예제 #1
파일: request.php 프로젝트: nursit/bank
 * Generer le contexte pour le formulaire de requete de paiement
 * il faut avoir un id_transaction et un transaction_hash coherents
 * pour se premunir d'une tentative d'appel exterieur
 * @param int $id_transaction
 * @param string $transaction_hash
 * @param $config
 *   configuration du module
 * @return array
function presta_cmcic_call_request_dist($id_transaction, $transaction_hash, $config)
    if (!($row = sql_fetsel("*", "spip_transactions", "id_transaction=" . intval($id_transaction) . " AND transaction_hash=" . sql_quote($transaction_hash)))) {
        return array();
    $contexte = array();
    $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($config, strtoupper($GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$oTpe->isOK) {
        return false;
    $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
    // Control String for support
    $CtlHmac = sprintf(_CMCIC_CTLHMAC, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero, $oHmac->computeHmac(sprintf(_CMCIC_CTLHMACSTR, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero)));
    // Currency : ISO 4217 compliant
    $devise = "EUR";
    // Amount : format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
    $montant = $row['montant'];
    $contexte['version'] = $oTpe->sVersion;
    $contexte['TPE'] = $oTpe->sNumero;
    // transaction date : format d/m/y:h:m:s
    $contexte['date'] = date("d/m/Y:H:i:s");
    $contexte['montant'] = $montant . $devise;
    // Reference: unique, alphaNum (A-Z a-z 0-9), 12 characters max
    $contexte['reference'] = substr($transaction_hash, 0, 12);
    $contexte['lgue'] = $oTpe->sLangue;
    $contexte['societe'] = $oTpe->sCodeSociete;
    // on transmet dans le texte libre les données id_transaction & hash
    // pour les avoir dans le retour URL CGI2 qui est une url à donner à la banque
    // et qui n'a pas connaissance autrement de notre id_transaction et hash :(
    // URL CGI2 à donner à la banque :
    // http(s)://votresite.org/?action=bank_autoresponse&bankp=cmcic
    $contenu = array('id' => $id_transaction, 'hash' => $transaction_hash, 'lang' => $GLOBALS['spip_lang'], 'contenu' => $row['contenu']);
    // texte-libre doit etre protege car le formulaire est parfois reinjecte par Cmcic
    // dans une page de redirection pour les mobiles
    $contexte['texte-libre'] = urlencode(serialize($contenu));
    $contexte['mail'] = bank_porteur_email($row);
    // Data to certify
    $PHP1_FIELDS = sprintf(_CMCIC_CGI1_FIELDS, $contexte['TPE'], $contexte['date'], $montant, $devise, $contexte['reference'], $contexte['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sLangue, $oTpe->sCodeSociete, $contexte['mail'], "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
    // MAC computation
    $contexte['MAC'] = $oHmac->computeHmac($PHP1_FIELDS);
    // Urls de retour.
    // La banque poste d'abord sur l'URL CGI2 (cf cmcic/config.php) qui doit traiter
    // le paiement positif et en attend une réponse (texte).
    // Puis, elle présente sur la banque au choix ces urls pour revenir sur le site
    // - retour OK si le paiement s'est bien déroulé
    $contexte['url_retour_ok'] = bank_url_api_retour($config, "response", "id={$id_transaction};{$transaction_hash}");
    // - retour err si le paiement a été refusé
    $contexte['url_retour_err'] = bank_url_api_retour($config, "cancel", "id={$id_transaction};{$transaction_hash}");
    // - retour (bouton Annuler) si le bonhomme décide d'abandonner le paiement
    $contexte['url_retour'] = $contexte['url_retour_ok'];
    $hidden = "";
    foreach ($contexte as $k => $v) {
        $hidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$k}' value='" . str_replace("'", "&#39;", $v) . "' />";
    $contexte = array('hidden' => $hidden, 'action' => cmcic_url_serveur($config), 'backurl' => url_absolue(self()), 'id_transaction' => $id_transaction, 'transaction_hash' => $transaction_hash);
    return $contexte;
  * Traitement de la réponse du serveur de paiement
  * Pas de paramètre, les données seront dans $_POST ou $_GET
 function call_response()
     $CMCIC_bruteVars = getMethode();
     $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe();
     $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
     $cgi2_fields = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI2_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $CMCIC_bruteVars['date'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['montant'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['brand'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['status3ds'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['motifrefus'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['hpancb'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['ipclient'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['veres'], @$CMCIC_bruteVars['pares']);
     if ($oHmac->computeHmac($cgi2_fields) == strtolower($CMCIC_bruteVars['MAC'])) {
         $MAC_match = true;
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACOK;
     } else {
         $MAC_match = false;
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACNOTOK . $cgi2_fields;
     $response = array('MAC_match' => $MAC_match, 'receipt' => $receipt);
     foreach ($CMCIC_bruteVars as $field => $value) {
         $response[$field] = $value;
     return $response;
예제 #3
파일: response.php 프로젝트: nursit/bank
 * Retrouve la réponse de la banque CIC et vérifie sa sécurité
 * @param array $config
 * @return bool|array
 *     False si erreur ou clé de sécurité erronnée
 *     array : tableau des données de la banque sinon
function cmcic_response($config)
    $mode = $config['presta'];
    if (isset($config['mode_test']) and $config['mode_test']) {
        $mode .= "_test";
    // Begin Main : Retrieve Variables posted by CMCIC Payment Server
    $CMCIC_bruteVars = getMethode();
    spip_log("call_response : réception des variables cmcic", $mode);
    // peu de chance d'être en erreur ici, mais sait-on jamais
    if (!$CMCIC_bruteVars) {
        spip_log("call_response : variables cmcic introuvables", $mode);
        #return presta_cmcic_notifier_banque_erreur();
        return false;
    // TPE init variables
    $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($config);
    $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
    // Message Authentication
    $cgi2_fields = sprintf(_CMCIC_CGI2_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $CMCIC_bruteVars["date"], $CMCIC_bruteVars['montant'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['brand'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['status3ds'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['motifrefus'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['hpancb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['ipclient'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['veres'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['pares']);
    // uniquement si le code de sécurité correspond
    if ($oHmac->computeHmac($cgi2_fields) != strtolower($CMCIC_bruteVars['MAC'])) {
        spip_log("call_response : clé de sécurité falsifiée ou erronée", $mode);
        return false;
        #return presta_cmcic_notifier_banque_erreur();
    // clé correcte
    return $CMCIC_bruteVars;
 public function executeBack(HTTPRequest $request)
     error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Content-type: text/plain");
     // TPE Settings
     // Warning !! CMCIC_Config contains the key, you have to protect this file with all the mechanism available in your development environment.
     // You may for instance put this file in another directory and/or change its name. If so, don't forget to adapt the include path below.
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../lib/paiement/CMCIC_Config.php';
     // --- PHP implementation of RFC2104 hmac sha1 ---
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../lib/paiement/CMCIC_Tpe.inc.php';
     // Begin Main : Retrieve Variables posted by CMCIC Payment Server
     $CMCIC_bruteVars = getMethode();
     // TPE init variables
     $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe();
     $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
     // Message Authentication
     $cgi2_fields = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI2_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $CMCIC_bruteVars["date"], $CMCIC_bruteVars['montant'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['brand'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['status3ds'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['motifrefus'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['hpancb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['ipclient'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['veres'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['pares']);
     if ($oHmac->computeHmac($cgi2_fields) == strtolower($CMCIC_bruteVars['MAC'])) {
         switch ($CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour']) {
             case "Annulation":
                 // Payment has been refused
                 // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                 // Attention : an autorization may still be delivered for this payment
             case "payetest":
                 // Payment has been accepeted on the test server
                 // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                 $reservationId = $request->postData('reference');
                 $reservation = $this->_announcementReservationManager->get($reservationId);
                 if (!is_null($reservation)) {
                     $messageMail = new Mail();
                     $messageMail->sendReservationOwnerValidation($this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserOwnerId()), $this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserSubscriberId()), $this->_announcementManager->get($reservation->getAnnouncementId()), $reservation);
                     $messageMail->sendReservationSubscriberRecap($this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserOwnerId()), $this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserSubscriberId()), $this->_announcementManager->get($reservation->getAnnouncementId()));
             case "paiement":
                 // Payment has been accepted on the productive server
                 // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                 $reservationId = $request->postData('reference');
                 $reservation = $this->_announcementReservationManager->get($reservationId);
                 if (!is_null($reservation)) {
                     $messageMail = new Mail();
                     $messageMail->sendReservationOwnerValidation($this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserOwnerId()), $this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserSubscriberId()), $this->_announcementManager->get($reservation->getAnnouncementId()), $reservation);
                     $messageMail->sendReservationSubscriberRecap($this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserOwnerId()), $this->_usersManager->get($reservation->getUserSubscriberId()), $this->_announcementManager->get($reservation->getAnnouncementId()));
                 /*** ONLY FOR MULTIPART PAYMENT ***/
             /*** ONLY FOR MULTIPART PAYMENT ***/
             case "paiement_pf2":
             case "paiement_pf3":
             case "paiement_pf4":
                 // Payment has been accepted on the productive server for the part #N
                 // return code is like paiement_pf[#N]
                 // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                 // You have the amount of the payment part in $CMCIC_bruteVars['montantech']
             case "Annulation_pf2":
             case "Annulation_pf3":
             case "Annulation_pf4":
                 // Payment has been refused on the productive server for the part #N
                 // return code is like Annulation_pf[#N]
                 // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                 // You have the amount of the payment part in $CMCIC_bruteVars['montantech']
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACOK;
     } else {
         // your code if the HMAC doesn't match
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACNOTOK . $cgi2_fields;
     // Send receipt to CMCIC server
     printf(CMCIC_CGI2_RECEIPT, $receipt);
     // Copyright (c) 2009 Euro-Information ( mailto:centrecom@e-i.com )
     // All rights reserved. ---
예제 #5
$sMontantEcheance2 = "";
// date echeance 3 - format dd/mm/yyyy
$sDateEcheance3 = "";
// montant �ch�ance 3 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
//$sMontantEcheance3 = "0.25" . $sDevise;
$sMontantEcheance3 = "";
// date echeance 4 - format dd/mm/yyyy
$sDateEcheance4 = "";
// montant �ch�ance 4 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
//$sMontantEcheance4 = "0.25" . $sDevise;
$sMontantEcheance4 = "";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($sLangue);
$oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
// Control String for support
$CtlHmac = sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMAC, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero, $oHmac->computeHmac(sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMACSTR, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero)));
// Data to certify
$PHP1_FIELDS = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI1_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $sDate, $sMontant, $sDevise, $sReference, $sTexteLibre, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sLangue, $oTpe->sCodeSociete, $sEmail, $sNbrEch, $sDateEcheance1, $sMontantEcheance1, $sDateEcheance2, $sMontantEcheance2, $sDateEcheance3, $sMontantEcheance3, $sDateEcheance4, $sMontantEcheance4, $sOptions);
// MAC computation
$sMAC = $oHmac->computeHmac($PHP1_FIELDS);
// --------------------------------------------------- End Stub ---------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Your Page displaying payment button to be customized
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" />
 public function payment_action($payment)
     $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 2, __LINE__);
     $sOptions = "";
     $sReference = substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 12);
     $sMontant = $this->price;
     $sDevise = $this->currency;
     $sTexteLibre = $payment;
     $sDate = date("d/m/Y:H:i:s");
     $sLangue = $this->lang;
     $sEmail = $this->customer_mail;
     $sNbrEch = "";
     $sDateEcheance1 = "";
     $sMontantEcheance1 = "";
     $sDateEcheance2 = "";
     $sMontantEcheance2 = "";
     $sDateEcheance3 = "";
     $sMontantEcheance3 = "";
     $sDateEcheance4 = "";
     $sMontantEcheance4 = "";
     $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($sLangue);
     $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
     // Control String for support
     $CtlHmac = sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMAC, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero, $oHmac->computeHmac(sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMACSTR, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero)));
     // Data to certify
     $PHP1_FIELDS = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI1_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $sDate, $sMontant, $sDevise, $sReference, $sTexteLibre, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sLangue, $oTpe->sCodeSociete, $sEmail, $sNbrEch, $sDateEcheance1, $sMontantEcheance1, $sDateEcheance2, $sMontantEcheance2, $sDateEcheance3, $sMontantEcheance3, $sDateEcheance4, $sMontantEcheance4, $sOptions);
     // MAC computation
     $sMAC = $oHmac->computeHmac($PHP1_FIELDS);
     // Setting the parametters
     $successSession = $this->linker->payment->setCallPage(0, $this->bank_code, 'payment_success', $payment);
     $this->successUrl = $this->linker->path->getLink('payment/callPage/' . $successSession);
     $failureSession = $this->linker->payment->setCallPage(0, $this->bank_code, 'payment_failure', $payment);
     $this->failureUrl = $this->linker->path->getLink('payment/callPage/' . $failureSession);
     $autoresponseSession = $this->linker->payment->setCallPage(0, $this->bank_code, 'payment_autoresponse', $payment);
     $this->autoresponseUrl = $this->linker->path->getLink('payment/callPage/' . $autoresponseSession);
     $baseUri = $this->linker->path->getBaseUri();
     $values['payment']['version'] = $oTpe->sVersion;
     $values['payment']['tpeVersion'] = $oTpe->sNumero;
     $values['payment']['date'] = $sDate;
     $values['payment']['amount'] = $sMontant;
     $values['payment']['currency'] = $sDevise;
     $values['payment']['reference'] = $sReference;
     $values['payment']['smac'] = $sMAC;
     $values['payment']['url_ko'] = $oTpe->sUrlKO;
     $values['payment']['url_ok'] = $oTpe->sUrlOK;
     $values['payment']['lang'] = $oTpe->sLangue;
     $values['payment']['companyCode'] = $oTpe->sCodeSociete;
     $values['payment']['freeText'] = HtmlEncode($sTexteLibre);
     $values['payment']['email'] = $sEmail;
     $rendered = $this->render('show', $values, false, false);
     echo $rendered;
     return true;
예제 #7
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: text/plain");
// TPE Settings
// Warning !! CMCIC_Config contains the key, you have to protect this file with all the mechanism available in your development environment.
// You may for instance put this file in another directory and/or change its name. If so, don't forget to adapt the include path below.
require_once "CMCIC_Config.php";
// --- PHP implementation of RFC2104 hmac sha1 ---
require_once "CMCIC_Tpe.inc.php";
// Begin Main : Retrieve Variables posted by CMCIC Payment Server
$CMCIC_bruteVars = getMethode();
// TPE init variables
$oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe();
$oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
// Message Authentication
$cgi2_fields = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI2_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $CMCIC_bruteVars["date"], $CMCIC_bruteVars['montant'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['brand'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['status3ds'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['motifrefus'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['hpancb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['ipclient'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['veres'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['pares']);
if ($oHmac->computeHmac($cgi2_fields) == strtolower($CMCIC_bruteVars['MAC'])) {
    switch ($CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour']) {
        case "Annulation":
            // Payment has been refused
            // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
            // Attention : an autorization may still be delivered for this payment
        case "payetest":
            // Payment has been accepeted on the test server
            // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
        case "paiement":
            // Payment has been accepted on the productive server
            // put your code here (email sending / Database update)
            /*** ONLY FOR MULTIPART PAYMENT ***/
예제 #8
    public static function display_form($oid)
        global $wpdb;
        $output = '';
        $order = get_post_meta($oid, '_order_postmeta', true);
        $order_customer_info = get_post_meta($oid, '_order_info', true);
        //$currency_code = wpshop_tools::wpshop_get_currency($code=true);
        $current_currency = get_option('wpshop_shop_default_currency');
        $query = $wpdb->prepare('SELECT code_iso FROM ' . WPSHOP_DBT_ATTRIBUTE_UNIT . ' WHERE id =%d ', $current_currency);
        $currency_code = $wpdb->get_var($query);
        if (!empty($order) && !empty($currency_code)) {
            $sOptions = "";
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  CheckOut Stub setting fictious Merchant and Order datas.
            //  That's your job to set actual order fields. Here is a stub.
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            $sReference = $oid;
            // Reference: unique, alphaNum (A-Z a-z 0-9), 12 characters max
            $sMontant = number_format($order['order_grand_total'], 2, '.', '');
            // Amount : format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
            $sDevise = $currency_code;
            // Currency : ISO 4217 compliant
            $sTexteLibre = "";
            // free texte : a bigger reference, session context for the return on the merchant website
            $sDate = date("d/m/Y:H:i:s");
            // transaction date : format d/m/y:h:m:s
            $sLangue = "FR";
            // Language of the company code
            $sEmail = $order_customer_info['billing']['address']['address_user_email'];
            //"*****@*****.**"; // customer email
            $sNbrEch = "";
            //$sNbrEch = "4"; // between 2 and 4
            $sDateEcheance1 = "";
            // date echeance 1 - format dd/mm/yyyy //$sDateEcheance1 = date("d/m/Y");
            $sMontantEcheance1 = "";
            // montant �ch�ance 1 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces) //$sMontantEcheance1 = "0.26" . $sDevise;
            $sDateEcheance2 = "";
            // date echeance 2 - format dd/mm/yyyy
            $sMontantEcheance2 = "";
            // montant �ch�ance 2 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces) //$sMontantEcheance2 = "0.25" . $sDevise;
            $sDateEcheance3 = "";
            // date echeance 3 - format dd/mm/yyyy
            $sMontantEcheance3 = "";
            // montant �ch�ance 3 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces) //$sMontantEcheance3 = "0.25" . $sDevise;
            $sDateEcheance4 = "";
            // date echeance 4 - format dd/mm/yyyy
            $sMontantEcheance4 = "";
            // montant �ch�ance 4 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces) //$sMontantEcheance4 = "0.25" . $sDevise;
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($sLangue);
            $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
            // Control String for support
            $CtlHmac = sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMAC, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero, $oHmac->computeHmac(sprintf(CMCIC_CTLHMACSTR, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sNumero)));
            // Data to certify
            $PHP1_FIELDS = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI1_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $sDate, $sMontant, $sDevise, $sReference, $sTexteLibre, $oTpe->sVersion, $oTpe->sLangue, $oTpe->sCodeSociete, $sEmail, $sNbrEch, $sDateEcheance1, $sMontantEcheance1, $sDateEcheance2, $sMontantEcheance2, $sDateEcheance3, $sMontantEcheance3, $sDateEcheance4, $sMontantEcheance4, $sOptions);
            // MAC computation
            $sMAC = $oHmac->computeHmac($PHP1_FIELDS);
		<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#PaymentRequest_cic').submit(); });</script>
		<div class="paypalPaymentLoading"><span><?php 
            _e('Redirect to the CIC site in progress, please wait...', 'wpshop');
		<form action="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sUrlPaiement;
" method="post" id="PaymentRequest_cic">
			<input type="hidden" name="version"             id="version"        value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sVersion;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="TPE"                 id="TPE"            value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sNumero;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="date"                id="date"           value="<?php 
            echo $sDate;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="montant"             id="montant"        value="<?php 
            echo $sMontant . $sDevise;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="reference"           id="reference"      value="<?php 
            echo $sReference;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="MAC"                 id="MAC"            value="<?php 
            echo $sMAC;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="url_retour"          id="url_retour"     value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sUrlKO;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="url_retour_ok"       id="url_retour_ok"  value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sUrlOK;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="url_retour_err"      id="url_retour_err" value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sUrlKO;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="lgue"                id="lgue"           value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sLangue;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="societe"             id="societe"        value="<?php 
            echo $oTpe->sCodeSociete;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="texte-libre"         id="texte-libre"    value="<?php 
            echo HtmlEncode($sTexteLibre);
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="mail"                id="mail"           value="<?php 
            echo $sEmail;
" />
			<!-- Uniquement pour le Paiement fractionn� -->
			<input type="hidden" name="nbrech"              id="nbrech"         value="<?php 
            echo $sNbrEch;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="dateech1"            id="dateech1"       value="<?php 
            echo $sDateEcheance1;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="montantech1"         id="montantech1"    value="<?php 
            echo $sMontantEcheance1;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="dateech2"            id="dateech2"       value="<?php 
            echo $sDateEcheance2;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="montantech2"         id="montantech2"    value="<?php 
            echo $sMontantEcheance2;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="dateech3"            id="dateech3"       value="<?php 
            echo $sDateEcheance3;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="montantech3"         id="montantech3"    value="<?php 
            echo $sMontantEcheance3;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="dateech4"            id="dateech4"       value="<?php 
            echo $sDateEcheance4;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="montantech4"         id="montantech4"    value="<?php 
            echo $sMontantEcheance4;
" />
			<!-- -->
			<noscript><input type="submit" name="bouton"              id="bouton"         value="Connexion / Connection" /></noscript>
            $output = ob_get_contents();
        return $output;
예제 #9
  * @return HTML
 function _process()
     // Begin Main : Retrieve Variables posted by CMCIC Payment Server
     $CMCIC_bruteVars = $this->_getMethode();
     // TPE init variables
     $oTpe = new CMCIC_Tpe($vars->CMCICVersion, $vars->key, $vars->tpe, $vars->serverUrl, $vars->societe, $vars->langue, $this->_getUrlOk(), $this->_getUrlKo());
     $oHmac = new CMCIC_Hmac($oTpe);
     // Message Authentication
     $cgi2_fields = sprintf(CMCIC_CGI2_FIELDS, $oTpe->sNumero, $CMCIC_bruteVars["date"], $CMCIC_bruteVars['montant'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['texte-libre'], $oTpe->sVersion, $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['brand'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['status3ds'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['motifrefus'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['hpancb'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['ipclient'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['veres'], $CMCIC_bruteVars['pares']);
     // 1 . check answer
     if ($oHmac->computeHmac($cgi2_fields) == strtolower($CMCIC_bruteVars['MAC'])) {
         // 2 . check order_id
         $order_id = $CMCIC_bruteVars['reference'];
         // load the orderpayment record and set some values
         JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_tienda' . DS . 'tables');
         $orderpayment = JTable::getInstance('OrderPayments', 'TiendaTable');
         if (empty($orderpayment_id) || empty($orderpayment->orderpayment_id)) {
             $errors[] = JText::_('TIENDA_SIPS_INVALID ORDERID');
             $this->_sendErrorEmail($errors, $sips_response_array);
             return false;
         // 3 . check bank return code
         // set the order's new status and update quantities if necessary
         Tienda::load('TiendaHelperOrder', 'helpers.order');
         Tienda::load('TiendaHelperCarts', 'helpers.carts');
         $order = JTable::getInstance('Orders', 'TiendaTable');
         $retour = $CMCIC_bruteVars['code-retour'];
         switch ($retour) {
             case "Annulation":
                 // Payment has been refused
                 $order->order_state_id = $this->params->get('failed_order_state', '10');
                 $orderpayment->transaction_details = JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_ANNULATION');
                 if (!$order->save()) {
                     $errors[] = $order->getError();
             case "payetest":
                 if ($this->params->get('payment_server') != 'test') {
             case "paiement":
                 // Payment has been accepted
                 $orderpayment->transaction_details = JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_CVX') . $CMCIC_bruteVars['cvx'] . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_VLD') . " : " . $CMCIC_bruteVars['vld'] . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_BRAND') . " : " . $this->_getCreditCardBrand($CMCIC_bruteVars['brand']) . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_STATUS3D') . " : " . $this->_getStatus3D($CMCIC_bruteVars['status3d']) . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_ORIGINECB') . " : " . $CMCIC_bruteVars['originecb'] . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_BINCB') . " : " . $CMCIC_bruteVars['bincb'] . "\n" . JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_RESPONSE_PAYMENT_ORIGINTR') . " : " . $CMCIC_bruteVars['originetr'];
                 $orderpayment->transaction_id = $CMCIC_bruteVars['numauto'];
                 //$orderpayment->transaction_status = $retour; // ???
                 $order->order_state_id = $this->params->get('payment_received_order_state', '17');
                 // save the order
                 if (!$order->save()) {
                     $errors[] = $order->getError();
                 // PAYMENT RECEIVED
                 // send email
                 $send_email = true;
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACOK;
     } else {
         $receipt = CMCIC_CGI2_MACNOTOK . $cgi2_fields;
         //  HMAC doesn't match -- tell admin
         $errors[] = JText::_('TIENDA_CMCIC_CGI2_MACNOTOK') . $cgi2_fields;
     printf(CMCIC_CGI2_RECEIPT, $receipt);
     return count($errors) ? implode("\n", $errors) : 'processed';