예제 #1
  * Update Fields
  * @see WP_Widget->update
 function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
     $instance = array();
     foreach ($this->fields as $section) {
         if (isset($section['id']) && !in_array($section['type'], spyropress_exclude_option_types())) {
             $key = trim($section['id']);
             $type = $section['type'];
             if (isset($new_instance[$key])) {
                 $new_value = $new_instance[$key];
                 $instance[$key] = spyropress_validate_setting($new_value, $type, $key, $section);
     return $this->after_validate_fields($instance);
 * Compile CSS
function spyropress_compile_dynamic_styles($settings, $values, $meta = false)
    global $spyropress, $wp_filesystem;
    // check
    if (empty($settings) || empty($values)) {
    // path to stylesheets
    $less_file = $spyropress->template_path . 'assets/css/dynamic.less';
    $css_file = dynamic_css_path() . 'dynamic.css';
    // no dir
    if (!$wp_filesystem->exists(dynamic_css_path())) {
    if (!$wp_filesystem->is_readable($less_file)) {
    // get $insertion from dynamic.less
    $insertion = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($less_file);
    $insertion = spyropress_normalize_css($insertion);
    $regex = "/{{([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\#\\|\\=]+)}}/";
    $fontFamilyNames = array();
    // Match custom CSS
    preg_match_all($regex, $insertion, $matches);
    // Loop through CSS
    foreach ($matches[0] as $option) {
        $value = '';
        $option_marker = str_replace(array('{{', '}}'), '', $option);
        $option_array = explode('|', $option_marker);
        $option_id = $option_array[0];
        $option_type = $settings[$option_id]['type'];
        if (!in_array($option_type, spyropress_exclude_option_types())) {
            // get the value
            if ($meta) {
                global $post;
                $value = get_post_meta($post->ID, $option_id, true);
            } elseif (isset($values[$option_id])) {
                $value = $values[$option_id];
            if (!isset($option_array[1])) {
                $value = spyropress_generate_css_by_type($value, $option_type, $settings[$option_id], $fontFamilyNames);
            } else {
                $value = $value[$option_array[1]];
            // insert CSS, even if the value is empty
            if (is_string($value)) {
                $insertion = stripslashes(str_replace($option, $value, $insertion));
            } else {
                $insertion = stripslashes(str_replace($option, '', $insertion));
        // end if
    // end foreach
    if (!empty($fontFamilyNames)) {
        $r = update_option('_spyropress_google_fontfamilies', array_unique($fontFamilyNames));
    return $insertion;