예제 #1
 protected function setUp()
     $this->object = new \AmazonSDB();
     $this->object->batch_put_attributes(self::DOMAIN, $this->_testItems);
// Set HTML headers
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
// Include the SDK
require_once '../sdk.class.php';
// Instantiate the AmazonSDB class
$sdb = new AmazonSDB();
// Store the name of the domain
$domain = 'php-sdk-getting-started';
// Create the domain
$new_domain = $sdb->create_domain($domain);
// Was the domain created successfully?
if ($new_domain->isOK()) {
    // Add a batch of item-key-values to your domain
    $add_attributes = $sdb->batch_put_attributes($domain, array('Item_01' => array('Category' => 'Clothes', 'Subcategory' => 'Sweater', 'Name' => 'Cathair Sweater', 'Color' => 'Siamese', 'Size' => array('Small', 'Medium', 'Large')), 'Item_02' => array('Category' => 'Clothes', 'Subcategory' => 'Pants', 'Name' => 'Designer Jeans', 'Color' => 'Paisley Acid Wash', 'Size' => array('30x32', '32x32', '32x34')), 'Item_03' => array('Category' => 'Clothes', 'Subcategory' => 'Pants', 'Name' => 'Sweatpants', 'Color' => array('Blue', 'Yellow', 'Pink'), 'Size' => 'Large', 'Year' => array('2006', '2007')), 'Item_04' => array('Category' => 'Car Parts', 'Subcategory' => 'Engine', 'Name' => 'Turbos', 'Make' => 'Audi', 'Model' => 'S4', 'Year' => array('2000', '2001', '2002')), 'Item_05' => array('Category' => 'Car Parts', 'Subcategory' => 'Emissions', 'Name' => 'O2 Sensor', 'Make' => 'Audi', 'Model' => 'S4', 'Year' => array('2000', '2001', '2002'))));
    // Were the attributes added successfully?
    if ($add_attributes->isOK()) {
        // Add an additional size to Item_01
        $append_attributes = $sdb->put_attributes($domain, 'Item_01', array('Size' => 'Extra Large'));
        // Were the new attributes appended successfully?
        if ($append_attributes->isOK()) {
            // Use a SELECT expression to query the data.
            // Notice the use of backticks around the domain name.
            $results = $sdb->select("SELECT * FROM `{$domain}` WHERE Category = 'Clothes'");
            // Get all of the <Item> nodes in the response
            $items = $results->body->Item();
            // Re-structure the data so access is easier (see helper function below)
            $data = reorganize_data($items);
            // Generate <table> HTML from the data (see helper function below)
            $html = generate_html_table($data);