예제 #1
 public static function TrySendEmail($ID, &$arFields, &$arErrors)
     global $APPLICATION;
     if (!CModule::IncludeModule('subscribe')) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_LOAD_SUBSCRIBE);
         return false;
     $ID = intval($ID);
     if ($ID <= 0 && isset($arFields['ID'])) {
         $ID = intval($arFields['ID']);
     if ($ID <= 0 || !is_array($arFields)) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_INVALID_DATA);
         return false;
     $typeID = isset($arFields['TYPE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['TYPE_ID']) : CCrmActivityType::Undefined;
     if ($typeID !== CCrmActivityType::Email) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_INVALID_DATA);
         return false;
     $urn = CCrmActivity::PrepareUrn($arFields);
     if (!($urn !== '' && CCrmActivity::Update($ID, array('URN' => $urn), false, false))) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_UPDATE_ACTIVITY);
         return false;
     $settings = isset($arFields['SETTINGS']) && is_array($arFields['SETTINGS']) ? $arFields['SETTINGS'] : array();
     // Creating Email -->
     $crmEmail = CCrmMailHelper::ExtractEmail(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'mail', ''));
     $from = isset($settings['MESSAGE_FROM']) ? trim(strval($settings['MESSAGE_FROM'])) : '';
     if ($from === '') {
         if ($crmEmail !== '') {
             $from = $crmEmail;
         } else {
             $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_FIND_EMAIL_FROM);
     } elseif (!check_email($from)) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_INVALID_EMAIL, 'DATA' => array('EMAIL' => $from));
     //Save user email in settings -->
     if ($from !== CUserOptions::GetOption('crm', 'activity_email_addresser', '')) {
         CUserOptions::SetOption('crm', 'activity_email_addresser', $from);
     //<-- Save user email in settings
     $to = array();
     $commData = isset($arFields['COMMUNICATIONS']) ? $arFields['COMMUNICATIONS'] : array();
     foreach ($commData as &$commDatum) {
         $commType = isset($commDatum['TYPE']) ? strtoupper(strval($commDatum['TYPE'])) : '';
         $commValue = isset($commDatum['VALUE']) ? strval($commDatum['VALUE']) : '';
         if ($commType !== 'EMAIL' || $commValue === '') {
         if (!check_email($commValue)) {
             $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_INVALID_EMAIL, 'DATA' => array('EMAIL' => $commValue));
         $to[] = strtolower(trim($commValue));
     if (count($to) == 0) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_FIND_EMAIL_TO);
     if (!empty($arErrors)) {
         return false;
     // Try to resolve posting charset -->
     $postingCharset = '';
     $siteCharset = defined('LANG_CHARSET') ? LANG_CHARSET : (defined('SITE_CHARSET') ? SITE_CHARSET : 'windows-1251');
     $arSupportedCharset = explode(',', COption::GetOptionString('subscribe', 'posting_charset'));
     if (count($arSupportedCharset) === 0) {
         $postingCharset = $siteCharset;
     } else {
         foreach ($arSupportedCharset as $curCharset) {
             if (strcasecmp($curCharset, $siteCharset) === 0) {
                 $postingCharset = $curCharset;
         if ($postingCharset === '') {
             $postingCharset = $arSupportedCharset[0];
     //<-- Try to resolve posting charset
     $subject = isset($arFields['SUBJECT']) ? $arFields['SUBJECT'] : '';
     $description = isset($arFields['DESCRIPTION']) ? $arFields['DESCRIPTION'] : '';
     $descriptionType = isset($arFields['DESCRIPTION_TYPE']) ? intval($arFields['DESCRIPTION_TYPE']) : CCrmContentType::PlainText;
     $descriptionHtml = '';
     if ($descriptionType === CCrmContentType::Html) {
         $descriptionHtml = $description;
     } elseif ($descriptionType === CCrmContentType::BBCode) {
         $parser = new CTextParser();
         $descriptionHtml = $parser->convertText($description);
     } elseif ($descriptionType === CCrmContentType::PlainText) {
         $descriptionHtml = htmlspecialcharsbx($description);
     $postingData = array('STATUS' => 'D', 'FROM_FIELD' => $from, 'TO_FIELD' => $from, 'BCC_FIELD' => implode(',', $to), 'SUBJECT' => $subject, 'BODY_TYPE' => 'html', 'BODY' => $descriptionHtml, 'DIRECT_SEND' => 'Y', 'SUBSCR_FORMAT' => 'html', 'CHARSET' => $postingCharset);
     CCrmActivity::InjectUrnInMessage($postingData, $urn, CCrmEMailCodeAllocation::GetCurrent());
     $posting = new CPosting();
     $postingID = $posting->Add($postingData);
     if ($postingID === false) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_ADD_POSTING, 'MESSAGE' => $posting->LAST_ERROR);
         return false;
     $arUpdateFields = array('COMPLETED' => 'Y', 'ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID' => $postingID, 'SETTINGS' => $settings);
     $fromEmail = strtolower(trim(CCrmMailHelper::ExtractEmail($from)));
     if ($crmEmail !== '' && $fromEmail !== $crmEmail) {
         $arUpdateFields['SETTINGS']['MESSAGE_HEADERS'] = array('Reply-To' => "<{$fromEmail}>, <{$crmEmail}>");
     $arUpdateFields['SETTINGS']['IS_MESSAGE_SENT'] = true;
     if (!CCrmActivity::Update($ID, $arUpdateFields, false, false)) {
         $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_UPDATE_ACTIVITY);
         return false;
     // <-- Creating Email
     // Attaching files -->
     $storageTypeID = isset($arFields['STORAGE_TYPE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['STORAGE_TYPE_ID']) : StorageType::Undefined;
     $storageElementsID = isset($arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS']) && is_array($arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS']) ? $arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS'] : array();
     $arRawFiles = StorageManager::makeFileArray($storageElementsID, $storageTypeID);
     foreach ($arRawFiles as &$arRawFile) {
         if (!$posting->SaveFile($postingID, $arRawFile)) {
             $arErrors[] = array('CODE' => self::ERR_CANT_SAVE_POSTING_FILE, 'MESSAGE' => $posting->LAST_ERROR);
             return false;
     // <-- Attaching files
     // Sending Email -->
     if ($posting->ChangeStatus($postingID, 'P')) {
         $rsAgents = CAgent::GetList(array('ID' => 'DESC'), array('MODULE_ID' => 'subscribe', 'NAME' => 'CPosting::AutoSend(' . $postingID . ',%'));
         if (!$rsAgents->Fetch()) {
             CAgent::AddAgent('CPosting::AutoSend(' . $postingID . ',true);', 'subscribe', 'N', 0);
     // Try add event to entity
     $CCrmEvent = new CCrmEvent();
     $ownerID = isset($arFields['OWNER_ID']) ? intval($arFields['OWNER_ID']) : 0;
     $ownerTypeID = isset($arFields['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) ? intval($arFields['OWNER_TYPE_ID']) : 0;
     if ($ownerID > 0 && $ownerTypeID > 0) {
         $eventText = '';
         $eventText .= GetMessage('CRM_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_SUBJECT') . ': ' . $subject . "\n\r";
         $eventText .= GetMessage('CRM_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_FROM') . ': ' . $from . "\n\r";
         $eventText .= GetMessage('CRM_ACTIVITY_EMAIL_TO') . ': ' . implode(',', $to) . "\n\r\n\r";
         $eventText .= $description;
         // Register event only for owner
         $CCrmEvent->Add(array('ENTITY' => array($ownerID => array('ENTITY_TYPE' => CCrmOwnerType::ResolveName($ownerTypeID), 'ENTITY_ID' => $ownerID)), 'EVENT_ID' => 'MESSAGE', 'EVENT_TEXT_1' => $eventText, 'FILES' => $arRawFiles));
     // <-- Sending Email
     return true;
예제 #2
            if ($_POST['DEAL_DEFAULT_LIST_VIEW']) {
            LocalRedirect(CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams['PATH_TO_SM_CONFIG'], array()));
$arResult['FORM_ID'] = 'CRM_SM_CONFIG';
$arResult['BACK_URL'] = $arParams['PATH_TO_SM_CONFIG'];
$arResult['FIELDS'] = array();
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_deal_config'][] = array('id' => 'DEAL_DEFAULT_LIST_VIEW', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_DEAL_DEFAULT_LIST_VIEW'), 'items' => \Bitrix\Crm\Settings\DealSettings::getViewDescriptions(), 'type' => 'list', 'value' => \Bitrix\Crm\Settings\DealSettings::getDefaultListViewID(), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_deal_config'][] = array('id' => 'REFRESH_DEAL_CLOSEDATE', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_REFRESH_DEAL_CLOSEDATE'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => \Bitrix\Crm\Settings\DealSettings::isCloseDateSyncEnabled(), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_activity_config'][] = array('id' => 'CALENDAR_DISPLAY_COMPLETED_CALLS', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_DISPLAY_COMPLETED_CALLS_IN_CALENDAR'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => CCrmActivityCalendarSettings::GetValue(CCrmActivityCalendarSettings::DisplayCompletedCalls, true), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_activity_config'][] = array('id' => 'CALENDAR_DISPLAY_COMPLETED_MEETINGS', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_DISPLAY_COMPLETED_MEETINGS_IN_CALENDAR'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => CCrmActivityCalendarSettings::GetValue(CCrmActivityCalendarSettings::DisplayCompletedMeetings, true), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_activity_config'][] = array('id' => 'RECKON_ACTIVITYLESS_ITEMS_IN_COUNTERS', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_RECKON_ACTIVITYLESS_ITEMS_IN_COUNTERS'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => CCrmUserCounterSettings::GetValue(CCrmUserCounterSettings::ReckonActivitylessItems, true), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_outgoing_email'][] = array('id' => 'SERVICE_CODE_ALLOCATION', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_SERVICE_CODE_ALLOCATION'), 'items' => CCrmEMailCodeAllocation::GetAllDescriptions(), 'type' => 'list', 'value' => CCrmEMailCodeAllocation::GetCurrent(), 'required' => false);
if (Bitrix\Crm\Integration\Bitrix24Email::isEnabled()) {
    if (Bitrix\Crm\Integration\Bitrix24Email::allowDisableSignature()) {
        $arResult['FIELDS']['tab_outgoing_email'][] = array('id' => 'ENABLE_B24_EMAIL_SIGNATURE', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_ENABLE_B24_EMAIL_SIGNATURE'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => Bitrix\Crm\Integration\Bitrix24Email::isSignatureEnabled(), 'required' => false);
    } else {
        $arResult['FIELDS']['tab_outgoing_email'][] = array('id' => 'ENABLE_B24_EMAIL_SIGNATURE', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_ENABLE_B24_EMAIL_SIGNATURE'), 'type' => 'label', 'value' => Bitrix\Crm\Integration\Bitrix24Email::getSignatureExplanation(), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'PERSON_NAME_FORMAT_ID', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_PERSON_NAME_FORMAT'), 'type' => 'list', 'items' => \Bitrix\Crm\Format\PersonNameFormatter::getAllDescriptions(), 'value' => \Bitrix\Crm\Format\PersonNameFormatter::getFormatID(), 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'CALLTO_FORMAT', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_CALLTO_FORMAT'), 'type' => 'list', 'items' => CCrmCallToUrl::GetAllDescriptions(), 'value' => CCrmCallToUrl::GetFormat(CCrmCallToUrl::Bitrix), 'required' => false);
$calltoSettings = CCrmCallToUrl::GetCustomSettings();
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'CALLTO_URL_TEMPLATE', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_CALLTO_URL_TEMPLATE'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => isset($calltoSettings['URL_TEMPLATE']) ? $calltoSettings['URL_TEMPLATE'] : 'callto:[phone]', 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'CALLTO_CLICK_HANDLER', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_CALLTO_CLICK_HANDLER'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => isset($calltoSettings['CLICK_HANDLER']) ? $calltoSettings['CLICK_HANDLER'] : '', 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'CALLTO_NORMALIZE_NUMBER', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_CALLTO_NORMALIZE_NUMBER'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => isset($calltoSettings['NORMALIZE_NUMBER']) ? $calltoSettings['NORMALIZE_NUMBER'] === 'Y' : true, 'required' => false);
$arResult['FIELDS']['tab_format'][] = array('id' => 'section_address_format', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_SECTION_ADDRESS_FORMAT'), 'type' => 'section');
$curAddrFormatID = \Bitrix\Crm\Format\EntityAddressFormatter::getFormatID();
예제 #3
 if (count($arSupportedCharset) === 0) {
     $postingCharset = $siteCharset;
 } else {
     foreach ($arSupportedCharset as $curCharset) {
         if (strcasecmp($curCharset, $siteCharset) === 0) {
             $postingCharset = $curCharset;
     if ($postingCharset === '') {
         $postingCharset = $arSupportedCharset[0];
 //<-- Try to resolve posting charset
 $postingData = array('STATUS' => 'D', 'FROM_FIELD' => $from, 'TO_FIELD' => $from, 'BCC_FIELD' => implode(',', $to), 'SUBJECT' => $subject, 'BODY_TYPE' => 'html', 'BODY' => $messageHtml !== '' ? $messageHtml : GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_ACTION_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION'), 'DIRECT_SEND' => 'Y', 'SUBSCR_FORMAT' => 'html', 'CHARSET' => $postingCharset);
 CCrmActivity::InjectUrnInMessage($postingData, $urn, CCrmEMailCodeAllocation::GetCurrent());
 $posting = new CPosting();
 $postingID = $posting->Add($postingData);
 if ($postingID === false) {
     $arErrors[] = GetMessage('CRM_ACTIVITY_COULD_NOT_CREATE_POSTING');
     $arErrors[] = $posting->LAST_ERROR;
 } else {
     // Attaching files -->
     $arRawFiles = isset($arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS']) && !empty($arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS']) ? \Bitrix\Crm\Integration\StorageManager::makeFileArray($arFields['STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS'], $storageTypeID) : array();
     foreach ($arRawFiles as &$arRawFile) {
         if (isset($arRawFile['ORIGINAL_NAME'])) {
             $arRawFile['name'] = $arRawFile['ORIGINAL_NAME'];
         if (!$posting->SaveFile($postingID, $arRawFile)) {
             $arErrors[] = GetMessage('CRM_ACTIVITY_COULD_NOT_SAVE_POSTING_FILE', array('#FILE_NAME#' => $arRawFile['ORIGINAL_NAME']));
             $arErrors[] = $posting->LAST_ERROR;
예제 #4
 public static function EmailMessageAdd($arMessageFields, $ACTION_VARS)
     if (!CModule::IncludeModule('crm')) {
         return false;
     $date = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_DATE']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_DATE'] : '';
     $maxAgeDays = intval(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'email_max_age', 7));
     $maxAge = $maxAgeDays > 0 ? $maxAgeDays * 86400 : 0;
     if ($maxAge > 0 && $date !== '') {
         $now = time() + CTimeZone::GetOffset();
         $timestamp = MakeTimeStamp($date, FORMAT_DATETIME);
         if ($now - $timestamp > $maxAge) {
             //Time threshold is exceeded
             return false;
     $crmEmail = strtolower(trim(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'mail', '')));
     $msgID = isset($arMessageFields['ID']) ? intval($arMessageFields['ID']) : 0;
     $mailboxID = isset($arMessageFields['MAILBOX_ID']) ? intval($arMessageFields['MAILBOX_ID']) : 0;
     $from = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_FROM']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_FROM'] : '';
     $replyTo = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_REPLY_TO']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_REPLY_TO'] : '';
     if ($replyTo !== '') {
         // Ignore FROM if REPLY_TO EXISTS
         $from = $replyTo;
     $addresserInfo = CCrmMailHelper::ParseEmail($from);
     if ($crmEmail !== '' && strcasecmp($addresserInfo['EMAIL'], $crmEmail) === 0) {
         // Ignore emails from ourselves
         return false;
     $to = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_TO']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_TO'] : '';
     $cc = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_CC']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_CC'] : '';
     $bcc = isset($arMessageFields['FIELD_BCC']) ? $arMessageFields['FIELD_BCC'] : '';
     $addresseeEmails = array_unique(array_merge($to !== '' ? CMailUtil::ExtractAllMailAddresses($to) : array(), $cc !== '' ? CMailUtil::ExtractAllMailAddresses($cc) : array(), $bcc !== '' ? CMailUtil::ExtractAllMailAddresses($bcc) : array()), SORT_STRING);
     if ($mailboxID > 0) {
         $dbMailbox = CMailBox::GetById($mailboxID);
         $arMailbox = $dbMailbox->Fetch();
         // POP3 mailboxes are ignored - they bound to single email
         if ($arMailbox && $arMailbox['SERVER_TYPE'] === 'smtp' && (empty($crmEmail) || !in_array($crmEmail, $addresseeEmails, true))) {
             return false;
     $subject = isset($arMessageFields['SUBJECT']) ? $arMessageFields['SUBJECT'] : '';
     $body = isset($arMessageFields['BODY']) ? $arMessageFields['BODY'] : '';
     $arBodyEmails = null;
     $userID = 0;
     $parentID = 0;
     $ownerTypeID = CCrmOwnerType::Undefined;
     $ownerID = 0;
     $addresserID = self::FindUserIDByEmail($addresserInfo['EMAIL']);
     if ($addresserID > 0 && Bitrix\Crm\Integration\IntranetManager::isExternalUser($addresserID)) {
         //Forget about extranet user
         $addresserID = 0;
     $arCommEmails = $addresserID <= 0 ? array($addresserInfo['EMAIL']) : ($crmEmail !== '' ? array_diff($addresseeEmails, array($crmEmail)) : $addresseeEmails);
     //Trying to fix strange behaviour of array_diff under OPcache (issue #60862)
     $arCommEmails = array_filter($arCommEmails);
     $targInfo = CCrmActivity::ParseUrn(CCrmActivity::ExtractUrnFromMessage($arMessageFields, CCrmEMailCodeAllocation::GetCurrent()));
     $targActivity = $targInfo['ID'] > 0 ? CCrmActivity::GetByID($targInfo['ID'], false) : null;
     // Check URN
     if (!$targActivity && (!isset($targActivity['URN']) || strtoupper($targActivity['URN']) !== strtoupper($targInfo['URN']))) {
         $targActivity = null;
     if ($targActivity) {
         $postingID = self::ExtractPostingID($arMessageFields);
         if ($postingID > 0 && isset($targActivity['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID']) && intval($targActivity['ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID']) === $postingID) {
             // Ignore - it is our message.
             return false;
         $parentID = $targActivity['ID'];
         $subject = CCrmActivity::ClearUrn($subject);
         if ($addresserID > 0) {
             $userID = $addresserID;
         } elseif (isset($targActivity['RESPONSIBLE_ID'])) {
             $userID = $targActivity['RESPONSIBLE_ID'];
         if (isset($targActivity['OWNER_TYPE_ID'])) {
             $ownerTypeID = intval($targActivity['OWNER_TYPE_ID']);
         if (isset($targActivity['OWNER_ID'])) {
             $ownerID = intval($targActivity['OWNER_ID']);
         $arCommData = self::ExtractCommsFromEmails($arCommEmails);
         if ($ownerTypeID > 0 && $ownerID > 0) {
             if (empty($arCommData)) {
                 if ($addresserID > 0) {
                     foreach ($addresseeEmails as $email) {
                         if ($email === $crmEmail) {
                         $arCommData = array(self::CreateComm($ownerTypeID, $ownerID, $email));
                 } else {
                     $arCommData = array(self::CreateComm($ownerTypeID, $ownerID, $addresserInfo['EMAIL']));
             } elseif ($ownerTypeID !== CCrmOwnerType::Deal) {
                 //Check if owner in communications. Otherwise clear owner.
                 //There is only one exception for DEAL - it entity has no communications
                 $isOwnerInComms = false;
                 foreach ($arCommData as &$arCommItem) {
                     $commEntityTypeID = isset($arCommItem['ENTITY_TYPE_ID']) ? $arCommItem['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] : CCrmOwnerType::Undefined;
                     $commEntityID = isset($arCommItem['ENTITY_ID']) ? $arCommItem['ENTITY_ID'] : 0;
                     if ($commEntityTypeID === $ownerTypeID && $commEntityID === $ownerID) {
                         $isOwnerInComms = true;
                 if (!$isOwnerInComms) {
                     $ownerTypeID = CCrmOwnerType::Undefined;
                     $ownerID = 0;
     } else {
         if ($addresserID > 0) {
             //It is email from registred user
             $userID = $addresserID;
             if (empty($arCommEmails)) {
                 $arBodyEmails = self::ExtractEmailsFromBody($body);
                 //Clear system user emails
                 if (!empty($arBodyEmails)) {
                     foreach ($arBodyEmails as $email) {
                         if (self::FindUserIDByEmail($email) <= 0) {
                             $arCommEmails[] = $email;
             // Try to resolve communications
             $arCommData = self::ExtractCommsFromEmails($arCommEmails);
         } else {
             //It is email from unknown user
             //Try to resolve bindings from addresser
             $arCommData = self::ExtractCommsFromEmails($arCommEmails);
             if (!empty($arCommData)) {
                 // Try to resolve responsible user
                 foreach ($arCommData as &$arComm) {
                     $userID = self::ResolveResponsibleID($arComm['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], $arComm['ENTITY_ID']);
                     if ($userID > 0) {
         // Try to resolve owner by old-style method-->
         $arACTION_VARS = explode('&', $ACTION_VARS);
         for ($i = 0, $ic = count($arACTION_VARS); $i < $ic; $i++) {
             $v = $arACTION_VARS[$i];
             if ($pos = strpos($v, '=')) {
                 $name = substr($v, 0, $pos);
                 ${$name} = urldecode(substr($v, $pos + 1));
         $arTypeNames = CCrmOwnerType::GetNames(array(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, CCrmOwnerType::Deal, CCrmOwnerType::Contact, CCrmOwnerType::Company));
         foreach ($arTypeNames as $typeName) {
             $regexVar = 'W_CRM_ENTITY_REGEXP_' . $typeName;
             if (empty(${$regexVar})) {
             $match = array();
             if (preg_match('/' . ${$regexVar} . '/i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $subject, $match) === 1) {
                 $ownerID = intval($match[1]);
                 $ownerTypeID = CCrmOwnerType::ResolveID($typeName);
         // <-- Try to resolve owner by old-style method
         // Filter communications by owner
         if ($ownerTypeID > 0 && $ownerID > 0) {
             if (!empty($arCommData)) {
                 foreach ($arCommData as $commKey => $arComm) {
                     if ($arComm['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] === $ownerTypeID && $arComm['ENTITY_ID'] === $ownerID) {
                 $arCommData = array_values($arCommData);
             if (empty($arCommData)) {
                 if ($addresserID > 0) {
                     foreach ($addresseeEmails as $email) {
                         if ($email === $crmEmail) {
                         $arCommData = array(self::CreateComm($ownerTypeID, $ownerID, $email));
                 } else {
                     $arCommData = array(self::CreateComm($ownerTypeID, $ownerID, $addresserInfo['EMAIL']));
     $arBindingData = self::ConvertCommsToBindings($arCommData);
     // Check bindings for converted leads -->
     // Not Existed entities are ignored. Converted leads are ignored if their associated entities (contacts, companies, deals) are contained in bindings.
     $arCorrectedBindingData = array();
     $arConvertedLeadData = array();
     foreach ($arBindingData as $bindingKey => &$arBinding) {
         if ($arBinding['TYPE_ID'] !== CCrmOwnerType::Lead) {
             if (self::IsEntityExists($arBinding['TYPE_ID'], $arBinding['ID'])) {
                 $arCorrectedBindingData[$bindingKey] = $arBinding;
         $arFields = self::GetEntity(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $arBinding['ID'], array('STATUS_ID'));
         if (!is_array($arFields)) {
         if (isset($arFields['STATUS_ID']) && $arFields['STATUS_ID'] === 'CONVERTED') {
             $arConvertedLeadData[$bindingKey] = $arBinding;
         } else {
             $arCorrectedBindingData[$bindingKey] = $arBinding;
     foreach ($arConvertedLeadData as &$arConvertedLead) {
         $leadID = $arConvertedLead['ID'];
         $exists = false;
         $dbRes = CCrmCompany::GetListEx(array(), array('LEAD_ID' => $leadID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('ID'));
         if ($dbRes) {
             while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
                 if (isset($arCorrectedBindingData[self::PrepareEntityKey(CCrmOwnerType::Company, $arRes['ID'])])) {
                     $exists = true;
         if ($exists) {
         $dbRes = CCrmContact::GetListEx(array(), array('LEAD_ID' => $leadID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('ID'));
         if ($dbRes) {
             while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
                 if (isset($arCorrectedBindingData[self::PrepareEntityKey(CCrmOwnerType::Contact, $arRes['ID'])])) {
                     $exists = true;
         if ($exists) {
         $dbRes = CCrmDeal::GetListEx(array(), array('LEAD_ID' => $leadID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'), false, false, array('ID'));
         if ($dbRes) {
             while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
                 if (isset($arCorrectedBindingData[self::PrepareEntityKey(CCrmOwnerType::Deal, $arRes['ID'])])) {
                     $exists = true;
         if ($exists) {
         $arCorrectedBindingData[self::PrepareEntityKey(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $leadID)] = $arConvertedLead;
     $arBindingData = $arCorrectedBindingData;
     // <-- Check bindings for converted leads
     // If no bindings are found then create new lead from this message
     // Skip lead creation if email list is empty. Otherwise we will create lead with no email-addresses. It is absolutely useless.
     $emailQty = count($arCommEmails);
     if (empty($arBindingData) && $emailQty > 0) {
         if (strtoupper(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'email_create_lead_for_new_addresser', 'Y')) !== 'Y') {
             // Creation of new lead is not allowed
             return true;
         //"Lead from forwarded email..." or "Lead from email..."
         $title = $subject !== '' ? $subject : GetMessage($addresserID > 0 ? 'CRM_MAIL_LEAD_FROM_USER_EMAIL_TITLE' : 'CRM_MAIL_LEAD_FROM_EMAIL_TITLE', array('%SENDER%' => $addresserInfo['ORIGINAL']));
         $comment = '';
         if ($body !== '') {
             // Remove extra new lines (fix for #31807)
             $comment = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)+/", '<br/>', htmlspecialcharsbx($body));
         if ($comment === '') {
             $comment = htmlspecialcharsbx($subject);
         $name = '';
         if ($addresserID <= 0) {
             $name = $addresserInfo['NAME'];
         } else {
             //Try get name from body
             for ($i = 0; $i < $emailQty; $i++) {
                 $email = $arCommEmails[$i];
                 $match = array();
                 if (preg_match('/"([^"]+)"\\s*<' . $email . '>/i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $body, $match) === 1 && count($match) > 1) {
                     $name = $match[1];
                 if (preg_match('/"([^"]+)"\\s*[\\s*mailto\\:\\s*' . $email . ']/i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $body, $match) === 1 && count($match) > 1) {
                     $name = $match[1];
             if ($name === '') {
                 $name = $arCommEmails[0];
         $arLeadFields = array('TITLE' => $title, 'NAME' => $name, 'STATUS_ID' => 'NEW', 'COMMENTS' => $comment, 'SOURCE_DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage('CRM_MAIL_LEAD_FROM_EMAIL_SOURCE', array('%SENDER%' => $addresserInfo['ORIGINAL'])), 'OPENED' => 'Y', 'FM' => array('EMAIL' => array()));
         $sourceList = CCrmStatus::GetStatusList('SOURCE');
         $sourceID = COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'email_lead_source_id', '');
         if ($sourceID === '' || !isset($sourceList[$sourceID])) {
             if (isset($sourceList['EMAIL'])) {
                 $sourceID = 'EMAIL';
             } elseif (isset($sourceList['OTHER'])) {
                 $sourceID = 'OTHER';
         if ($sourceID !== '') {
             $arLeadFields['SOURCE_ID'] = $sourceID;
         $responsibleID = intval(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'email_lead_responsible_id', 0));
         if ($responsibleID > 0) {
             $arLeadFields['CREATED_BY_ID'] = $arLeadFields['MODIFY_BY_ID'] = $arLeadFields['ASSIGNED_BY_ID'] = $responsibleID;
             if ($userID === 0) {
                 $userID = $responsibleID;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $emailQty; $i++) {
             $arLeadFields['FM']['EMAIL']['n' . ($i + 1)] = array('VALUE_TYPE' => 'WORK', 'VALUE' => $arCommEmails[$i]);
         $leadEntity = new CCrmLead(false);
         $leadID = $leadEntity->Add($arLeadFields, true, array('DISABLE_USER_FIELD_CHECK' => true, 'REGISTER_SONET_EVENT' => true, 'CURRENT_USER' => $responsibleID));
         // TODO: log error
         if ($leadID > 0) {
             $arBizProcErrors = array();
             CCrmBizProcHelper::AutoStartWorkflows(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $leadID, CCrmBizProcEventType::Create, $arBizProcErrors);
             $arCommData = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $emailQty; $i++) {
                 $arCommData[] = self::CreateComm(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $leadID, $arCommEmails[$i]);
             $arBindingData = array(self::PrepareEntityKey(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $leadID) => self::CreateBinding(CCrmOwnerType::Lead, $leadID));
     // Terminate processing if no bindings are found.
     if (empty($arBindingData)) {
         // Try to export vcf-files before exit if email from registered user
         if ($addresserID > 0) {
             $dbAttachment = CMailAttachment::GetList(array(), array('MESSAGE_ID' => $msgID));
             while ($arAttachment = $dbAttachment->Fetch()) {
                 if (GetFileExtension(strtolower($arAttachment['FILE_NAME'])) === 'vcf') {
                     if ($arAttachment['FILE_ID']) {
                         $arAttachment['FILE_DATA'] = CMailAttachment::getContents($arAttachment);
         return false;
     // If owner info not defined set it by default
     if ($ownerID <= 0 || $ownerTypeID <= 0) {
         if (count($arBindingData) > 1) {
             // Search owner in specified order: Contact, Company, Lead.
             $arTypeIDs = array(CCrmOwnerType::Contact, CCrmOwnerType::Company, CCrmOwnerType::Lead);
             foreach ($arTypeIDs as $typeID) {
                 foreach ($arBindingData as &$arBinding) {
                     if ($arBinding['TYPE_ID'] === $typeID) {
                         $ownerTypeID = $typeID;
                         $ownerID = $arBinding['ID'];
                 if ($ownerID > 0 && $ownerTypeID > 0) {
         if ($ownerID <= 0 || $ownerTypeID <= 0) {
             $arBinding = array_shift(array_values($arBindingData));
             $ownerTypeID = $arBinding['TYPE_ID'];
             $ownerID = $arBinding['ID'];
     // Precessing of attachments -->
     $attachmentMaxSizeMb = intval(COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'email_attachment_max_size', 16));
     $attachmentMaxSize = $attachmentMaxSizeMb > 0 ? $attachmentMaxSizeMb * 1048576 : 0;
     $arFilesData = array();
     $dbAttachment = CMailAttachment::GetList(array(), array('MESSAGE_ID' => $msgID));
     $arBannedAttachments = array();
     while ($arAttachment = $dbAttachment->Fetch()) {
         if ($arAttachment['FILE_NAME'] === '1.tmp') {
             // HACK: For bug in module 'Mail'
         } elseif (GetFileExtension(strtolower($arAttachment['FILE_NAME'])) === 'vcf') {
             if ($arAttachment['FILE_ID']) {
                 $arAttachment['FILE_DATA'] = CMailAttachment::getContents($arAttachment);
         $fileSize = isset($arAttachment['FILE_SIZE']) ? intval($arAttachment['FILE_SIZE']) : 0;
         if ($fileSize <= 0) {
             //Skip zero lenth files
         if ($attachmentMaxSize > 0 && $fileSize > $attachmentMaxSize) {
             //File size limit  is exceeded
             $arBannedAttachments[] = array('name' => $arAttachment['FILE_NAME'], 'size' => $fileSize);
         if ($arAttachment['FILE_ID'] && empty($arAttachment['FILE_DATA'])) {
             $arAttachment['FILE_DATA'] = CMailAttachment::getContents($arAttachment);
         $arFilesData[] = array('name' => $arAttachment['FILE_NAME'], 'type' => $arAttachment['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'content' => $arAttachment['FILE_DATA'], 'MODULE_ID' => 'crm');
     //<-- Precessing of attachments
     // Remove extra new lines (fix for #31807)
     $body = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)+/", PHP_EOL, $body);
     $encodedBody = htmlspecialcharsbx($body);
     // Creating of new event -->
     $arEventBindings = array();
     foreach ($arBindingData as &$arBinding) {
         $arEventBindings[] = array('ENTITY_TYPE' => $arBinding['TYPE_NAME'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arBinding['ID']);
     $eventText = '';
     $eventText .= '<b>' . GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_SUBJECT') . '</b>: ' . $subject . PHP_EOL;
     $eventText .= '<b>' . GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_FROM') . '</b>: ' . $addresserInfo['EMAIL'] . PHP_EOL;
     $eventText .= '<b>' . GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_TO') . '</b>: ' . implode($addresseeEmails, '; ') . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty($arBannedAttachments)) {
         $eventText .= '<b>' . GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_BANNENED_ATTACHMENTS', array('%MAX_SIZE%' => $attachmentMaxSizeMb)) . '</b>: ';
         foreach ($arBannedAttachments as &$attachmentInfo) {
             $eventText .= GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_BANNENED_ATTACHMENT_INFO', array('%NAME%' => $attachmentInfo['name'], '%SIZE%' => round($attachmentInfo['size'] / 1048576, 1)));
         $eventText .= PHP_EOL;
     $eventText .= $encodedBody;
     $CCrmEvent = new CCrmEvent();
     $CCrmEvent->Add(array('USER_ID' => $userID, 'ENTITY' => array_values($arEventBindings), 'ENTITY_TYPE' => CCrmOwnerType::ResolveName($ownerTypeID), 'ENTITY_ID' => $ownerID, 'EVENT_NAME' => GetMessage('CRM_EMAIL_GET_EMAIL'), 'EVENT_TYPE' => 2, 'EVENT_TEXT_1' => $eventText, 'FILES' => $arFilesData), false);
     // <-- Creating of new event
     // Creating new activity -->
     $siteID = '';
     $dbSites = CSite::GetList($by = 'sort', $order = 'desc', array('DEFAULT' => 'Y', 'ACTIVE' => 'Y'));
     $defaultSite = is_object($dbSites) ? $dbSites->Fetch() : null;
     if (is_array($defaultSite)) {
         $siteID = $defaultSite['LID'];
     if ($siteID === '') {
         $siteID = 's1';
     $storageTypeID = CCrmActivity::GetDefaultStorageTypeID();
     $arElementIDs = array();
     foreach ($arFilesData as $fileData) {
         $fileID = CFile::SaveFile($fileData, 'crm');
         if ($fileID > 0) {
             $elementID = StorageManager::saveEmailAttachment(CFile::GetFileArray($fileID), $storageTypeID, $siteID);
             if ($elementID > 0) {
                 $arElementIDs[] = (int) $elementID;
     $descr = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)+/", '<br/>', $encodedBody);
     $now = ConvertTimeStamp(time() + CTimeZone::GetOffset(), 'FULL', $siteID);
     $direction = CCrmActivityDirection::Incoming;
     $completed = 'N';
     // Incomming emails must be marked as 'Not Completed'.
     if ($addresserID > 0 && ActivitySettings::getValue(ActivitySettings::MARK_FORWARDED_EMAIL_AS_OUTGOING)) {
         $direction = CCrmActivityDirection::Outgoing;
         $completed = 'Y';
     $arActivityFields = array('OWNER_ID' => $ownerID, 'OWNER_TYPE_ID' => $ownerTypeID, 'TYPE_ID' => CCrmActivityType::Email, 'ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID' => 0, 'PARENT_ID' => $parentID, 'SUBJECT' => $subject, 'START_TIME' => $now, 'END_TIME' => $now, 'COMPLETED' => $completed, 'AUTHOR_ID' => $userID, 'RESPONSIBLE_ID' => $userID, 'PRIORITY' => CCrmActivityPriority::Medium, 'DESCRIPTION' => $descr, 'DESCRIPTION_TYPE' => CCrmContentType::Html, 'DIRECTION' => $direction, 'LOCATION' => '', 'NOTIFY_TYPE' => CCrmActivityNotifyType::None, 'STORAGE_TYPE_ID' => $storageTypeID, 'STORAGE_ELEMENT_IDS' => $arElementIDs);
     $arActivityFields['BINDINGS'] = array();
     foreach ($arBindingData as &$arBinding) {
         $entityTypeID = $arBinding['TYPE_ID'];
         $entityID = $arBinding['ID'];
         if ($entityTypeID <= 0 || $entityID <= 0) {
         $arActivityFields['BINDINGS'][] = array('OWNER_TYPE_ID' => $entityTypeID, 'OWNER_ID' => $entityID);
     $activityID = CCrmActivity::Add($arActivityFields, false, false, array('REGISTER_SONET_EVENT' => true));
     if ($activityID > 0 && !empty($arCommData)) {
         CCrmActivity::SaveCommunications($activityID, $arCommData, $arActivityFields, false, false);
         $arActivityFields['COMMUNICATIONS'] = $arCommData;
     //Notity responsible user
     if ($userID > 0 && $direction === CCrmActivityDirection::Incoming) {
         CCrmActivity::Notify($arActivityFields, CCrmNotifierSchemeType::IncomingEmail);
     // <-- Creating new activity
     return true;