public function wizard_checkKey() { $fileError = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['CATS']) || empty($_SESSION['CATS'])) { echo 'CATS has lost your session!'; return; } /* Bail out if the user doesn't have SA permissions. */ if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) { echo 'You do not have access to set the key.'; return; } if (isset($_GET[$id = 'key']) && $_GET[$id] != '') { $license = new License(); $key = strtoupper(trim($_GET[$id])); $configWritten = false; if ($license->setKey($key) !== false) { if ($license->isProfessional()) { if (!CATSUtility::isSOAPEnabled()) { echo "CATS Professional requires the PHP SOAP library which isn't currently installed.\n\n" . "Installation Instructions:\n\n" . "WAMP/Windows Users:\n" . "1) Left click on the wamp icon.\n" . "2) Select \"PHP Settings\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "3) Select \"PHP Extensions\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "4) Check the \"php_soap\" option.\n" . "5) Restart WAMP.\n\n" . "Linux Users:\n" . "Re-install PHP with the --enable-soap configuration option.\n\n" . "Please visit for more support options."; return; } else { if (!LicenseUtility::validateProfessionalKey($key)) { echo "That is not a valid CATS Professional license key. Please visit " . " for more information about CATS Professional.\n\n" . "For a free open-source key, please visit and " . "click on \"Downloads\"."; return; } } } if (CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('LICENSE_KEY', "'" . $key . "'")) { $configWritten = true; } } if ($configWritten) { echo 'Ok'; return; } } // The key hasn't been written. But they may have manually inserted the key into their config.php, check if (LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid()) { echo 'Ok'; return; } if ($fileError) { echo 'You entered a valid key, but this wizard is unable to write to your config.php file! You have ' . 'two choices: ' . "\n\n" . '1) Change the file permissions of your config.php file.' . "\n" . 'If you\'re using unix, try:' . "\n" . 'chmod 777 config.php' . "\n\n" . '2) Edit your config.php file manually and enter your valid key near this line: ' . "\n" . 'define(\'LICENSE_KEY\', \'ENTER YOUR KEY HERE\');' . "\n" . 'Once you\'ve done this, refresh your browser.' . "\n\n" . 'For more help, visit our website at for support options.'; } echo 'That is not a valid key. You can register for a free open source license key on our website ' . 'at or a professional key to unlock all of the available features at ' . ''; }
/** * Prints footer HTML for non-report pages. * * @return void */ public static function printFooter() { $build = $_SESSION['CATS']->getCachedBuild(); $loadTime = $_SESSION['CATS']->getExecutionTime(); if ($build > 0) { $buildString = ' build ' . $build; } else { $buildString = ''; } /* THE MODIFICATION OF THE COPYRIGHT AND 'Powered by CATS' LINES IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE TERMS OF THE CPL FOR CATS OPEN SOURCE EDITION. II) The following copyright notice must be retained and clearly legible at the bottom of every rendered HTML document: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Cognizo Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. III) The "Powered by CATS" text or logo must be retained and clearly legible on every rendered HTML document. The logo, or the text "CATS", must be a hyperlink to the CATS Project website, currently */ echo '<div class="footerBlock">', "\n"; echo '<p id="footerText">CATS Version ', CATS_VERSION, $buildString, '. <span id="toolbarVersion"></span>Powered by <a href=""><strong>CATS</strong></a>.</p>', "\n"; echo '<span id="footerResponse">Server Response Time: ', $loadTime, ' seconds.</span><br />'; echo '<span id="footerCopyright">', COPYRIGHT_HTML, '</span>', "\n"; if (!eval(Hooks::get('TEMPLATEUTILITY_SHOWPRIVACYPOLICY'))) { return; } echo '</div>', "\n"; eval(Hooks::get('TEMPLATE_UTILITY_PRINT_FOOTER')); echo '</body>', "\n"; echo '</html>', "\n"; if ((!file_exists('modules/asp') || defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') && CATS_TEST_MODE) && LicenseUtility::isProfessional() && !rand(0, 10)) { if (!LicenseUtility::validateProfessionalKey(LICENSE_KEY)) { CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('LICENSE_KEY', "''"); } } }