$alert = '<p class="error-message"><strong>There was a problem signing in.</strong><br> It appears that you do not have cookies enabled. You must enable cookies in order to use this site.</p>'; } else { $alert = '<p class="error-message"><strong>There was a problem signing in.</strong><br> Please check your username and password again. If you do not know your password, contact your teacher or school administrator.</p>'; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['signout'])) { $alert = ' <p class="alert-message"><strong>Sign-out successful</strong><br> You may sign in again below</p> '; } mystery_cookie('cookietest', 'yes'); // display the sign-in and registration links echo ' <table width="95%"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="50%"> <div class="left-column-container"> <div class="left-column-content"> <h2>Already Signed Up?</h2> ' . $alert . ' <form action="/signin/process/" method="post">
<?php if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { $expire_seconds = 365 * 24 * 3600; mystery_cookie('lang', $_GET['lang'], $expire_seconds); $_COOKIE['lang'] = $_GET['lang']; } if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) { $portal_config['default_language'] = $_COOKIE['lang']; } // FIXME... add options here to parse the language file based on the default/selected language
<?php // now get rid of the session session_destroy(); mystery_setup_default_session(); session_regenerate_id(); // get rid of any diy session mystery_cookie($portal_config['diy_session_name'], ''); mystery_redirect('/signin/?signout');
function portal_setup_diy_session($username = '', $password = '') { // This function will send the user's email and password to the diy site and setup a session cookie for them global $portal_config; $path = '/session'; $data = array(); if ($username == '') { $username = @$_SESSION['portal']['member_username']; } if ($password == '') { $password = strtolower(@$_SESSION['portal']['member_password_ue']); } $data['login'] = $username; $data['password'] = $password; $data['commit'] = 'Log in'; //trigger_error('POST DATA: ' . var_export($data, true)); list($headers, $content) = portal_post_to_diy($data, $path); //trigger_error('HEADERS: ' . var_export($headers, true)); //trigger_error('CONTENT: ' . var_export($content, true)); preg_match('~' . $portal_config['diy_session_name'] . '=([^;]+);~', $headers, $matches); $diy_session_id = $matches[1]; mystery_cookie($portal_config['diy_session_name'], $diy_session_id); }