function referentiel_select_referentiels($params) { // affichage de la liste des referentiels plus bouton de selection $str = ""; $referentiels = referentiel_get_referentiel_referentiels($params); if ($referentiels) { // DEBUG // echo "<br/>DEBUG :: print_lib_referentiel.php LIGNE 12 <br />\n"; // print_r($referentiels); foreach ($referentiels as $record) { $referentiel_id = $record->id; $name = stripslashes($record->name); $code_referentiel = stripslashes($record->code_referentiel); /* $description_referentiel = $record->description_referentiel; $url_referentiel = $record->url_referentiel; $seuil_certificat = $record->seuil_certificat; $timemodified = $record->timemodified; $nb_domaines = $record->nb_domaines; */ $liste_codes_competence = $record->liste_codes_competence; // cours ? if (isset($record->course)) { $referentiel_course = $record->course; } else { $referentiel_course = 0; } // local ou global ? if (isset($record->local)) { $referentiel_local = $record->local; } else { $referentiel_local = 0; } if (isset($record->pass_referentiel) && $record->pass_referentiel != '') { $referentiel_pass = $record->pass_referentiel; } else { $referentiel_pass = ''; } $str .= '<input type="radio" name="referentiel_id" value="' . $referentiel_id . '" />'; $str .= $name . " (" . $code_referentiel . ") "; if (isset($referentiel_local) && $referentiel_local != 0) { $str .= get_string("local", "referentiel") . "\n"; } else { $str .= get_string("global", "referentiel") . "\n"; } // echo("<br />".$liste_codes_competence); if ($referentiel_pass != '') { $str .= ' <i>' . get_string("check_pass_referentiel", "referentiel") . '</i> : <input type="password" name="referentiel_pass_' . $referentiel_id . '" id="referentiel_pass_' . $referentiel_id . '" value="" />'; $str .= ' <input type="hidden" name="givepass_' . $referentiel_id . '" id="givepass_' . $referentiel_id . '" value="1" />'; } else { $str .= ' <input type="hidden" name="givepass_' . $referentiel_id . '" id="givepass_' . $referentiel_id . '" value="0" />'; } $str .= "\n<br />\n"; } $str .= "\n"; } return $str; }
function referentiel_cron_archives() { global $CFG; global $DB; if ($CFG->referentiel_purge_archives) { // purge automatique des archives require_once 'lib_archive.php'; mtrace("DEBUT CRON PURGE REFERENTIEL ARCHIVES"); // Archives older than REFERENTIEL_ARCHIVE_OBSOLETE days will be deleted. $delai_destruction = REFERENTIEL_ARCHIVE_OBSOLETE * 24 * 3600; /// Get all the appropriate data $referentiel_referentiels = referentiel_get_referentiel_referentiels(NULL); // Liste des occurrences de referentiels foreach ($referentiel_referentiels as $referentiel_referentiel) { if ($referentiel_referentiel) { // Liste d'instances de cette occurence $referentiel_instances = $DB->get_records("referentiel", array("ref_referentiel" => "{$referentiel_referentiel->id}")); if ($referentiel_instances) { foreach ($referentiel_instances as $referentiel_instance) { $course_instance = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $referentiel_instance->course)); if ($course_instance) { $course_module = get_coursemodule_from_instance('referentiel', $referentiel_instance->id, $course_instance->id); if ($course_module) { $context_instance = context_module::instance($course_module->id); if ($context_instance) { // purger les archives obsoletes referentiel_purge_archives($context_instance->id, $delai_destruction, true); } } } } } } } mtrace("FIN CRON PURGE REFERENTIEL ARCHIVES.\n"); } }
// d'après ./report/question/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php'; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/referentiel/lib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/referentiel/locallib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/referentiel/version.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/referentiel/lib_archive.php'; // archivage /// Get all required strings $baseUrl = '/report/referentiel/'; $reportCss = $baseUrl . 'report_referentiel.css'; $base_url = $CFG->wwwroot . $baseUrl; $strreferentiels = get_string("modulenameplural", "referentiel"); $strreferentiel = get_string("modulename", "referentiel"); /// Get all the appropriate data $referentiel_referentiels = referentiel_get_referentiel_referentiels(NULL); $joursdedelai = optional_param('joursdedelai', -1, PARAM_INT); // desherence if ($joursdedelai < 0) { if (isset($CFG->delaidesherence)) { $joursdedelai = $CFG->delaidesherence; } else { $joursdedelai = JOURS_DESHERENCE; } } if ($joursdedelai < 0) { $joursdedelai = 0; } $delai = 3600 * 24 * $joursdedelai; $strselection = ''; if (!empty($CFG->ref_profilecategory) && !empty($CFG->ref_profilefield)) {