public static function share() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function testPost() { $failureAffects = "Affects all post requests sent from Login. Login works but is unable to " . "return any reply to the calling apps as well as to notify other apps(new user, user update, user delete)"; ob_start(); CURLHandler::Post('', array('q' => 'belfabriek')); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertContains('The request method <code>POST</code>', $result, $failureAffects); }
/** * [getDES get请求 放回数据DES加密接口] * @param {String} $api 必须传,api名 用于获取相应配置 * @param {String} $act 必须传,请求的api接口 * @param {Array} $para 请求参数 * @return {Json} 请求返回数据 */ function getDES($api, $act, $para) { $apiconfig = getC($api); $url = @$apiconfig['url']; $token = @$apiconfig['apitoken']; $para = self::getPara($para); $url = $url . "/" . $act . "?" . $para . "&apitoken=" . $token; $res = CURLHandler::share()->query($url); $res = MyDes::share()->decode($res, @$apiconfig['DES_KEY']); $res = json_decode($res); return $res; }
public static function allAvailableRepositories() { // 1. Read the config file. Find a link to WebSVN page $web_svn_url = self::_webSvnUrl(); // 2. Retrieve the content of WebSVN front page ob_start(); echo CURLHandler::Get($web_svn_url); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // 3. form the regex pattern. We are searching the html for lines like this: // '<a href="listing.php?repname=admin&">admin</a>'. Resulting matches are dumped into 'project' array. $repoLinkFragment = preg_quote(self::_repoLinkFragment()); $regexp = "<a\\s[^>]*href=[\"']" . $repoLinkFragment . "\\b[^>]*>(?P<project>.*)<\\/a>"; return preg_match_all("/{$regexp}/siU", $html, $matches) ? $matches['project'] : array(); }
/** * 多条短信用 ',' 分隔 * @param type $phones * @param type $content */ public function send($phones, $content) { if (!ereg("^.*\$", $phones)) { return false; } if (strlen($phones) < 3) { return false; } $key = getC("SMS_KEY"); $sucretKey = getC("SMS_SUCRET"); $url = "{$key}&secretkey={$sucretKey}&mobile={$phones}&content=" . urlencode($content); //my_log($url); if (CURLHandler::share()->query($url) === FALSE) { return false; } return true; }
function sendloveToAll() { if (empty($_REQUEST['from']) || empty($_REQUEST['why'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => SL_BAD_CALL)); } $query = 'SELECT `nickname` FROM `' . USERS . '` WHERE `nickname` != "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['from']) . '" AND `company_confirm` != 0;'; if (!($result = mysql_query($query))) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => SL_DB_FAILURE)); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array = array('action' => 'sendlovemsg', 'api_key' => API_KEY, 'caller' => 'admin', 'from' => (string) $_REQUEST['from'], 'to' => (string) $row['nickname'], 'why' => (string) smart_strip_tags($_REQUEST['why'])); CURLHandler::Post(SERVER_URL . 'api.php', $array, false, true); } respond(array('success' => true, 'message' => 'Love has been sent!')); } respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'An error occured')); }
/** * Delete controller function * * Deletes the user with userid. * Verifies that the user is authenticated. * * @return json|xml True on success otherwise false */ public function delete() { try { $error_flag = false; $message = ""; $user = new LoveUser(); if (!$user->loadUserFromSession()) { $error_flag = true; $message[] = "Unable to located the user using the current session"; } else { if (!$user->authenticate($_REQUEST["password"])) { $error_flag = true; $message[] = "Invalid password"; } else { if (!$user->delete()) { $error_flag = true; $message[] = "Delete failed"; } else { $message[] = "Delete successful"; $user->logout(); } } } if ($error_flag) { echo json_encode(array("error" => 1, "message" => $message)); exit(0); } else { $repost = $this->request->getRepostPage(); if (isset($repost)) { CURLHandler::doRequest("POST", $repost, $_REQUEST); } echo json_encode(array("error" => 1, "message" => $message)); exit(0); } } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = 'An error occured while updating:' . "\n"; $msg .= "\n" . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); if (defined('APPLICATION_ENV') && APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') { $msg .= "\n\nFile: " . $e->getFile(); $msg .= "\nLine: " . $e->getLine(); $msg .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } else { if (defined('APPLICATION_ENV') && APPLICATION_ENV == 'testing') { $msg .= "<br /><br />File: " . $e->getFile(); $msg .= "<br />Line: " . $e->getLine(); $msg .= "<br />" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } } echo $msg; exit; } }
public function tryToAuthenticateUser() { $username = isset($_REQUEST["username"]) ? trim($_REQUEST["username"]) : ""; $password = isset($_REQUEST["password"]) ? $_REQUEST["password"] : ""; if (empty($username)) { $this->getError()->setError("Username cannot be empty."); } else { if (empty($password)) { $this->getError()->setError("Password cannot be empty."); } else { $params = array("username" => $username, "password" => $password, "action" => "login"); ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(SERVER_URL . 'loginApi.php', $params, false, true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $ret = json_decode($result); if ($ret->error == 1) { $this->getError()->setError($ret->message); return $this->getError()->getErrorFlag(); } else { $id = $ret->userid; $username = $ret->username; $nickname = $ret->nickname; $_SESSION["userid"] = $id; $_SESSION["username"] = $username; $_SESSION["nickname"] = $nickname; // notifying other applications $response = new Response(); $login = new Login(); $login->setResponse($response); $login->notify($id, session_id()); return false; } } } return $this->getError()->getErrorFlag(); }
public function acceptBid($bid_id, $budget_id = 0, $is_mechanic = true) { $this->conditionalLoadByBidId($bid_id); /*if ($this->hasAcceptedBids()) { throw new Exception('Can not accept an already accepted bid.'); }*/ $user_id = isset($_SESSION['userid']) ? (int) $_SESSION['userid'] : 0; $is_runner = isset($_SESSION['is_runner']) ? (int) $_SESSION['is_runner'] : 0; // If a bid is being accepted, and the runner for the workitem does not exist (incase a bid went from suggested straight // to working) or is different than current user, then we should set the person accepting the bid as the runner; if ($this->getRunnerId() != $user_id) { $this->setRunnerId($user_id); } $res = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . BIDS . '` WHERE `id`=' . $bid_id); $bid_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $workitem_info = $this->getWorkItem($bid_info['worklist_id']); // Get bidder information $bidder = new User(); if (!$bidder->findUserById($bid_info['bidder_id'])) { // If bidder doesn't exist, return false. Don't want to throw an // exception because it would kill multiple bid acceptances return false; } $bid_info['nickname'] = $bidder->getNickname(); $project = new Project($this->getProjectId()); // Get the repo for this project $repository = $this->getRepository(); $job_id = $this->getId(); /* Verify whether the user already has this repo forked on his account *If not create the fork *Check for existing unix account in dev. If new, make call to create account */ $GitHubUser = new User($bid_info['bidder_id']); $url = TOWER_API_URL; $fields = array('action' => 'create_unixaccount', 'nickname' => $bidder->getNickname()); $result = CURLHandler::Post($url, $fields); if (!$GitHubUser->verifyForkExists($project)) { $forkStatus = $GitHubUser->createForkForUser($project); $bidderEmail = $bidder->getUsername(); $emailTemplate = 'forked-repo'; $data = array('project_name' => $forkStatus['data']['full_name'], 'nickname' => $bidder->getNickname(), 'users_fork' => $forkStatus['data']['git_url'], 'master_repo' => str_replace('https://', 'git://', $project->getRepository())); $senderEmail = 'Worklist <*****@*****.**>'; Utils::sendTemplateEmail($bidderEmail, $emailTemplate, $data, $senderEmail); sleep(10); } // Create a branch for the user if (!$forkStatus['error']) { $branchStatus = $GitHubUser->createBranchForUser($job_id, $project); $bidderEmail = $bidder->getUsername(); $emailTemplate = 'branch-created'; $data = array('branch_name' => $job_id, 'nickname' => $bidder->getNickname(), 'users_fork' => $forkStatus['data']['git_url'], 'master_repo' => str_replace('https://', 'git://', $project->getRepository())); $bid_info = array_merge($data, $bid_info); } if (!$branchStatus['error']) { $bid_info['sandbox'] = $branchStatus['branch_url']; } $bid_info['bid_done'] = strtotime('+' . $bid_info['bid_done_in'], time()); // Adding transaction wrapper around steps if (mysql_query('BEGIN')) { $is_runner_or_assignee = $is_runner || $this->getAssigned_id() == $user_id; // changing mechanic of the job $sql = "UPDATE `" . WORKLIST . "` SET " . ($is_mechanic ? "`mechanic_id` = '" . $bid_info['bidder_id'] . "', " : '') . ($is_runner_or_assignee && $user_id > 0 && $workitem_info['runner_id'] != $user_id ? "`runner_id` = '" . $user_id . "', " : '') . " `status` = 'In Progress',`status_changed`=NOW(),`sandbox` = '" . $bid_info['sandbox'] . "',`budget_id` = " . $budget_id . " WHERE `" . WORKLIST . "`.`id` = " . $bid_info['worklist_id']; if (!($myresult = mysql_query($sql))) { error_log("AcceptBid:UpdateMechanic failed: " . mysql_error()); mysql_query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } // marking bid as "accepted" if (!($result = mysql_query("UPDATE `" . BIDS . "` SET `accepted` = 1, `bid_done` = FROM_UNIXTIME('" . $bid_info['bid_done'] . "') WHERE `id` = " . $bid_id))) { error_log("AcceptBid:MarkBid failed: " . mysql_error()); mysql_query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } // adding bid amount to list of fees if (!($result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `" . FEES . "` (`id`, `worklist_id`, `amount`, `user_id`, `desc`, `bid_notes`, `date`, `bid_id`) VALUES (NULL, " . $bid_info['worklist_id'] . ", '" . $bid_info['bid_amount'] . "', '" . $bid_info['bidder_id'] . "', 'Accepted Bid', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($bid_info['notes']) . "', NOW(), '{$bid_id}')"))) { error_log("AcceptBid:Insert Fee failed: " . mysql_error()); mysql_query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } $creator_fee = 0; $creator_fee_desc = 'Creator'; $creator_fee_added = false; $runner_fee = 0; $runner_fee_desc = 'Designer'; $runner_fee_added = false; $accepted_bid_amount = $bid_info['bid_amount']; $fee_category = ''; $is_expense = ''; $is_rewarder = ''; $fees = $this->getFees($this->getId()); foreach ($fees as $fee) { // find the accepted bid amount if ($fee['desc'] == 'Accepted Bid') { $accepted_bid_amount = $fee['amount']; } if (preg_match($reviewer_fee_desc, $fee['desc'])) { $reviewer_fee_added = true; } if ($fee['desc'] == $creator_fee_desc) { $creator_fee_added = true; } if ($fee['desc'] == $runner_fee_desc) { $runner_fee_added = true; } } // get project creator role settings, if not available, no fee is added // and will need to be added manually if applicable $project = new Project(); $project_roles = $project->getRoles($this->getProjectId(), "role_title = 'Creator'"); if (count($project_roles) != 0 && !$creator_fee_added) { // fees are not automatically created for internal users if (!$this->getCreator()->isInternal()) { $creator_role = $project_roles[0]; if ($creator_role['percentage'] !== null && $creator_role['min_amount'] !== null) { $creator_fee = $creator_role['percentage'] / 100 * $accepted_bid_amount; if ((double) $creator_fee < $creator_role['min_amount']) { $creator_fee = $creator_role['min_amount']; } // add the fee /** * @TODO - We call addfees and then deduct from budget * seems we should add the deduction process to the Fee::add * function * */ Fee::add($this->getId(), $creator_fee, $fee_category, $creator_fee_desc, $this->getCreatorId(), $is_expense, $is_rewarder); // and reduce the runners budget $myRunner = new User(); $myRunner->findUserById($this->getRunnerId()); $myRunner->updateBudget(-$creator_fee, $this->getBudget_id()); } } } $project_roles = $project->getRoles($this->getProjectId(), "role_title = 'Runner'"); if (count($project_roles) != 0 && !$runner_fee_added) { error_log("[FEES] we have a role for runner"); $runner_role = $project_roles[0]; // fees are not automatically created for internal users if (!$this->getRunner()->isInternal()) { if ($runner_role['percentage'] !== null && $runner_role['min_amount'] !== null) { $runner_fee = $runner_role['percentage'] / 100 * $accepted_bid_amount; if ((double) $runner_fee < $runner_role['min_amount']) { $runner_fee = $runner_role['min_amount']; } // add the fee Fee::add($this->getId(), $runner_fee, $fee_category, $runner_fee_desc, $this->getRunnerId(), $is_expense, $is_rewarder); // and reduce the runners budget $myRunner = new User(); $myRunner->findUserById($this->getRunnerId()); $myRunner->updateBudget(-$runner_fee, $this->getBudget_id()); } } } // add an entry to the status log $status_sql = "\n INSERT INTO " . STATUS_LOG . " (worklist_id, status, user_id, change_date)\n VALUES({$bid_info['worklist_id']}, 'Working', {$_SESSION['userid']}, NOW())"; if (!($result = mysql_query($status_sql))) { error_log("AcceptedBid:Insert status log failed: " . mysql_error()); mysql_query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } // When we get this far, commit and return bid_info if (mysql_query('COMMIT')) { $bid_info['summary'] = $workitem_info['summary']; $this->setMechanicId($bid_info['bidder_id']); return $bid_info; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function notify($user_id, $session_id) { $token = uniqid(); $this->saveToken($token); $this->params["userid"] = $user_id; $this->params["sessionid"] = $session_id; $this->params["token"] = $token; ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(LOGIN_APP_URL . 'notify', $this->params, false, true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->error == 1) { $this->getResponse()->getError()->setError($result->message); } else { if ($this->checkToken($result->token) && $token == $result->token) { $this->updateToken($result->token); $this->getResponse()->addParams($result); } else { $this->getResponse()->getError()->setError("Invalid Token aka Malicious attempt."); } } }
function checkRemovableProjects() { $report_message = ''; $db = new Database(); $sql_projects = "\n SELECT p.project_id,, u.nickname, p.creation_date\n FROM " . PROJECTS . " AS p\n LEFT JOIN " . USERS . " AS u ON\n WHERE p.project_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT w1.project_id\n FROM " . WORKLIST . " AS w1)\n AND p.creation_date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 180 DAY)"; $result = $db->query($sql_projects); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // send email $data = array('owner' => $row['nickname'], 'projectUrl' => Project::getProjectUrl($row['project_id']), 'projectName' => $row['name'], 'creation_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row['creation_date']))); if (Utils::sendTemplateEmail($row['contact_info'], 'project-removed', $data)) { $report_message .= ' <p> Ok email---'; } else { $report_message .= ' <p> Failed email -'; } $report_message .= ' Project (' . $row['project_id'] . ')- <a href="' . Project::getProjectUrl($row['project_id']) . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a> -- Created: ' . $row['creation_date'] . '</p>'; // Remove projects dependencies // Remove project users $report_message .= '<p> Users removed for project id ' . $row['project_id'] . ':</p>'; $sql_get_project_users = "SELECT * FROM " . PROJECT_USERS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $result_temp = $db->query($sql_get_project_users); while ($row_temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_temp)) { $report_message .= dump_row_values($row_temp); } $sql_remove_project_users = "DELETE FROM " . PROJECT_USERS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $db->query($sql_remove_project_users); // Remove project runners $report_message .= '<p> Designers removed for project id ' . $row['project_id'] . ':</p>'; $sql_get_project_runners = "SELECT * FROM " . PROJECT_RUNNERS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $result_temp = $db->query($sql_get_project_runners); while ($row_temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_temp)) { $report_message .= dump_row_values($row_temp); } $sql_remove_project_runners = "DELETE FROM " . PROJECT_RUNNERS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $db->query($sql_remove_project_runners); // Remove project roles $report_message .= '<p> Roles removed for project id ' . $row['project_id'] . ':</p>'; $sql_get_project_roles = "SELECT * FROM " . ROLES . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $result_temp = $db->query($sql_get_project_roles); while ($row_temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_temp)) { $report_message .= dump_row_values($row_temp); } $sql_remove_project_roles = "DELETE FROM " . ROLES . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $db->query($sql_remove_project_roles); $url = TOWER_API_URL; $fields = array('action' => 'staging_cleanup', 'name' => $row['name']); $result = CURLHandler::Post($url, $fields); // Remove project $report_message .= '<p> Project id ' . $row['project_id'] . ' removed </p>'; $sql_get_project = "SELECT * FROM " . PROJECTS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $result_temp = $db->query($sql_get_project); while ($row_temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_temp)) { $report_message .= dump_row_values($row_temp); } $sql_remove_project = "DELETE FROM " . PROJECTS . " WHERE project_id = " . $row['project_id']; $db->query($sql_remove_project); } // Send report to ops if any project was set as inactive if ($report_message != '') { $headers['From'] = DEFAULT_SENDER; $subject = "Removed Projects Report"; $body = $report_message; if (!Utils::send_email(OPS_EMAIL, $subject, $body, null, $headers)) { error_log('checkActiveProjects cron: Failed to send email report'); } } }
public function tryToAuthenticateUser() { $username = isset($_REQUEST["username"]) ? trim($_REQUEST["username"]) : ""; $password = isset($_REQUEST["password"]) ? $_REQUEST["password"] : ""; if (empty($username)) { $this->getError()->setError("Username cannot be empty."); } else { if (empty($password)) { $this->getError()->setError("Password cannot be empty."); } else { $params = array("username" => $username, "password" => $password, "action" => "login"); ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(SERVER_URL . 'loginApi.php', $params, false, true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $ret = json_decode($result); if ($ret->error == 1) { if (($key = array_search('User is deactivated.', $ret->message)) !== false) { $ret->message[$key] = 'You need to be confirmed!<br /><a href="#" id="ping_admin">Ping the administrator ...</a>'; } $this->getError()->setError($ret->message); return $this->getError()->getErrorFlag(); } else { $id = $ret->userid; $username = $ret->username; $nickname = $ret->nickname; $admin = $ret->admin; Utils::setUserSession($id, $username, $nickname, $admin); // notifying other applications $response = new Response(); $login = new Login(); $login->setResponse($response); $login->notify($id, session_id()); return false; } } } return $this->getError()->getErrorFlag(); }
public function sendHipchat_notification($message, $message_format = 'html', $notify = 0) { $success = true; $room_id = 0; $token = $this->getHipchatNotificationToken(); $url = HIPCHAT_API_AUTH_URL . $token; $response = CURLHandler::Get($url, array()); $response = json_decode($response); if (count($response->rooms)) { foreach ($response->rooms as $key => $room) { if ($room->name == trim($this->getHipchatRoom())) { $room_id = $room->room_id; break; } } if ($room_id > 0) { $url = HIPCHAT_API_MESSAGE_URL . $token; $fields = array('room_id' => $room_id, 'from' => '', 'message' => $message, 'message_format' => $message_format, 'notify' => $notify, 'color' => $this->getHipchatColor()); $result = CURLHandler::Post($url, $fields); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->status != 'sent') { $success = false; $body = "Failed to send message: " . $message; } } else { $success = false; $body = "Failed to find room " . $this->getHipchatRoom() . "."; } } else { $success = false; $body = "Failed to authenticate to hipchat."; } if ($success == false) { $email = $this->getContactInfo(); $subject = "HipChat Notification Failed"; if (!Utils::send_email($email, $subject, $body, $body, array('Cc' => OPS_EMAIL))) { error_log("project-class.php: sendHipchat_notification : Utils::send_email failed"); } } }
<?php // Copyright (c) 2010, LoveMachine Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // require_once 'class/frontend.class.php'; $front = Frontend::getInstance(); $msg = ''; if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['password'])) { $vars = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'token' => $_POST['token'], 'password' => $_POST['password']); // send the request ob_start(); CURLHandler::Post(LOGIN_APP_URL . 'changepassword', $vars); $result = json_decode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); if ($result->success == true) { sendTemplateEmail($_POST['username'], 'changed_pass', array('app_name' => APP_NAME)); header('Location: login.php'); } else { $msg = 'The link to reset your password has expired or is invalid. <a href="forgot.php">Please try again.</a>'; } } else { $msg = "Please enter a password!"; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['token'])) { // no required information specified, redirect user header('Location: login.php'); } ?>
while ($result->fetch()) { $split_instance = explode('.', $_domain, 2); $query = " SELECT data FROM " . $cupid_config['db_name'] . "." . $cupid_config['db_conf'] . " WHERE domain='{$_domain}' AND config_key='API_KEY' ;"; $result2 = $mysqli->prepare($query) or error_log("unable to select db: {$query}\n" . $mysqli->error); $result2->execute(); $result2->store_result(); if ($result2->num_rows == 0) { continue; } // build array of domains $result2->bind_result($_api); $result2->fetch(); $vars = array('action' => 'newSignupsReportData', 'api_key' => $_api); $url = 'https://' . $split_instance[0] . ''; ob_start(); CURLHandler::Post($url, $vars); $CURLresult = json_decode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); ?> <tr id="inst_<?php echo $_domain; ?> "> <td class="created"><?php echo $_created; ?> </td> <td class="company"><?php echo $split_instance[0]; ?> </td>
function testCURL() { $content = CURLHandler::share()->query(""); my_log($content); }
function sendCCPayment($domain, $databaseName, $fname, $lname, $company, $ref_ids, $email, $phone, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $card_type, $card_number, $cvv, $exp_date, $total, $sub_amt, $can_contact, $ip, $lm_type, $lm_description, $lm_user_id) { //collect confirmed payees and run paypal transaction // Set request-specific fields. $currency = 'USD'; // or other currency ('GBP', 'EUR', 'JPY', 'CAD', 'AUD') //build nvp string $nvp = ''; $nvp .= '&PAYMENTACTION=Sale'; $nvp .= '&IPADDRESS=' . urlencode($ip); $nvp .= '&AMT=' . urlencode($total); $nvp .= '&CURRENCYCODE=' . urlencode($currency); $nvp .= '&CREDITCARDTYPE=' . urlencode($card_type); $nvp .= '&ACCT=' . urlencode($card_number); $nvp .= '&EXPDATE=' . urlencode($exp_date); $nvp .= '&CVV2=' . urlencode($cvv); $nvp .= '&FIRSTNAME=' . urlencode($fname); $nvp .= '&LASTNAME=' . urlencode($lname); $nvp .= '&STREET=' . urlencode($street); $nvp .= '&CITY=' . urlencode($city); $nvp .= '&STATE=' . urlencode($state); $nvp .= '&ZIP=' . urlencode($zip); $nvp .= '&COUNTRYCODE=' . urlencode($country); // store customer data if required, return customer_id for payment $cust = storeCustomerData($domain, $fname, $lname, $company, $ref_ids, $email, $phone, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $can_contact); if (isset($cust["error"])) { return array('error' => "Buyer", 'errorMsg' => "Error in Buyer Creation: " . $cust["error"]); } else { $cust = $cust['customer_id']; } $buyer = storeBuyerData($cust, $fname, $lname, $company, $email, $phone, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $country); if (isset($ret["error"])) { return array('error' => "Buyer", 'errorMsg' => "Error in Buyer Creation: " . $ret["error"]); } $buyer_id = $buyer["buyer_id"]; // $instance = getInstanceNameFromDomain($domain); $instance = $databaseName; if ($instance == "") { return array('error' => "Invalid domain", 'errorMsg' => "Invalid domain: " . $domain); } $ret = changeCampaignStatus($ref_ids, "R", $instance); if (isset($ret["error"])) { return array('error' => "Recognition", 'errorMsg' => "Error in Recognition Period Update (R): " . $ret["error"]); } // Execute the API operation; see the PPHttpPost function in the paypal-functions.php file. $PPResponseAr = PPHttpPost('DoDirectPayment', $nvp); $warningMsg = ""; if (isset($PPResponseAr["ACK"])) { $transactionID = ""; if (isset($PPResponseAr["TRANSACTIONID"])) { $transactionID = $PPResponseAr["TRANSACTIONID"]; } $longMessage = ""; if (isset($PPResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"])) { $longMessage = urldecode($PPResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]); } $save = storePaymentData($cust, $card_type, $PPResponseAr["ACK"], $total, $sub_amt, $transactionID, $ip, $lm_type, $domain, $ref_ids, $lm_description, $lm_user_id, $buyer_id, $longMessage); if (isset($save['error'])) { $payment = -1; $warningMsg .= '<p>Warning: ' . $save['error'] . "</p>"; } else { $payment = $save['payment_id']; } } if (isset($PPResponseAr["ACK"]) && ("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($PPResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($PPResponseAr["ACK"]))) { $ret = changeCampaignStatus($ref_ids, "Y", $instance); if (isset($ret["error"])) { $warningMsg .= "<p>Warning: Error in Recognition Period Update (Y), " . $ret["error"] . "</p>"; } $invoice = 1000000 + intval($payment); $invoice = $cust . '' . $invoice; //payment posted /** * $PPResponseAr["TIMESTAMP"] * $PPResponseAr["CORRELATIONID"] * $PPResponseAr["ACK"] * $PPResponseAr["VERSION"] * $PPResponseAr["BUILD"] * $PPResponseAr["AMT"] * $PPResponseAr["CURRENCYCODE"] * $PPResponseAr["AVSCODE"] //X * $PPResponseAr["CVV2MATCH"] //M * $PPResponseAr["TRANSACTIONID"] */ $name = $fname . ' ' . $lname; success_notify($name, $email, $company, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $phone, $lm_description, $total, $invoice, $PPResponseAr["TRANSACTIONID"]); $messJournal = "A payment has been made for a Recognition Period!"; if ("SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($PPResponseAr["ACK"])) { $messJournal .= " Warning in Paypal transaction."; } // Make a notice in journal $data = array('user' => JOURNAL_API_USER, 'pwd' => sha1(JOURNAL_API_PWD), 'message' => $messJournal); ob_start(); $res = CURLHandler::Post(JOURNAL_API_URL, $data); ob_end_clean(); $ret = array('success' => strtoupper($PPResponseAr["ACK"]), 'transactionID' => $PPResponseAr["TRANSACTIONID"], 'warning' => $warningMsg); } else { // We are not in an asynchronous process so put back the campaign in card $ret = changeCampaignStatus($ref_ids, "C", $instance); if (isset($ret["error"])) { $warningMsg .= "<p>Warning: Error in Recognition Period Update (N), " . $ret["error"] . "</p>"; } if (isset($PPResponseAr["L_SEVERITYCODE0"])) { $errorMsg = $PPResponseAr["ACK"] . ", " . $PPResponseAr["L_SEVERITYCODE0"] . ': ' . urldecode($PPResponseAr["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"]) . ' (' . $PPResponseAr["L_ERRORCODE0"] . ') - ' . urldecode($PPResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]) . $warningMsg; } else { $errorMsg = $PPResponseAr["ACK"] . ", " . $PPResponseAr["errorMsg"] . $warningMsg; } fail_notify($fname . ' ' . $lname, $email, $company, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $phone, $lm_description, $total, $errorMsg); if (isset($PPResponseAr["L_SEVERITYCODE0"])) { $ret = array('error' => $PPResponseAr["L_ERRORCODE0"], 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg); } else { $ret = array('error' => $PPResponseAr["ACK"], 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg); } } return $ret; }
/** * Async wrapper to Notification::statusNotify to avoid big delays * on massive notifications. * * @param object $workitem instance of a Workitem class */ function massStatusNotify($workitem) { return CURLHandler::Post(SERVER_URL . 'api.php', array('action' => 'sendNotifications', 'api_key' => API_KEY, 'command' => 'statusNotify', 'workitem' => $workitem->getId()), false, false, true); }
<?php // Copyright (c) 2009, LoveMachine Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // require_once "class/frontend.class.php"; require_once "send_email.php"; $front = Frontend::getInstance(); if (!empty($_POST['username'])) { ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(LOGIN_APP_URL . 'resettoken', array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'app' => 'lovemachine', 'key' => API_KEY)); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->success == true) { $resetUrl = SECURE_SERVER_URL . 'resetpass.php?un=' . base64_encode($_POST['username']) . '&token=' . $result->token; $resetUrl = '<a href="' . $resetUrl . '" title="Password Recovery">' . $resetUrl . '</a>'; sendTemplateEmail($_POST['username'], 'recovery', array('url' => $resetUrl)); $msg = '<p class="LV_valid">Login information will be sent if the email address ' . $_POST['username'] . ' is registered.</p>'; } else { $msg = '<p class="LV_invalid">Sorry, unable to send password reset information. Try again or contact an administrator.</p>'; } } /*********************************** HTML layout begins here *************************************/ ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" > <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>SendLove | Reset Password</title>
public function notifyOfUpdate($calling_app, $user_id, $user_data) { global $regApps; // push notification of logged in user to each of registered apps // except of calling app foreach ($regApps as $app => $info) { if (!$info or empty($info['endpoint']) or empty($info['key']) or empty($info['listenUpdate']) or $calling_app == $app) { continue; } // setting request variables $vars = array('action' => 'updateuser', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'api_key' => $info['key']); foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) { $vars["user_data"][$key] = $value; } ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post($info['endpoint'], $vars); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return true; }
function newInstance($silent = false) { //gj([X.X.X] - sanitize input, register patterns globally for readability and consistency. email, adword, instance, etc) if (empty($_REQUEST['domain'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'domain is required')); } else { $domain = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]/", "", $_REQUEST['domain']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['email'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'email is required')); } else { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $email = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\@\\-\\.]/", "", $_REQUEST['email']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['first_name'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'first_name is required')); } else { $first_name = $_REQUEST['first_name']; $first_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $_REQUEST['first_name']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['uuid'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'uuid is required')); } else { $uuid = $_REQUEST['uuid']; $uuid = preg_replace("/[^a-fA-F0-9\\-\\.]/", "", $_REQUEST['uuid']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['db_name'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'db_name is required')); } else { $db_name = $_REQUEST['db_name']; $db_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\_]/", "", $_REQUEST['db_name']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['instance_api_key'])) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => 'instance_api_key is required')); } else { $instance_api_key = preg_replace("/[^a-fA-F0-9\\-]/", "", $_REQUEST['instance_api_key']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['source'])) { $source = "Other"; } else { $source = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\ \\.]/", "", $_REQUEST['source']); } if (empty($_REQUEST['adwords'])) { $adwords = 'null'; } else { $adwords = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\ \\.]/", "", $_REQUEST['adwords']); } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . CUSTOMERS . " SET uuid='{$uuid}', instance_api_key='{$instance_api_key}', created=NOW(), domain='{$domain}', contact_email='{$email}', contact_first_name='{$first_name}', employee_count=1, recur_date = DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL +1 MONTH), source='{$source}', keywords='{$adwords}', db_name='{$db_name}'"; #echo $sql; error_log("salesNewInstance sql: " . $sql); $result = mysql_query($sql) or error_log('salesNI.error: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { respond(array('success' => false, 'message' => SL_DB_FAILURE)); } else { if ($silent !== true) { if ($silent != true) { error_log("salesNewInstance announce: " . JOURNAL_API_URL); // Make notice in journal $data = array('user' => JOURNAL_API_USER, 'pwd' => sha1(JOURNAL_API_PWD), 'message' => "A new LoveMachine " . $silent . " tenant has just moved in!"); $journal_rsp = CURLHandler::Post(JOURNAL_API_URL, $data); } error_log("salesNewInstance respond: " . json_encode(array('journal_rsp' => $journal_rsp, 'data' => $data))); respond(array('success' => true, 'message' => 'entry added')); } } }
/** * Email sending wrapper */ public static function send_email($to, $subject, $html, $plain = null, $headers = array()) { //Validate arguments $html = str_replace(array('\\n\\r', '\\r\\n', '\\n', '\\r'), '<br/>', $html); if (empty($to) || empty($subject) || (empty($html) && empty($plain) || !is_array($headers))) { error_log("attempted to send an empty or misconfigured message"); return false; } $nameAndAddressRegex = '/(.*)<(.*)>/'; $toIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $to, $toDetails); if ($toIncludesNameAndAddress) { $toName = $toDetails[1]; $toAddress = $toDetails[2]; } else { $toName = $to; $toAddress = $to; } // If no 'From' address specified, use default if (empty($headers['From'])) { $fromName = DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME; $fromAddress = DEFAULT_SENDER; } else { $fromIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['From'], $fromDetails); if ($fromIncludesNameAndAddress) { $fromName = str_replace('"', '', $fromDetails[1]); $fromAddress = str_replace(' ', '-', $fromDetails[2]); } else { $fromName = $headers['From']; $fromAddress = str_replace(' ', '-', $headers['From']); } } if (!empty($html)) { if (empty($plain)) { $h2t = new Html2Text(html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES), 75); $plain = $h2t->convert(); } } else { if (empty($plain)) { // if both HTML & Plain bodies are empty, don't send mail return false; } } $curl = new CURLHandler(); $postArray = array('from' => $fromAddress, 'fromname' => $fromName, 'to' => $toAddress, 'toname' => $toName, 'subject' => $subject, 'html' => $html, 'text' => $plain, 'api_user' => SENDGRID_API_USER, 'api_key' => SENDGRID_API_KEY); if (!empty($headers['Reply-To'])) { $replyToIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['Reply-To'], $replyToDetails); if ($replyToIncludesNameAndAddress) { $postArray['replyto'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $replyToDetails[2]); } else { $postArray['replyto'] = $headers['Reply-To']; } } // check for copy, using bcc since cc is not present in Sendgrid api if (!empty($headers['Cc'])) { $ccIncludesNameAndAddress = preg_match($nameAndAddressRegex, $headers['Cc'], $ccDetails); if ($ccIncludesNameAndAddress) { $postArray['bcc'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $ccDetails[2]); } else { $postArray['bcc'] = $headers['Cc']; } } try { $result = json_decode(CURLHandler::Post(SENDGRID_API_URL, $postArray)); if ($result->message == 'error') { throw new Exception(implode('; ', $result->errors)); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log("[ERROR] Unable to send message through SendGrid API - Exception: " . $e->getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
$front = Frontend::getInstance(); include_once "db_connect.php"; include_once "autoload.php"; if (!defined('LOVE_TABS_DISABLED')) { define('LOVE_TABS_DISABLED', false); } if (!$front->isUserLoggedIn()) { $front->getUser()->askUserToAuthenticate(); } // check for new user if (isset($_SESSION['new_user']) && $_SESSION['new_user']) { $id = $_SESSION['userid']; $token = uniqid(); ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(LOGIN_APP_URL . 'pushadminuser', array('app' => SERVICE_NAME, 'key' => API_KEY, 'id' => $id, 'token' => $token), false, true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->error != 0) { error_log('settings.php: ' . json_encode($result)); die(json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $result['message']))); } else { // turn off new user flag $_SESSION['new_user'] = ''; // reload settings page header('Location: settings.php'); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
} } if ($updateNickname || $updatePassword) { $params = array('action' => 'update', 'user_data' => array('userid' => $_SESSION['userid'])); if ($updateNickname) { $params['user_data']['nickname'] = $_REQUEST['nickname']; } if ($updatePassword) { $params['user_data']['newpassword'] = $_REQUEST['newpassword']; $params['user_data']['oldpassword'] = $_REQUEST['oldpassword']; $messages[] = "Your password has been updated."; } $params['sid'] = session_id(); ob_start(); // send the request CURLHandler::Post(SERVER_URL . 'loginApi.php', $params, false, true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $result = json_decode($result); if ($result->error == false) { // only update nickname if necessary if ($updateNickname) { $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET nickname='" . mysql_real_escape_string($nickname) . "' WHERE id ='" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "'"; mysql_query($sql); $_SESSION['nickname'] = $nickname; $messages[] = "Your nickname is now '{$nickname}'."; } } else { die(json_encode($result)); } }