function nxs_doPublishToDA($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'DA'; $ntCdL = 'da'; $ntNm = 'deviantART'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">deviantART</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => ''); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description'; $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title'; $message['url'] = home_url(); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['daTitleFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['daTitleFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['daTextFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['daTextFormat'], $postID, $addParams); // prr($options['daTextFormat']); echo $postID; $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_DA(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); // echo "~~~"; prr($ret); echo "+++"; //## Save Session if (empty($options['ck'])) { $options['ck'] = ''; } if (!empty($ret) && is_array($ret) && !empty($ret['ck']) && !empty($ret['ck']) && serialize($ret['ck']) != $options['ck']) { $options['ck'] = serialize($ret['ck']); $options['mh'] = serialize($ret['mh']); if (function_exists('get_option')) { $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster'); } if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) { $nxs_gOptions['da'][$ii] = $options; nxs_settings_save($nxs_gOptions); } } //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToBG($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'BG'; $ntCdL = 'bg'; $ntNm = 'Blogger'; // $uqID = uniqid('BG_'); //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); // if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToBG', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'], 'POSTID' => $postID)); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#F87907">' . $ntNm . '</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate'); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . htmlentities($blogTitle); $link = home_url(); $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $link; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $msgFormat = $options['bgMsgFormat']; $msg = nsFormatMessage($msgFormat, $postID, $addParams); $link = get_permalink($postID); $msgTFormat = $options['bgMsgTFormat']; $msgT = nsFormatMessage($msgTFormat, $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng); //## Actual POST Code $email = $options['bgUName']; $pass = substr($options['bgPass'], 0, 5) == 'b4d7s' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['bgPass'], 5)) : $options['bgPass']; $blogID = $options['bgBlogID']; //echo "###".$auth."|".$blogID."|".$msgT."|".$msg; if ($options['bgInclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode('","', $tggs); $tags = nsTrnc($tags, 195, ',', ''); } if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') { $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1); } if (class_exists('DOMDocument')) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $msg); $doc->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $msg = $doc->saveHTML(); $msg = CutFromTo($msg, '<body>', '</body>'); $msg = preg_replace('/<br(.*?)\\/?>/', '<br$1/>', $msg); $msg = preg_replace('/<img(.*?)\\/?>/', '<img$1/>', $msg); require_once 'apis/htmlNumTable.php'; if (is_array($HTML401NamedToNumeric)) { $msg = strtr($msg, $HTML401NamedToNumeric); $msgT = strtr($msgT, $HTML401NamedToNumeric); } } // prr($text); // prr($msg); echo " =HT= "; $msg = preg_replace('/<script\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/script>/is', "", $msg); $msg = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', "", $msg); $nxshf = new NXS_HtmlFixer(); $nxshf->debug = false; $msg = $nxshf->getFixedHtml($msg); $msg = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $msg); $msg = str_replace("\r", "\n", $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $msg); // prr($msg); die(); if (function_exists("doConnectToBlogger")) { $auth = doConnectToBlogger($email, $pass); if ($auth !== false) { $ret = $auth; } else { $ret = doPostToBlogger($blogID, $msgT, $msg, $tags); } } else { $auth = nsBloggerGetAuth($email, $pass); if ($auth === false) { $ret = 'Incorrect Username/Password'; } else { $msgT = str_ireplace('&', '&', $msgT); $msgT = utf8_encode(str_ireplace('&', '&', $msgT)); $msg = utf8_encode($msg); $ret = nsBloggerNewPost($auth, $blogID, $msgT, $msg); } } //## /Actual POST Code if (!is_array($ret) && $ret != 'OK') { if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . strip_tags(print_r($ret, true)), $extInfo); return $ret; } else { if ($postID == '0') { echo 'OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $ntNm . ' Page '; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); return 201; } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['post_id'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } return 200; } }
function nxs_doPublishToVB($postID, $options) { global $nxs_vbCkArray, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $ntCd = 'VB'; $ntCdL = 'vb'; $ntNm = 'vBulletin'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToVB', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">vBulletin</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $urlToGo = home_url(); $options['vbMsgFormat'] = 'Test Message from ' . $urlToGo; $options['vbMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo; } else { $post = get_post($postID); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $options['vbMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['vbMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['vbMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['vbMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams); //## MyURL - URLToGo code if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') { $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true)); } if ($myurl != '') { $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl; } if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') { $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true; } else { $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID); } $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']); if ($addURLParams != '') { $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams; } } $dusername = $options['vbUName']; //$link = urlencode($link); $desc = urlencode(substr($msg, 0, 500)); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (!empty($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Message & Format if ($options['vbInclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode(', ', $tggs); /* $tags = str_replace(' ','+',$tags); */ } else { $tags = ''; } $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_VB(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Save Session if (empty($options['vkSvC']) || serialize($nxs_vbCkArray) != $options['vbSvC']) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') { $gOptions['vb'][$options['ii']]['vbSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vbCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); } else { foreach ($gOptions['vb'] as $ii => $gpn) { $result = array_diff($options, $gpn); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) { $gOptions['vb'][$ii]['vbSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vbCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); break; } } } } //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToSU($postID, $options) { global $nxs_suCkArray; $ntCd = 'SU'; $ntCdL = 'su'; $ntNm = 'StumbleUpon'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToSU', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">StumbleUpon</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); /* Check is still nessesary or redo if ($options['reset'] != '1' && $options['pType']!='aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted!='2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:'.$postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate'.' |'.$uqID); return; } } */ $suCat = $options['suCat']; // if (function_exists("get_post_thumbnail_id") ){ $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($postID), 'thumbnail'); $src = $src[0];} if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $urlToGo = home_url(); $options['suMsgFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['suMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['suMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); //## MyURL - URLToGo code $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; } $dusername = $options['suUName']; //$link = urlencode($link); $desc = urlencode(substr($msg, 0, 500)); if ($options['suInclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = urlencode(implode(',', $tggs)); $tags = str_replace(' ', '+', $tags); } else { $tags = ''; } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Post $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags, 'url' => $urlToGo); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_SU(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Save Session if (serialize($nxs_suCkArray) != $options['suSvC']) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') { $gOptions['su'][$options['ii']]['suSvC'] = serialize($nxs_suCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); } else { foreach ($gOptions['su'] as $ii => $gpn) { $result = array_diff($options, $gpn); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) { $gOptions['su'][$ii]['suSvC'] = serialize($nxs_suCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); break; } } } } //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //prr($ret); //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToTR($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'TR'; $ntCdL = 'tr'; $ntNm = 'Tumblr'; global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $ytUrl = ''; $imgURL = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTR', array($postID, $options)); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['urlToUse'])) { $options['urlToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['trMsgTFormat'])) { $options['trMsgTFormat'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#014A76">Tumblr</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']); return; } } //## Format if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['trMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $options['trPostType'] = 'T'; $postDate = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " GMT"; $tags = ''; $urlToGo = ''; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['trMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['trMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['trMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['trMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $tggs = array(); if ($options['trInclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode(',', $tggs); } if ($options['trInclCats'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID); foreach ($t as $c) { $cat = get_category($c); $tggs[] = $cat->name; } $tags = implode(',', $tggs); } $postDate = ($options['useOrDate'] == '1' && $post->post_date_gmt != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $post->post_date_gmt : gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post->post_date))) . " GMT"; //## Adds date to Tumblr post. Thanks to Kenneth Lecky if ($options['trPostType'] == 'V') { $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post); if (count($vids) > 0) { $ytUrl = $vids[0]; } if (trim($ytUrl) == '') { $options['trPostType'] = 'T'; } } if ($options['trPostType'] == 'U') { $aud = nsFindAudioInPost($post); if (count($aud) > 0) { $aUrl = $aud[0]; } if (trim($aUrl) == '') { $options['trPostType'] = 'T'; } } if ($options['trPostType'] == 'I') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'large', $options['trDefImg']); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if (trim($imgURL) == '') { $options['trPostType'] = 'T'; } } //## MyURL - URLToGo code $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '') . ' |' . $options['pType']; //## Post $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'tags' => $tags, 'url' => $urlToGo, 'postDate' => $postDate, 'videoURL' => $ytUrl); // prr($message); prr($options); die(); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_TR(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //prr($ret); //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToKT($postID, $options) { global $nxs_ktCkArray; $ntCd = 'KT'; $ntCdL = 'kt'; $ntNm = 'Kippt'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } // if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToDI', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">Kippt</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate'); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $link = home_url(); $options['msgFormat'] = 'Test Message from ' . $link; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $link = get_permalink($postID); $options['msgFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); $options['msgTFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgTFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Create and Format message $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode(',', $tggs); $tags = str_replace(' ', '+', $tags); $message = array('url' => $link, 'surl' => $link, 'siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_KT(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToFL($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'FL'; $ntCdL = 'fl'; $ntNm = 'Flickr'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Flickr</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |'); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'announce' => ''); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description'; $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title'; $message['url'] = home_url(); $message['tags'] = ''; if ($options['defImg'] != '') { $imgURL = $options['defImg']; } else { $imgURL = ""; } $message['imageURL'] = $imgURL; } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $isNoImg = false; $tags = ''; $options['msgFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); $options['msgTFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgTFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); $tggs = array(); if ($options['inclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = '"' . implode('" "', $tggs) . '"'; } $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; $isNoImg = true; } $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $message = array('url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'noImg' => $isNoImg, 'tags' => $tags); $lat = get_post_meta($postID, 'geo_latitude', true); $long = get_post_meta($postID, 'geo_longitude', true); if (!empty($lat) && !empty($long)) { $message['latitude'] = $lat; $message['longitude'] = $long; } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_FL(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //prr($ret); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToTW($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'TW'; $ntCdL = 'tw'; $ntNm = 'Twitter'; $imgData = ''; $imgURL = ''; global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster, $nxs_urlLen; $nxs_urlLen = 0; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Error', $logNT, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTW', array($postID, $options)); $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; if (!empty($gOptions['nxsHTSpace'])) { $htS = $gOptions['nxsHTSpace']; } else { $htS = ''; } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#00FFFF">Twitter</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']); return; } } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $uln = 0; $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID; if ($options['attchImg'] == '1') { if (!empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if (trim($imgURL) == '') { $options['attchImg'] = 0; } else { $imgURL = str_replace(' ', '%20', $imgURL); $hdrsArr['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0'; $advSet = array('headers' => $hdrsArr, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'timeout' => 45, 'sslverify' => false); $imgData = wp_remote_get($imgURL, $advSet); if (is_wp_error($imgData) || empty($imgData['body']) || !empty($imgData['headers']['content-length']) && (int) $imgData['headers']['content-length'] < 200) { $options['attchImg'] = 0; nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, 'Could not get image (' . $imgURL . '), will post without it - Error:' . print_r($imgData, true), $extInfo); } else { $imgData = $imgData['body']; } } } if ($options['attchImg'] == '1' && $imgData != '') { $twLim = 117; } else { $twLim = 140; } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $msg = 'Test Post from ' . nsTrnc($blogTitle, $twLim - 24) . " - " . rand(1, 155); $uln = nxs_strLen($msg); } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $twMsgFormat = $options['twMsgFormat']; nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title . ' |' . $options['pType']; if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%URL%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SURL%') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 22; } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%AUTHORNAME%') !== false) { $aun = $post->post_author; $aun = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $aun); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($aun); } $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", "", $twMsgFormat); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%URL%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SURL%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%CATS%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = preg_replace('/%H?C(F|T)-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%/', '', $noRepl); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($noRepl); // prr($noRepl); $pTitle = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title); if ($post->post_excerpt != "") { $exrText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt); } else { $exrText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content); } $pText = empty($gOptions['brokenCntFilters']) ? apply_filters('the_content', $exrText) : $exrText; $pRawText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content); $pFullText = empty($gOptions['brokenCntFilters']) ? apply_filters('the_content', $pRawText) : $pRawText; if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TAGS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HTAGS%') !== false) { $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag'); if (empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t)) { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); } $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&', '', $tagA->name))))))); if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pTitle)) { $pTitle = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle)); } if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pFullText)) { $pFullText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText)); } if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pText)) { $pText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pText)); } if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pRawText)) { $pRawText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText)); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pTitle) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pFullText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pRawText)) { } else { $tggs[] = '#' . $frmTag; } } $tags = implode(' ', $tggs); $tgsTwLim = $twLim - 20; $tags = nsTrnc($tags, $tgsTwLim, " ", ""); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($tags); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%CATS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HCATS%') !== false) { $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID); $ctts = array(); foreach ($t as $c) { $cat = get_category($c); //$frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ','', str_replace(' ',' ',str_ireplace('&','&',trim(ucwords($cat->name)))))); prr($frmTag); $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&', '', $cat->name))))))); if (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false) { $pTitle = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle); } elseif (stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) { $pTitle = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle); } if (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false) { $pText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pText); } elseif (stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) { $pText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pText); } if (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false) { $pFullText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText); } elseif (stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) { $pFullText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText); } if (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false) { $pRawText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText); } elseif (stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false) { $pRawText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($exrText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($exrText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false)) { } else { $ctts[] = '#' . $frmTag; } } $cats = implode(' ', $ctts); $tgsTwLim = $twLim - 20; $cats = nsTrnc($cats, $tgsTwLim, " ", ""); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%CATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HCATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($cats); } if (preg_match('/%H?CT-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%/', $twMsgFormat)) { $msgA = explode('%CT', str_ireplace("%HCT", "%CT", $twMsgFormat)); $mout = ''; foreach ($msgA as $mms) { if (substr($mms, 0, 1) == '-' && stripos($mms, '%') !== false) { $mGr = CutFromTo($mms, '-', '%'); $cfItem = wp_get_post_terms($postID, $mGr, array("fields" => "names")); if (is_nxs_error($cfItem)) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . $mGr . '|' . print_r($cfItem, true), $extInfo); } else { $tggs = array(); foreach ($cfItem as $frmTag) { $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&', '', $frmTag))))))); $tggs[] = '#' . $frmTag; } $cfItem = implode(' ', $tggs); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($cfItem); $mms = str_ireplace("-" . $mGr . "%", $cfItem, $mms); } } $mout .= $mms; } $twMsgFormat = $mout; } $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace(" ", " ", $twMsgFormat); if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false) { if (stripos($pTitle, '') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 14; } if (stripos($pTitle, '.com') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 16; } if (stripos($pTitle, '.net') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 16; } if (stripos($pTitle, '.org') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 16; } $pTitle = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($pTitle), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); //$ttlTwLim = $twLim-20; $ttlTwLim = $twLim; $pTitle = nsTrnc($pTitle, $ttlTwLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $pTitle, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pTitle); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SITENAME%') !== false) { $siteTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); $siteTitle = nsTrnc($siteTitle, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $siteTitle, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($siteTitle); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false) { $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "..."); $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false) { $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "..."); $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false) { $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "..."); $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", $pText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false) { $exrText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($exrText)), 140, " ", "..."); $exrText = nsTrnc($exrText, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", $exrText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($exrText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false) { $pFullText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pFullText), $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $pFullText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pFullText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false) { $pRawText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pRawText), $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWTEXT%", $pRawText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pRawText); } $msg = nsFormatMessage($twMsgFormat, $postID, $addParams); } $msg = str_replace('&#039;', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace(''', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('#039;', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('#039', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('&#8217;', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('’', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8217;', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8217', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('&#8220;', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('“', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8220;', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8220', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('&#8221;', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('”', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8221;', '"', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8221', "'", $msg); $msg = str_replace('&#8212;', '-', $msg); $msg = str_replace('—', '-', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8212;', '-', $msg); $msg = str_replace('#8212', "-", $msg); $msg = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($msg); $message = array('message' => $msg, 'img' => $imgData, 'urlLength' => $nxs_urlLen); $options['twMsgFormat'] = $msg; //## This meta field is created by the indieweb taxonomy plugin - by David Peach $response = get_post_meta($postID, 'response', true); if (!empty($response)) { $reply_url = $response['url']; if (!empty($reply_url) && strpos($reply_url, '')) { $explode_at_domain = explode('', $reply_url); $twitter_path = end($explode_at_domain); $exploded_path = explode('/', $twitter_path); $options['in_reply_to_id'] = end($exploded_path); } } //prr($options); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_TW(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_addToRI($postID); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToSC($postID, $options) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $ntCd = 'SC'; $ntCdL = 'sc'; $ntNm = 'Scoop.It'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Scoop.It</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => ''); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description'; $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title'; $message['url'] = home_url(); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $postType = $options['postType']; $isNoImg = false; $tags = ''; $options['msgFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); $options['msgTFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgTFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); $tggs = array(); if ($options['inclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = $tggs; } if ($postType == 'A') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'medium'); } } if ($postType == 'I') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; $isNoImg = true; } //## MyURL - URLToGo code if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') { $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true)); } if ($myurl != '') { $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl; } if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') { $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true; } else { $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID); } $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']); if ($addURLParams != '') { $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams; } $message = array('url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'noImg' => $isNoImg, 'tags' => $tags); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_SC(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //prr($ret); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToAP($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'AP'; $ntCdL = 'ap'; $ntNm = 'App.Net'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">App.Net</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => ''); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description'; $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title'; $message['url'] = home_url(); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $apAttchImg = $options['attchImg']; $options['apTextFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['apTextFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); if ($options['attchImg'] == '1') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if (trim($imgURL) == '') { $options['attchImg'] = 0; } } $message = array('imageURL' => $imgURL); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_AP(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToWP($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'WP'; $ntCdL = 'wp'; $ntNm = 'WP Based Blog'; global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToWP', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#1A9EE6">WP</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $urlToGo = home_url(); $options['wpMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo; $options['wpMsgFormat'] = 'Test post please ignore'; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $link = get_permalink($postID); $options['wpMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['wpMsgFormat'], $postID); $options['wpMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['wpMsgTFormat'], $postID); //## MyURL - URLToGo code if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') { $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true)); } if ($myurl != '') { $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl; } if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') { $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true; } else { $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID); } $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']); if ($addURLParams != '') { $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams; } nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode(',', $tggs); $postCats = wp_get_post_categories($postID); $cats = array(); foreach ($postCats as $c) { $cat = get_category($c); $cats[] = str_ireplace('&', '&', $cat->name); } // $cats = implode(',',$catsA); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (!empty($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Message & Format if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'tags' => $tags, 'cats' => $cats, 'authorName' => '', 'orID' => $postID); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_WP(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'); } else { do_action('nxs_actOnWP', array('postID' => $postID, 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'wpURL' => $options['wpURL'], 'ii' => $ii)); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToPK($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'PK'; $ntCdL = 'pk'; $ntNm = 'Plurk'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToPK', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#014A76">Plurk</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } //## Format if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $twMsgFormat = $options['pkMsgFormat']; nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $twLim = 180; $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title; if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%URL%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SURL%') !== false) { $twLim = $twLim - 5; } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%AUTHORNAME%') !== false) { $aun = $post->post_author; $aun = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $aun); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($aun); } $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", "", $twMsgFormat); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%URL%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SURL%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", "", $noRepl); $noRepl = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", "", $noRepl); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($noRepl); $pTitle = $title = $post->post_title; if ($post->post_excerpt != "") { $pText = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_excerpt); } else { $pText = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); } $pFullText = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); $pRawText = $post->post_content; if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false) { $pTitle = nsTrnc($pTitle, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $pTitle, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($pTitle); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SITENAME%') !== false) { $siteTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); $siteTitle = nsTrnc($siteTitle, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $siteTitle, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($siteTitle); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false) { $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 300, " ", "..."); $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($pText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false) { $pFullText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pFullText), $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $pFullText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($pFullText); } if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false) { $pRawText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pRawText), $twLim); $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $pRawText, $twMsgFormat); $twLim = $twLim - strlen($pRawText); } $options['pkMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($twMsgFormat, $postID, $addParams); } if (isset($options['attchImg']) && $options['attchImg'] == '1') { if (!empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } } else { $imgURL = ''; } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } //## Post $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => '', 'imageURL' => $imgURL); // prr($message); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_PK(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToFF($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'FF'; $ntCdL = 'ff'; $ntNm = 'FriendFeed'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToFF', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">FriendFeed</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $link = home_url(); $options['ffMsgFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $link; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $link = get_permalink($postID); $options['ffMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['ffMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title; nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } //## Message & Format if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'imageURL' => $imgURL); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_FF(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToGP($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'GP'; $ntCdL = 'gp'; $ntNm = 'Google+'; global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $ytCode = ''; $imgURL = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } if (!class_exists('nxsAPI_GP') || defined('d1') && d1 == 1) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $ntCd, '-=ERROR=- No G+ API Lib Detected', ''); return "No G+ API Lib Detected"; } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Google+</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'noImg' => false); $isNoImg = false; if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['gpMsgFormat'] = "Test Post from " . htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES) . " - " . home_url(); $message['url'] = home_url(); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $gpMsgFormat = $options['gpMsgFormat']; $gpPostType = $options['postType']; $msg = nsFormatMessage($gpMsgFormat, $postID, $addParams); $options['gpMsgFormat'] = $msg; $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); if ($gpPostType == 'I') { $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post, false); if (count($vids) > 0) { $ytCode = $vids[0]; } /* if (trim($ytCode)=='') $options['trPostType']='T'; /* What is it? */ } if ($gpPostType == 'A') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'medium'); } } if ($gpPostType == 'I') { if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; $isNoImg = true; } //## MyURL - URLToGo code $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $message = array('url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'videoCode' => $ytCode, 'noImg' => $isNoImg); //prr($message); die(); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_GP(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToVK($postID, $options) { global $ShownAds, $nxs_vkCkArray; $ntCd = 'VK'; $ntCdL = 'vk'; $ntNm = 'vKontakte(VK)'; $vidURL = ''; $imgVURL = ''; $dsc = ''; $lng = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToVK', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">vKontakte</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $urlToGo = home_url(); $msg = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['msgFrmt'] = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull(strip_tags(nsFormatMessage($options['msgFrmt'], $postID, $addParams))); //## MyURL - URLToGo code $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '') . ' |' . $options['pType']; //## Message & Format if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if (function_exists('nxs_doPostToVK')) { $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post); if (count($vids) > 0) { if (strlen($vids[0]) == 11) { $vidURL = '' . $vids[0]; $imgURL = '' . $vids[0] . '/maxresdefault.jpg'; } if (strlen($vids[0]) == 8) { $vidURL = '' . $vids[0] . '&autoplay=1'; //$mssg['source'] = ''.$vids[0]; $apiURL = "" . $vids[0] . ".json?callback=showThumb"; $json = wp_remote_get($apiURL); if (!is_wp_error($json)) { $json = $json['body']; $json = str_replace('showThumb(', '', $json); $json = str_replace('])', ']', $json); $json = json_decode($json, true); $imgVURL = $json[0]['thumbnail_large']; } } } } if (!empty($options['attchAsVid']) && $options['attchAsVid'] == '1' && trim($imgVURL) != '') { $imgURL = $imgVURL; } if ($options['postType'] == 'A') { if (trim($options['msgAFormat']) != '') { $dsc = nsFormatMessage($options['msgAFormat'], $postID, $addParams); } else { if (function_exists('aioseop_mrt_fix_meta') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_aioseop_description', true)); } if (function_exists('wpseo_admin_init') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-description', true)); } if (function_exists('wpseo_admin_init') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', true)); } if (is_object($post) && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng))); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng)); } if (is_object($post) && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng))); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng)); } if (is_object($post) && $dsc == '') { $dsc = get_bloginfo('description'); } } $dsc = strip_tags($dsc); $dsc = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($dsc); $dsc = nsTrnc($dsc, 900, ' '); } else { $dsc = ''; } $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'videoURL' => $vidURL, 'urlTitle' => nxs_decodeEntitiesFull(nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng)), 'urlDescr' => $dsc); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_VK(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Check Phone Req Return if (is_string($ret) && stripos($ret, 'Phone verification required:') !== false) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; $phtext = str_ireplace('Phone verification required: ', '', $ret); $ret .= ". Please refresh/reload the SNAP settings page and enter your phone."; $gOptions['vk'][$ii]['vkPhReq'] = $phtext; update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true) . " - BAD USER/PASS", $extInfo); return " -= BAD USER/PASS - Phone verification required =- "; } //## Save Session if (empty($options['vkSvC']) || serialize($nxs_vkCkArray) != $options['vkSvC']) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') { $gOptions['vk'][$options['ii']]['vkSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vkCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); } else { foreach ($gOptions['vk'] as $ii => $gpn) { $result = array_diff($options, $gpn); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) { $gOptions['vk'][$ii]['vkSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vkCkArray); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); break; } } } } //## Process Results if (is_array($ret) && !empty($ret['err'])) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToRD($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'RD'; $ntCdL = 'rd'; $ntNm = 'Reddit'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Reddit</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |'); return; } } $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => ''); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description'; $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title'; $message['url'] = home_url(); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $rdPostType = $options['postType']; $options['rdTitleFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['rdTitleFormat'], $postID); $options['rdTextFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['rdTextFormat'], $postID); // prr($msg); echo $postID; $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title; $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $message = array('message' => $options['rdTextFormat'], 'url' => $urlToGo, 'title' => $options['rdTitleFormat']); } //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_RD(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); // echo "~~~"; prr($ret); echo "+++"; //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToBG($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'BG'; $ntCdL = 'bg'; $ntNm = 'Blogger'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); // if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToBG', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'], 'POSTID' => $postID)); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#F87907">' . $ntNm . '</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate'); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['bgMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . htmlentities($blogTitle); $link = home_url(); $options['bgMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $link; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['bgMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['bgMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['bgMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['bgMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Actual POST Code if ($options['bgInclTags'] == '1') { $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode('","', $tggs); $tags = nsTrnc($tags, 195, ',', ''); } if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') { $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1); } if (substr($tags, -1) == ',') { $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1); } if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') { $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1); } //## Set Message $message = array('title' => '', 'announce' => '', 'text' => '', 'url' => '', 'surl' => '', 'urlDescr' => '', 'urlTitle' => '', 'imageURL' => array(), 'videoCode' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags, 'cats' => '', 'authorName' => ''); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_BG(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToFB($postID, $options) { global $ShownAds; $ntCd = 'FB'; $ntCdL = 'fb'; $ntNm = 'Facebook'; $dsc = ''; $vidURL = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } if (!class_exists('nxs_class_SNAP_FB')) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $ntCd, '-=ERROR=- No Facebook API Lib Detected', ''); return "No Facebook API Lib Detected"; } $fbWhere = 'feed'; $page_id = $options['fbPgID']; if (isset($ShownAds)) { $ShownAdsL = $ShownAds; } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); //## Some Common stuff if (empty($options['postType']) && !empty($options['fbPostType'])) { $options['postType'] = $options['fbPostType']; unset($options['fbPostType']); } //## Compatibility with v <3.2 if (empty($options['postType']) && !empty($options['PostType'])) { $pt = $options['PostType']; unset($options['PostType']); $options['postType'] = $pt; } //## Compatibility with v <3.2 $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#0000FF">Facebook</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']); return; } } //## Make the post if (isset($options['qTLng'])) { $lng = $options['qTLng']; } else { $lng = ''; } if (!isset($options['fbAppPageAuthToken'])) { $options['fbAppPageAuthToken'] = ''; } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } //## Initiate Posting Array $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'siteName' => $blogTitle); $imgURL = ''; if ($postID == '0') { $options['fbMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post, Please Ignore'; $dsc = 'Test Post, Description'; $urlTitle = 'Test Post - Title'; $urlToGo = home_url(); } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $msg = nsFormatMessage($options['fbMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $fbPostType = $options['postType']; if ($fbPostType == 'A') { $fbPostType = (int) $options['fbAttch'] == 2 ? 'S' : 'A'; } $isAttachVidFB = $options['fbAttchAsVid']; nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng) : '') . ' |' . $options['pType']; if ($fbPostType == 'A') { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'medium'); } // prr($options); echo "PP - ".$postID; prr($src); if ($fbPostType == 'I' || $fbPostType == 'S') { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } // prr($options); echo "PP - ".$postID; prr($src); if ($fbPostType == 'A' || $fbPostType == 'S') { //## AUTO - Get Post Descr from SEO Plugins or make it. if (trim($options['fbMsgAFrmt']) != '') { $dsc = nsFormatMessage($options['fbMsgAFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); } else { if (function_exists('aioseop_mrt_fix_meta') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_aioseop_description', true)); } if (function_exists('wpseo_admin_init') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-description', true)); } if (function_exists('wpseo_admin_init') && $dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', true)); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng))); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng)); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng))); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = trim(nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng)); } if ($dsc == '') { $dsc = get_bloginfo('description'); } } $dsc = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($dsc)); $dsc = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($dsc); $dsc = nsTrnc($dsc, 900, ' '); } $msg = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $msg); $msg = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $msg); $msg = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $msg); $msg = str_ireplace('<3', '<3', $msg); $msg = str_ireplace('<(', '<(', $msg); //## FB Smiles FIX. $msg = strip_tags($msg); $msg = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($msg); $msg = str_ireplace(''', "'", $msg); $msg = str_ireplace('&039;', "'", $msg); $msg = str_ireplace(''', "'", $msg); $msg = str_ireplace('<3', '<3', $msg); $msg = str_ireplace('<(', '<(', $msg); //## FB Smiles FIX 2. if ($isAttachVidFB == '1') { $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post, false); if (count($vids) > 0) { if (strlen($vids[0]) == 11) { $vidURL = '' . $vids[0]; $imgURL = nsGetYTThumb($vids[0]); } if (strlen($vids[0]) == 8) { $vidURL = '' . $vids[0] . '&autoplay=1'; $apiURL = "" . $vids[0] . ".json?callback=showThumb"; $json = wp_remote_get($apiURL); if (!is_wp_error($json)) { $json = $json['body']; $json = str_replace('showThumb(', '', $json); $json = str_replace('])', ']', $json); $json = json_decode($json, true); $imgURL = $json[0]['thumbnail_large']; } } } } if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = 'http://www.noimage.faketld'; } //$imgURL = ''; //## MyURL - URLToGo code if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') { $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true)); } if ($myurl != '') { $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl; } if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') { $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true; } else { $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID); } if ($addParams != '') { $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addParams; } //prr($options); $urlTitle = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng); $options['fbMsgFormat'] = $msg; $urlTitle = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($urlTitle)); } $message = array('url' => $urlToGo, 'urlTitle' => $urlTitle, 'urlDescr' => $dsc, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'videoURL' => $vidURL, 'siteName' => $blogTitle); if (isset($ShownAds)) { $ShownAds = $ShownAdsL; } // FIX for the quick-adsense plugin //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_FB(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_addToRI($postID); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToYT($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'YT'; $ntCdL = 'yt'; $ntNm = 'YouTube'; $post = ''; global $nxs_gCookiesArr; $vUrl = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } // $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToYT', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } if (empty($options['ytGPPageID'])) { $options['ytGPPageID'] = ''; } // if (empty($options['imgSize'])) $options['imgSize'] = ''; if (!function_exists('doConnectToGooglePlus2') || !function_exists('doPostToGooglePlus2')) { nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $ntCd, '-=ERROR=- No G+ API Lib Detected', ''); return "No G+ API Lib Detected"; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">YouTube</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { $options['ytMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post, Please Ignore'; } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['ytMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['ytMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); // prr($msg); echo $postID; } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Message & Format $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post); if (count($vids) > 0) { $vUrl = $vids[0]; } $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'videoURL' => $vUrl); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_YT(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToPN($postID, $options) { global $nxs_gCookiesArr, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $ntCd = 'PN'; $ntCdL = 'pn'; $ntNm = 'Pinterest'; $price = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } // $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), ''); //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToPN', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } if (empty($options['cImgURL'])) { $options['cImgURL'] = 'R'; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#FA5069">Pinterest</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); $isAttachVid = $options['isAttachVid']; if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate |' . $uqID); return; } } if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['pnMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $urlToGo = home_url(); if ($options['pnDefImg'] != '') { $imgURL = $options['pnDefImg']; } else { $imgURL = ""; } } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['pnMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['pnMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); //## MyURL - URLToGo code if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') { $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true)); } if ($myurl != '') { $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl; } if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') { $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true; } else { $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID); } if ($addParams != '') { $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addParams; } if (is_object($post)) { $urlToGo = apply_filters('nxs_adjust_ex_url', $urlToGo, $post->post_content); } if (!empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full', $options['pnDefImg']); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } if ($isAttachVid == '1') { $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post); if (count($vids) > 0) { $vidURL = '' . $vids[0]; $imgURL = '' . $vids[0] . '/0.jpg'; } } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''; } if ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') { $options['cImgURL'] = 'R'; } //## Pinterest no longer allows shorthened URLs. //## Post $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => '', 'url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL); // prr($message); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_PN(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Save Session if (serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr) != $options['ck']) { global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster; $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options; // prr($gOptions['pn']); if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') { $gOptions['pn'][$options['ii']]['ck'] = serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); } else { foreach ($gOptions['pn'] as $ii => $gpn) { $result = array_diff($options, $gpn); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) { $gOptions['pn'][$ii]['ck'] = serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr); update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions); break; } } } } //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //prr($ret); //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToLI($postID, $options) { global $nxs_gCookiesArr; $ntCd = 'LI'; $ntCdL = 'li'; $ntNm = 'LinkedIn'; $urlDescr = ''; $myurl = ''; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToLI', array($postID, $options)); $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'])); if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) { $options['imgToUse'] = ''; } if (empty($options['imgSize'])) { $options['imgSize'] = ''; } $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#000058">LinkedIn</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { sleep(5); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $imgURL = ''; // prr($options); if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['liMsgFormatT'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle; $urlToGo = home_url(); $options['liMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $urlToGo; $title = $blogTitle; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['liMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['liMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['liMsgFormatT'] = nsTrnc(nsFormatMessage($options['liMsgFormatT'], $postID, $addParams), 200); //## MyURL - URLToGo code $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams); $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse']; $title = nsTrnc($post->post_title, 200); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); if (empty($options['postType'])) { if ((int) $options['liAttch'] == 1 || $isNew) { $options['postType'] = 'A'; } } if ($options['postType'] == 'A' || $options['postType'] == 'I') { if (trim($options['liMsgAFrmt']) != '') { $urlDescr = nsFormatMessage($options['liMsgAFrmt'], $postID, $addParams); } else { $urlDescr = trim(apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_excerpt)); if ($urlDescr == '') { $urlDescr = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); } } if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') { $imgURL = $options['imgToUse']; } else { $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'); } if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) { $imgURL = ''; } $urlDescr = strip_tags($urlDescr); $urlDescr = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($urlDescr); $urlDescr = nxs_html_to_utf8($urlDescr); $urlDescr = nsTrnc($urlDescr, 300); } } $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //$images = array(nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'thumb'), nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'medium'), nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full'), nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'original')); $message = array('url' => $urlToGo, 'surl' => $urlToGo, 'urlDescr' => $urlDescr, 'urlTitle' => $title, 'title' => $title, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'videoCode' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'siteName' => $blogTitle, 'cats' => '', 'authorName' => ''); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_LI(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { $extInfo .= ' | ' . $ret['postID']; // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'postID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); if (!empty($ret['postURL'])) { $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>'; } nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }
function nxs_doPublishToLJ($postID, $options) { $ntCd = 'LJ'; $ntCdL = 'lj'; $ntNm = 'LJ Based Blog'; if (!is_array($options)) { $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true)); } //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToLJ', array($postID, $options)); $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES); if ($blogTitle == '') { $blogTitle = home_url(); } $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'], 'POSTID' => $postID)); $ii = $options['ii']; if (!isset($options['pType'])) { $options['pType'] = 'im'; } if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') { sleep(rand(1, 10)); } $logNT = '<span style="color:#2097EE">LJ</span> - ' . $options['nName']; $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true); $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap); if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) { $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true); if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') { nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID); return; } } //$imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID); $email = $options['ljUName']; $pass = substr($options['ljPass'], 0, 5) == 'n5g9a' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['ljPass'], 5)) : $options['ljPass']; if ($postID == '0') { echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>"; $options['ljMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . home_url(); $options['ljMsgFormat'] = 'Test post please ignore'; } else { $post = get_post($postID); if (!$post) { return; } $options['ljMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['ljMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams); $options['ljMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['ljMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams); nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1')); } //prr($msg); prr($msgFormat); $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : ''); //## Post $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID); $tggs = array(); foreach ($t as $tagA) { $tggs[] = $tagA->name; } $tags = implode(',', $tggs); $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags); // prr($message); //## Actual Post $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_LJ(); $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message); //## Process Results if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') { //## Error if ($postID == '0') { prr($ret); } nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo); } else { // ## All Good - log it. if ($postID == '0') { nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted '); echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap'); } else { nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo); } } //## Return Result if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') { return 200; } else { return print_r($ret, true); } }