예제 #1
파일: csrfcheck.php 프로젝트: katsuwo/bbs
  * CSRF対策のトークンをチェックする。
  * 異常時はログに書き込む
  * @return boolean
 static function chkCSRFToken($file = null, $line = null)
     if (ENABLE_CSRF == TRUE) {
         return true;
     if ($_POST) {
         // CSRF トークンが正しいかチェック
         if (\Security::check_token()) {
             return true;
     $msg2 = 'Invalid CSRF Token';
     //		Log::error($msg2);
     $log = new Logging();
     $log->writeLog_Warning($msg2, $file, $line);
     return false;
예제 #2
파일: bbs.php 프로젝트: katsuwo/bbs
 public function action_adminArticleDelete($shortName = null, $threadId = null)
     if ($shortName == null || $threadId == null) {
         $log = new Logging();
         $log->writeLog_Warning('trying to detele board. but shortName or threadId is null', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return Response::forge('パラメータ異常');
     $mode = Input::get('mode');
     if ($mode == null || $mode != 'confirm' && $mode != 'delete') {
         $log = new Logging();
         $log->writeLog_Warning('trying to detele article. but mode-parameter is invalid.', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return Response::forge('パラメータ異常');
     $board = $this->getBoardFromShortName($shortName);
     if ($board == null) {
         $log = new Logging();
         $log->writeLog_Warning('trying to detele article. but board is missing.', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return Response::forge('パラメータ異常');
     if (!$this->isBoardContainsArticle($board, $threadId)) {
         $log = new Logging();
         $log->writeLog_Warning('trying to detele article. but board is not contain the article.', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return Response::forge('パラメータ異常');
     $ar = Model_Article::find($threadId);
     $commentOf = $ar->commentOf;
     $backURL = '';
     if ($commentOf != 0) {
         $backURL = '/bbs/thread' . DS . $shortName . DS . $commentOf;
     } else {
         $backURL = '/bbs/index' . DS . $shortName;
     if ($this->isBoardMine($board)) {
         $data['board'] = $board;
         $data['article'] = $ar;
         $data['attaches'] = $this->getAttach($board, $threadId);
         $data['backURL'] = $backURL;
         if ($mode == 'confirm') {
             $content = View::forge('bbs/articleDeleteConfirm', $data);
             $this->template->content = $content;
         } else {
             if ($mode == 'delete') {
     $log = new Logging();
     $log->writeLog_Warning('trying to detele article. but owner is invalid', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     return Response::forge('パラメータ異常');