예제 #1
  * A general Utility method that merges HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements
  * Static method - no native debug avaiable..
  * @param    HTML_Template_Flexy_Element   $original  (eg. from getElements())
  * @param    HTML_Template_Flexy_Element   $new (with data to replace/merge)
  * @return   HTML_Template_Flexy_Element   the combined/merged data.
  * @static
  * @access   public
 function mergeElement($original, $new)
     // no original - return new
     if (!$original) {
         return $new;
     // no new - return original
     if (!$new) {
         return $original;
     // If the properties of $original differ from those of $new and
     // they are set on $new, set them to $new's. Otherwise leave them
     // as they are.
     if ($new->tag && $new->tag != $original->tag) {
         $original->tag = $new->tag;
     if ($new->override !== false) {
         $original->override = $new->override;
     if (count($new->children)) {
         //echo "<PRE> COPY CHILDREN"; print_r($from->children);
         $original->children = $new->children;
     if (is_array($new->attributes)) {
         foreach ($new->attributes as $key => $value) {
             $original->attributes[$key] = $value;
     // originals never have prefixes or suffixes..
     $original->prefix = $new->prefix;
     $original->suffix = $new->suffix;
     if ($new->value !== null) {
     return $original;
예제 #2
 public static function imgManager($img, $status)
     global $_conf;
     $is_xhtml = !$_conf['ktai'];
     global $ini;
     $mng = array();
     // フォーム要素の属性
     $mfa_input = array('flexy:xhtml' => $is_xhtml, '/' => $is_xhtml);
     $mfa_checkbox = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'change[]', 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_change", 'value' => $img['id'], 'onclick' => "if(this.checked==false){resetRow('img{$img['id']}', {$status['rank']})}"));
     $mfa_remove = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "img[{$img['id']}][remove]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_remove", 'value' => 1, 'onclick' => "var b=document.getElementById('img{$img['id']}_black');if(this.checked==true){b.disabled=false;updateDB('img{$img['id']}');}else{b.disabled=true;}"));
     $mfa_black = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "img[{$img['id']}][black]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_black", 'value' => 1, 'onclick' => "updateDB('img{$img['id']}')", 'disabled' => true));
     $mfa_radio = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'radio', 'onclick' => "updateDB('img{$img['id']}')"));
     $mfa_hidden_rank = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => "img[{$img['id']}][hidden_rank]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_hidden_rank", 'disabled' => true));
     $mfa_hidden_msg = array_merge($mfa_input, array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => "img[{$img['id']}][hidden_msg]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_hidden_msg", 'disabled' => true));
     $mfa_textarea = array('name' => "img[{$img['id']}][memo]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_memo", 'cols' => $ini['Manager']['cols'], 'rows' => $ini['Manager']['rows'], 'onchange' => "updateDB('img{$img['id']}')", 'flexy:xhtml' => $is_xhtml);
     // DBを更新するチェックボックス
     $mf_change = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_checkbox);
     $mng['f_change'] = $mf_change->toHtml();
     // あぼーん(rankを-1にして画像を削除)するラジオボタン
     $mf_aborn = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_radio);
     $mf_aborn->setAttributes(array('name' => "img[{$img['id']}][rank]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_aborn", 'value' => -1));
     if ($status['rank'] == -1) {
     $mng['f_aborn'] = $mf_aborn->toHtml();
     // ランクを変更するラジオボタン
     $mng['f_rank'] = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
         $mf_rank = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_radio);
         $mf_rank->setAttributes(array('name' => "img[{$img['id']}][rank]", 'id' => "img{$img['id']}_rank{$i}", 'value' => $i));
         if ($status['rank'] == $i) {
             $mfa_hidden_rank['value'] = $i;
         $mng['f_rank'][] = $mf_rank->toHtml();
     $mf_hidden_rank = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_hidden_rank);
     $mng['f_hidden_rank'] = $mf_hidden_rank->toHtml();
     // メモ内容を変更するテキストエリア
     $mf_memo = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('textarea', $mfa_textarea);
     $mng['f_memo'] = $mf_memo->toHtml();
     // メモ内容の初期状態を保存する隠し要素
     $mf_hidden_msg = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_hidden_msg);
     $mng['f_hidden_msg'] = $mf_hidden_msg->toHtml();
     // 画像を削除するチェックボックス
     $mf_remove = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_remove);
     $mng['f_remove'] = $mf_remove->toHtml();
     $mf_black = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('input', $mfa_black);
     $mng['f_black'] = $mf_black->toHtml();
     return $mng;