function read_excel_and_insert_into_database($target_file, $userid)
    // return {"status":, error:[{"line":"1", "message":"xxx error"},{"line":"", "message":""}, ...]}
    $users = array();
    global $file_status;
    // load file
    try {
        $input_file_type = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($target_file);
        $reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($input_file_type);
        $excel = $reader->load($target_file);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
        array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => 0, "lines" => 0, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
        return $file_status->status;
    // parse file
    $sheet_count = $excel->getSheetCount();
    for ($cur_sheet = 0; $cur_sheet < $sheet_count; $cur_sheet++) {
        $sheet = $excel->getSheet($cur_sheet);
        $sheet_title = $sheet->getTitle();
        if ($sheet_title == "上传名单说明") {
        // if sheet name is xxxx, skip it
        $highest_row = $sheet->getHighestRow();
        $highest_col = count($file_status->upload_user_syntax);
        $tmp = array();
        for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
            array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, 1)->getValue()));
        if (!is_valid_syntax_import_file($tmp)) {
            $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => 0, "message" => MSG_ERR_FILE_CONTENT_SYNTAX));
            return $file_status->status;
        for ($row = 2; $row <= $highest_row; $row++) {
            $tmp = array();
            $functions = array();
            for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
                array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue()));
            if (is_empty_row($tmp)) {
            $cur_user = new UploadUser($tmp);
            if (!is_correct_user_eid_format($cur_user->EmployeeId)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_USER_EID_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_user_name_format($cur_user->UserName)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_USER_NAME_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_user_email_format($cur_user->Email)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_USER_EMAIL_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_user_dept_format($cur_user->DeptCode)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_USER_DEPT_FORMAT));
            $detp_id = get_dept_id_from_database($cur_user->DeptCode);
            if ($detp_id == ERR_USER_DEPT_NOT_EXIST) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => "{$product_name} 不存在"));
            } else {
                $cur_user->DeptId = $detp_id;
            $canapprove = get_canapprove_from_tf($cur_user->CanApprovestr);
            $cur_user->CanApprove = $canapprove;
            if (is_user_exist($cur_user)) {
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "UserName" => $cur_user->UserName, "EmployeeId" => $cur_user->EmployeeId, "message" => "此用户系统中已存在!"));
            } else {
                array_push($users, $cur_user);
    if ($file_status->status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
        return write_into_database($users, $userid);
    } else {
        return $file_status->status;
function read_excel_and_insert_into_database($target_file)
    // return {"status":, error:[{"line":"1", "message":"xxx error"},{"line":"", "message":""}, ...]}
    $problems = array();
    global $file_status;
    // load file
    try {
        $input_file_type = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($target_file);
        $reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($input_file_type);
        $excel = $reader->load($target_file);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
        array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => 0, "lines" => 0, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
        return $file_status->status;
    // parse file
    $sheet_count = $excel->getSheetCount();
    for ($cur_sheet = 0; $cur_sheet < $sheet_count; $cur_sheet++) {
        $sheet = $excel->getSheet($cur_sheet);
        $highest_row = $sheet->getHighestRow();
        $highest_col = count($file_status->upload_problem_syntax);
        $tmp = array();
        for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
            array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, 1)->getValue()));
        if (!is_valid_syntax_import_file($tmp)) {
            $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => 0, "message" => MSG_ERR_FILE_CONTENT_SYNTAX));
            return $file_status->status;
        for ($row = 2; $row <= $highest_row; $row++) {
            $tmp = array();
            $functions = array();
            for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
                array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue()));
            if (is_empty_row($tmp)) {
            $cur_problem = new UploadProblem($tmp);
            if (!is_correct_prob_type_format($cur_problem->type)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_PROB_TYPE_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_prob_desc_format($cur_problem->desc)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_PROB_DESC_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_prob_level_format($cur_problem->level)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_PROB_LEVEL_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_prob_answer_format($cur_problem->answer, $cur_problem->selections, $cur_problem->type)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_PROB_ANSWER_FORMAT));
            if (!is_correct_prob_selection_format($cur_problem->selections, $cur_problem->type)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_PROB_SELECTOR_FORMAT));
            foreach ($cur_problem->category_product as $product_name) {
                $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($product_name);
                if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST) {
                    $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                    array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => "{$product_name} 不存在"));
                } else {
                    array_push($functions, $func_id);
            foreach ($cur_problem->category_adaptaion as $adaptation_name) {
                $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($adaptation_name);
                if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST) {
                    $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                    array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => "{$adaptation_name} 不存在"));
                } else {
                    array_push($functions, $func_id);
            foreach ($cur_problem->problem_category as $category_name) {
                $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($category_name);
                if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST) {
                    $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                    array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => "{$category_name} 不存在"));
                } else {
                    array_push($functions, $func_id);
            if (is_no_any_functions($functions)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => "至少需要有一个分类"));
            $cur_problem->functions_str = output_category_str_from_func_array($functions);
            array_push($problems, $cur_problem);
    if ($file_status->status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
        return write_into_database($problems);
    } else {
        return $file_status->status;
예제 #3
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
/*==========  Einschränkungen  ==========*/
if (empty($_FILES['file'])) {
    echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br>";
} else {
    $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
    $tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
    	    TODO: Einbau von Funktion zur Überprüfung auf Tags explode name -> for each word -> SELECT tags where word -> if 1 -> Vorschlag
    $type = $_FILES['file']['type'];
    $size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
    if (!file_exists("C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\IBBExtender\\data\\" . $username . "\\" . $filename)) {
        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\IBBExtender\\data\\" . $username . "\\" . $filename);
        chmod("C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\IBBExtender\\data\\" . $username . "\\" . $filename, 0777);
        write_into_database($filename, $id, $type, $size);
    } else {
        echo "File wurde nicht verschoben weil es bereits existiert";
/*-----  End of Upload Skript  ------*/
 * [write_into_database description] 
 * Schreibt die Werte in die Datenbank
 * TODO:Auslagern und per include
 * @return [type] [description]
function write_into_database($filename, $id, $type, $size)
    mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "admin") or die("Datenbank Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden");
function read_excel_and_insert_into_database($target_file, $qtid)
    // return {"status":, error:[{"line":"1", "message":"xxx error"},{"line":"", "message":""}, ...]}
    $qts = array();
    global $file_status;
    // load file
    try {
        $input_file_type = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($target_file);
        $reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($input_file_type);
        $excel = $reader->load($target_file);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
        array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => 0, "lines" => 0, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
        return $file_status->status;
    // parse file
    $sheet_count = $excel->getSheetCount();
    for ($cur_sheet = 0; $cur_sheet < $sheet_count; $cur_sheet++) {
        $sheet = $excel->getSheet($cur_sheet);
        $sheet_title = $sheet->getTitle();
        // print_r($sheet_title);
        if ($sheet_title == "上传题库说明") {
        // if sheet name is xxxx, skip it
        $highest_row = $sheet->getHighestRow();
        $highest_col = count($file_status->upload_qd_syntax);
        $tmp = array();
        for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
            array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, 1)->getValue()));
        if (!is_valid_syntax_import_file($tmp)) {
            $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => 0, "message" => MSG_ERR_FILE_CONTENT_SYNTAX));
            $resultStr = MSG_ERR_FILE_CONTENT_SYNTAX;
            return $file_status->status;
        for ($row = 2; $row <= $highest_row; $row++) {
            $tmp = array();
            $functions = array();
            for ($col = 0; $col <= $highest_col; $col++) {
                array_push($tmp, trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue()));
            if (is_empty_row($tmp)) {
            //$qtid = 1;
            $cur_qt = new UploadQT($tmp, $qtid);
            // echo "<br />";
            // print_r($cur_qt);
            if (!is_correct_qt_type_format($cur_qt->type)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_QT_TYPE_FORMAT));
                $resultStr = MSG_ERR_QT_TYPE_FORMAT;
            if (!is_correct_qt_desc_format($cur_qt->desc)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_QT_DESC_FORMAT));
                $resultStr = MSG_ERR_QT_DESC_FORMAT;
            // if (!is_correct_prob_level_format($cur_problem->level))
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=>MSG_ERR_PROB_LEVEL_FORMAT));
            // }
            // if (!is_correct_prob_answer_format($cur_problem->answer, $cur_problem->selections, $cur_problem->type))
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=>MSG_ERR_PROB_ANSWER_FORMAT));
            // }
            if (!is_correct_qt_selection_format($cur_qt->selections, $cur_qt->type)) {
                $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
                array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet" => $cur_sheet, "lines" => $row, "message" => MSG_ERR_QT_SELECTOR_FORMAT));
                $resultStr = MSG_ERR_QT_SELECTOR_FORMAT;
            // if this sheet is OBL, insert OBL function name to $cur_problem->category_product
            // if ($sheet_title == "OBL")
            // {
            // print_r("OBL");
            // array_push($cur_problem->category_product, "OBL");
            // }
            // foreach ($cur_problem->category_product as $product_name)
            // {
            // $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($product_name);
            // if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST)
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=> "$product_name 不存在"));
            // }
            // else
            // {
            // array_push($functions, $func_id);
            // }
            // }
            // foreach ($cur_problem->category_adaptaion as $adaptation_name)
            // {
            // $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($adaptation_name);
            // if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST)
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=> "$adaptation_name 不存在"));
            // }
            // else
            // {
            // array_push($functions, $func_id);
            // }
            // }
            // foreach ($cur_problem->problem_category as $category_name)
            // {
            // $func_id = get_function_id_from_database($category_name);
            // if ($func_id == ERR_PROB_FUNC_NOT_EXIST)
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=> "$category_name 不存在"));
            // }
            // else
            // {
            // array_push($functions, $func_id);
            // }
            // }
            // if (is_no_any_functions($functions))
            // {
            // $file_status->status = ERR_FILE_LOAD;
            // array_push($file_status->errors, array("sheet"=>$cur_sheet, "lines"=>$row, "message"=> "至少需要有一个分类"));
            // }
            // $cur_problem->functions_str = output_category_str_from_func_array($functions);
            array_push($qts, $cur_qt);
    if ($file_status->status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
        return write_into_database($qts);
    } else {
        return $file_status->status;