예제 #1
  * Protects against basic attempts of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
  * @see    http://technicalinfo.net/papers/CSS.html
  * @return void
  * @throws \Exception Thrown if there was a problem running ids detection
 public function idsInputFilter(Zikula_Event $event)
     if ($event['stage'] & Zikula_Core::STAGE_MODS && System::getVar('useids') == 1) {
         // Run IDS if desired
         try {
             $request = array();
             // build request array defining what to scan
             // @todo: change the order of the arrays to merge if ini_get('variables_order') != 'EGPCS'
             if (isset($_REQUEST)) {
                 $request['REQUEST'] = $_REQUEST;
             if (isset($_GET)) {
                 $request['GET'] = $_GET;
             if (isset($_POST)) {
                 $request['POST'] = $_POST;
             if (isset($_COOKIE)) {
                 $request['COOKIE'] = $_COOKIE;
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
                 $request['HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) {
                 $request['ACCEPT'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];
             if (isset($_SERVER['USER_AGENT'])) {
                 $request['USER_AGENT'] = $_SERVER['USER_AGENT'];
             // while i think that REQUEST_URI is unnecessary,
             // the REFERER would be important, but results in way too many false positives
             if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
                 $request['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                 $request['REFERER'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
             // initialise configuration object
             $init = \IDS\Init::init();
             // set configuration options
             $init->config = $this->_getidsconfig();
             // create new IDS instance
             $ids = new \IDS\Monitor($init);
             // run the request check and fetch the results
             $result = $ids->run($request);
             // analyze the results
             if (!$result->isEmpty()) {
                 // process the \IDS\Report object
                 $this->_processIdsResult($init, $result);
             } else {
                 // no attack detected
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // sth went wrong - maybe the filter rules weren't found
             throw new \Exception(__f('An error occured during executing PHPIDS: %s', $e->getMessage()));
예제 #2
 public function start()
     global $app, $conf;
     $security_config = $app->getconf->get_security_config('ids');
     set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/');
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Init.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Monitor.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Filter.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Filter/Storage.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Report.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Event.php';
     require_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Converter.php';
     $ids_request = array('GET' => $_GET, 'POST' => $_POST, 'COOKIE' => $_COOKIE);
     $ids_init = IDS\Init::init(ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/Config/Config.ini.php');
     $ids_init->config['General']['base_path'] = ISPC_CLASS_PATH . '/IDS/';
     $ids_init->config['General']['tmp_path'] = '../../../temp';
     $ids_init->config['General']['use_base_path'] = true;
     $ids_init->config['Caching']['caching'] = 'none';
     $ids_init->config['Logging']['path'] = '../../../temp/ids.log';
     $current_script_name = trim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
     // Get whitelist
     $whitelist_path = '/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.whitelist';
     if (is_file('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.whitelist.custom')) {
         $whitelist_path = '/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.whitelist.custom';
     if (!is_file($whitelist_path)) {
         $whitelist_path = realpath(ISPC_ROOT_PATH . '/../security/ids.whitelist');
     $whitelist_lines = file($whitelist_path);
     if (is_array($whitelist_lines)) {
         foreach ($whitelist_lines as $line) {
             $line = trim($line);
             if (substr($line, 0, 1) != '#') {
                 list($user, $path, $varname) = explode(':', $line);
                 if ($current_script_name == $path) {
                     if ($user = '******' || $user == 'user' && ($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'user' || $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') || $user == 'admin' && $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') {
                         $ids_init->config['General']['exceptions'][] = $varname;
     // Get HTML fields
     $htmlfield_path = '/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.htmlfield';
     if (is_file('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.htmlfield.custom')) {
         $htmlfield_path = '/usr/local/ispconfig/security/ids.htmlfield.custom';
     if (!is_file($htmlfield_path)) {
         $htmlfield_path = realpath(ISPC_ROOT_PATH . '/../security/ids.htmlfield');
     $htmlfield_lines = file($htmlfield_path);
     if (is_array($htmlfield_lines)) {
         foreach ($htmlfield_lines as $line) {
             $line = trim($line);
             if (substr($line, 0, 1) != '#') {
                 list($user, $path, $varname) = explode(':', $line);
                 if ($current_script_name == $path) {
                     if ($user = '******' || $user == 'user' && ($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'user' || $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') || $user == 'admin' && $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') {
                         $ids_init->config['General']['html'][] = $varname;
     $ids = new IDS\Monitor($ids_init);
     $ids_result = $ids->run($ids_request);
     if (!$ids_result->isEmpty()) {
         $impact = $ids_result->getImpact();
         if ($impact >= $security_config['ids_log_level']) {
             $ids_log = ISPC_ROOT_PATH . '/temp/ids.log';
             if (!is_file($ids_log)) {
             $user = isset($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ']) ? $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] : 'any';
             $log_lines = '';
             foreach ($ids_result->getEvents() as $event) {
                 $log_lines .= $user . ':' . $current_script_name . ':' . $event->getName() . "\n";
             file_put_contents($ids_log, $log_lines, FILE_APPEND);
         if ($impact >= $security_config['ids_warn_level']) {
             $app->log("PHP IDS Alert." . $ids_result, 2);
         if ($impact >= $security_config['ids_block_level']) {
             $app->error("Possible attack detected. This action has been logged.", '', true, 2);
예제 #3
| Application & Route Filters
| Below you will find the "before" and "after" events for the application
| which may be used to do any work before or after a request into your
| application. Here you may also register your custom route filters.
App::before(function ($request) {
    $fullRequest = array('REQUEST' => $_REQUEST, 'GET' => $_GET, 'POST' => $_POST, 'COOKIE' => $_COOKIE);
    $init = IDS\Init::init(app_path() . '/config/ids/config.ini');
    $ids = new IDS\Monitor($init);
    $result = $ids->run($fullRequest);
    if (!$result->isEmpty()) {
        foreach ($result as $event) {
            Event::fire('security.intrusion', array($event));
App::after(function ($request, $response) {
| Authentication Filters
| The following filters are used to verify that the user of the current