  * Sends an email submitted through a contact form.
  * @param ContactFormModel $message
  * @throws Exception
  * @return bool
 public function sendMessage(ContactFormModel $message)
     $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('contactform')->getSettings();
     if (!$settings->toEmail) {
         throw new Exception('The "To Email" address is not set on the plugin’s settings page.');
     // Fire an 'onBeforeSend' event
     $event = new ContactFormEvent($this, array('message' => $message));
     if ($event->isValid) {
         if (!$event->fakeIt) {
             $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($settings->toEmail);
             foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
                 $email = new EmailModel();
                 $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
                 $email->fromEmail = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->replyTo = $message->fromEmail;
                 $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->fromName = $settings->prependSender . ($settings->prependSender && $message->fromName ? ' ' : '') . $message->fromName;
                 $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
                 $email->subject = $settings->prependSubject . ($settings->prependSubject && $message->subject ? ' - ' : '') . $message->subject;
                 $email->body = $message->message;
                 if ($message->attachment) {
                     $email->addAttachment($message->attachment->getTempName(), $message->attachment->getName(), 'base64', $message->attachment->getType());
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #2
 public function cv_form_submit()
     $validator = Validator::make(array('post_id' => Input::get('post_id'), varlang('name-last-name') => Input::get('name'), varlang('cv') => Input::file('upload')), array('post_id' => 'required', varlang('name-last-name') => 'required', varlang('cv') => 'required'));
     $return = array('message' => '', 'error' => 0);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $return['message'] = implode('<br>', $validator->messages()->all(':message'));
         $return['error'] = 1;
     } else {
         $post_id = Input::get('post_id');
         $name = Input::get('name');
         $filename = 'cv_' . $post_id . '_' . date("Y-m-d") . '_' . uniqid() . '.pdf';
         $filepath = "/upload/cv/";
         $audience = new JobRequestModel();
         $audience->post_id = $post_id;
         $audience->name = $name;
         $attachFile = false;
         if (Input::file('upload')->isValid()) {
             $audience->cv_path = $filepath . $filename;
             $attachFile = $filepath . $filename;
             Input::file('upload')->move($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filepath, $filename);
         } else {
             $return['message'] = 'Invalid file';
             $return['error'] = 1;
         Template::viewModule($this->module_name, function () use($name, $attachFile) {
             $data['name'] = $name;
             \EmailModel::sendToAdmins("New job reqest", 'views.email-request', $data, $attachFile);
     return $return;
예제 #3
  * Sends an email submitted through a contact form.
  * @param ContactFormModel $message
  * @throws Exception
  * @return bool
 public function sendMessage(ContactFormModel $message)
     $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('contactform')->getSettings();
     if (!$settings->toEmail) {
         throw new Exception('The "To Email" address is not set on the plugin’s settings page.');
     // Fire an 'onBeforeSend' event
     $event = new ContactFormEvent($this, array('message' => $message));
     if ($event->isValid) {
         if (!$event->fakeIt) {
             // Grab any "to" emails set in the plugin settings.
             $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($settings->toEmail);
             foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
                 $variables = array();
                 $email = new EmailModel();
                 $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
                 $email->fromEmail = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->replyTo = $message->fromEmail;
                 $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->fromName = $settings->prependSender . ($settings->prependSender && $message->fromName ? ' ' : '') . $message->fromName;
                 $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
                 $email->subject = '{{ emailSubject }}';
                 $email->body = '{{ emailBody }}';
                 $variables['emailSubject'] = $settings->prependSubject . ($settings->prependSubject && $message->subject ? ' - ' : '') . $message->subject;
                 $variables['emailBody'] = $message->message;
                 if (!empty($message->htmlMessage)) {
                     // Prevent Twig tags from getting parsed
                     $email->htmlBody = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('&lbrace;', '&rbrace;'), $message->htmlMessage);
                 if (!empty($message->attachment)) {
                     foreach ($message->attachment as $attachment) {
                         if ($attachment) {
                             $email->addAttachment($attachment->getTempName(), $attachment->getName(), 'base64', $attachment->getType());
                 craft()->email->sendEmail($email, $variables);
         return true;
     return false;
 public function actionContactSupport()
     $fromEmail = trim(craft()->requst->getPost('fromEmail'));
     $message = trim(craft()->request->getPost('message'));
     if ($fromEmail && $message) {
         $site_url = craft()->getSiteUrl();
         $site_name = craft()->getSiteName();
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->toEmail = '*****@*****.**';
         $email->subject = "Support Request from {$site_name}";
         $email->body = "Message from {$site_name} ({$site_url}):\n\n{$message}";
         if (craft()->request->getPost('attachFile')) {
         $_POST['sent_successfully'] = true;
예제 #5
  * Sends an email submitted through a contact form.
  * @param ContactFormModel $message
  * @throws Exception
  * @return bool
 public function sendMessage(ContactFormModel $message)
     $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('contactform')->getSettings();
     // Fire an 'onBeforeSend' event
     $event = new ContactFormEvent($this, array('message' => $message));
     if ($event->isValid) {
         if (!$event->fakeIt) {
             // Get the relevant email address(es) for the message subject
             foreach ($settings->toEmail as $row) {
                 if ($message->subject == $row['subject']) {
                     if (!$row['email']) {
                         throw new Exception('The "To Email" address is not set on the plugin’s settings page.');
                     $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($row['email']);
             foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
                 $email = new EmailModel();
                 $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
                 $email->fromEmail = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->replyTo = $message->fromEmail;
                 $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->fromName = $settings->prependSender . ($settings->prependSender && $message->fromName ? ' ' : '') . $message->fromName;
                 $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
                 $email->subject = $settings->prependSubject . ($settings->prependSubject && $message->subject ? ' - ' : '') . $message->subject;
                 $email->body = "An email has been sent by {$message->fromName} ({$message->fromEmail}) using the contact form on the website. Here is the message:\n\n" . $message->message;
                 if (!empty($message->attachment)) {
                     foreach ($message->attachment as $attachment) {
                         if ($attachment) {
                             $email->addAttachment($attachment->getTempName(), $attachment->getName(), 'base64', $attachment->getType());
         return true;
     return false;
 public function sendMessage(ContactForm_MessageModel $message)
     $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('contactform')->getSettings();
     if (!$settings->toEmail) {
         throw new Exception('The "To Email" address is not set on the plugin’s settings page.');
     if (!$settings->fromEmail) {
         throw new Exception('The "From Email" address is not set on the plugin’s settings page.');
     if ($this->isValid) {
         if (!$this->fakeIt) {
             // Grab any "to" emails set in the plugin settings.
             $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($settings->toEmail);
             foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
                 $email = new EmailModel();
                 $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
                 $email->fromEmail = $settings->fromEmail;
                 $email->replyTo = $message->email;
                 $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
                 $email->fromName = $settings->prependSender . ($settings->prependSender && $message->name ? ' ' : '') . $message->name;
                 $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
                 $email->subject = $settings->subject;
                 $email->body = $message->message;
                 if (!empty($message->attachment)) {
                     foreach ($message->attachment as $attachment) {
                         if ($attachment) {
                             $email->addAttachment($attachment->getTempName(), $attachment->getName(), 'base64', $attachment->getType());
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #7
 public static function contactTopSubmit()
     $data = array(varlang('name-last-name') => Input::get('name'), varlang('email') => Input::get('email'), varlang('message') => Input::get('message'), varlang('cod-verificare') => SimpleCapcha::valid('contact_top', Input::get('capcha')) ? 1 : null);
     $validator = Validator::make($data, array(varlang('name-last-name') => 'required', varlang('email') => 'email|required', varlang('message') => 'required', varlang('cod-verificare') => 'required'));
     $return = array('message' => '', 'error' => 0);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $return['message'] = implode(' ', $validator->messages()->all('<p>:message</p>'));
         $return['error'] = 1;
     } else {
         EmailModel::sendToAdmins("Contact form", 'email.contact', $data);
         $return['html'] = "Mesajul dvs a fost receptionat";
     return $return;
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
 * You can create an email model to set the values and have a function or class access those values
include './EmailModel.php';
$emailmodel = new EmailModel();
echo $emailmodel->getEmail();
 function forgotPasswordClosedAcc($email, $uname, $link, $app)
     $emailModel = new EmailModel();
     return $emailModel->sendEmail($email, array("email" => $email, "uname" => $uname, "link" => $link, "app_name" => $app->app_name));
  * Email a submission.
  * @param AmForms_SubmissionModel $submission
  * @param mixed                   $overrideRecipients [Optional] Override recipients from form settings.
  * @return bool
 public function emailSubmission(AmForms_SubmissionModel $submission, $overrideRecipients = false)
     // Do we even have a form ID?
     if (!$submission->formId) {
         return false;
     // Get form if not already set
     $form = $submission->form;
     $submission->formName = $form->name;
     if (!$form->notificationEnabled) {
         return false;
     // Get our recipients
     $recipients = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($form->notificationRecipients);
     if ($overrideRecipients !== false) {
         if (is_array($overrideRecipients) && count($overrideRecipients)) {
             $recipients = $overrideRecipients;
         } elseif (is_string($overrideRecipients)) {
             $recipients = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($overrideRecipients);
     $recipients = array_unique($recipients);
     if (!count($recipients)) {
         return false;
     // Other email attributes
     if ($form->notificationReplyToEmail) {
         $replyTo = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->notificationReplyToEmail, $submission);
         if (!filter_var($replyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $replyTo = null;
     // Start mailing!
     $success = false;
     // Notification email
     $notificationEmail = new EmailModel();
     $notificationEmail->htmlBody = $this->getSubmissionEmailBody($submission);
     $notificationEmail->fromEmail = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->notificationSenderEmail, $submission);
     $notificationEmail->fromName = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->notificationSenderName, $submission);
     if (trim($form->notificationSubject) != '') {
         $notificationEmail->subject = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->notificationSubject, $submission);
     } else {
         $notificationEmail->subject = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment('{formName} form was submitted', $submission);
     if ($replyTo) {
         $notificationEmail->replyTo = $replyTo;
     // Confirmation email
     $confirmationEmail = new EmailModel();
     $confirmationEmail->htmlBody = $this->getConfirmationEmailBody($submission);
     $confirmationEmail->fromEmail = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->confirmationSenderEmail, $submission);
     $confirmationEmail->fromName = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->confirmationSenderName, $submission);
     if (trim($form->confirmationSubject) != '') {
         $confirmationEmail->subject = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($form->confirmationSubject, $submission);
     } else {
         $confirmationEmail->subject = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment('Thanks for your submission.', $submission);
     // Add Bcc?
     $bccEmailAddress = craft()->amForms_settings->getSettingsByHandleAndType('bccEmailAddress', AmFormsModel::SettingGeneral);
     if ($bccEmailAddress && $bccEmailAddress->value) {
         $bccAddresses = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($bccEmailAddress->value);
         $bccAddresses = array_unique($bccAddresses);
         if (count($bccAddresses)) {
             $properBccAddresses = array();
             foreach ($bccAddresses as $bccAddress) {
                 $bccAddress = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($bccAddress, $submission);
                 if (filter_var($bccAddress, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                     $properBccAddresses[] = array('email' => $bccAddress);
             if (count($properBccAddresses)) {
                 $notificationEmail->bcc = $properBccAddresses;
                 $confirmationEmail->bcc = $properBccAddresses;
     // Add files to the notification?
     if ($form->notificationFilesEnabled) {
         foreach ($submission->getFieldLayout()->getTabs() as $tab) {
             // Tab fields
             $fields = $tab->getFields();
             foreach ($fields as $layoutField) {
                 // Get actual field
                 $field = $layoutField->getField();
                 // Find assets
                 if ($field->type == 'Assets') {
                     foreach ($submission->{$field->handle}->find() as $asset) {
                         if ($asset->source->type == 'S3') {
                             $file = @file_get_contents($asset->url);
                             // Add asset as attachment
                             if ($file) {
                                 $notificationEmail->addStringAttachment($file, $asset->filename);
                         } else {
                             $assetPath = craft()->amForms->getPathForAsset($asset);
                             // Add asset as attachment
                             if (IOHelper::fileExists($assetPath . $asset->filename)) {
                                 $notificationEmail->addAttachment($assetPath . $asset->filename);
     // Fire an 'onBeforeEmailSubmission' event
     $event = new Event($this, array('email' => $notificationEmail, 'submission' => $submission));
     // Is the event giving us the go-ahead?
     if ($event->performAction) {
         // Send emails
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             $notificationEmail->toEmail = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($recipient, $submission);
             if (filter_var($notificationEmail->toEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                 if (craft()->email->sendEmail($notificationEmail, array('amFormsSubmission' => $submission))) {
                     $success = true;
         // Send copy?
         if ($form->sendCopy) {
             $sendCopyTo = $submission->{$form->sendCopyTo};
             if (filter_var($sendCopyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                 $confirmationEmail->toEmail = $this->_translatedObjectPlusEnvironment($sendCopyTo, $submission);
                 if (craft()->email->sendEmail($confirmationEmail, array('amFormsSubmission' => $submission))) {
                     $success = true;
         // Fire an 'onEmailSubmission' event
         $this->onEmailSubmission(new Event($this, array('success' => $success, 'email' => $notificationEmail, 'submission' => $submission)));
     return $success;
예제 #11
 public function actionSendSupportRequest()
     $success = false;
     $errors = array();
     $zipFile = null;
     $tempFolder = null;
     $getHelpModel = new FeedMe_GetHelpModel();
     $getHelpModel->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost('fromEmail');
     $getHelpModel->feedIssue = craft()->request->getPost('feedIssue');
     $getHelpModel->message = trim(craft()->request->getPost('message'));
     $getHelpModel->attachLogs = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachLogs');
     $getHelpModel->attachSettings = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachSettings');
     $getHelpModel->attachFeed = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFeed');
     $getHelpModel->attachFields = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFields');
     $getHelpModel->attachment = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('attachAdditionalFile');
     if ($getHelpModel->validate()) {
         $plugin = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('feedMe');
         $feed = craft()->feedMe_feeds->getFeedById($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
         // Add some extra info about this install
         $message = $getHelpModel->message . "\n\n" . "------------------------------\n\n" . 'Craft ' . craft()->getEditionName() . ' ' . craft()->getVersion() . '.' . craft()->getBuild() . "\n\n" . 'Feed Me ' . $plugin->getVersion();
         try {
             $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
             $tempFolder = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
             if (!IOHelper::folderExists($tempFolder)) {
             // Attached just the Feed Me log
             if ($getHelpModel->attachLogs) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     $logFolderContents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getLogPath());
                     foreach ($logFolderContents as $file) {
                         // Just grab the Feed Me log
                         if (IOHelper::fileExists($file) && basename($file) == 'feedme.log') {
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $file, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Backup our feed settings
             if ($getHelpModel->attachSettings) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath())) {
                     $backup = craft()->path->getDbBackupPath() . StringHelper::toLowerCase('feedme_' . gmdate('ymd_His') . '.sql');
                     $feedInfo = $this->_prepareSqlFeedSettings($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
                     IOHelper::writeToFile($backup, $feedInfo . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $backup, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Save the contents of the feed
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFeed) {
                 $feedData = craft()->feedMe_feed->getRawData($feed->feedUrl);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'feed.' . StringHelper::toLowerCase($feed->feedType);
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $feedData . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Get some information about the fields we're mapping to - handy to know
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFields) {
                 $fieldInfo = array();
                 foreach ($feed->fieldMapping as $feedHandle => $fieldHandle) {
                     $field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($fieldHandle);
                     if ($field) {
                         $fieldInfo[] = $this->_prepareExportField($field);
                 // Support PHP <5.4, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT = 128, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK = 32
                 $json = json_encode($fieldInfo, 128 | 32);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'fields.json';
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $json . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Add in any additional attachments
             if ($getHelpModel->attachment) {
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . $getHelpModel->attachment->getName();
                 // Make sure it actually saved.
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log('Tried to attach debug logs to a support request and something went horribly wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Warning, true);
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->fromEmail = $getHelpModel->fromEmail;
         $email->toEmail = "*****@*****.**";
         $email->subject = "Feed Me Support";
         $email->body = $message;
         if ($zipFile) {
             $email->addAttachment($zipFile, 'FeedMeSupportAttachment.zip', 'base64', 'application/zip');
         $result = craft()->email->sendEmail($email);
         if ($result) {
             if ($zipFile) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($zipFile)) {
             if ($tempFolder) {
             $success = true;
         } else {
             $errors = array('Support' => array('Unable to contact support. Please try again soon.'));
     } else {
         $errors = $getHelpModel->getErrors();
     $this->returnJson(array('success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors));
  * @param EmailModel       $email
  * @param AssetFileModel[] $assets
 protected function attachAssetFilesToEmailModel(EmailModel $email, array $assets)
     foreach ($assets as $asset) {
         $name = $asset->filename;
         $path = $this->getAssetFilePath($asset);
         $email->addAttachment($path, $name);
예제 #13
  * GET Parameters:
  * - appId     - Id of the app trying to relay the message
  * - appSecret - App Secret to authenticate the App
  * - userId    - Either a valid email or a user id
  * @todo  Introduce email permissions for certain applications
  * @param int $userid Deprecated, do not use
  * @throws PublicException
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws HTTPMethodException
 public function send($userid = null)
     //TODO: Add search by username
     try {
         #Check if the request is post and subject and body are not empty
         if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
             throw new HTTPMethodException();
          * Retrieve the email / userId from the request. This should either be posted
          * or getted. 
         $userid = isset($_GET['to']) ? $_GET['to'] : _def($_POST['to'], $userid);
          * We check whether we received any data at all via POST for the recipient.
          * We can obviously not relay any email to any user if we don't know where
          * to send it to.
         if (!$userid) {
             throw new PublicException('This enpoint requires a recipient');
          * Get the application authorizing the email. Although we do not log this 
          * right now, it's gonna be invaluable to help determining whether an app
          * was compromised and is sending garbage.
         if (!$this->token) {
             $app = db()->table('authapp')->get('appID', $_GET['appId'])->addRestriction('appSecret', $_GET['appSecret'])->fetch();
         } else {
             $app = $this->token->app;
         if (!$app) {
             throw new Exception('Could not authenticate the application trying to send the email');
          * Determine what kind of id you were sent to determine where to send the 
          * email to.
         if (filter_var($userid, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $email = $userid;
         } elseif (is_numeric($userid)) {
             $user = db()->table('user')->get('_id', _def($_POST['to'], $userid))->fetch();
             $email = $user->email;
         $vsubject = validate()->addRule(new EmptyValidationRule('Subject cannot be empty'));
         $vcontent = validate()->addRule(new EmptyValidationRule('Message body cannot be empty'));
         validate($vsubject->setValue($_POST['subject']), $vcontent->setValue($_POST['body']));
         #Create the message and put it into the message queue
         EmailModel::queue($email, $vsubject->getValue(), $vcontent->getValue())->store();
         #Everything was okay - that's it. The email will be delivered later
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $this->view->set('errors', $e->getResult());
     } catch (HTTPMethodException $e) {
         //Do nothing, we'll serve it with get
예제 #14
  * @template none
 public function index()
     //TODO: Add file locking mechanism
예제 #15
 public function activate($tokenid = null)
     $token = $tokenid ? db()->table('token')->get('token', $tokenid)->fetch() : null;
     #The token should have been created by the Auth Server
     if ($token && $token->app !== null) {
         throw new PublicException('Token level insufficient', 403);
     if ($token) {
         $token->user->verified = 1;
     } else {
         $token = TokenModel::create(null, 1800, false);
         $token->user = $this->user;
         $url = new absoluteURL('user', 'activate', $token->token);
         EmailModel::queue($this->user->email, 'Activate your account', sprintf('Click here to activate your account: <a href="%s">%s</a>', $url, $url));
     #We need to redirect the user back to the home page
     $this->response->getHeaders()->redirect(new URL(array('message' => 'success')));
  * Send Email Notification
 public function sendEmailNotification($form, $postUploads, $postData, $customSubject, $message, $html = true, $email = null)
     $errors = false;
     $attributes = $form->getAttributes();
     $notificationSettings = $attributes['notificationSettings'];
     $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($notificationSettings['emailSettings']['notifyEmail']);
     // Process Subject Line
     if ($customSubject) {
         $subject = $customSubject;
     } else {
         $subject = $notificationSettings['emailSettings']['emailSubject'];
     // If submission has files
     if ($postUploads) {
         $fileAttachments = [];
         foreach ($postUploads as $file) {
             $fileAttachments[] = craft()->assets->getFileById($file);
     foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
         $email->fromEmail = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
         $email->replyTo = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
         $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
         $email->fromName = $form->name;
         $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
         $email->subject = $subject;
         $email->body = $message;
         // Attach files to email
         if (!empty($fileAttachments)) {
             foreach ($fileAttachments as $attachment) {
                 if ($attachment) {
                     $email->addAttachment($attachment->getUrl(), $attachment->title, 'base64', $attachment->getMimeType());
         if (!craft()->email->sendEmail($email)) {
             $errors = true;
     return $errors ? false : true;
예제 #17
 public function email_notifications()
     if (\WebAPL\Modules::checkInstance('person')) {
         $events = \CalendarModel::join(CalendarLangModel::getTableName(), \CalendarModel::getField('id'), '=', CalendarLangModel::getField('calendar_item_id'))->join(\CalendarGroup::getTableName(), \CalendarGroup::getField('id'), '=', \CalendarModel::getField('calendar_group_id'))->join(\CalendarPostModel::getTableName(), \CalendarPostModel::getField('calendar_group_id'), '=', \CalendarGroup::getField('id'))->where(CalendarLangModel::getField('lang_id'), \WebAPL\Language::getId())->where(\CalendarModel::getField('enabled'), 1)->where(\CalendarModel::getField('person_id'), '<>', 0)->select(CalendarLangModel::getField("*"), \CalendarModel::getField('event_date'), \CalendarModel::getField('repeat_frequency'), \CalendarModel::getField('repeat_to_date'), \CalendarModel::getField('person_id'), \CalendarModel::getField('post_id'), \CalendarModel::getField('period'))->orderBy(\CalendarModel::getField('event_date'), 'asc')->where(function ($query) {
             $query->where(function ($query) {
                 $query->where(DB::raw("DATE(" . CalendarModel::getField('event_date') . ")"), '=', DB::raw('DATE(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)'));
             })->orWhere(function ($query) {
                 $query->where(\CalendarModel::getField('event_date'), '<=', DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'))->where(\CalendarModel::getField('repeat_to_date'), '>=', DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'))->where(\CalendarModel::getField('repeat_frequency'), '<>', 'none');
         $event_list = \CalendarModel::generateEvents($events, false);
         $today_events = [];
         foreach ($event_list as $event) {
             if (date("Y-m-d", strtotime($event['event_date'])) === date("Y-m-d") && strtotime($event['event_date']) >= time()) {
                 echo " sendone ";
                 $today_events[] = $event;
                 $this->loadClass(['PersonModel'], 'person');
                 $person = \PersonModel::getPerson($event['person_id']);
                 if (isset($person->email) && $person->email) {
                     Template::viewModule($this->module_name, function () use($person, $event) {
                         \EmailModel::sendToAddress($person->email, "Do you have an event today", 'views.calendarEmail', ['person' => $person, 'event' => $event]);
  * Send Email Notification
 public function sendEmailNotification($form, $files, $postData, $customEmail, $customSubject, $message, $html = true, $email = null)
     $errors = false;
     $attributes = $form->getAttributes();
     $notificationSettings = $attributes['notificationSettings'];
     $toEmails = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($notificationSettings['emailSettings']['notifyEmail']);
     $emailSettings = craft()->email->getSettings();
     if (isset($notificationSettings['replyTo']) && $notificationSettings['replyTo'] != '') {
         $replyTo = $postData[$notificationSettings['replyTo']];
     } else {
         $replyTo = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
     // Process Subject Line
     if ($customSubject) {
         $subject = $customSubject;
     } else {
         $subject = $notificationSettings['emailSettings']['emailSubject'];
     if ($customEmail != '') {
         $theEmailAddress = explode('|', $customEmail);
         ArrayHelper::prependOrAppend($toEmails, $theEmailAddress[0], true);
     foreach ($toEmails as $toEmail) {
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->fromEmail = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
         $email->replyTo = $replyTo;
         $email->sender = $emailSettings['emailAddress'];
         $email->fromName = $form->name;
         $email->toEmail = $toEmail;
         $email->subject = $subject;
         $email->htmlBody = $message;
         // Attach files to email
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $attachment) {
                 $email->addAttachment($attachment['tempPath'], $attachment['filename'], 'base64', $attachment['type']);
         if (!craft()->email->sendEmail($email)) {
             $errors = true;
     return $errors ? false : true;
 public function actionSendMail()
     //Get plugin settings
     $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('commerceMailer')->getSettings();
     //Called via Ajax?
     $ajax = craft()->request->isAjaxRequest();
     //Settings to control behavour when testing - we don't want to debug via ajax or it stuffs up the JSON response...
     $debugPOST = ($settings->debugPOST and !$ajax);
     $emailing = $settings->emailing;
     $savedBody = false;
     //Must be called by POST
     //We'll return all the POST data to the template, so kick of our return data with that...
     $vars = craft()->request->getPost();
     //Dump POST to page if debugging
     if ($debugPOST) {
         echo '<h3>POST</h3><pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     //Is this spam? Assume false.
     $spam = false;
     $spam = !$this->validateHoneypot($settings->honeypotField);
     //If it's an internal email, make sure it's in the whitelist of names
     $emailWhitelist = array_map('trim', explode(',', $settings->whitelistedNames));
     if ($debugPOST) {
         echo '<h3>Whitelist</h3><pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     if (isset($vars['internalName'])) {
         if ($vars['internalName'] != "") {
             $spam = $spam && in_array($vars['internalName'], $emailWhitelist);
             if (!$spam) {
                 $vars['toEmail'] = $vars['internalName'] . "@" . $settings->internalDomain;
     //hold a list of possible errors to pass back to template on error
     $errors = array();
     //Deal with extra fields...the message input might be just a message, or have other fields
     //Pinched from P & T ContactForm
     $postedMessage = craft()->request->getPost('message');
     if ($postedMessage) {
         if (is_array($postedMessage)) {
             $savedBody = false;
             if (isset($postedMessage['body'])) {
                 // Save the message body in case we need to reassign it in the event there's a validation error
                 $savedBody = $postedMessage['body'];
             // If it's false, then there was no messages[body] input submitted.  If it's '', then validation needs to fail.
             if ($savedBody === false || $savedBody !== '') {
                 // Compile the message from each of the individual values
                 $compiledMessage = '';
                 foreach ($postedMessage as $key => $value) {
                     if ($key != 'body') {
                         if ($compiledMessage) {
                             $compiledMessage .= "<br><br>";
                         $compiledMessage .= $key . ': ';
                         if (is_array($value)) {
                             $compiledMessage .= implode(', ', $value);
                         } else {
                             $compiledMessage .= $value;
                 if (!empty($postedMessage['body'])) {
                     if ($compiledMessage) {
                         $compiledMessage .= "<br><br>";
                     $compiledMessage .= $postedMessage['body'];
                 $vars['body'] = $compiledMessage;
         } else {
             $vars['body'] = $postedMessage;
     // create an EmailModel & populate it
     $email = EmailModel::populateModel($vars);
     //validate the email model
     //put all our errors in one place, and return the email model if invalid - use message as this is what contactForm does
     $valid = $email->validate();
     if (!$valid) {
         if ($savedBody !== false) {
             $vars['message'] = $savedBody;
         foreach ($email->getAllErrors() as $key => $error) {
             $errors[] = $error;
     // Product, order and cart data
     if (isset($vars['productId'])) {
         $vars['product'] = craft()->commerce_products->getProductById($vars['productId']);
     if (isset($vars['orderId'])) {
         $vars['order'] = craft()->commerce_orders->getOrderById($vars['orderId']);
     $vars['cart'] = craft()->commerce_cart->getCart();
     //Actual template to load is built by using the settings templateFolder + the form's POST var with name 'template'
     $templateFolder = $settings->templateFolder;
     if (!isset($templateFolder)) {
         $errors[] = 'No template folder in Commerce Mailer settings';
     if (!isset($vars['template'])) {
         $errors[] = 'No template in POST';
     //@TODO - what to do about the plain text body - will be unrendered...?
     if (isset($templateFolder) and isset($vars['template']) and !$errors) {
         // parse the html template
         $htmlBody = craft()->templates->render($templateFolder . "/" . $vars['template'], $vars);
         if ($debugPOST) {
             print "<h4>Subject: " . $vars['subject'] . "</h4>";
             print $htmlBody;
         $email->htmlBody = $htmlBody;
     //OK, actually do something....unless we have an error....
     if ($errors) {
         $errors[] = 'Email not sent.';
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
         craft()->urlManager->setRouteVariables(['errors' => $errors, 'message' => $email]);
     } else {
         if ($emailing) {
             $sent = false;
             //attempt to send the email
             if (!$spam) {
                 //Special sauce for us....
                 if (craft()->config->get('environmentVariables')['customMessaging']) {
                     //Are we sending to a local address?
                     if (strpos($email->toEmail, "@" . $settings->internalDomain) === false) {
                         //No - we'll MAY NEED to later resort to phpmail send this sucker out now that transactional email
                         //services won't allow univerified sending domains :( ... However this is working with mailgun currently...
                         $sent = craft()->businessLogic_messaging->sendCraftEmail($email->fromEmail, $email->toEmail, $email->subject, $email->htmlBody);
                     } else {
                         //Make a freshdesk ticket with the API
                         $sent = craft()->businessLogic_freshdesk->ticket($email->fromEmail, $email->toEmail, $email->subject, $email->htmlBody, isset($vars['order']) ? $vars['order'] : null);
                 } else {
                     $sent = craft()->email->sendEmail($email);
             } else {
                 CommerceMailerPlugin::log('CommerceMailer spam trapped an email to : ' . $vars['toEmail']);
                 // but we pretend we've sent it...
                 $sent = true;
             //we tried to send an email, log error if there was one...
             if (!$sent) {
                 $errors[] = 'Sending email failed.';
                 CommerceMailerPlugin::logError('Sending email failed.');
                 craft()->urlManager->setRouteVariables(['errors' => $errors, 'message' => $email]);
             } else {
                 craft()->userSession->setFlash('notice', 'CommerceMailer has sent an email to : ' . $vars['toEmail']);
                 CommerceMailerPlugin::log('CommerceMailer has sent an email to : ' . $vars['toEmail']);
         } else {
             if (!$spam) {
                 CommerceMailerPlugin::logError('CommerceMailer would have has sent an email to : ' . $vars['toEmail']);
             } else {
                 CommerceMailerPlugin::logError('CommerceMailer would have spam trapped an email to : ' . $vars['toEmail']);
         //only redirect on non ajax calls and if debugging isn't enabled.
         if (!$debugPOST and !$ajax) {
     if ($debugPOST and $errors) {
         echo '<h3>ERRORS</h3><pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
         echo '<h3>MESSAGE</h3><pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     // Appropriate Ajax responses...
     if ($ajax) {
         if ($errors) {
         } else {
             $this->returnJson(["success" => true]);
  * Email a submission.
  * @param AmForms_SubmissionModel $submission
  * @param mixed                   $overrideRecipients [Optional] Override recipients from form settings.
  * @return bool
 public function emailSubmission(AmForms_SubmissionModel $submission, $overrideRecipients = false)
     // Do we even have a form ID?
     if (!$submission->formId) {
         return false;
     // Get form if not already set
     $form = $submission->form;
     $submission->formName = $form->name;
     if (!$form->notificationEnabled) {
         return false;
     // Get our recipients
     $recipients = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($form->notificationRecipients);
     // Send copy?
     if ($form->sendCopy) {
         $sendCopyTo = $submission->{$form->sendCopyTo};
         if (filter_var($sendCopyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $recipients[] = $sendCopyTo;
     if ($overrideRecipients !== false) {
         if (is_array($overrideRecipients) && count($overrideRecipients)) {
             $recipients = $overrideRecipients;
         } elseif (is_string($overrideRecipients)) {
             $recipients = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($overrideRecipients);
     $recipients = array_unique($recipients);
     if (!count($recipients)) {
         return false;
     // Overridden recipients skips before email event, so by default, send the email!
     $sendEmail = true;
     // Fire an 'onBeforeEmailSubmission' event
     if ($overrideRecipients === false) {
         $event = new Event($this, array('submission' => $submission));
         // Override sendEmail
         $sendEmail = $event->performAction;
     // Is the event giving us the go-ahead?
     if ($sendEmail) {
         // Get email body
         $body = $this->getSubmissionEmailBody($submission);
         // Other email attributes
         $subject = Craft::t($form->notificationSubject);
         if ($form->notificationSubject) {
             $subject = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($form->notificationSubject, $submission);
         if ($form->notificationReplyToEmail) {
             $replyTo = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($form->notificationReplyToEmail, $submission);
             if (!filter_var($replyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                 $replyTo = null;
         // Start mailing!
         $success = false;
         // @TODO Mandrill
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->htmlBody = $body;
         $email->fromEmail = $form->notificationSenderEmail;
         $email->fromName = $form->notificationSenderName;
         $email->subject = $subject;
         if ($replyTo) {
             $email->replyTo = $replyTo;
         // Add Bcc?
         $bccEmailAddress = craft()->amForms_settings->getSettingsByHandleAndType('bccEmailAddress', AmFormsModel::SettingGeneral);
         if ($bccEmailAddress && $bccEmailAddress->value) {
             $bccAddresses = ArrayHelper::stringToArray($bccEmailAddress->value);
             $bccAddresses = array_unique($bccAddresses);
             if (count($bccAddresses)) {
                 $properBccAddresses = array();
                 foreach ($bccAddresses as $bccAddress) {
                     $bccAddress = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($bccAddress, $submission);
                     if (filter_var($bccAddress, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                         $properBccAddresses[] = array('email' => $bccAddress);
                 if (count($properBccAddresses)) {
                     $email->bcc = $properBccAddresses;
         // Add files to the notification?
         if ($form->notificationFilesEnabled) {
             foreach ($submission->getFieldLayout()->getTabs() as $tab) {
                 // Tab fields
                 $fields = $tab->getFields();
                 foreach ($fields as $layoutField) {
                     // Get actual field
                     $field = $layoutField->getField();
                     // Find assets
                     if ($field->type == 'Assets') {
                         foreach ($submission->{$field->handle}->find() as $asset) {
                             $assetPath = craft()->amForms->getPathForAsset($asset);
                             // Add asset as attachment
                             if (IOHelper::fileExists($assetPath . $asset->filename)) {
                                 $email->addAttachment($assetPath . $asset->filename);
         // Send emails
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             $email->toEmail = craft()->templates->renderObjectTemplate($recipient, $submission);
             if (filter_var($email->toEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                 // Add variable for email event
                 if (craft()->email->sendEmail($email, array('amFormsSubmission' => $submission))) {
                     $success = true;
         // Fire an 'onEmailSubmission' event
         $this->onEmailSubmission(new Event($this, array('success' => $success, 'submission' => $submission)));
         return $success;
     return false;
  * @param SproutEmail_EntryModel    $entry
  * @param SproutEmail_CampaignModel $campaign
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool
 public function exportEntry(SproutEmail_EntryModel $entry, SproutEmail_CampaignModel $campaign)
     if ($campaign->isNotification()) {
         try {
             return $this->sendMockNotification($entry, $campaign);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
     $params = array('entry' => $entry, 'campaign' => $campaign);
     $email = array('fromEmail' => $entry->fromEmail, 'fromName' => $entry->fromName, 'subject' => $entry->subjectLine);
     if ($entry->replyTo && filter_var($entry->replyTo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $email['replyTo'] = $entry->replyTo;
     $recipients = array();
     if ($entryRecipientLists = SproutEmail_EntryRecipientListRecord::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('entryId' => $entry->id))) {
         foreach ($entryRecipientLists as $entryRecipientList) {
             if ($recipientList = $this->getRecipientListById($entryRecipientList->list)) {
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, $recipientList->recipients);
     $email = EmailModel::populateModel($email);
     foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
         try {
             $params['recipient'] = $recipient;
             $email->body = sproutEmail()->renderSiteTemplateIfExists($campaign->template . '.txt', $params);
             $email->htmlBody = sproutEmail()->renderSiteTemplateIfExists($campaign->template, $params);
             $email->setAttribute('toEmail', $recipient->email);
             $email->setAttribute('toFirstName', $recipient->firstName);
             $email->setAttribute('toLastName', $recipient->lastName);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
  $author = $_POST['author'];
  $agency = $_POST['agency'];

  $email			= new emailModel();
  $resultIds 		= $email->loadIds();
  $resultEmails 	= $email->loadEmail($agency);
  $receiverEmails 	= "";
$subject = "BOLO Alert";
$view  =  new Email_View();
$model = new EmailModel();
$data = $model->getlast();

$result = $data->fetch_assoc(); 

$id = $result['bolo_id'];                               
$path= ' <a href="http://bolo.cs.fiu.edu/bolofliercreator/?page_id=1488&idBolo=' . "$id" . '">here</a>';

$file = 'uploads/preview' . $author . '.pdf';
$file_size = filesize($file);

$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()"

//add all email addresses to send to
 public function sendReceiptEmail()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $email = addslashes($_GET['email']);
     $user_id = addslashes($_GET['user_id']);
     if ($email == "") {
         $user = new UserModel();
         $email = $user->email;
     $order_id = isset($_GET['id_order']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_order']) : die("Please fill order id");
     $receipt = "<table>";
     $orderDetails = $this->getReceiptDetail(1);
     pr($orderDetails['Order Details']);
     foreach ($orderDetails['Order Details'] as $detail) {
         $receipt .= "<tr>\n            <td>" . $detail['name_dish'] . "</td>\n            <td>" . $detail['quantity'] . "</td>\n</tr>";
     $receipt .= "</table>";
     $emailModel = new EmailModel();
     //        pr($emailModel);
     echo $emailModel->sendEmail($email, array("resto_name" => $order_id, "receipt" => $receipt));
예제 #24
 function dapatKomisiTingTong($email, $commision_value, $isPending, $client_username, $isAgent)
     $text = '';
     if (!$isAgent) {
         $text = "Please complete your Agent registration <a href='" . _BPATH . "marketer'>here</a>.";
     $pendingText = '';
     if ($isPending) {
         $pendingText = "To complete the pair, please deal paid Apps";
     $emailModel = new EmailModel();
     return $emailModel->sendEmail($email, array("commision_value" => $commision_value, "is_Agent" => $text, "is_Pending_Free" => $pendingText, "link_more_sales" => _BPATH . "link_more_sales"));
예제 #25
파일: Mailer.php 프로젝트: nabble/ajde
 public function sendUsingModel($identifier, $toEmail, $toName = '', $data = [])
     $email = new EmailModel();
     if ($email->loadByField('identifier', $identifier)) {
         $template = $email->getTemplate();
         $fromName = $email->getFromName();
         $fromEmail = $email->getFromEmail();
         $subject = $this->replaceData($template->getSubject(), $data);
         $markup = $this->rel2abs($this->replaceData($template->getMarkup(), $data));
         $body = PHP_EOL . $this->rel2abs($this->replaceData($template->getContent($markup), $data));
         // reset recipients
         // to
         $this->addAddress($toEmail, $toName);
         // from
         $this->From = $fromEmail;
         // fromName
         $this->FromName = $fromName;
         // subject
         $this->Subject = $subject;
         // utf8 please
         $this->CharSet = 'utf-8';
         // body
         // send!
         $status = $this->send();
         // log
         if (class_exists('MailerlogModel')) {
             MailerlogModel::log($fromEmail, $fromName, $toEmail, $toName, $subject, $body, $status ? 1 : 0);
         return $status;
     } else {
         throw new Ajde_Exception('Email with identifier ' . $identifier . ' not found');