예제 #1
파일: Deflist.php 프로젝트: raz0rsdge/horde
 public function deflist($block)
     $elements = explode($this->wiki->delim, $block);
     $term = false;
     $list = array();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         if ($term === false) {
             $term = $element;
         } else {
             $list[$term] = $element;
             $term = false;
     $term_length = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($list)));
     $result = '';
     foreach ($list as $term => $info) {
         $lead = Horde_String::pad($term . ': ', $term_length + 2);
         $definition = Horde_String::wordwrap($lead . $info, max(80, $term_length + 30), "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $term_length + 3));
         $result .= ':' . $definition . "\n";
     $result .= "\n";
     return $result;
예제 #2
  * Export this component in vCal format.
  * @param string $base  The type of the base object.
  * @return string  vCal format data.
 protected function _exportvData($base = 'VCALENDAR')
     $result = 'BEGIN:' . Horde_String::upper($base) . $this->_newline;
     // VERSION is not allowed for entries enclosed in VCALENDAR/ICALENDAR,
     // as it is part of the enclosing VCALENDAR/ICALENDAR. See rfc2445
     if ($base !== 'VEVENT' && $base !== 'VTODO' && $base !== 'VALARM' && $base !== 'VJOURNAL' && $base !== 'VFREEBUSY' && $base != 'VTIMEZONE' && $base != 'STANDARD' && $base != 'DAYLIGHT') {
         // Ensure that version is the first attribute.
         $result .= 'VERSION:' . $this->_version . $this->_newline;
     foreach ($this->_attributes as $attribute) {
         $name = $attribute['name'];
         if ($name == 'VERSION') {
             // Already done.
         $params_str = '';
         $params = $attribute['params'];
         if ($params) {
             foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_value) {
                 /* Skip CHARSET for iCalendar 2.0 data, not allowed. */
                 if ($param_name == 'CHARSET' && !$this->_oldFormat) {
                 /* Skip VALUE=DATE for vCalendar 1.0 data, not allowed. */
                 if ($this->_oldFormat && $param_name == 'VALUE' && $param_value == 'DATE') {
                 if ($param_value === null) {
                     $params_str .= ";{$param_name}";
                 } else {
                     if (!is_array($param_value)) {
                         $param_value = array($param_value);
                     foreach ($param_value as &$one_param_value) {
                         $len = strlen($one_param_value);
                         $safe_value = '';
                         $quote = false;
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
                             $ord = ord($one_param_value[$i]);
                             // Accept only valid characters.
                             if ($ord == 9 || $ord == 32 || $ord == 33 || $ord >= 35 && $ord <= 126 || $ord >= 128) {
                                 $safe_value .= $one_param_value[$i];
                                 // Characters above 128 do not need to be
                                 // quoted as per RFC2445 but Outlook requires
                                 // this.
                                 if ($ord == 44 || $ord == 58 || $ord == 59 || $ord >= 128) {
                                     $quote = true;
                         if ($quote) {
                             $safe_value = '"' . $safe_value . '"';
                         $one_param_value = $safe_value;
                     $params_str .= ";{$param_name}=" . implode(',', $param_value);
         $value = $attribute['value'];
         switch ($name) {
             // Date fields.
             case 'COMPLETED':
             case 'CREATED':
             case 'DCREATED':
             case 'LAST-MODIFIED':
             case 'X-MOZ-LASTACK':
             case 'X-MOZ-SNOOZE-TIME':
                 $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);
             case 'DTEND':
             case 'DTSTART':
             case 'DTSTAMP':
             case 'DUE':
             case 'AALARM':
             case 'RECURRENCE-ID':
                 $floating = $base == 'STANDARD' || $base == 'DAYLIGHT' || isset($params['TZID']);
                 if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                     if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                         // VCALENDAR 1.0 uses T000000 - T235959 for all day events:
                         if ($this->_oldFormat && $name == 'DTEND') {
                             $d = new Horde_Date($value);
                             $value = new Horde_Date(array('year' => $d->year, 'month' => $d->month, 'mday' => $d->mday - 1));
                             $value = $this->_exportDate($value, '235959');
                         } else {
                             $value = $this->_exportDate($value, '000000');
                     } else {
                         $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value, $floating);
                 } else {
                     $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value, $floating);
                 // Comma seperated dates.
             // Comma seperated dates.
             case 'EXDATE':
             case 'RDATE':
                 $floating = $base == 'STANDARD' || $base == 'DAYLIGHT';
                 $dates = array();
                 foreach ($value as $date) {
                     if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                         if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {
                             $dates[] = $this->_exportDate($date, '000000');
                         } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'PERIOD') {
                             $dates[] = $this->_exportPeriod($date);
                         } else {
                             $dates[] = $this->_exportDateTime($date, $floating);
                     } else {
                         $dates[] = $this->_exportDateTime($date, $floating);
                 $value = implode($this->_oldFormat ? ';' : ',', $dates);
             case 'TRIGGER':
                 if (isset($params['VALUE'])) {
                     if ($params['VALUE'] == 'DATE-TIME') {
                         $value = $this->_exportDateTime($value);
                     } elseif ($params['VALUE'] == 'DURATION') {
                         $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);
                 } else {
                     $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);
                 // Duration fields.
             // Duration fields.
             case 'DURATION':
                 $value = $this->_exportDuration($value);
                 // Period of time fields.
             // Period of time fields.
             case 'FREEBUSY':
                 $value_str = '';
                 foreach ($value as $period) {
                     $value_str .= empty($value_str) ? '' : ',';
                     $value_str .= $this->_exportPeriod($period);
                 $value = $value_str;
                 // UTC offset fields.
             // UTC offset fields.
             case 'TZOFFSETFROM':
             case 'TZOFFSETTO':
                 $value = $this->_exportUtcOffset($value);
                 // Integer fields.
             // Integer fields.
             case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE':
             case 'PRIORITY':
             case 'REPEAT':
             case 'SEQUENCE':
                 $value = "{$value}";
                 // Geo fields.
             // Geo fields.
             case 'GEO':
                 if ($this->_oldFormat) {
                     $value = $value['longitude'] . ',' . $value['latitude'];
                 } else {
                     $value = $value['latitude'] . ';' . $value['longitude'];
                 // Recurrence fields.
             // Recurrence fields.
             case 'EXRULE':
             case 'RRULE':
                 if ($this->_oldFormat) {
                     if (is_array($attribute['values']) && count($attribute['values']) > 1) {
                         $values = $attribute['values'];
                         if ($name == 'N' || $name == 'ADR' || $name == 'ORG') {
                             $glue = ';';
                         } else {
                             $glue = ',';
                         $values = str_replace(';', '\\;', $values);
                         $value = implode($glue, $values);
                     } else {
                         /* vcard 2.1 and vcalendar 1.0 escape only
                          * semicolons */
                         $value = str_replace(';', '\\;', $value);
                     // Text containing newlines or ASCII >= 127 must be BASE64
                     // or QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoded. Currently we use
                     // QUOTED-PRINTABLE as default.
                     if (preg_match("/[^ -]/", $value) && empty($params['ENCODING'])) {
                         $params['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE';
                         $params_str .= ';ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE';
                         // Add CHARSET as well. At least the synthesis client
                         // gets confused otherwise
                         if (empty($params['CHARSET'])) {
                             $params['CHARSET'] = 'UTF-8';
                             $params_str .= ';CHARSET=' . $params['CHARSET'];
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($attribute['values']) && count($attribute['values'])) {
                         $values = $attribute['values'];
                         if ($name == 'N' || $name == 'ADR' || $name == 'ORG') {
                             $glue = ';';
                         } else {
                             $glue = ',';
                         // As of rfc 2426 2.5 semicolon and comma must be
                         // escaped.
                         $values = str_replace(array('\\', ';', ','), array('\\\\', '\\;', '\\,'), $values);
                         $value = implode($glue, $values);
                     } else {
                         // As of rfc 2426 2.5 semicolon and comma must be
                         // escaped.
                         $value = str_replace(array('\\', ';', ','), array('\\\\', '\\;', '\\,'), $value);
                     $value = preg_replace('/\\r?\\n/', '\\n', $value);
         $value = str_replace("\r", '', $value);
         if (!empty($params['ENCODING']) && $params['ENCODING'] == 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE' && strlen(trim($value))) {
             $result .= $name . $params_str . ':' . preg_replace(array('/(?<!\\r)\\n/', '/(?<!=)\\r\\n/'), array("\r\n", "=0D=0A=\r\n "), quoted_printable_encode($value)) . $this->_newline;
         } else {
             $attr_string = $name . $params_str . ':' . $value;
             if (!$this->_oldFormat) {
                 if (isset($params['ENCODING']) && $params['ENCODING'] == 'b') {
                     $attr_string = trim(chunk_split($attr_string, 75, $this->_newline . ' '));
                 } else {
                     $attr_string = Horde_String::wordwrap($attr_string, 75, $this->_newline . ' ', true, true);
             $result .= $attr_string . $this->_newline;
     $tzs = array();
     foreach ($this->_components as $component) {
         if (!$component instanceof Horde_Icalendar_Vtimezone || !isset($tzs[$component->getAttribute('TZID')])) {
             $result .= $component->exportvCalendar();
             if ($component instanceof Horde_Icalendar_Vtimezone) {
                 $tzs[$component->getAttribute('TZID')] = true;
     return $result . 'END:' . $base . $this->_newline;
예제 #3
파일: Help.php 프로젝트: jubinpatel/horde
  * Determine if this module should act. Run all required actions if it has
  * been instructed to do so.
  * @param Components_Config $config The configuration.
  * @return boolean True if the module performed some action.
 public function handle(Components_Config $config)
     $arguments = $config->getArguments();
     if (isset($arguments[0]) && $arguments[0] == 'help') {
         if (isset($arguments[1])) {
             $action = $arguments[1];
         } else {
             $action = '';
         $modules = $this->_dependencies->getModules();
         foreach ($modules->getModules()->listModules() as $module) {
             $element = $modules->getProvider()->getModule($module);
             if (in_array($action, $element->getActions())) {
                 $title = "ACTION \"" . $action . "\"";
                 $sub = str_repeat('-', strlen($title));
                 $help = "\n" . $title . "\n" . $sub . "\n\n";
                 $help .= Horde_String::wordwrap($element->getHelp($action), 75, "\n", true);
                 $options = $element->getContextOptionHelp();
                 if (!empty($options)) {
                     $formatter = new Horde_Argv_IndentedHelpFormatter();
                     $parser = $this->_dependencies->getParser();
                     $title = "OPTIONS for \"" . $action . "\"";
                     $sub = str_repeat('-', strlen($title));
                     $help .= "\n\n\n" . $title . "\n" . $sub . "";
                     foreach ($options as $option => $help_text) {
                         $argv_option = $parser->getOption($option);
                         $help .= "\n\n    " . $formatter->formatOptionStrings($argv_option) . "\n\n      ";
                         if (empty($help_text)) {
                             $help .= Horde_String::wordwrap($argv_option->help, 75, "\n      ", true);
                         } else {
                             $help .= Horde_String::wordwrap($help_text, 75, "\n      ", true);
                 $help .= "\n";
                 return true;
         return false;
예제 #4
  * Wraps the text of a message.
  * @param string $text Horde_String containing the text to wrap.
  * @param integer $length Wrap $text at this number of characters.
  * @param string $break_char Character(s) to use when breaking lines.
  * @param string $charset Character set to use when breaking lines.
  * @param boolean $quote Ignore lines that are wrapped with the '>'
  *                            character (RFC 2646)? If true, we don't
  *                            remove any padding whitespace at the end of
  *                            the string.
  * @return string  Horde_String containing the wrapped text.
 public function wrap($text, $length = 80, $break_char = "\n", $charset = null, $quote = false)
     $paragraphs = array();
     foreach (preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $text) as $input) {
         if ($quote && strpos($input, '>') === 0) {
             $line = $input;
         } else {
             /* We need to handle the Usenet-style signature line
              * separately; since the space after the two dashes is
              * REQUIRED, we don't want to trim the line. */
             if ($input != '-- ') {
                 $input = rtrim($input);
             $line = Horde_String::wordwrap($input, $length, $break_char, false, $charset);
         $paragraphs[] = $line;
     return implode($break_char, $paragraphs);