예제 #1
 function testMakeBooleanSQLWhere()
     $tests = array(array('java', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') AND (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java | sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') OR (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java,sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') OR (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java, ,,sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') OR (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java -sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') AND NOT (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java !sql', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\') AND NOT (field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]sql[[:>:]]\'))'), array('java*', '((field LIKE \'%java%\'))'), array('java* sql*', '((field LIKE \'%java%\') AND (field LIKE \'%sql%\'))'), array('java (', '0'), array('java) (', '0'), array('java ()', '((field REGEXP \'[[:<:]]java[[:>:]]\'))'));
     $db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     foreach ($tests as $test) {
         $this->assertIdentical(DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere($test[0], $db, 'field'), $test[1]);
예제 #2
파일: Search.php 프로젝트: rankinp/OpenCATS
  * Returns all job orders with titles matching $wildCardString. If
  * activeOnly is true, only Active/OnHold/Full job orders will be shown.
  * @param string wildcard match string
  * @param boolean return active job orders only
  * @return array job orders data
 public function byTitle($wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection, $activeOnly)
     if ($activeOnly) {
         //FIXME:  Remove session dependancy.
         if ($_SESSION['CATS']->isFree()) {
             $activeCriterion = "AND joborder.status = 'Active'";
         } else {
             $activeCriterion = "AND (joborder.status IN ('Active', 'OnHold', 'Full'))";
     } else {
         $activeCriterion = "";
     $WHERE = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere($wildCardString, $this->_db, 'joborder.title');
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT\r\n                company.company_id AS companyID,\r\n                company.name AS companyName,\r\n                joborder.joborder_id AS jobOrderID,\r\n                joborder.title AS title,\r\n                joborder.type AS type,\r\n                joborder.is_hot AS isHot,\r\n                joborder.duration AS duration,\r\n                joborder.rate_max AS maxRate,\r\n                joborder.salary AS salary,\r\n                joborder.status AS status,\r\n                recruiter_user.first_name AS recruiterFirstName,\r\n                recruiter_user.last_name AS recruiterLastName,\r\n                owner_user.first_name AS ownerFirstName,\r\n                owner_user.last_name AS ownerLastName,\r\n                DATE_FORMAT(\r\n                    joborder.start_date, '%%m-%%d-%%y'\r\n                ) AS startDate,\r\n                DATE_FORMAT(\r\n                    joborder.date_created, '%%m-%%d-%%y'\r\n                ) AS dateCreated,\r\n                DATE_FORMAT(\r\n                    joborder.date_modified, '%%m-%%d-%%y'\r\n                ) AS dateModified\r\n            FROM\r\n                company\r\n            LEFT JOIN joborder\r\n                ON company.company_id = joborder.company_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS recruiter_user\r\n                ON joborder.recruiter = recruiter_user.user_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\r\n                ON joborder.owner = owner_user.user_id\r\n            WHERE\r\n                %s\r\n            %s\r\n            AND\r\n                joborder.is_admin_hidden = 0\r\n            AND\r\n                joborder.site_id = %s\r\n            ORDER BY\r\n                %s %s", $WHERE, $activeCriterion, $this->_siteID, $sortBy, $sortDirection);
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('JO_SEARCH_SQL'))) {
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('JO_SEARCH_BY_TITLE'))) {
     return $this->_db->getAllAssoc($sql);
예제 #3
파일: Search.php 프로젝트: rankinp/OpenCATS
 public function __construct($rowsPerPage, $currentPage, $siteID, $wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection)
     $this->_db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     $this->_siteID = $siteID;
     $this->_sortByFields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'state', 'dateModifiedSort', 'dateCreatedSort', 'ownerSort');
     if (ENABLE_SPHINX) {
         /* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
          * handling.
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
         $sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
         $sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
         $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1000);
         $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
         // FIXME: This can be sped up a bit by actually grouping ranges of
         //        site IDs into their own index's. Maybe every 500 or so at
         //        least on the Hosted system.
         $sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', array($this->_siteID));
         /* Create the Sphinx query string. */
         $wildCardString = DatabaseSearch::humanToSphinxBoolean($wildCardString);
         /* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
          * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
         $tries = 0;
         do {
             /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
             if (++$tries > 1) {
             $results = $sphinx->Query($wildCardString, SPHINX_INDEX);
             $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
         } while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
         /* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
         if ($results === false) {
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . '.');
         /* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
         $lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
             // FIXME: Just display a warning, and notify dev team.
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . '.');
         /* Show warnings for assert()s again. */
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 1);
         if (empty($results['matches'])) {
             $this->_WHERE = '0';
         } else {
             $attachmentIDs = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
             $this->_WHERE = 'attachment.attachment_id IN(' . $attachmentIDs . ')';
     } else {
         $this->_WHERE = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(DatabaseSearch::fulltextEncode($wildCardString), $this->_db, 'attachment.text');
     /* How many companies do we have? */
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT\n                COUNT(*) AS count\n            FROM\n                attachment\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\n                AND attachment.data_item_type = %s\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\n            WHERE\n                resume = 1\n            AND\n                %s\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\n            AND\n                attachment.site_id = %s", DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $this->_WHERE, $this->_siteID);
     $rs = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);
     /* Pass "Search By Resume"-specific parameters to Pager constructor. */
     parent::__construct($rs['count'], $rowsPerPage, $currentPage);
예제 #4
 public function __construct($rowsPerPage, $currentPage, $siteID, $wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection)
     $this->_db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     $this->_siteID = $siteID;
     $this->_sortByFields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'state', 'dateModifiedSort', 'dateCreatedSort', 'ownerSort');
     if (ENABLE_SPHINX) {
         /* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
          * handling.
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
         $sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
         $sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
         $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1000);
         $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
         // FIXME: This can be sped up a bit by actually grouping ranges of
         //        site IDs into their own index's. Maybe every 500 or so at
         //        least on the Hosted system.
         $sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', array($this->_siteID));
         /* Create the Sphinx query string. */
         $wildCardString = DatabaseSearch::humanToSphinxBoolean($wildCardString);
         /* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
          * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
         $tries = 0;
         do {
             /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
             if (++$tries > 1) {
             $results = $sphinx->Query($wildCardString, SPHINX_INDEX);
             $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
         } while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
         /* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
         if ($results === false) {
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . '.');
         /* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
         $lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
             // FIXME: Just display a warning, and notify dev team.
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . '.');
         /* Show warnings for assert()s again. */
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 1);
         if (empty($results['matches'])) {
             $this->_WHERE = '0';
         } else {
             $attachmentIDs = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
             $this->_WHERE = 'attachment.attachment_id IN(' . $attachmentIDs . ')';
     } else {
         $tmp = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(DatabaseSearch::fulltextEncode($wildCardString), $this->_db, 'attachment.text');
         $this->_WHERE = str_replace(") (", ") AND (", $tmp);
           preg_match_all('/"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*"|\S+/', $wildCardString, $matches);
                       if($match[0]=='"' || strtolower($match)=="and" || strtolower($match)=="or")
                           $tmp=$tmp." ".$match;
           foreach($arrNew as $match)
               $arrWhere[] = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(
            $this->_WHERE=implode(" AND ",$arrWhere);*/
     $sbase = new SearchBase();
     $arrFilter = $sbase->buildFilter();
     $filter = $arrFilter["where"];
     $column = $arrFilter["extra_column"];
     $join = $arrFilter["extra_join"];
     $isSearchAttachment = isset($_REQUEST["bulk_resume"]) && $_REQUEST["bulk_resume"];
     if ($isSearchAttachment) {
         /* How many companies do we have? */
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT\r\n                count(*) AS count\r\n            FROM\r\n                attachment\r\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\r\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\r\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\r\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\r\n                %s\r\n            WHERE\r\n                resume = 1\r\n            AND\r\n                %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (attachment.data_item_type = %s OR attachment.data_item_type = %s)\r\n            AND\r\n                attachment.site_id = %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\r\n                %s\r\n", $join, $this->_WHERE, DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, DATA_ITEM_BULKRESUME, $this->_siteID, $filter);
     } else {
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT\r\n                count(*) AS count\r\n            FROM\r\n                attachment\r\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\r\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\r\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\r\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\r\n                %s\r\n            WHERE\r\n                resume = 1\r\n            AND\r\n                %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (attachment.data_item_type = %s)\r\n            AND\r\n                attachment.site_id = %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\r\n                %s\r\n", $join, $this->_WHERE, DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $this->_siteID, $filter);
     $rs = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);
     /* Pass "Search By Resume"-specific parameters to Pager constructor. */
     parent::__construct($rs['count'], $rowsPerPage, $currentPage);