예제 #1
$graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(12, 0);
// Now create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay_bid);
// ...and add it to the graPH
$mgraph = new MGraph();
$xpos1 = 3;
$ypos1 = 0;
$xpos2 = 3;
$ypos2 = 100;
$mgraph->Add($graph, 3, 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($feat_graph); $i++) {
    $mgraph->Add($feat_graph[$i], 3, $height_bid + $i * $height);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($datay as $feat_type => $val) {
    foreach ($val as $instrume => $res) {
        $mgraph->Add(create_graph_barplot($instrume, $res, $width, $height), 3, $height_bid + $cnt * $height);
function create_graph_barplot($text, $datay, $width, $height)
    $margex = 140;
    $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
예제 #2
    $bplot4 = new BarPlot($y4);
    // Adjust fill color
    // Setup the titles
    $descibe4 = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', tr("octeam_stat_m_caches"));
    $graph4->xaxis->title->Set(iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', tr('number_month')) . '2014/2015');
    $graph4->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph4->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph4->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar
    // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle
    $bplot4->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Create a multigraph
    $mgraph = new MGraph();
    $mgraph->SetMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
    $mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
    $mgraph->Add($graph3, 0, 220);
    $mgraph->Add($graph2, 0, 440);
    $mgraph->Add($graph4, 0, 660);
예제 #3
$graph3->SetFrame(true, 'white', 0);
$graph3->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 14);
$graph3->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
$line3 = new LinePlot($data_windtemp, $xdata);
// Create a multigraph
$mgraph = new MGraph();
$mgraph->SetMargin(2, 2, 2, 2);
$mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
$mgraph->Add($graph, 0, 50);
$mgraph->Add($graph2, 250, 50);
$mgraph->Add($graph3, 460, 50);
$mgraph->title->Set('Climate diagram 12 March 2009');
$mgraph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 20);
예제 #4
// Setup the bar graph
$graph2 = new Graph($w, 110);
$graph2->SetScale('linlin', 0, 0, $xmin, $xmax);
$graph2->SetMargin($lm, $rm, 5, 10);
$graph2->xaxis->SetTickPositions($tickPositions, $minTickPositions);
$graph2->xaxis->SetLabelFormatString('My', true);
$b1 = new BarPlot($datay2, $datax);
// Create a multigraph
$mgraph = new MGraph();
$mgraph->SetMargin(2, 2, 2, 2);
$mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
$mgraph->Add($graph2, 0, 240);

예제 #5
    // Create a bar pot
    $bplot4 = new BarPlot($y4);
    // Adjust fill color
    // Setup the titles
    $descibe4 = "Statystyak COG Miesi�czna - skrzynki weryfikowane";
    $graph4->xaxis->title->Set('Numer miesi�ca 2011/2012');
    $graph4->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph4->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph4->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar
    // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle
    $bplot4->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Create a multigraph
    $mgraph = new MGraph();
    $mgraph->SetMargin(10, 10, 10, 10);
    $mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
    $mgraph->Add($graph4, 0, 220);
     if ($prefs['feature_jpgraph'] == 'y') {
         $graph = new Graph($widthUser, $height + $xUserTickWidth);
         $logslib->graph_to_jpgraph($graph, $series, $accumulated, $_REQUEST['bgcolor'], $_REQUEST['legendBgcolor']);
         $graph->img->SetMargin(40 + $yTickWidth, 40 + $legendWidth, 50, 40 + $xUserTickWidth);
         if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
             $graph->xaxis->SetTitle(tra('Users'), 'center');
         $graph->setFrame(true, 'darkgreen', 2);
         $background->Add($graph, 0, 0);
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) {
             $logslib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $graph, $ext, $title, $period);
     } else {
         $renderer =& new GD_GRenderer($widthUser, $height, $ext);
         $graph = new $graphType();
         imagecopy($background->gd, $renderer->gd, 0, 0, 0, 0, $renderer->width, $renderer->height);
 $series = $logslib->draw_contribution_user($userContributions, 'del', $contributions);
 if ($series['totalVol']) {
     if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
예제 #7
$graph2 = new Graph(WIND_WIDTH - 30, WIND_HEIGHT);
$graph2->Set90AndMargin(5, 20, 60, 30);
$graph2->SetFrame(true, 'white', 0);
$graph2->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 14);
$graph2->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
$line2 = new LinePlot($data_windspeed, $xdata);
// Create a multigraph
$mgraph = new MGraph();
$mgraph->SetMargin(2, 2, 2, 2);
$mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
$mgraph->Add($graph2, 280, 0);
예제 #8
파일: plot_t2.php 프로젝트: helio-vo/helio
            //if (!$row['MULTIPLE']) {
            $start_pix = array($row['SKE_CC_X_PIX'], $row['SKE_CC_Y_PIX']);
            $pix_xy = make_tab_pix_coord($start_pix, $row['SKE_CC']);
            // transformation pix => valeurs physiques (heures, frequence)
            $tab_hours = array();
            $tab_freq = array();
            foreach ($pix_xy[0] as $pixX) {
                $tab_hours[] = $pixX * $row['CDELT1'] * 60 * 60 + $timestamp_date;
            foreach ($pix_xy[1] as $pixY) {
                $tab_freq[] = $pixY * $row['CDELT2'] + $row['WAVEMIN'];
            $intensity = 200 / ($max_intensity - $min_intensity) * ($row['FEAT_MEAN_INT'] - $min_intensity) + 55;
            $lineplot[$i][$numplot] = new LinePlot($tab_freq, $tab_hours);
            //$lineplot[$i][$numplot]->SetColor(array(255, 200-66*$intensity, 200-66*$intensity));
            $lineplot[$i][$numplot]->SetColor(array(255, 255 - $intensity, 255 - $intensity));
            //$lineplot[$i][$numplot]->SetFillColor(array(255, 200-66*$intensity, 200-66*$intensity), false);
        if ($with_obs && file_exists('/tmp/obs_' . $dest_png)) {
            $graph[$i]->SetBackgroundImage('/tmp/obs_' . $dest_png, BGIMG_FILLPLOT);
        $mgraph->Add($graph[$i], 5, $i * ($sizeY + 75) + 15);
예제 #9
 public static function main($argv)
     list($type, $id, $cmp_id) = $argv;
     // General.
     $o = null;
     $opts = array('xdim' => SG_DIM_X, 'ydim' => SG_DIM_Y, 'retObj' => true);
     // Options to pass to mbars().
     $count_horiz = SG_CNT_HORIZ;
     // Number og graphs to place in each horizontal multi graph "row".
     $graphs = array();
     if ($type == SG_T_TEAM) {
         $o = new Team($_GET['id']);
         $where = "f_team_id   = {$o->team_id}";
     } elseif ($type == SG_T_COACH) {
         $o = new Coach($_GET['id']);
         $where = "f_coach_id  = {$o->coach_id}";
     } elseif ($type == SG_T_PLAYER) {
         $o = new Player($_GET['id']);
         $where = "f_player_id = {$o->player_id}";
     if ($type != SG_T_LEAGUE && !is_object($o)) {
         return false;
     // Make graphs components for multi graph plot.
     if ($type == SG_T_LEAGUE) {
             Played matches.
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, 1, 0)) AS 'Games_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('Games' => 'royalblue');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Games played", "Months", "Games", $opts));
             Active teams
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             array_push($queries, "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tid)) FROM\n                    (\n                    SELECT team1_id AS 'tid', date_played FROM matches WHERE {$range}\n                    UNION\n                    SELECT team2_id AS 'tid', date_played FROM matches WHERE {$range}\n                    ) AS tmptbl) AS 'Active teams_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'\n");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries);
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('Active teams' => 'olivedrab');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Active teams", "Months", "Teams", $opts));
             Active coaches
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             array_push($queries, "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cid)) FROM\n                    (\n                    SELECT owned_by_coach_id AS 'cid', date_played FROM matches, teams WHERE team1_id = team_id AND {$range}\n                    UNION\n                    SELECT owned_by_coach_id AS 'cid', date_played FROM matches, teams WHERE team2_id = team_id AND {$range}\n                    ) AS tmptbl) AS 'Active coaches_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'\n");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries);
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('Active coaches' => 'darkorange1');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Active coaches", "Months", "Coaches", $opts));
             Played matches.
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH_DAYS) as $i) {
             # Hack (for display purposes) set month -> year, day -> month
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} DAY)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} DAY)))\n                    AND\n                    (DAY(date_played) = DAY(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} DAY)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, 1, 0)) AS 'Games_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} DAY)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "DAY(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} DAY)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('Games' => 'royalblue');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH_DAYS);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Games played", "Days", "Games", $opts));
             td & cp.
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, cp, 0))     AS 'CP_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, td, 0))     AS 'TD_m{$i}'");
             #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, intcpt, 0)) AS 'int_m$i'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('CP' => 'seagreen', 'TD' => 'indianred');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "CP & TD history", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, bh+si+ki, 0)) AS 'CAS_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('CAS' => 'firebrick1');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "CAS history", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, smp1+smp2, 0))     AS 'smp_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('smp' => 'blue');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Total given sportsmanship points (smp)", "Months", "Points", $opts));
             Avg. gate per match.
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, gate/1000, NULL)) AS 'avg_gate_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('avg_gate' => 'blue');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Average gate per match (kilo)", "Months", "Gate", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
             average absolute score diff.
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, ABS(CONVERT(team1_score,SIGNED) - CONVERT(team2_score,SIGNED)), NULL)) AS 'avg_abs_diff_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('avg_abs_diff' => 'blue');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Average absolute score difference history", "Months", "Avg. abs. score diff.", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
             Average deta treasury
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, ((income1+income2)/2)/1000, NULL))     AS 'avg_dtreasury_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('avg_dtreasury' => 'blue');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Avg. change in team's treasury per match (kilo)", "Months", "Average change", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
             Average fans at match.
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, fans, NULL))     AS 'fans_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('fans' => 'blue');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Average fans per match", "Months", "Average fans", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
             Average stars and mercs hirings per match
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, stars, NULL)) AS 'avg_stars_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "AVG(IF($range, mercs, NULL)) AS 'avg_mercs_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $tableMercs = "(
         #                SELECT f_match_id, SUM(IF(f_player_id = ".ID_MERCS.", 1, 0)) AS mercs FROM match_data GROUP BY f_match_id
         #            ) AS mercsTbl";
         #            $tableStars = "(
         #                SELECT f_match_id, SUM(IF(f_player_id <= ".ID_STARS_BEGIN.", 1, 0)) AS stars FROM match_data GROUP BY f_match_id
         #            ) AS starsTbl";
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches, $tableMercs, $tableStars WHERE mercsTbl.f_match_id = matches.match_id AND starsTbl.f_match_id = matches.match_id";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('avg_stars' => 'red', 'avg_mercs' => 'green');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Avg. stars and mercs per match", "Months", "Average hirings", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
         #            $queries = array();
         #            foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
         #                $range = "(
         #                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                    AND
         #                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)))
         #                )";
         #                # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".MNG.",  1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".MNG.",  1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".MNG.",  1, 0), 0)) AS 'mng_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".NI.",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".NI.",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".NI.",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'ni_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".MA.",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".MA.",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".MA.",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'ma_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".AV.",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".AV.",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".AV.",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'av_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".AG.",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".AG.",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".AG.",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'ag_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".ST.",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".ST.",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".ST.",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'st_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, IF(inj = ".DEAD.", 1, 0)+IF(agn1 = ".DEAD.", 1, 0)+IF(agn2 = ".DEAD.", 1, 0), 0)) AS 'dead_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'yr_m$i'");
         #                array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $i MONTH)) AS 'mn_m$i'");
         #            }
         #            $query  = "SELECT ".implode(', ', $queries)." FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $lengends = array('mng' => 'green', 'ni' => 'red', 'ma' => 'blue', 'av' => 'aqua', 'ag' => 'brown', 'st' => 'purple', 'dead' => 'slategray');
         #            list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         #            array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Types of sustained player injuries/statuses", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
             Race distribution
         #            global $raceididx;
         #            $query  = "SELECT DISTINCT(f_race_id) AS 'race', COUNT(f_race_id) 'cnt' FROM teams GROUP BY f_race_id";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $data = array();
         #            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         #                $data[$raceididx[$row['race']]." ($row[cnt])"] = $row['cnt'];
         #            }
         #            $graph = new PieGraph($opts['xdim'],$opts['ydim'],"auto");
         #            $graph->SetShadow();
         #            $graph->title->Set('Current race distribution');
         #            $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);
         #            $p1 = new PiePlot(array_values($data));
         #            $p1->SetLegends(array_keys($data));
         #            $p1->SetCenter(0.4);
         #            $graph->Add($p1);
         #            array_push($graphs, $graph);
             CAS distribution
         #            $query  = "SELECT SUM(bh) AS 'bh', SUM(si) AS 'si', SUM(ki) AS 'ki' FROM match_data";
         #            $result = mysql_query($query);
         #            $o = (object) mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         #            $data = array("BH ($o->bh)" => $o->bh, "SI ($o->si)" => $o->si, "Ki ($o->ki)" => $o->ki);
         #            $graph = new PieGraph($opts['xdim'],$opts['ydim'],"auto");
         #            $graph->SetShadow();
         #            $graph->title->Set('Current CAS distribution');
         #            $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);
         #            $p1 = new PiePlot(array_values($data));
         #            $p1->SetLegends(array_keys($data));
         #            $p1->SetCenter(0.4);
         #            $graph->Add($p1);
         #            array_push($graphs, $graph);
     } else {
          *  Current CAS
         if (!$cmp_id && $o->mv_cas != 0) {
             $data = array("BH ({$o->mv_bh})" => $o->mv_bh, "SI ({$o->mv_si})" => $o->mv_si, "Ki ({$o->mv_ki})" => $o->mv_ki);
             $graph = new PieGraph($opts['xdim'], $opts['ydim'], "auto");
             $graph->title->Set('Current CAS distribution');
             $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
             $p1 = new PiePlot(array_values($data));
             array_push($graphs, $graph);
          *  BH, SI and Ki
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, bh, 0)) AS 'BH_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, si, 0)) AS 'SI_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, ki, 0)) AS 'Ki_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id AND {$where}";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('BH' => 'forestgreen', 'SI' => 'firebrick', 'Ki' => 'blue');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "BH, SI and Ki distribution history", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
          *  CP & TD
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, cp, 0))     AS 'CP_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, td, 0))     AS 'TD_m{$i}'");
             #                array_push($queries, "SUM(IF($range, intcpt, 0)) AS 'int_m$i'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id AND {$where}";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('CP' => 'forestgreen', 'TD' => 'firebrick');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "CP & TD distribution history", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
          *  Injuries
         $queries = array();
         foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
             $range = "(\n                    (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    AND\n                    (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                )";
             # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . MNG . ",  1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . MNG . ",  1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . MNG . ",  1, 0), 0)) AS 'MNG_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . NI . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . NI . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . NI . ",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'Ni_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . MA . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . MA . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . MA . ",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'MA_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . AV . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . AV . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . AV . ",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'AV_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . AG . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . AG . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . AG . ",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'AG_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . ST . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . ST . ",   1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . ST . ",   1, 0), 0)) AS 'ST_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(inj = " . DEAD . ", 1, 0)+IF(agn1 = " . DEAD . ", 1, 0)+IF(agn2 = " . DEAD . ", 1, 0), 0)) AS 'Dead_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
             array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
         $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches, match_data WHERE f_match_id = match_id AND {$where}";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $lengends = array('MNG' => 'green', 'Ni' => 'red', 'MA' => 'blue', 'AV' => 'aqua', 'AG' => 'brown', 'ST' => 'purple', 'Dead' => 'slategray');
         list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
         array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Types of sustained player injuries/statuses", "Months", "Amount", $opts));
         // Only if type = team.
         if ($type == SG_T_TEAM) {
              *  Won, lost and draw
             $queries = array();
             foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
                 $range = "(\n                        (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                        AND\n                        (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    )";
                 # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
                 array_push($queries, "SUM(IF((team1_score > team2_score AND team1_id = {$o->team_id} OR team1_score < team2_score AND team2_id = {$o->team_id}) AND {$range}, 1, 0)) AS 'W_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "SUM(IF((team1_score < team2_score AND team1_id = {$o->team_id} OR team1_score > team2_score AND team2_id = {$o->team_id}) AND {$range}, 1, 0)) AS 'L_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "SUM(IF(team1_score = team2_score AND {$range}, 1, 0)) AS 'D_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
             $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches WHERE team1_id = {$o->team_id} OR team2_id = {$o->team_id}";
             $result = mysql_query($query);
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             $lengends = array('W' => 'forestgreen', 'L' => 'firebrick', 'D' => 'blue');
             list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
             array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Won, lost and draw distribution history", "Months", "Matches", $opts));
                 Average deta treasury
             $queries = array();
             foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
                 $range = "(\n                        (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                        AND\n                        (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    )";
                 # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
                 array_push($queries, "AVG(IF({$range}, IF(team1_id = {$o->team_id}, income1, income2)/1000, NULL)) AS 'Avg. change_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
             $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches WHERE team1_id = {$o->team_id} OR team2_id = {$o->team_id}";
             $result = mysql_query($query);
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             $lengends = array('Avg. change' => 'darkolivegreen4');
             list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
             array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Avg. change in team's treasury per match (kilo)", "Months", "Average change", array_merge($opts, array('scale' => 'textlin'))));
             $queries = array();
             foreach (range(0, SG_MULTIBAR_HIST_LENGTH) as $i) {
                 $range = "(\n                        (YEAR(date_played) = YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                        AND\n                        (MONTH(date_played) = MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)))\n                    )";
                 # m$i = minus/negative $i months from present month.
                 array_push($queries, "SUM(IF({$range}, IF(team1_id = {$o->team_id}, smp1, smp2), 0))     AS 'SMP_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "YEAR(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'yr_m{$i}'");
                 array_push($queries, "MONTH(SUBDATE(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL {$i} MONTH)) AS 'mn_m{$i}'");
             $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $queries) . " FROM matches WHERE team1_id = {$o->team_id} OR team2_id = {$o->team_id}";
             $result = mysql_query($query);
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             $lengends = array('SMP' => 'blue');
             list($datasets, $labels) = SGraph::mbarsInputFormatter($lengends, $row);
             array_push($graphs, SGraph::mbars($datasets, $labels, $lengends, "Total given sportsmanship points (smp)", "Months", "Points", $opts));
     // Multi plot, baby!
     $mgraph = new MGraph();
     $count = count($graphs);
     for ($i = $j = 1; $i + ($j - 1) * $count_horiz <= $count; $j += $i == $count_horiz ? 1 : 0, $i = $i == $count_horiz ? 1 : $i + 1) {
         // i is horiz, j is vert.
         $mgraph->Add(array_shift($graphs), ($i - 1) * $opts['xdim'], ($j - 1) * $opts['ydim']);
     return $mgraph->Stroke();
예제 #10
// Setup the wind speed graph
$graph2 = new Graph(300, 800);
$graph2->Set90AndMargin(50, 30, 60, 30);
$graph2->SetFrame(true, 'white', 0);
$graph2->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 14);
$graph2->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
$graph2->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
$line2 = new LinePlot($data_windspeed, $xdata);
// Create a multigraph
$mgraph = new MGraph();
$mgraph->SetMargin(2, 2, 2, 2);
$mgraph->SetFrame(true, 'darkgray', 2);
$mgraph->Add($graph2, 300, 0);
예제 #11
function gantt_chart($p_metrics, $p_title, $p_subtitle, $p_graph_width = 300, $p_graph_height = 380)
    $t_graph_font = graph_get_font();
    $t_metrics = $p_metrics['metrics'];
    $t_range = $p_metrics['range'];
    // Diff in weeks of the range:
    $t_60s = 60;
    // 1 minute
    $t_60min = 60;
    // 1 hour
    $t_24h = 24;
    // 1 day
    $t_7d = 7;
    // 1 week
    $t_minute = $t_60s;
    $t_hour = $t_60min * $t_minute;
    $t_day = $t_24h * $t_hour;
    $t_week = $t_7d * $t_day;
    $t_gantt_chart_max_rows = plugin_config_get('rows_max');
    error_check(is_array($t_metrics) ? count($t_metrics) : 0, $p_title . " (" . $p_subtitle . ")");
    if (plugin_config_get('eczlibrary') == ON) {
    } else {
        // A new graph with automatic size
        $graph = new GanttGraph(0, 0, "auto");
        // Add title and subtitle
        $graph->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_BOLD, 12);
        // Show day, week and month scale
        $graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HWEEK | GANTT_HMONTH);
        // Instead of week number show the date for the first day in the week
        // on the week scale
        // Make the week scale font smaller than the default
        $graph->scale->week->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        // Use the short name of the month together with a 2 digit year
        // on the month scale
        // Setup a horizontal grid
        // Setup a vertical grid
        //   $graph->vgrid->Show();
        //Setup the divider display
        //   // Set the column headers and font
        //   $graph->scale->actinfo->SetColTitles( array('Task','Start','End'),array(100));
        //   $graph->scale->actinfo->SetFont( $t_graph_font, FS_BOLD, 10 );
        //Adding columns:
        //The following is an example: 1st element, an array of the columns,
        //  2nd element an optional array of min width of the columns (here the min width of the 2 first columns)
        //  array('Note','Task','Duration','Start','Finish'),array(30,100));
        //Adding a table title
        $graph->scale->tableTitle->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        //           if ( null != $t_constrain ){
        //           $t_activity->SetConstrain( $t_constrain, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART );
        //         }
        //     if ( null != $t_constrain ){
        //       $t_activity->SetConstrain( $t_constrain['row'], $t_constrain['type'] );
        //     }
        // We first need to get the list of rows, in order to know whether to
        // display the constraint or not (in case of missing referenced row)
        $t_row_list = array();
        foreach ($t_metrics as $t_metric_row) {
            $t_row_list[] = $t_metric_row[0];
        foreach ($t_metrics as $t_metric_row) {
            $t_row = $t_metric_row[0] % $t_gantt_chart_max_rows;
            $t_activity_type = $t_metric_row[1];
            $t_bug_id = $t_metric_row[2];
            $t_start_date = $t_metric_row[3];
            $t_end_date = $t_metric_row[4];
            $t_extra = " {$t_bug_id}" . $t_metric_row[5];
            $t_level = $t_metric_row[6];
            $t_constraints = $t_metric_row[7];
            if (isset($t_level)) {
                $t_row_label = utf8_str_pad('', $t_level * 2, ' ') . htmlspecialchars_decode(bug_format_summary($t_bug_id, SUMMARY_FIELD));
            } else {
                $t_row_label = htmlspecialchars_decode(bug_format_summary($t_bug_id, SUMMARY_FIELD));
            // Limit the label to max defined
            $t_row_label = strlen($t_row_label) > plugin_config_get('label_max') ? substr($t_row_label, 0, plugin_config_get('label_max') - 3) . '...' : $t_row_label;
            $t_activity_arr = array('left' => null, 'main' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_start_date, 'end' => $t_end_date, 'info' => $t_extra), 'right' => null);
            if ($t_end_date < $t_range['min']) {
                // complete left bar
                //   **  | o[ ]-[ ]o
                $t_activity_arr = array('left' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_range['min'], 'end' => $t_range['min'], 'info' => "<- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date)), 'main' => null, 'right' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['min'] + $t_day, 'end' => $t_range['min'] + $t_day, 'info' => "<<- [" . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . " / " . graph_date_format($t_end_date) . "]" . $t_extra));
            } else {
                if ($t_range['max'] < $t_start_date) {
                    // complete right bar
                    //   o[ ]-[ ]o | **
                    $t_activity_arr = array('left' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_range['max'] - $t_day, 'end' => $t_range['max'] - $t_day, 'info' => ""), 'main' => null, 'right' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['max'], 'end' => $t_range['max'], 'info' => "[" . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . " / " . graph_date_format($t_end_date) . "] ->>" . $t_extra));
                } else {
                    if ($t_start_date < $t_range['min']) {
                        // left bar
                        //   *  | o[ ]-[    ]
                        $t_activity_arr['left'] = array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => '', 'start' => $t_range['min'], 'end' => $t_range['min'], 'info' => "<- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date));
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['start'] = $t_range['min'] + $t_day;
                        //4 * $t_day;// @TODO: what happens if duration is less than that
                    if ($t_range['max'] < $t_end_date) {
                        // right bar
                        //  [     ]-[ ]o | *
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['end'] = $t_range['max'] - $t_day;
                        //4 * $t_day;
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['info'] = "";
                        $t_activity_arr['right'] = array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['max'], 'end' => $t_range['max'], 'info' => graph_date_format($t_end_date) . " ->" . $t_extra);
            switch ($t_activity_type) {
                case ACTYPE_NORMAL:
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['left']) {
                        $t_activity_left = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['left']['row'], $t_activity_arr['left']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['left']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['left']['end']), $t_activity_arr['left']['info']);
                        // Add a left marker
                        //                        $t_activity_left->leftMark->SetColor( 'red' );
                        $t_activity_left->leftMark->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_left->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_left->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['main']) {
                        $t_activity_main = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['main']['row'], $t_activity_arr['main']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['main']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['main']['end']), $t_activity_arr['main']['info']);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_main->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_main->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_main->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        // Set the constraint if any...
                        foreach ($t_constraints as $t_constraint) {
                            // ... and if possible
                            if (in_array($t_constraint['row'], $t_row_list)) {
                                $t_activity_main->SetConstrain($t_constraint['row'], $t_constraint['type']);
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['right']) {
                        $t_activity_right = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['right']['row'], $t_activity_arr['right']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['right']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['right']['end']), $t_activity_arr['right']['info']);
                        // Add a left marker
                        $t_activity_right->rightMark->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_right->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_right->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                    if (isset($t_activity_left)) {
                    if (isset($t_activity_right)) {
                case ACTYPE_MILESTONE:
                    $t_size = 5;
                    if ($t_start_date < $t_range['min']) {
                        $t_extra = "(<-- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . ")" . $t_extra;
                        $t_start_date = $t_range['min'];
                        $t_size = 8;
                    } else {
                        if ($t_range['max'] < $t_start_date) {
                            $t_extra = "(--> " . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . ")" . $t_extra;
                            $t_start_date = $t_range['max'];
                            $t_size = 8;
                    $t_milestone = new MileStone($t_row, $t_row_label, graph_date_format($t_start_date), $t_extra);
                    $t_milestone->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                    if (5 != $t_size) {
                    //         foreach( $t_constraints as $t_constraint){
                    //           $t_milestone->SetConstrain( $t_constraint['row'], $t_constraint['type'] );
                    //         }
        // Setting the min and max date:
        $t_minmax = $graph->GetBarMinMax();
        $t_week_in_seconds = 7 * 24 * 3600;
        // 1 week offset min:
        if ($t_minmax[0] - $t_week_in_seconds > 0) {
            $t_graph_offset_min = $t_minmax[0] - $t_week_in_seconds;
        } else {
            $t_graph_offset_min = $t_minmax[0];
        // 2 weeks offset max:
        $t_graph_offset_max = $t_minmax[1] + 3 * $t_week_in_seconds;
        $graph->SetDateRange(graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_min), graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_max));
        // Add a vertical line for today if in the range of GetBarMinMax() (retruns an arry ($min, $max) ):
        $t_minmax = $graph->GetBarMinMax();
        $t_now = date(config_get('short_date_format'));
        if ($t_now >= graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_min) && $t_now <= graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_max)) {
            $t_today = new GanttVLine($t_now, "Today", "darkred", 2, "solid");
        //       $t_today = new GanttVLine( "2011-03-01" , "" , "darkred", 2, "solid");//
        //       $t_today->SetDayOffset(0.5);
        //       $graph->add( $t_today );
        $t_gantt_chart_height = gantt_chart_get_height($graph);
        $t_legend = gantt_chart_legend(false);
        $t_legend_height = 60;
        // Display the Gantt chart
        //     $graph->Stroke();
        // Create a combined graph
        $mgraph = new MGraph();
        $mgraph->Add($graph, 0, 0);
        $mgraph->Add($t_legend, 0, $t_gantt_chart_height + $t_legend_height);