예제 #1
 protected static function create($array, $indent = "", $FP = "", $i = 0)
     $c_url = Config::get('url');
     $c_url_current = Config::get('url_current');
     $c_element = self::$config;
     $c_class = $c_element['classes'];
     $html = $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i) . '<' . $c_element[$i === 0 ? 'trunk' : 'branch'] . ($i === 0 ? $c_class['trunk'] !== false ? ' class="' . $c_class['trunk'] . '"' : "" : ($c_class['branch'] !== false ? ' class="' . sprintf($c_class['branch'], $i / 2) . '"' : "")) . '>' . NL;
     foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             $url = Converter::url($value);
             $hole = $value === "" ? ' ' . $c_class['chink'] : "";
             $current = $url === $c_url_current || $url !== $c_url && strpos($c_url_current . '/', $url . '/') === 0 ? ' ' . $c_class['current'] : "";
             $c = trim(($c_class['twig'] !== false ? $c_class['twig'] : "") . $hole . $current);
             $twig = '<' . $c_element['twig'] . ($c ? ' class="' . $c . '"' : "") . '>';
             if ($value !== "") {
                 // List item without link: `array('foo')`
                 if (is_int($key)) {
                     $twig .= Filter::colon($FP . 'anchor', '<span class="a">' . $value . '</span>');
                     // List item without link: `array('foo' => null)`
                 } else {
                     if (is_null($value)) {
                         $twig .= Filter::colon($FP . 'anchor', '<span class="a">' . $key . '</span>');
                         // List item with link: `array('foo' => '/')`
                     } else {
                         $url = Filter::colon($FP . 'url', $url);
                         $twig .= Filter::colon($FP . 'anchor', '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $key . '</a>');
             $s = explode(' ', $c_element['twig']);
             $s = $s[0];
             $html .= $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . Filter::colon($FP . 'twig', $twig . '</' . $s . '>', $i + 1) . NL;
         } else {
             // `text (path/to/url)`
             if (preg_match('#^\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\((.*?)\\)\\s*$#', $key, $match)) {
                 $_key = $match[1];
                 $_value = trim($match[2]) !== "" ? Converter::url($match[2]) : '#';
             } else {
                 $_key = $key;
                 $_value = null;
             $url = Filter::colon($FP . 'url', $_value);
             $s = explode(' ', $c_element['branch']);
             $s = ' ' . $s[0];
             $current = $url === $c_url_current || $url !== $c_url && strpos($c_url_current . '/', $url . '/') === 0 ? ' ' . $c_class['current'] : "";
             $c = trim(($c_class['twig'] !== false ? $c_class['twig'] : "") . $current . $s);
             $twig = '<' . $c_element['twig'] . ($c ? ' class="' . $c . '"' : "") . '>';
             $twig .= NL . $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 2);
             $twig .= Filter::colon($FP . 'anchor', $_value !== null ? '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $_key . '</a>' : '<span class="a">' . $_key . '</span>');
             $twig .= NL . self::create($value, $indent, $FP, $i + 2);
             $twig .= $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1);
             $s = explode(' ', $c_element['twig']);
             $s = $s[0];
             $html .= $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . Filter::colon($FP . 'twig', $twig . '</' . $s . '>', $i + 1) . NL;
     $s = explode(' ', $c_element[$i === 0 ? 'trunk' : 'branch']);
     $s = $s[0];
     return Filter::colon($FP . 'branch', rtrim($html, NL) . (!empty($array) ? NL . $indent . str_repeat(TAB, $i) : "") . '</' . $s . '>', $i) . NL;
예제 #2
  * Widget Manager
  * --------------
  * [1]. Widget::manager('MENU');
  * [2]. Widget::manager('BAR');
 public static function manager($type = 'MENU')
     if (!Guardian::happy()) {
         return "";
     $T1 = TAB;
     if ($type === 'MENU') {
         $menus = array();
         if ($_menus = Mecha::A(Config::get('manager_menu'))) {
             $_menus = Mecha::eat($_menus)->order('ASC', 'stack', true, 10)->vomit();
             foreach ($_menus as $k => $v) {
                 // < 1.1.3
                 if (is_string($v)) {
                     $menus[$k] = $v;
                 } else {
                     $stack = isset($v['stack']) ? $v['stack'] : 10;
                     $_k = (strpos($v['icon'], '<') === false ? '<i class="fa fa-fw fa-' . $v['icon'] . '"></i>' : $v['icon']) . ' <span class="label">' . $k . '</span>' . (isset($v['count']) && ($v['count'] === '&infin;' || (double) $v['count'] > 0) ? ' <span class="counter">' . $v['count'] . '</span>' : "");
                     $menus[$_k] = isset($v['url']) ? $v['url'] : null;
         $html = O_BEGIN . '<div class="widget widget-manager widget-manager-menu" id="widget-manager-menu-' . self::$id['manager_menu'] . '">' . NL;
         $html .= Menu::get($menus, 'ul', $T1, 'manager:');
         $html .= '</div>' . O_END;
         $html = Filter::apply('widget', $html);
         return Filter::apply('widget:manager.menu', Filter::apply('widget:manager', $html));
     if ($type === 'BAR') {
         $html = O_BEGIN . '<div class="widget widget-manager widget-manager-bar" id="widget-manager-bar-' . self::$id['manager_bar'] . '">' . NL;
         $bars = array();
         if ($_bars = Mecha::A(Config::get('manager_bar'))) {
             $_bars = Mecha::eat($_bars)->order('ASC', 'stack', true, 10)->vomit();
             foreach ($_bars as $k => $v) {
                 if (is_string($v)) {
                     $bar = $v;
                 } else {
                     $t = ' data-tooltip="' . Text::parse(isset($v['description']) ? $v['description'] : $k, '->encoded_html') . '"';
                     $bar = isset($v['url']) ? '<a class="item" href="' . Converter::url($v['url']) . '"' . $t . '>' : '<span class="item a"' . $t . '>';
                     $bar .= isset($v['icon']) ? strpos($v['icon'], '<') === false ? Jot::icon($v['icon']) : $v['icon'] : $k;
                     $bar .= ' <span class="label">' . $k . '</span>';
                     if (isset($v['count']) && ($v['count'] === '&infin;' || (double) $v['count'] > 0)) {
                         $bar .= ' <span class="counter">' . $v['count'] . '</span>';
                     $bar .= isset($v['url']) ? '</a>' : '</span>';
                 $bars[] = Filter::apply('manager:bar.item', $bar);
         $html .= $T1 . Filter::apply('manager:bar', implode(' ', $bars)) . NL;
         $html .= '</div>';
         return Filter::apply('widget:manager.bar', Filter::apply('widget:manager', $html));
예제 #3
 public static function create($array, $type = 'ul', $depth = "", $FP = "", $i = 0)
     $c_url = Config::get('url');
     $c_url_current = Config::get('url_current');
     $c_class = self::$config['classes'];
     $html = $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i) . '<' . $type . ($i > 0 ? $c_class['children'] !== false ? ' class="' . sprintf($c_class['children'], $i / 2) . '"' : "" : ($c_class['parent'] !== false ? ' class="' . $c_class['parent'] . '"' : "")) . '>' . NL;
     foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             // List item separator: `array('|')`
             if ($key === '|' || is_int($key) && $value === '|') {
                 $html .= Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item.separator', Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item', $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '<li class="' . $c_class['separator'] . '"></li>' . NL, $i + 1), $i + 1);
                 // List item without link: `array('foo')`
             } else {
                 if (is_int($key)) {
                     $html .= Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item', $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '<li><span class="a">' . $value . '</span></li>' . NL, $i + 1);
                     // List item without link: `array('foo' => null)`
                 } else {
                     if (is_null($value)) {
                         $html .= Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item', $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '<li><span class="a">' . $key . '</span></li>' . NL, $i + 1);
                         // List item with link: `array('foo' => '/')`
                     } else {
                         $value = Converter::url($value);
                         $html .= Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item', $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '<li' . ($value === $c_url_current || $value !== $c_url && strpos($c_url_current . '/', $value . '/') === 0 ? ' class="' . $c_class['selected'] . '"' : "") . '><a href="' . $value . '">' . $key . '</a></li>' . NL, $i + 1);
         } else {
             if (preg_match('#(.*?)\\s*\\((.*?)\\)\\s*$#', $key, $matches)) {
                 $_key = $matches[1];
                 $_value = Converter::url($matches[2]);
             } else {
                 $_key = $key;
                 $_value = '#';
             $html .= Filter::apply($FP . 'list.item', $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '<li' . ($_value === $c_url_current || $_value !== $c_url && strpos($c_url_current . '/', $_value . '/') === 0 ? ' class="' . $c_class['selected'] . '"' : "") . '>' . NL . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 2) . '<a href="' . $_value . '">' . $_key . '</a>' . NL . self::create($value, $type, $depth, $FP, $i + 2) . $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i + 1) . '</li>' . NL, $i + 1);
     return Filter::apply($FP . 'list', rtrim($html, NL) . (!empty($array) ? NL . $depth . str_repeat(TAB, $i) : "") . '</' . $type . '>' . NL, $i);
예제 #4
     Menu::add('manager', $menus);
     $html .= Menu::manager('ul', $T1);
 if ($type === 'BAR') {
     $bars = array();
     if ($_bars = Mecha::A(Config::get('manager_bar'))) {
         $_bars = Mecha::eat($_bars)->order('ASC', 'stack', true, 10)->vomit();
         foreach ($_bars as $k => $v) {
             if (is_string($v)) {
                 $bar = $v;
             } else {
                 $t = ' data-tooltip="' . Text::parse(isset($v['description']) ? $v['description'] : $k, '->encoded_html') . '"';
                 if (isset($v['url'])) {
                     $url = Filter::colon('manager:url', Converter::url($v['url']));
                     $c = $config->url_current === $url ? ' ' . Widget::$config['classes']['current'] : "";
                     $bar = '<a class="item' . $c . '" href="' . $url . '"' . $t . '>';
                 } else {
                     $bar = '<span class="item a"' . $t . '>';
                 $bar .= isset($v['icon']) ? strpos($v['icon'], '<') === false ? Jot::icon($v['icon']) : $v['icon'] : $k;
                 $bar .= ' <span class="label">' . $k . '</span>';
                 if (isset($v['count']) && ($v['count'] === '&infin;' || (double) $v['count'] > 0)) {
                     $bar .= ' <span class="counter">' . $v['count'] . '</span>';
                 $bar .= isset($v['url']) ? '</a>' : '</span>';
             $bars[] = $bar;
예제 #5
  * ============================================================
  * ============================================================
  * -- CODE: ---------------------------------------------------
  *    Guardian::kick('manager/login');
  * ------------------------------------------------------------
 public static function kick($path = "")
     $path = Converter::url(File::url($path));
     $path = Filter::apply('guardian:kick', $path);
     $G = array('data' => array('url' => $path));
     Session::set('url_origin', Config::get('url_current'));
     Weapon::fire('before_kick', array($G, $G));
     header('Location: ' . $path);
예제 #6
// `<script>`
Cell::add('script', function ($attr = array(), $content = "", $indent = 0) {
    if (is_string($attr)) {
        $attr = array('src' => Converter::url($attr));
    return Cell::unit('script', $content, $attr, $indent);
// `<a>`
Cell::add('a', function ($href = null, $content = "", $target = null, $attr = array(), $indent = 0) {
    $attr['href'] = Converter::url($href);
    $attr['target'] = $target === true ? '_blank' : $target;
    return Cell::unit('a', $content, $attr, $indent);
// `<img>`
Cell::add('img', function ($src = null, $alt = null, $attr = array(), $indent = 0) {
    $attr['src'] = Converter::url($src);
    $attr['alt'] = Cell::protect($alt);
    return Cell::unit('img', false, $attr, $indent);
// `<(ol|ul)>`
foreach (array('ol', 'ul') as $unit) {
    Cell::add($unit, function ($list = array(), $attr = array(), $indent = 0) use($unit) {
        $html = Cell::begin($unit, $attr, $indent) . NL;
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
            if (is_array($v)) {
                $html .= Cell::begin('li', array(), $indent + 1) . $k . NL;
                $html .= call_user_func('Cell::' . $unit, $v, $attr, $indent + 2) . NL;
                $html .= Cell::end('li', $indent + 1) . NL;
            } else {
                $html .= Cell::unit('li', $v, array(), $indent + 1) . NL;
예제 #7
파일: jot.php 프로젝트: razordaze/mecha-cms
    if (!isset($attr['class'])) {
        $attr['class'] = array();
    $attr['class'] = array_merge(array('text-' . $kind), (array) $attr['class']);
    return Cell::unit('a', $text, $attr, $indent);
// File uploader
Jot::add('uploader', function ($action, $accept = null, $fields = array()) {
    $speak = Config::speak();
    $html = Cell::begin('form', array('class' => array('form-ignite', 'form-upload'), 'action' => Converter::url($action), 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')) . NL;
    $html .= Form::hidden('token', Guardian::token(), array(), 1) . NL;
    foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
        $html .= Form::hidden($name, $value, array(), 1) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::begin('span', array('class' => array('input-outer', 'btn', 'btn-default')), 1) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::unit('span', Jot::icon('folder-open') . ' ' . $speak->manager->placeholder_file, array(), 2) . NL;
    $html .= Form::file('file', array('title' => $speak->manager->placeholder_file, 'data' => array('icon-ready' => 'fa fa-check', 'icon-error' => 'fa fa-times', 'accepted-extensions' => $accept)), 2) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::end() . ' ' . Jot::button('action:cloud-upload', $speak->upload) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::end();
    return $html;
// File finder
Jot::add('finder', function ($action, $name = 'q', $fields = array()) {
    $html = Cell::begin('form', array('class' => 'form-ignite form-find', 'action' => Converter::url($action), 'method' => 'get')) . NL;
    foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
        $html .= Form::hidden($key, $value) . NL;
    $html .= Form::text($name, Request::get($name, null), null, array(), 1) . ' ' . Jot::button('action:search', Config::speak('find')) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::end();
    return $html;