function meta($what = null, $type = 'meta') { if ($what === null) { return $this->_meta; } if ($this->_meta && $this->_meta->offsetExists($what)) { return $this->_meta->toTag($what, $this->_meta[$what], $type); } }
public static function createLink($params) { $structure = array(); $structure['url'] = $params[0]; $structure['width'] = $params[1]; $structure['height'] = $params[2]; $structure['icon'] = str_replace('eyeos/extern/', 'index.php?extern=', $params[5]); $structure['openInNewWindow'] = $params[6]; $structure['type'] = 'web'; $linkName = utf8_basename($params[3]); $info = pathinfo($linkName); if (!isset($info['extension']) || $info['extension'] != 'lnk') { $linkName .= '.lnk'; } $path = $params[4]; $text = json_encode($structure); $linkName = str_replace('?', '_', $linkName); $linkName = str_replace('#', '_', $linkName); $newFile = FSI::getFile($path . '/' . $linkName); $newFile->createNewFile(); $newFile->putContents($text); $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); //TODO: better message? $message = new ClientBusMessage('file', 'uploadComplete', self::getFileInfo($newFile, $settings)); ClientMessageBusController::getInstance()->queueMessage($message); }
/** * Retrieve the name of the user * * @param <AbstractEventNotification> $event */ public static function retrieveContactName($userId) { $user = UMManager::getInstance()->getUserById($userId); $userMeta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($user); $username = $userMeta->get('eyeos.user.firstname') . ' ' . $userMeta->get('eyeos.user.lastname'); return $username; }
public function userDeleted(UMEvent $e) { if ($e->getSource() instanceof AbstractEyeosUser) { //Send message to the BUS $message = new ClientBusMessage('ummanager', 'userDeleted', $e->getSource()->getId()); ClientMessageBusController::getInstance()->queueMessage($message); MetaManager::getInstance()->deleteMeta($e->getSource()); } }
private function __construct() { $this->tablesManager = TablesManager::getInstance(); $this->fieldsManager = FieldsManager::getInstance(); $this->metaManager = MetaManager::getInstance(); $this->relationsManager = RelationsManager::getInstance(); $this->itemsManager = ItemsManager::getInstance(); $this->commentsManager = CommentsManager::getInstance(); $this->tablesMeta = []; }
public function convertMetaData($fromObject, $toObject) { // this failback return void metadata $this->Logger->debug("Conversion from " . get_class($fromObject) . " => " . get_class($toObject) . " working..."); $this->Logger->debug("Conversion from " . get_class($fromObject) . " => " . get_class($toObject) . " done"); // create empty metadata $newMeta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($toObject); $newMeta->set('creationTime', time()); $newMeta->set('modificationTime', time()); return $newMeta; }
public static function __run(AppExecutionContext $context, MMapResponse $response) { $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); // Every time this Application its executed, put a metadata for not show any more time in init, // maybe its interesting to put it only if not exist, like that, not working for now // if(!array_key_exists('eyeos.user.desktop.showWelcome', $meta)) { $meta->set('eyeos.user.desktop.showWelcome', 'false'); // } MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($currentUser, $meta); }
function showIndex() { $pager = new fvPager(PageManager::getInstance()); $this->__assign('Pages', $pager->paginate(null, "IF (page_parent_id = 0, id*100000, page_parent_id*100000 + id)")); $request = fvRequest::getInstance(); if (!($Page = PageManager::getInstance()->getByPk($request->getRequestParameter('id')))) { $Page = new Page(); } $this->__assign(array('Page' => $Page, 'PageManager' => PageManager::getInstance(), 'metaManager' => MetaManager::getInstance())); return $this->__display('page_list.tpl'); }
function showEdit() { $request = fvRequest::getInstance(); if (!($ex = NewsManager::getInstance()->getByPk($request->getRequestParameter('id')))) { $ex = new News(); } $this->__assign('ex', $ex); $this->__assign('metaManager', MetaManager::getInstance()); $this->__assign("module", $this->moduleName); $this->__assign("weights", range(0, 999)); return $this->__display('edit.tpl'); }
/** * @param mixed $object * @param String $params * @return IMetaData * @throws EyeException * @throws EyeErrorException */ public function retrieveMeta($object, $params) { if (!$object instanceof EyeosApplicationDescriptor) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$object must be an EyeosApplicationDescriptor.'); } $filepath = $object->getPath() . '/info.xml'; $provider = new SimpleXMLMetaProvider((string) $params, array(SimpleXMLMetaProvider::PARAM_FILEPATH => $filepath)); $meta = $provider->retrieveMeta(null); // no meta found (info.xml does not exist), generate default one if ($meta === null) { $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($object); $meta->setAll(array('' => $object->getName(), '' => '<Unknown>', 'eyeos.application.version' => '<Unknown>', 'eyeos.application.description' => 'This is an autogenerated default metadata content because no file named "info.xml" can be found in the application\'s directory.', 'eyeos.application.license' => '<Unknown>')); } if ($meta->get('eyeos.application.systemParameters') === null) { $meta->set('eyeos.application.systemParameters', array('listable' => 'true', 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => 'users', 'permissions' => '---x--x--x', 'anonymous' => 'false', 'suid' => 'false')); } return $meta; }
public function searchContacts($text) { try { $text = str_replace('_', '\\_', $text); // looking for username in database... $sqlQuery = 'SELECT id FROM eyeosuser WHERE name LIKE :text0 AND id != \'eyeID_EyeosUser_register\''; $bindParam = array('text0' => $text); $text = explode(' ', $text); for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); $i++) { $sqlQuery = $sqlQuery . ' OR name LIKE :text' . ($i + 1); $bindParam['text' . ($i + 1)] = '%' . $text[$i] . '%'; } $sqlQuery .= ' LIMIT 20'; $stmt = $this->dao->prepare($sqlQuery); $stmt = $this->dao->execute($stmt, $bindParam); $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // preparing the array the function will return... $return = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $return[] = $result['id']; } if (count($return) >= 20) { return $return; } $userObj = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $metaToLookFor = array('eyeos.user.firstname', 'eyeos.user.lastname', ''); for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); $i++) { foreach ($metaToLookFor as $metaValue) { $searchForMetas = new PrincipalMetaData(); $searchForMetas->set($metaValue, $text[$i]); $results = MetaManager::getInstance()->searchMeta($userObj, $searchForMetas); $results = array_diff($results, $return); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $result) { $return[] = $result; } } } } return $return; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new EyePeopleException('Unable to search contacts for text ' . $text, 0, $e); } }
/** * TODO: To remove, only used by eyeos.socialbar-ShareWindow. * use contact manager instead * * * @param <type> $params * @return <type> */ public static function getContacts($params) { $myProcManager = ProcManager::getInstance(); $peopleController = PeopleController::getInstance(); $currentUserId = $myProcManager->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser()->getId(); $results = array(); foreach ($params as $userId) { $otherUser = UMManager::getInstance()->getUserById($userId); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($otherUser); $myRelation = $peopleController->getContact($currentUserId, $userId); $lists = array(); $listsName = array(); $tagsPerImpression = ImpressionsManager::getInstance()->getTagsPerImpression($myRelation->getImpression()); foreach ($tagsPerImpression as $tagPerImpression) { $lists[] = $tagPerImpression->getTagId(); $listsName[] = $peopleController->getTagName($tagPerImpression->getTagId()); } $result[] = array('id' => $userId, 'name' => $settings->get('eyeos.user.firstname') . ' ' . $settings->get('eyeos.user.lastname'), 'listsName' => $listsName); } return $result; }
public function setId($id) { if ($this->realFile === null) { throw new EyeUnsupportedOperationException(__METHOD__ . ' on ' . $this->path); } if (!is_string($id)) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$id must be a string (' . gettype($id) . ' given).'); } $meta = $this->getMeta(); if ($meta === null) { $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($this); } $existingId = $meta->get(self::METADATA_KEY_ID); if ($existingId !== null) { throw new EyeBadMethodCallException('Cannot overwrite existing id for file ' . $this->path . '.'); } $meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_ID, $id); $this->setMeta($meta); }
public static function register($params) { /* verify permissions again */ $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta(kernel::getInstance('SecurityManager'))->getAll(); if (isset($meta['register']) && $meta['register'] == 'false') { return 'unable to register'; } $procManager = ProcManager::getInstance(); $savedLoginContext = $procManager->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext(); try { $name = $params[0]; $surname = $params[1]; $username = $params[2]; $password = $params[3]; $email = $params[4]; if (!$name || !$surname || !$username || !$password || !$email) { return 'incomplete'; } $myUManager = UMManager::getInstance(); // check existence $exists = false; try { $myUManager->getUserByName($username); $exists = true; } catch (EyeNoSuchUserException $e) { } if ($exists) { throw new EyeUserAlreadyExistsException('User with name "' . $username . '" already exists.'); } $meta = new BasicMetaData(); $meta->set('', $email); $userIds = MetaManager::getInstance()->searchMeta(new EyeosUser(), $meta); if (count($userIds) != 0) { throw new EyeUserAlreadyExistsException('User with email "' . $email . '" already exists.'); } //create the user $user = $myUManager->getNewUserInstance(); $user->setName($username); $user->setPassword($password, true); $user->setPrimaryGroupId($myUManager->getGroupByName(SERVICE_UM_DEFAULTUSERSGROUP)->getId()); $myUManager->createUser($user); //login in the system with new user, if this works, for sure the user exists, even with the //most complex and strange errors $myUManager = UMManager::getInstance(); $subject = new Subject(); $loginContext = new LoginContext('eyeos-login', $subject); $cred = new EyeosPasswordCredential(); $cred->setUsername($username); $cred->setPassword($password, true); $subject->getPrivateCredentials()->append($cred); $loginContext->login(); //we are logged in, so we are going to change the credentials of login $procManager = ProcManager::getInstance(); $procList = $procManager->getProcessesList(); $currentProcess = $procManager->getCurrentProcess(); $procManager->setProcessLoginContext($currentProcess->getPid(), $loginContext); foreach ($procList as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($value) == 'login') { //we are in another login in execution, this is a refresh, lets see //if the login was correct with the old login. $loginProcess = $procManager->getProcessByPid($key); $procManager->setProcessLoginContext($loginProcess->getPid(), $loginContext); } } // save basic metadata from form $userMeta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($user); $userMeta->set('eyeos.user.firstname', strip_tags($name)); $userMeta->set('eyeos.user.lastname', strip_tags($surname)); $userMeta->set('', $email); $userMeta = MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($user, $userMeta); return 'success'; } catch (Exception $e) { // ROLLBACK // restore login context (root probably) $procManager->setProcessLoginContext($procManager->getCurrentProcess()->getPid(), $savedLoginContext); //// delete invalid user created // if (isset($user) && $user instanceof IPrincipal) { // try { // UMManager::getInstance()->deletePrincipal($user); // } catch (Exception $e2) {} // } throw $e; } }
/** * TODO: Will need to be moved/merged to/with FileSystemExecModule */ public static function rename($params) { $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); $fileToRename = FSI::getFile($params[0]); $i = 1; $nameForCheck = $params[2]; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $params[2]); while ($renamed->exists()) { $name = explode(".", $params[2]); $extension = (string) $name[count($name) - 1]; $futureName = array($name[0], $i); $nameForCheck = implode(' ', $futureName); if (!$fileToRename->isDirectory()) { $nameForCheck .= '.' . $extension; } $i++; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $nameForCheck); } $fileToRename->renameTo($nameForCheck); self::updateUrlShare($params[0], $renamed->getPath()); $return = self::getFileInfo($fileToRename, $settings); return $return; }
public static function submitFile($path) { try { if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { echo '<div style="font-size:20px;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Sans, FreeSans;margin-top:80px;margin-right:15px;"><center> <img style="position:relative;top:15px"src="index.php?extern=/images/48x48/actions/dialog-close.png" />Error uploading files</center>'; exit; } $Logger = Logger::getLogger('application.upload'); foreach ($_FILES['Filedata']['name'] as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $filename = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'][$k]; if (!isset($_POST['UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER'])) { $filename = utf8_encode($filename); } $tmpPath = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'][$k]; $Logger->debug("Filename: " . $filename); if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpPath)) { throw new EyeFileNotFoundException('Uploaded file not found at "' . $tmpPath . '".'); } $request = MMapManager::getCurrentRequest(); $destPath = $path; $filename = str_replace('?', '_', $filename); $filename = str_replace('#', '_', $filename); $tmp = pathinfo($filename); if (isset($tmp['extension']) && "lnk" == $tmp['extension']) { throw new EyeFileNotFoundException('This file cannot be uploaded (file type banned)'); } /* if ( '?' == $filename{0} ) { $filename{0} = "_"; } */ $destFile = FSI::getFile($destPath . '/' . $filename); //The uploaded file is necessarily on the local filesystem and we want to avoid any //permission check through EyeLocalFile, so we use LocalFile directly $tmpFile = new LocalFile($tmpPath); $num = 1; $extension = AdvancedPathLib::pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filename = AdvancedPathLib::pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $Logger->debug("CLASS: " . get_class($destFile)); $Logger->debug("Exists: " . $destFile->exists()); //exit(); while ($destFile->exists()) { $newBasename = $filename . ' (' . $num++ . ')' . ($extension ? '.' . $extension : ''); $destFile = FSI::getFile($destPath . '/' . $newBasename); } $destFile->checkWritePermission(); $tmpFile->moveTo($destFile); $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); $message = new ClientBusMessage('file', 'uploadComplete', self::getFileInfo($destFile, $settings)); ClientMessageBusController::getInstance()->queueMessage($message); $event = new FileEvent($destFile); $destFile->fireEvent('fileWritten', $event); } } register_shutdown_function('endRequestUpload'); } catch (EyeException $e) { echo '<div style="font-size:20px;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Sans, FreeSans;margin-top:80px;margin-right:15px;"><center> <img style="position:relative;top:15px"src="index.php?extern=/images/48x48/actions/dialog-close.png" />Error uploading files: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</center>'; exit; } }
/** * Retrieve Mail for current user and check if it is valid * * @return String */ private static function retrieveCurrentUserMail() { $admin = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $setting = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($admin); try { $emailAdmin = $setting->get(''); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new EyeMetaDataNotFoundException('Cannot retrieve email of admin user, check you correctly fill this field on usersetting application'); } // Check if valid mail $regex_pattern = "|^[\\w-\\.]+@([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]{2,4}\$|u"; if (!preg_match($regex_pattern, $emailAdmin)) { throw new EyeMetaDataException('The email you specified on your settings is not valid, replace it with a valid address'); } return $emailAdmin; }
/** * Конструктор, приватный, нужен для singletone */ private function __construct() { $this->db = \Base::instance()->get('db'); $this->metaWriter = MetaManager::getInstance(); }
/** * @param IMetaData $metaData The metadata to be associated * to the current object. */ public function setMeta(IMetaData $metaData = null) { MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($this, $metaData); }
public function testSetMeta() { /**** existing home file ****/ $myMeta = $this->fixture_file1->getMeta(); $myMeta->set('myKey1', 'myValue1'); $this->fixture_file1->setMeta($myMeta); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($this->fixture_file1); $this->assertNotNull($meta); $this->assertEquals($myMeta, $meta); /**** existing home dir ****/ $myMeta = $this->fixture_dir1->getMeta(); $myMeta->set('myKey2', 'myValue2'); $this->fixture_dir1->setMeta($myMeta); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($this->fixture_dir1); $this->assertNotNull($meta); $this->assertEquals($myMeta, $meta); }
/** * @param mixed $object * @param String $params * @return IMetaData * @throws EyeException * @throws EyeErrorException */ public function retrieveMeta($object, $params) { if (!$object instanceof EyeUserFile) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$object must be an EyeUserFile.'); } $urlParts = $object->getURLComponents(); if ($urlParts['path'] == '/') { $filepath = $this->getUserMetaFilesPath($urlParts['principalname']) . '/' . USERS_FILES_DIR . USERS_METAFILES_EXTENSION; } else { $filepath = $this->getUserMetaFilesPath($urlParts['principalname']) . '/' . USERS_FILES_DIR . $urlParts['path'] . USERS_METAFILES_EXTENSION; } $provider = new SimpleXMLMetaProvider((string) $params, array(SimpleXMLMetaProvider::PARAM_FILEPATH => $filepath)); $meta = null; try { $meta = $provider->retrieveMeta(null); } catch (EyeFileNotFoundException $e) { } if ($meta === null && $object->exists()) { $owner = UMManager::getInstance()->getUserByName($urlParts['principalname']); $primaryGroup = UMManager::getInstance()->getGroupById($owner->getPrimaryGroupId()); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($object); $meta->setAll(array(EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_OWNER => $owner->getName(), EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_GROUP => $primaryGroup->getName(), EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS => '-rw-------', EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_CREATIONTIME => null, EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_MODIFICATIONTIME => null)); if ($object->isDirectory()) { $meta->set(EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS, '-rwx------'); } } if ($meta !== null) { SecurityManager::getInstance()->checkPermission($meta, new MetaDataPermission('read', null, $object)); } return $meta; }
public function setInstalledApplication(IApplicationDescriptor $application, $installed = true) { $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); $installedMeta = $meta->get('eyeos.user.applications.installed'); if ($installed) { $installedMeta[$application->getName()] = time(); } else { unset($installedMeta[$application->getName()]); } $meta->set('eyeos.user.applications.installed', $installedMeta); MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($currentUser, $meta); }
/** * @param mixed $object * @param String $params * @return IMetaData * @throws EyeException * @throws EyeErrorException */ public function retrieveMeta($object, $params) { if (!$object instanceof EyeosUser) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$object must be an EyeosUser.'); } $filepath = $this->getUserSettingsPath($object); $provider = new SimpleXMLMetaProvider((string) $params, array(SimpleXMLMetaProvider::PARAM_FILEPATH => $filepath)); $meta = $provider->retrieveMeta(null); if ($meta === null) { return MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($object); } SecurityManager::getInstance()->checkPermission($meta, new MetaDataPermission('read', $meta, $object)); return $meta; }
/** * @param array $params( * 'id' => id, * ['masterGroupId' => masterGroupId,] * ['ownerId' => ownerId,] * ['privacyMode' => privacyMode,] * ['metadata' => {Map}] * ['status' => status] * ) */ public function updateWorkgroup($params) { if (!isset($params['id']) || !is_string($params['id'])) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('Missing or invalid $params[\'id\'].'); } if (!isset($params['masterGroupId']) || !is_string($params['masterGroupId'])) { $params['masterGroupId'] = null; } if (!isset($params['ownerId']) || !is_string($params['ownerId'])) { $params['ownerId'] = null; } if (!isset($params['privacyMode']) || !is_numeric($params['privacyMode'])) { $params['privacyMode'] = null; } if (!isset($params['status']) || !is_numeric($params['status'])) { $params['status'] = null; } $newWorkgroup = UMManager::getInstance()->getWorkgroupById($params['id']); if ($params['masterGroupId'] !== null) { $newWorkgroup->setMasterGroupId($params['masterGroupId']); } if ($params['ownerId'] !== null) { $newWorkgroup->setOwnerId($params['ownerId']); } if ($params['privacyMode'] !== null) { $newWorkgroup->setPrivacyMode($params['privacyMode']); } if ($params['status'] !== null) { $newWorkgroup->setStatus($params['status']); } UMManager::getInstance()->updatePrincipal($newWorkgroup); if (isset($params['metadata']) && is_array($params['metadata'])) { $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($newWorkgroup); if ($meta === null) { $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($newWorkgroup); } $meta->setAll($params['metadata']); MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($newWorkgroup, $meta); } }
public function copyFile($params) { $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); $target = FSI::getFile($params[0]); $results = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($params); $i++) { $source = FSI::getFile($params[$i]); if (!$source->isDirectory()) { $name = explode(".", $source->getName()); $extension = (string) $name[count($name) - 1]; $theName = substr($source->getName(), 0, strlen($source->getName()) - strlen($extension) - 1); } else { $theName = $source->getName(); } $nameForCheck = $theName; if (!$source->isDirectory()) { $nameForCheck .= '.' . $extension; } $number = 1; $newFile = FSI::getFile($params[0] . "/" . $nameForCheck); while ($newFile->exists()) { $futureName = array($theName, $number); $nameForCheck = implode(' ', $futureName); if (!$source->isDirectory()) { $nameForCheck .= '.' . $extension; } $number++; $newFile = FSI::getFile($params[0] . "/" . $nameForCheck); } $source->copyTo($newFile); $j = $i - 1; $return[$j] = array('class' => get_class($newFile), 'type' => $newFile->isDirectory() ? 'folder' : ($newFile->isLink() ? 'link' : 'file'), 'extension' => utf8_strtoupper($newFile->getExtension()), 'size' => $newFile->isDirectory() ? 0 : $newFile->getSize(), 'permissions' => $newFile->getPermissions(false), 'owner' => $newFile->getOwner(), 'group' => $newFile->getGroup(), 'absolutepath' => $newFile->getAbsolutePath(), 'meta' => $newFile->getMeta()->getAll()); if ($return[$j]['extension'] == 'LNK') { $return[$j]['content'] = $newFile->getContents(); } $return[$j]['name'] = $newFile->getName() != '/' ? $newFile->getName() : $return[$j]['absolutepath']; if ($newFile instanceof EyeosAbstractVirtualFile) { $return[$j]['virtual'] = 'true'; } else { $return[$j]['virtual'] = 'false'; } } return $return; }
/** * TODO: Will need to be moved/merged to/with FileSystemExecModule */ public static function rename($params) { $currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser(); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($currentUser); $fileToRename = FSI::getFile($params[0]); $apiManager = new ApiManager(); $cloudspace = count($params) == 6 ? true : false; if ($cloudspace || count($params) === 9) { $cloud = $params[5]; $parent = $params[4] === 0 ? 'null' : $params[4]; if (!$fileToRename->isDirectory()) { if ($params[3] !== -1) { $pathAbsolute = AdvancedPathLib::getPhpLocalHackPath($fileToRename->getRealFile()->getAbsolutePath()); $token = $_SESSION['access_token_' . $cloud . '_v2']; $resourceUrl = null; if (count($params) === 9) { $token = new stdClass(); $resourceUrl = $params[7]; $token->key = $params[8]; $token->secret = $params[9]; } $metadata = $apiManager->downloadMetadata($token, $params[3], $pathAbsolute, $currentUser->getId(), false, $cloud, $resourceUrl); if (isset($metadata['error'])) { if ($metadata['error'] == 403) { $denied = self::permissionDeniedCloud($cloud); $metadata['path'] = $denied['path']; } return $metadata; } } } $i = 1; $nameForCheck = $params[2]; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $params[2]); while ($renamed->exists()) { $name = explode(".", $params[2]); $extension = (string) $name[count($name) - 1]; $futureName = array($name[0], $i); $nameForCheck = implode(' ', $futureName); if (!$fileToRename->isDirectory()) { $nameForCheck .= '.' . $extension; } $i++; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $nameForCheck); } if ($fileToRename->renameTo($nameForCheck)) { $path = self::getPathCloud($renamed, $cloud); if ($params[3] !== -1) { $token = $_SESSION['access_token_' . $cloud . '_v2']; $resourceUrl = null; if (count($params) === 9) { $token = new stdClass(); $resourceUrl = $params[7]; $token->key = $params[8]; $token->secret = $params[9]; } $resultado = $apiManager->renameMetadata($cloud, $token, !$fileToRename->isDirectory(), $params[3], $renamed->getName(), $path, $currentUser->getId(), $parent, $resourceUrl); if (isset($resultado['error'])) { if ($resultado['error'] == 403) { $denied = self::permissionDeniedCloud($cloud); $resultado['path'] = $denied['path']; } return $resultado; } } else { $event = new FileEvent($fileToRename); $fileToRename->fireEvent('fileWritten', $event); } } } else { $i = 1; $nameForCheck = $params[2]; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $params[2]); while ($renamed->exists()) { $name = explode(".", $params[2]); $extension = (string) $name[count($name) - 1]; $futureName = array($name[0], $i); $nameForCheck = implode(' ', $futureName); if (!$fileToRename->isDirectory()) { $nameForCheck .= '.' . $extension; } $i++; $renamed = FSI::getFile($params[1] . '/' . $nameForCheck); } $fileToRename->renameTo($nameForCheck); } self::updateUrlShare($params[0], $renamed->getPath()); $return = self::getFileInfo($fileToRename, $settings); return $return; }
/** * @param VirtualFileMetaData $metaData The metadata to be associated * to the current object. */ public function setMeta(IMetaData $metaData = null) { if (!$metaData instanceof VirtualFileMetaData) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$metaData must be a VirtualFileMetaData.'); } if (!$this->exists()) { throw new EyeFileNotFoundException('Cannot set meta on the non-existing file ' . $this->path . '.'); } MetaManager::getInstance()->storeMeta($this, $metaData); }
public function getAvatarPicture($params) { $userId = $params[0]; $user = UMManager::getInstance()->getUserById($params['userId']); $settings = MetaManager::getInstance()->retrieveMeta($user); $file = null; if ($settings->get('eyeos.user.picture.url') !== null) { $file = FSI::getFile($settings->get('eyeos.user.picture.url')); } if ($file === null || !$file->isReadable()) { $file = FSI::getFile('sys:///extern/images/empty_profile.png'); } $response = MMapManager::getCurrentResponse(); $bodyrenderer = new FileReaderBodyRenderer($file->getInputStream()); // Set headers $response->getHeaders()->append('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($file->getName())); $response->getHeaders()->append('Content-Length: ' . $file->getSize()); $response->getHeaders()->append('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); $response->getHeaders()->append('X-Pad: avoid browser bug'); $response->setBodyRenderer($bodyrenderer); }
/** * @param mixed $object * @param String $params * @return IMetaData * @throws EyeException * @throws EyeErrorException */ public function retrieveMeta($object, $params) { if (!$object instanceof EyeSysFile) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$object must be an EyeSysFile.'); } $urlParts = $object->getURLComponents(); //{ $meta = null; // TODO: attempt to load metadata from database if it exists //} //if no metadata has been found, create a default one if ($meta === null) { $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($object); $meta->setAll(array(EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_GROUP => 'root', EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_OWNER => 'root', EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS => '-rwxr--r--')); } SecurityManager::getInstance()->checkPermission($meta, new MetaDataPermission('read', null, $object)); return $meta; }
/** * @param mixed $object * @param String $params * @return IMetaData * @throws EyeException * @throws EyeErrorException */ public function retrieveMeta($object, $params) { if (!$object instanceof EyeUserConfFile) { throw new EyeInvalidArgumentException('$object must be an EyeUserConfFile.'); } $urlParts = $object->getURLComponents(); //{ $meta = null; // TODO: attempt to load metadata from database if it exists //} //if no metadata has been found, create a default one if ($meta === null) { $owner = UMManager::getInstance()->getUserByName($urlParts['principalname']); $primaryGroup = UMManager::getInstance()->getGroupById($owner->getPrimaryGroupId()); $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($object); $meta->setAll(array(EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_OWNER => $owner->getName(), EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_GROUP => $primaryGroup->getName(), EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS => '-rw-------', EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_CREATIONTIME => null, EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_MODIFICATIONTIME => null)); if ($object->isDirectory()) { $meta->set(EyeosAbstractVirtualFile::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS, '-rwx------'); } } SecurityManager::getInstance()->checkPermission($meta, new MetaDataPermission('read', null, $object)); return $meta; }