml = $this->db->getOne('SELECT packagexml FROM files WHERE package = ? AND
                `release` = ?', array($pid, $release['id']));
            if (PEAR::isError($packagexml)) {
                return $packagexml;
            $extra = '';
            if (strpos($packagexml, ' version="2.0"')) {
                // little quick hack to determine package.xml version
                $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile_Parser_v2();
                $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
                // configuration is unused for this quick parse
                $pf = $pkg->parse($packagexml, '');
                if ($compat = $pf->getCompatible()) {
                    if (!isset($compat[0])) {
                        $compat = array($compat);
                    foreach ($compat as $entry) {
                        $extra .= '<co><c>' . $entry['channel'] . '</c>' . '<p>' . $entry['name'] . '</p>' . '<min>' . $entry['min'] . '</min>' . '<max>' . $entry['max'] . '</max>';
                        if (isset($entry['exclude'])) {
                            if (!is_array($entry['exclude'])) {
                                $entry['exclude'] = array($entry['exclude']);
                            foreach ($entry['exclude'] as $exclude) {
                                $extra .= '<x>' . $exclude . '</x>';
                        $extra .= '</co>
            if (!isset($latest)) {
                $latest = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'stable' && !isset($stable)) {
                $stable = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'beta' && !isset($beta)) {
                $beta = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'alpha' && !isset($alpha)) {
                $alpha = $release['version'];
            $info .= ' <r><v>' . $release['version'] . '</v><s>' . $release['state'] . '</s>' . $extra . '</r>
            $phpdep = isset($deps[$release['id']]) ? $deps[$release['id']] : '4.0.0';
            $info2 .= ' <r><v>' . $release['version'] . '</v><s>' . $release['state'] . '</s>' . '<m>' . $phpdep . '</m>' . $extra . '</r>
        $info .= '</a>';
        $info2 .= '</a>';
        $dir = $rdir . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            if (!mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Creating directory ' . $dir . ' failed - Check the permissions');
            @chmod($dir, 0777);
        if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'allreleases.xml', $info)) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'allreleases.xml failed - Check the permissions');
        @chmod($dir . 'allreleases.xml', 0666);
        if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'allreleases2.xml', $info2)) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'allreleases2.xml failed - Check the permissions');
        @chmod($dir . 'allreleases2.xml', 0666);
        if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'latest.txt', $latest)) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'latest.txt failed - Check the permissions');
        @chmod($dir . 'latest.txt', 0666);
        // remove .txt in case all releases of this stability were deleted
        @unlink($dir . 'stable.txt');
        @unlink($dir . 'beta.txt');
        @unlink($dir . 'alpha.txt');
        if (isset($stable)) {
            if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'stable.txt', $stable)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'stable.txt failed - Check the permissions');
            @chmod($dir . 'stable.txt', 0666);
        if (isset($beta)) {
            if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'beta.txt', $beta)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'beta.txt failed - Check the permissions');
            @chmod($dir . 'beta.txt', 0666);
        if (isset($alpha)) {
            if (!file_put_contents($dir . 'alpha.txt', $alpha)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Writing file ' . $dir . 'alpha.txt failed - Check the permissions');
            @chmod($dir . 'alpha.txt', 0666);
예제 #26
$store_user_config = false;
$store_system_config = false;
$verbose = 1;
foreach ($opts as $opt) {
    switch ($opt[0]) {
        case 'c':
            $pear_user_config = $opt[1];
        case 'C':
            $pear_system_config = $opt[1];
$ui =& PEAR_Command::getFrontendObject();
$config =& PEAR_Config::singleton($pear_user_config, $pear_system_config);
if (PEAR::isError($config)) {
    $_file = '';
    if ($pear_user_config !== false) {
        $_file .= $pear_user_config;
    if ($pear_system_config !== false) {
        $_file .= '/' . $pear_system_config;
    if ($_file == '/') {
        $_file = 'The default config file';
    $ui->outputData("ERROR: {$_file} is not a valid config file or is corrupted.");
    // We stop, we have no idea where we are :)
예제 #27
  * Validate XML package definition file.
  * @param  string $info Filename of the package archive or of the
  *                package definition file
  * @param  array $errors Array that will contain the errors
  * @param  array $warnings Array that will contain the warnings
  * @param  string $dir_prefix (optional) directory where source files
  *                may be found, or empty if they are not available
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
  * @deprecated use the validation of PEAR_PackageFile objects
 function validatePackageInfo($info, &$errors, &$warnings, $dir_prefix = '')
     $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $packagefile =& new PEAR_PackageFile($config);
     if (strpos($info, '<?xml') !== false) {
         $pf =& $packagefile->fromXmlString($info, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL, '');
     } else {
         $pf =& $packagefile->fromAnyFile($info, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
     if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
         $errs = $pf->getUserinfo();
         if (is_array($errs)) {
             foreach ($errs as $error) {
                 if ($error['level'] == 'error') {
                     $errors[] = $error['message'];
                 } else {
                     $warnings[] = $error['message'];
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #28
파일: Command.php 프로젝트: Maxlander/shixi
 function &getObject($command)
     $class = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command];
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         require_once $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'][$class];
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("unknown command `{$command}'");
     $ui =& PEAR_Command::getFrontendObject();
     $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $obj =& new $class($ui, $config);
     return $obj;
예제 #29
 * @license New BSD License
 * @version    CVS: $Id$
$y = array();
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()) as $path) {
    if ($path == '.') {
    $y[] = $path;
// remove current dir, we will otherwise include git files, which is not good
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $y));
require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
require_once 'PHP/Archive/Creator.php';
$config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
function replaceVersion($contents, $path)
    return str_replace(array('@PEAR-VER@', '@package_version@'), $GLOBALS['pearver'], $contents);
$outputFile = 'go-pear.phar';
$tardir = __DIR__ . '/go-pear-tarballs';
$dp = @scandir($tardir);
if ($dp === false) {
    die("while locating packages to install: scandir('" . $tardir . "') failed\n");
$required = array('Archive_Tar', 'Console_Getopt', 'PEAR', 'Structures_Graph', 'XML_Util');
$packages = array();
foreach ($dp as $entry) {
    if ($entry[0] == '.' || !in_array(substr($entry, -4), array('.tar'))) {
예제 #30
    function saveAllReleasesREST($package)
        require_once 'System.php';
        require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v2.php';
        require_once 'PEAR/Config.php';
        global $dbh;
        $extra = '/rest/';
        $pid = package::info($package, 'id');
        $releases = $dbh->getAll('SELECT * FROM releases WHERE package = ? ORDER BY releasedate DESC', array($pid), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        $rdir = $this->_restdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'r';
        if (!is_dir($rdir)) {
            System::mkdir(array('-p', $rdir));
            @chmod($rdir, 0777);
        if (!$releases || !count($releases)) {
            // start from scratch, so that any pulled releases have their REST deleted
            System::rm(array('-r', $rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package)));
        $info = $this->_getAllReleasesRESTProlog($package);
        foreach ($releases as $release) {
            $packagexml = $dbh->getOne('SELECT packagexml FROM files WHERE package = ? AND
                `release` = ?', array($pid, $release['id']));
            $extra = '';
            if (strpos($packagexml, ' version="2.0"')) {
                // little quick hack to determine package.xml version
                $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile_Parser_v2();
                $config =& PEAR_Config::singleton();
                // configuration is unused for this quick parse
                $pf = $pkg->parse($packagexml, '');
                if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
                    return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf("Parsing the packagexml for release %s failed with error message: %s", $release['id'], $pf->getMessage()));
                if ($compat = $pf->getCompatible()) {
                    if (!isset($compat[0])) {
                        $compat = array($compat);
                    foreach ($compat as $entry) {
                        $extra .= '<co><c>' . $entry['channel'] . '</c>' . '<p>' . $entry['name'] . '</p>' . '<min>' . $entry['min'] . '</min>' . '<max>' . $entry['max'] . '</max>';
                        if (isset($entry['exclude'])) {
                            if (!is_array($entry['exclude'])) {
                                $entry['exclude'] = array($entry['exclude']);
                            foreach ($entry['exclude'] as $exclude) {
                                $extra .= '<x>' . $exclude . '</x>';
                        $extra .= '</co>
            if (!isset($latest)) {
                $latest = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'stable' && !isset($stable)) {
                $stable = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'beta' && !isset($beta)) {
                $beta = $release['version'];
            if ($release['state'] == 'alpha' && !isset($alpha)) {
                $alpha = $release['version'];
            $info .= ' <r><v>' . $release['version'] . '</v><s>' . $release['state'] . '</s>' . $extra . '</r>
        $info .= '</a>';
        if (!is_dir($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package))) {
            System::mkdir(array('-p', $rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package)));
            @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package), 0777);
        file_put_contents($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'allreleases.xml', $info);
        @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'allreleases.xml', 0666);
        file_put_contents($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'latest.txt', $latest);
        @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'latest.txt', 0666);
        // remove .txt in case all releases of this stability were deleted
        @unlink($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stable.txt');
        @unlink($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'beta.txt');
        @unlink($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'alpha.txt');
        if (isset($stable)) {
            file_put_contents($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stable.txt', $stable);
            @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stable.txt', 0666);
        if (isset($beta)) {
            file_put_contents($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'beta.txt', $beta);
            @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'beta.txt', 0666);
        if (isset($alpha)) {
            file_put_contents($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'alpha.txt', $alpha);
            @chmod($rdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'alpha.txt', 0666);