/** * Create a new session or update an open session. */ public function createOrUpdateWorkSession() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $account = $this->getAccount(); if (!user_access('timewatch punch')) { throw new RestfulForbiddenException('No punch access.'); } if (empty($request['pincode'])) { throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('Pincode is required'); } $uid = timewatch_session_get_uid_by_pincode($request['pincode']); if (!$uid) { throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('Wrong pincode'); } $employee_account = user_load($uid); // Find an existing session with no end date. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'work_session')->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->fieldCondition('field_employee', 'target_id', $uid)->fieldCondition('field_session_date', 'value2', NULL)->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (empty($result['node'])) { // When there's no open session, create a new one. $values = array('type' => 'work_session', 'uid' => $account->uid, 'status' => NODE_PUBLISHED, 'title' => format_string('@date - @user', array('@date' => date('d/m/y'), '@user' => $employee_account->name))); $node = entity_create('node', $values); $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node); $wrapper->field_employee->set($uid); $wrapper->field_session_date->value->set(REQUEST_TIME); } else { // Otherwise set the end date of the open session. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', key($result['node'])); $wrapper->field_session_date->value2->set(REQUEST_TIME); } $wrapper->save(); return $this->viewEntity($wrapper->getIdentifier()); }
function quatro_preprocess_page(&$vars) { // Set the page title for the "Verein" Panels Page if (arg(0) == 'verein' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { //dpm($vars); $nid = arg(1); // Search for the "Mannschaft" Node matching the argument $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'mannschaft')->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->propertyCondition('nid', $nid, '=')->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); $result = $query->execute(); // Set the page title to the Node Title of the "Mannschaft" Node if (isset($result['node'])) { $node_ids = array_keys($result['node']); $node_id = $node_ids[0]; $node = node_load($node_id); drupal_set_title($node->title); } } // Set the page title for the "Spieler" Panels Page if (arg(0) == 'spieler' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { //dpm($vars); $nid = arg(1); // Search for the ticket matching the Rabattcode $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'spieler')->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->propertyCondition('nid', $nid, '=')->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); $result = $query->execute(); // If a ticket was found, set the price field to the ticket price if (isset($result['node'])) { $node_ids = array_keys($result['node']); $node_id = $node_ids[0]; $node = node_load($node_id); drupal_set_title($node->title); } } }
function insert_door_to_drupal($door_id) { // set HTTP_HOST or drupal will refuse to bootstrap $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'zl-apps'; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); $door = new Door(); $door_detail = $door->read(null, $door_id); $door_nid = null; $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $entities = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'doors')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->fieldCondition('field_door_id', 'value', $door_detail['Door']['id'], '=')->execute(); foreach ($entities['node'] as $nid => $value) { $door_nid = $nid; break; // no need to loop more even if there is multiple (it is supposed to be unique } $node = null; if (is_null($door_nid)) { $node = new stdClass(); $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; } else { $node = node_load($door_nid); } $node->type = 'doors'; node_object_prepare($node); $node->title = $door_detail['Door']['door_style']; $node->field_door_id[$node->language][0]['value'] = $door_detail['Door']['id']; $node->sell_price = 0; $node->model = $door_detail['Door']['door_style']; $node->shippable = 1; $path = 'door/' . $node->title; $node->path = array('alias' => $path); node_save($node); }
/** * Returns the user's billing cycle with the provided start time. * * If an existing billing cycle matches the expected start and end, it will * be returned. Otherwise, a new one will be created. * * @param $uid * The uid of the user. * @param $start * The unix timestamp when the billing cycle needs to start. * @param $save * Whether to save the created billing cycle entity. * Passing FALSE allows an unsaved billing cycle entity to be returned * for estimation purposes. * * @return * A cl_billing_cycle entity. */ public function getBillingCycle($uid, $start = REQUEST_TIME, $save = TRUE) { // Make the billing cycle exactly 30 days long, so that it can be divided // predictably for prorating. // The 1 is substracted to make sure that the billing cycle ends 1s before // the next one starts $end = $start + 2592000 - 1; // Try to find an existing billing cycle matching our parameters. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'cl_billing_cycle')->entityCondition('bundle', $this->name)->propertyCondition('status', 1)->propertyCondition('uid', $uid); if ($start != REQUEST_TIME) { // In case of a custom start, make sure to match the exact billing cycle. // Ensures that new orders get the previous billing cycle created at the // start of testing, while getNextBillingCycle returns the expected result. $query->propertyCondition('start', $start); } $result = $query->execute(); if ($result) { $billing_cycle_id = key($result['cl_billing_cycle']); $billing_cycle = entity_load_single('cl_billing_cycle', $billing_cycle_id); } else { // No existing billing cycle found. Create a new one. $billing_cycle = entity_create('cl_billing_cycle', array('type' => $this->name)); $billing_cycle->uid = $uid; $billing_cycle->start = $start; $billing_cycle->end = $end; $billing_cycle->status = 1; if ($save) { $billing_cycle->save(); } } return $billing_cycle; }
/** * Create a refresh token for the current user * * It will delete all the existing refresh tokens for that same user as well. * * @param int $uid * The user ID. * * @return \RestfulTokenAuth * The token entity. */ private function generateRefreshToken($uid) { // Check if there are other refresh tokens for the user. $query = new \EntityFieldQuery(); $results = $query ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'restful_token_auth') ->entityCondition('bundle', 'refresh_token') ->propertyCondition('uid', $uid) ->execute(); if (!empty($results['restful_token_auth'])) { // Delete the tokens. entity_delete_multiple('restful_token_auth', array_keys($results['restful_token_auth'])); } // Create a new refresh token. $values = array( 'uid' => $uid, 'type' => 'refresh_token', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME, 'name' => t('Refresh token for: @uid', array( '@uid' => $uid, )), 'token' => drupal_random_key(), ); $refresh_token = $this->create($values); $this->save($refresh_token); return $refresh_token; }
public function load_data($ar_data = null) { $result = array(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'sito_parcheggio')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); $qryres = $query->execute(); if (isset($qryres['node'])) { $items_nids = array_keys($qryres['node']); $items = entity_load('node', $items_nids); $first = true; foreach ($items as $nodo => $elem) { if ($first) { $result[0]['codice'] = 0; $result[0]['descrizione'] = 'Selezionare un parcheggio'; $first = false; } $result[$nodo]['codice'] = $elem->field_sp_codice[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']; $result[$nodo]['descrizione'] = $elem->title; $result[$nodo]['indirizzo']['indirizzo'] = $elem->field_sp_indirizzo[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['thoroughfare']; $result[$nodo]['indirizzo']['cap'] = $elem->field_sp_indirizzo[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['postal_code']; $result[$nodo]['indirizzo']['localita'] = $elem->field_sp_indirizzo[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['locality']; $result[$nodo]['indirizzo']['provincia'] = $elem->field_sp_indirizzo[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['administrative_area']; } } $this->ar_lista = $result; }
function community_features_user_feed() { $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid; $flags = flag_get_user_flags('user', null, $uid); //dpm($flags); //unset($flags['cf_follow_user']); if (isset($flags['cf_follow_user'])) { //dpm($flags['cf_follow_user']); foreach ($flags['cf_follow_user'] as $flag) { //dpm($flag); $author_uid = $flag->entity_id; $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'cm_show')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->propertyCondition('uid', $author_uid)->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC')->fieldCondition('field_show_vod', 'fid', 'NULL', '!=')->pager(5); //->range(0, 100); $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['node'])) { $nids = array_keys($result['node']); $nodes = entity_load('node', $nids); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $items[$node->nid] = array('node' => $node); } } } $build['pager'] = array('#theme' => 'pager', '#weight' => 5); //dpm($items); // Send data to TPL. return theme('cf_user_feed_all', array('content' => isset($items) ? $items : '', 'pager' => $build['pager'])); } else { return '<br/> You are currently not following any users. Please follow some users and their videos will appear here.'; } }
protected function queryLoad($ids) { $multifields = multifield_get_fields(); foreach (array_keys($multifields) as $field_name) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); if ($ids) { $query->fieldCondition($field_name, 'id', $ids, 'IN'); } else { $query->fieldCondition($field_name, 'id', 0, '>'); } if ($results = $query->execute()) { $pseudo_entities = array(); $field = field_info_field($field_name); foreach ($results as $entity_type => $entities) { // Simply doing an entity load on the entities with multifield values // will cause the cacheSet() from multifield_field_load() to get // invoked. $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array_keys($entities)); foreach ($entities as $entity) { if ($items = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name)) { foreach ($items as $item) { $pseudo_entities[$item['id']] = _multifield_field_item_to_entity($field['type'], $item); } } } } $this->cacheSet($pseudo_entities); } } return array_intersect_key($this->entityCache, drupal_map_assoc($ids, $ids)); }
/** * Implements hook_install(). */ function PROFILE_install() { global $base_url; $server_name = 'oauth2'; $client_key = 'client1'; $client_secret = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $redirect_uri = $base_url . '/oauth2/authorized'; // Delete the client if already exists. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $clients = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'oauth2_server_client')->propertyCondition('server', $server_name)->propertyCondition('client_key', $client_key)->execute(); if (isset($clients['oauth2_server_client'])) { $cids = array_keys($clients['oauth2_server_client']); foreach ($cids as $cid) { entity_delete('oauth2_server_client', $cid); } } // Register a client on the oauth2 server. $client = entity_create('oauth2_server_client', array()); $client->server = $server_name; $client->label = 'Test OAuth2 Client'; $client->client_key = $client_key; $client->client_secret = $client_secret; $client->redirect_uri = $redirect_uri; $client->automatic_authorization = TRUE; $client->save(); }
private function loadConvenzioneFromTarga($ar_data) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'parkauto')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->fieldCondition('field_p_targa_auto_cliente', 'value', trim($ar_data['rc_targa_auto_cliente']), '=')->fieldCondition('field_p_sito_parking', 'nid', trim($ar_data['sito']))->range(0, 1)->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); $qryres = $query->execute(); return $qryres; }
/** * Allows overriding of the selected entity list for cloning. * * @param $ids * An array of entity ids currently selected. * @return * An array of entity ids after processing. */ function hook_get_group_content_ids_alter(&$ids) { // array of content types to remove from cloning $content_types = array('cle_submission'); // pull out nodes for testing as this could have other entities foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { if ($id['entity_type'] == 'node') { $id_key[$key] = $id['etid']; } } // Don't allow submissions to be cloned $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); // select all nodes $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', $content_types, 'IN')->propertyCondition('nid', $id_key, 'IN')->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); $result = $query->execute(); // verify that we have results if (isset($result['node'])) { // test the node array against the nodes in the clone array foreach ($result['node'] as $node) { // if the node selected is in the array, remove it from the ids if (in_array($node->nid, $id_key)) { unset($ids[array_search($node->nid, $id_key)]); } } } }
/** * Add the comic strip name right above the body field. */ function whaleocalypse_preprocess_field(&$vars) { if (isset($vars['element']['#bundle']) && $vars['element']['#bundle'] == 'comic' && isset($vars['element']['#field_name']) && $vars['element']['#field_name'] == 'body') { $vars['label'] = $vars['element']['#object']->title; } //Add the transcript expand js if the field is populated if ($vars['element']['#field_name'] == 'field_transcript') { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'whaleocalypse') . '/js/expand-transcript.js', array('scope' => 'footer', 'type' => 'file')); } //Create the custom "story arc" functionality if (isset($vars['element']['#field_name']) && $vars['element']['#field_name'] == 'field_story_arc') { $tid = $vars['element']['#object']->field_story_arc[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid']; $nid = $vars['element']['#object']->nid; $story_arc_count = new EntityFieldQuery(); $vars['story_arc_count'] = $story_arc_count->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'comic')->fieldCondition('field_story_arc', 'tid', $tid, '=')->count()->execute(); $story_arc_position = new EntityFieldQuery(); $story_arc_position = $story_arc_position->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'comic')->fieldCondition('field_story_arc', 'tid', $tid, '=')->propertyOrderBy('created', 'ASC')->execute(); $vars['story_arc_position'] = array_search($nid, array_keys($story_arc_position['node'])) + 1; } //Add the author URL if it is set. if (isset($vars['element']['#field_name']) && $vars['element']['#field_name'] == 'field_contributing_author') { if (isset($vars['element']['#object']->field_contributing_author_url[LANGUAGE_NONE][0])) { $vars['items'][0]['#markup'] = l($vars['items'][0]['#markup'], $vars['element']['#object']->field_contributing_author_url[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'], array("attributes" => array("target" => "_blank"))); } $vars['call_to_action'] = 'You can ' . l('write your own whaleocalypse too.', 'node/169', array()); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function authenticate(RequestInterface $request) { // Access token may be on the request, or in the headers. if (!($token = $this->extractToken($request))) { return NULL; } // Check if there is a token that has not expired yet. $query = new \EntityFieldQuery(); $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'restful_token_auth')->entityCondition('bundle', 'access_token')->propertyCondition('token', $token)->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (empty($result['restful_token_auth'])) { // No token exists. return NULL; } $id = key($result['restful_token_auth']); $auth_token = entity_load_single('restful_token_auth', $id); if (!empty($auth_token->expire) && $auth_token->expire < REQUEST_TIME) { // Token is expired. if (variable_get('restful_token_auth_delete_expired_tokens', TRUE)) { // Token has expired, so we can delete this token. $auth_token->delete(); } return NULL; } return user_load($auth_token->uid); }
/** * Lets modules prevent the deletion of a particular product. * * Before a product can be deleted, other modules are given the chance to say * whether or not the action should be allowed. Modules implementing this hook * can check for reference data or any other reason to prevent a product from * being deleted and return FALSE to prevent the action. * * This is an API level hook, so implementations should not display any messages * to the user (although logging to the watchdog is fine). * * @param $product * The product to be deleted. * * @return * TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not the given product can be deleted. * * @see commerce_product_reference_commerce_product_can_delete() */ function hook_commerce_product_can_delete($product) { // Use EntityFieldQuery to look for line items referencing this product and do // not allow the delete to occur if one exists. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'commerce_line_item', '=')->entityCondition('bundle', 'product', '=')->fieldCondition('product', 'product_id', $product->product_id, '=')->count(); return $query->execute() > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; }
function portfolino_get_articles() { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $i = 50; $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'article')->range(0, $i)->execute(); $nids = array_keys($result['node']); $nodes = entity_load('node', $nids); return $nodes; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public static function Query($id = NULL) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->propertyCondition('type', array_keys(vsite_vsite_og_node_type_info()), 'IN'); if ($id) { $query->propertyCondition('nid', $id, '>='); } return $query; }
/** * @param string $calendarId * @return int */ function cob_calendar_node_id($calendarId) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->fieldCondition('field_google_calendar_id', 'value', $calendarId, '='); $result = $query->execute(); if (count($result)) { return array_keys($result['node'])[0]; } }
function wyc_get_uid_by_wycnumber($no) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user')->fieldCondition('field_wyc_number', 'value', $no); $result = $query->execute(); if (!empty($result['user'])) { return key($result['user']); } return 0; }
/** * Find entity ID by title. */ private function getEntityId($title, $entity_type = 'node', $bundle = NULL) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type); if ($bundle) { $query->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle); } $result = $query->propertyCondition('title', $title)->range(0, 1)->execute(); return !empty($result[$entity_type]) ? key($result[$entity_type]) : FALSE; }
/** * @param scalar $puid is permanent unique id value and */ public function drupalUserFromPuid($puid) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user')->fieldCondition('ldap_user_puid_sid', 'value', $this->sid, '=')->fieldCondition('ldap_user_puid', 'value', $puid, '=')->fieldCondition('ldap_user_puid_property', 'value', $this->unique_persistent_attr, '=')->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); // run the query as user 1 $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['user'])) { $user = entity_load('user', array_keys($result['user'])); } }
/** * */ function _query_products_nids() { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', array('card', 'software', 'chassis'))->propertyCondition('status', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $nids = NULL; if (isset($result['node'])) { $nids = array_keys($result['node']); } return $nids; }
/** * Obtenir la dernière actualité épinglée */ function actualite_get_single_sticky() { $node = NULL; $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $entities = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->propertyCondition('type', 'actualites')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->propertyCondition('sticky', 1)->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC')->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (!empty($entities['node'])) { $nids = array_keys($entities['node']); $node = node_load(reset($nids)); } return $node; }
function prepare_entity_query_4_node_type($nodeType, $publishedOnly = PUBLISHED_ONLY) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->propertyCondition('type', $nodeType); if ($publishedOnly) { $query->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED); } // Neutralize the 'entity_field_access' query tag added by field_sql_storage_field_storage_query(). // The result cannot depend on the access grants of the current user. $query->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); return $query; }
public static function get_nid_from_data($id_label) { $result = array(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'listino_base')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->fieldCondition('field_lb_classe_servizio', 'value', ucfirst($id_label))->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); $qryres = $query->execute(); if (isset($qryres['node'])) { $items_nids = array_keys($qryres['node']); $result = $items_nids[0]; } return $result; }
function get_nodes_by_reference($bundle, $field, $nid, $view_mode) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle)->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->fieldCondition($field, 'target_id', $nid, '=')->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['node'])) { $nids = array_keys($result['node']); $nodes = entity_load('node', $nids); return node_view_multiple($nodes, $view_mode); } return FALSE; }
/** * Get the meters list of the account. */ function getMeters(\EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper) { $nid = $wrapper->getIdentifier(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'iec_meter')->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED)->fieldCondition(OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD, 'target_id', $nid)->propertyOrderBy('nid')->execute(); if (empty($result['node'])) { return; } $nids = array_keys($result['node']); $handler = restful_get_restful_handler('iec_meters'); return $handler->get(implode(',', $nids)); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * Override RestfulEntityBase::createEntity() to test if meter already exists, * to allow update existing nodes in stead of creating a copy. */ public function createEntity() { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->propertyCondition('type', 'iec_meter')->fieldCondition('field_contract_id', 'value', $this->request['contract'])->fieldCondition('field_meter_code', 'value', $this->request['meter_code'])->fieldCondition('field_meter_serial', 'value', $this->request['meter_serial'])->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (!empty($result['node'])) { // Node exists, update it. $id = key($result['node']); return parent::updateEntity($id); } // New node. return parent::createEntity(); }
function entity_reference_users($nid) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user'); $result = $query->execute(); foreach ($result['user'] as $doctors) { $doctor = user_load($doctors->uid); if ($doctor->field_speciality['und'][0]['target_id'] == $nid) { $doctor_arr[$doctors->uid] = array('name' => $doctor->name, 'designation' => $doctor->field_designation['und'][0]['value'], 'profile_link' => $doctor->field_view_profile_link['und'][0]['value']); } } return $doctor_arr; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * Override RestfulEntityBase::createEntity() to test if meter already exists, * to allow update existing nodes in stead of creating a copy. */ public function createEntity() { // Check if an electricity entity with the same parameters exists. $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'electricity_raw')->propertyCondition('meter_nid', $this->request['meter'])->propertyCondition('timestamp', $this->request['timestamp'])->propertyCondition('meter_type', $this->request['meter_type'])->propertyCondition('rate_type', $this->request['rate_type'])->propertyCondition('frequency', $this->request['frequency'])->range(0, 1)->execute(); if (!empty($result['electricity_raw'])) { // Node exists, update it. $id = key($result['electricity_raw']); return parent::updateEntity($id); } // New node. return parent::createEntity(); }
/** * @return array, */ function _node_title_search($title = NULL, $brand_tid = NULL, $depend_chassis) { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', array('card', 'chassis', 'software'))->propertyCondition('title', $title)->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED); $result = $query->execute(); $nid_array = NULL; if (isset($result['node'])) { if (count($result['node']) > 0) { $nid_array = array_keys($result['node']); } } return $nid_array; }