예제 #1
 public function actions()
     $formSettings = array('redirect' => $this->createUrl('admin'), 'forms' => array('id' => 'mainForm', 'varName' => 'cmsAlias', 'models' => 'CmsAlias', 'onAfterSave' => function ($event) {
         $model = $event->params['model'];
         if ($model->location != 'nochange') {
             $decode = CJSON::decode($_POST['CmsAlias']['location']);
             $to = CmsAlias::model()->findByPk((int) $decode['to']);
             $action = $decode['action'];
             switch ($action) {
                 case 'child':
                 case 'before':
                     if ($to->isRoot()) {
                     } else {
                 case 'after':
                     if ($to->isRoot()) {
                     } else {
     }, 'forms' => array('id' => 'routesForm', 'models' => 'CmsAliasRoute', 'varName' => 'cmsAliasRoutes', 'parentIdAttribute' => 'alias_id')));
     return array('create' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Create', 'formSettings' => $formSettings), 'update' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Update', 'formSettings' => $formSettings), 'delete' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Delete', 'modelClass' => 'CmsAlias'), 'admin' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Admin', 'modelClass' => 'CmsAlias'));
예제 #2
 public function afterFind()
     foreach (Yii::app()->languageManager->languages as $language => $fullLanguage) {
         if ($language === Yii::app()->sourceLanguage) {
             $suffix = '';
         } else {
             $suffix = '_' . $language;
         $alias = CmsAlias::model()->multilang()->findByPk($this->alias->id);
         $this->{'title' . $suffix} = $alias->{'title' . $suffix};
         if ($language == Yii::app()->language) {
             $this->title = $alias->{'title' . $suffix};
     return parent::afterFind();
예제 #3
  * Returns a path type string from an alias id
  * @param int $id the alias id
  * @return string the path
 public static function pathFromId($id)
     $paths = array();
     while (true) {
         $alias = CmsAlias::model()->findByPk($id);
         $paths[] = $alias->alias;
         $id = $alias->parent_id;
         if ($alias->parent_id == 0) {
             $paths = array_reverse($paths);
             $pathStr = '';
             foreach ($paths as $path) {
                 $pathStr .= $path . '/';
             //$pathStr = trim($pathStr, '/');
             return $pathStr;
예제 #4
  * Cms parseUrl
  * See comments in code to understand the procedure.
  * You can cancel alias resolution by setting Cms::cancelAliasResultion to true.
  * @see CUrlManager::parseUrl().
 public function parseUrl($request)
     // Install and admin bypass normal execution because we don't want the language or aliases.
     if ($request->getPathInfo() == 'install') {
         return 'install';
     } else {
         if ($request->getPathInfo() == 'admin') {
             return 'admin';
         } else {
             if ($this->getUrlFormat() === self::PATH_FORMAT) {
                 $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
                 $pathInfo = preg_replace('/@@@/', '', $pathInfo);
                 // Set language.
                 if (Yii::app()->languageManager->multilang && preg_match('/^(' . implode('|', array_keys(Yii::app()->languageManager->languages)) . ')(\\/(.*))?$/', $pathInfo, $matches)) {
                     $_GET['language'] = $matches[1];
                     $pathInfo = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
                 // Replacing the alias in the pathInfo with the proper route.
                 if (!$this->cancelAliasResolution) {
                     $originalRoute = $pathInfo;
                     $route = $pathInfo;
                     if (!(($route = trim($route, '/')) === '')) {
                         $route = $route . '/';
                         $lft = null;
                         $rgt = null;
                         $noAliasCondition = '';
                         $noAliasParams = array();
                         $aliasModelFound = null;
                         // Looping through the url backwards until we find (or not) the alias in the cache
                         $routeBackwards = '/' . rtrim($route, '/');
                         while (($pos = strrpos($routeBackwards, '/')) !== false) {
                             if (($aliasId = Yii::app()->cache->get('parseUrl_/' . Yii::app()->language . $routeBackwards)) === false) {
                                 $routeBackwards = substr($routeBackwards, 0, $pos);
                             } else {
                                 Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias = CmsAlias::model()->with('routes')->findByPk($aliasId);
                                 Yii::app()->cms->currentSectionId = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->section_id;
                                 $route = substr($route, strlen($routeBackwards));
                                 // We'll need the GET part of the route in $route later
                                 if ($route === false) {
                                     $route = '';
                         // If not found in cache
                         if (!isset(Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias)) {
                             // Looping from beginning to end of url as long as it finds a corresponding alias.
                             $posTotal = 0;
                             while (($pos = strpos($route, '/')) !== false) {
                                 $id = substr($route, 0, $pos);
                                 $route = (string) substr($route, $pos + 1);
                                 $params = array(':id' => $id, ':lang' => Yii::app()->language);
                                 if ($lft !== null) {
                                     $params[':lft'] = $lft;
                                     $params[':rgt'] = $rgt;
                                 if ($noAliasCondition == '' && ($aliasModel = CmsAlias::model()->multilang()->find('i18nCmsAlias.l_alias=:id AND i18nCmsAlias.lang_id=:lang' . ($lft === null ? ' AND t.level = 2' : ' AND t.lft > :lft AND t.rgt < :rgt'), $params))) {
                                     $lft = $aliasModel->lft;
                                     $rgt = $aliasModel->rgt;
                                     $aliasModelFound = $aliasModel;
                                     $posTotal += $posTotal == 0 ? $pos : $pos + 1;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($aliasModelFound == null) {
                                         $noAliasParamsCount = count($noAliasParams);
                                         $path = $noAliasCondition == '' ? $id : $noAliasParams['path' . ($noAliasParamsCount - 1)] . '/' . $id;
                                         $noAliasCondition .= 't.route = :path' . $noAliasParamsCount . ' OR ';
                                         $noAliasParams['path' . $noAliasParamsCount] = $path;
                                     } else {
                             // If alias found
                             if ($aliasModelFound != null) {
                                 Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias = CmsAlias::model()->with('routes')->findByPk($aliasModelFound->primaryKey);
                                 // Must get the localized version (non multilang()).
                                 Yii::app()->cms->currentSectionId = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->section_id;
                                 Yii::app()->cache->set('parseUrl_/' . Yii::app()->language . substr('/' . trim($originalRoute, '/') . '/', 0, $posTotal + 1), Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->id);
                                 // Adding route to cache
                                 // Checking to see if ancestors of alias are valid.
                                 $route = $originalRoute;
                                 $aliasAncestors = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->ancestors()->findAll();
                                 if (!empty($aliasAncestors)) {
                                     for ($i = 1; $i < count($aliasAncestors); $i++) {
                                         $aliasAncestor = $aliasAncestors[$i];
                                         $pos = strpos($route, '/');
                                         $id = substr($route, 0, $pos);
                                         $route = (string) substr($route, $pos + 1);
                                         if ($id != $aliasAncestor->alias) {
                                             throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('yii', 'Unable to resolve the request "{route}".', array('{route}' => $originalRoute)));
                                 if ($pos = strpos($route, '/')) {
                                     $route = substr($route, $pos + 1);
                                 } else {
                                     $route = '';
                             // If no alias was found, checking to see if any alias exists for this route.
                             if ($noAliasCondition != '') {
                                 if (CmsAliasRoute::model()->count(substr($noAliasCondition, 0, -4), $noAliasParams) > 0) {
                                     $this->_aliasNotUsed = true;
                 // Setting $pathInfo
                 if (isset(Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias)) {
                     if ($pathRoute = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->routes) {
                         $pathInfo = $pathRoute[0]->route . ($route !== '' ? '/' . trim($route, '/') : '');
                     } else {
                         $pathInfo = '404';
                     // Page without content (serves as parent to other pages only) if we land here then we need to throw and error.
                 // Now that we have the proper route, we can roll through the modules url rewrite classes.
                 foreach ($this->_moduleUrlRuleClasses as $moduleUrlRuleClass) {
                     $moduleRule = Yii::createComponent($moduleUrlRuleClass);
                     if (($moduleRoute = $moduleRule->parseUrl($this, $request, $pathInfo, $pathInfo)) !== false) {
                         return $moduleRoute;
                 // Now that we have the proper route, we can roll through the modules url rewrite rules.
                 foreach ($this->_rules as $i => $rule) {
                     if (is_array($rule)) {
                         $this->_rules[$i] = $rule = Yii::createComponent($rule);
                     if (($r = $rule->parseUrl($this, $request, $pathInfo, $pathInfo)) !== false) {
                         return isset($_GET[$this->routeVar]) ? $_GET[$this->routeVar] : $r;
                 // Strict parsing requires that a rewrite rule be used. If this point was reached we throw an exception, otherwise return the pathInfo.
                 if ($this->useStrictParsing) {
                     throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('yii', 'Unable to resolve the request "{route}".', array('{route}' => $pathInfo)));
                 } else {
                     return $pathInfo;
             } else {
                 if (isset($_GET[$this->routeVar])) {
                     return $_GET[$this->routeVar];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_POST[$this->routeVar])) {
                         return $_POST[$this->routeVar];
                     } else {
                         return '';
예제 #5
파일: Helper.php 프로젝트: kostya1017/our
  * Generate breadcrumbs from CMS alias. Uses cache.
  * @param bool $linkLast wether to link the last item or not.
  * @param int $aliasId the alias id. Defaults to the current alias.
  * @return array the breadcrumbs.
 public static function breadcrumbsFromAlias($linkLast = false, $aliasId = null)
     $controller = Yii::app()->controller;
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     if ($aliasId === null) {
         $currentAlias = true;
         $aliasId = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->primaryKey;
     } else {
         $currentAlias = false;
     if (($serializedBreadcrumb = Yii::app()->cache->get('aliasBreadcrumb_' . $aliasId)) === false) {
         if ($currentAlias) {
             $aliasModel = Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias;
         } else {
             $aliasModel = CmsAlias::model()->findByPk($aliasId);
         $ancestors = $aliasModel->ancestors()->findAll();
         foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
             if ($ancestor->level != 1) {
                 $routes = $ancestor->routes;
                 if (count($routes) == 0) {
                     $breadcrumbs[] = $ancestor->title;
                 } elseif (is_null($ancestor->section)) {
                     $breadcrumbs[] = $ancestor->title;
                 } else {
                     $aliasUrl = $controller->createUrl('/', array('keyword' => $ancestor->keyword));
                     $breadcrumbs[$ancestor->title] = $aliasUrl;
         $routes = $aliasModel->routes;
         if (!$linkLast || count($routes) == 0 || is_null($aliasModel->section)) {
             $breadcrumbs[] = $aliasModel->title;
         } else {
             $aliasUrl = $controller->createUrl('/', array('keyword' => $aliasModel->keyword));
             $breadcrumbs[$aliasModel->title] = $aliasUrl;
         Yii::app()->cache->set('aliasBreadcrumb_' . $aliasId, serialize($breadcrumbs));
     } else {
         $breadcrumbs = unserialize($serializedBreadcrumb);
     return $breadcrumbs;
예제 #6
// Add a "active" class to menu items

// For keyword type links
$currentAliasKeyword = isset(Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias) ? Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->keyword : '';
// For whole modules
$currentModuleId = isset($this->module->id) ? $this->module->id : "";


	<!-- To set active if it's a child of a certain parent -->
echo isset(Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias) ? Yii::app()->cms->currentAlias->isDescendantOf(CmsAlias::model()->findByAttributes(array('keyword' => 'parent-keyword'))) : false ? " class='active'" : "";
><a href="#">Child</a></li>
	<!-- For keyword type links -->
echo $currentAliasKeyword == 'keyword' ? " class='active'" : "";
><a href="#">Page</a></li>
	<!-- To set active if in module -->
echo $currentModuleId == "name-module" ? " class='active'" : "";
><a href="#">Module</a></li>
예제 #7
 public function actions()
     $formSettings = array('redirect' => $this->createUrl('admin'), 'forms' => array('id' => 'mainForm', 'varName' => 'contentPage', 'models' => 'ContentPage', 'forms' => array('id' => 'blocsForm', 'blocs' => 'content', 'varName' => 'blocs'), 'onAfterSetAttributes' => function ($event) {
         if (Yii::app()->user->id != 'Admin-1' && isset($this->module->layouts)) {
             $model = $event->params['model'];
             if ($model->layout == '') {
                 foreach ($this->module->layouts as $layoutName => $layoutTitle) {
                     $model->layout = $layoutName;
     }, 'onBeforeSave' => function ($event) {
         $model = $event->params['model'];
         if ($model->isNewRecord) {
             $alias = new CmsAlias();
             foreach (Yii::app()->languageManager->languages as $language => $fullLanguage) {
                 if ($language === Yii::app()->sourceLanguage) {
                     $suffix = '';
                 } else {
                     $suffix = '_' . $language;
                 $alias->{'alias' . $suffix} = AdminHelper::generateUrlStr($model->{'title' . $suffix}, $alias, 'alias', null, $language);
                 $alias->{'title' . $suffix} = $model->{'title' . $suffix};
             $alias->section_id = CmsSection::model()->findByAttributes(array('module' => 'content'))->id;
             $alias->allow_children = 1;
             $alias->attributes = $_POST['CmsAlias'];
             $root = CmsAlias::model()->roots()->find();
             $aliasRoute = new CmsAliasRoute();
             $aliasRoute->route = 'content';
             $aliasRoute->alias_id = $alias->primaryKey;
             $model->alias_id = $alias->primaryKey;
         } else {
             $alias = CmsAlias::model()->multilang()->findByPk($model->alias->id);
             $alias->attributes = $_POST['CmsAlias'];
             foreach (Yii::app()->languageManager->languages as $language => $fullLanguage) {
                 if ($language === Yii::app()->sourceLanguage) {
                     $suffix = '';
                 } else {
                     $suffix = '_' . $language;
                 $alias->{'alias' . $suffix} = AdminHelper::generateUrlStr($model->{'title' . $suffix}, $alias, 'alias', $alias->id, $language);
                 $alias->{'title' . $suffix} = $model->{'title' . $suffix};
         if ($alias->location != 'nochange') {
             $decode = CJSON::decode($_POST['CmsAlias']['location']);
             $to = CmsAlias::model()->findByPk((int) $decode['to']);
             $action = $decode['action'];
             switch ($action) {
                 case 'child':
                 case 'before':
                     if ($to->isRoot()) {
                     } else {
                 case 'after':
                     if ($to->isRoot()) {
                     } else {
         } else {
     return array('create' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Create', 'formSettings' => $formSettings), 'update' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Update', 'formSettings' => $formSettings), 'delete' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Delete', 'modelClass' => 'ContentPage'), 'admin' => array('class' => 'application.components.actions.Admin', 'modelClass' => 'ContentPage'));