<!-- disable chrome email & password autofill --> <input type="text" class="hidden" formnovalidate><input type="password" class="hidden" formnovalidate> <!-- end of autofill disabler --> <div class="modal-body"> <?php $enablerTextOn = \PeskyCMF\Config\CmfConfig::transBase('.form.bulk_edit.enabler.edit_field'); $enablerTextOff = \PeskyCMF\Config\CmfConfig::transBase('.form.bulk_edit.enabler.skip_field'); $baseEnablerId = str_random() . '-enabler-for-'; foreach ($formConfig->getBulkEditableFields() as $inputConfig) { if (!$inputConfig->hasLabel()) { $inputConfig->setLabel(trans("{$translationPrefix}.form.field.{$inputConfig->getName()}")); } try { $renderedInput = $inputConfig->render(['translationPrefix' => $translationPrefix]); // replace <script> tags to be able to render that template $renderedInput = modifyDotJsTemplateToAllowInnerScriptsAndTemplates($renderedInput); $enablerSwitchId = $baseEnablerId . str_slug($inputConfig->getName()); $enablerSwitch = "\n <div class=\"bulk-edit-form-input-enabler pull-left va-t mr15\">\n <input class=\"bulk-edit-form-input-enabler-switch switch\" type=\"checkbox\" \n id=\"{$enablerSwitchId}\" data-size=\"mini\"\n data-on-text=\"{$enablerTextOn}\" data-off-text=\"{$enablerTextOff}\">\n </div>"; $renderedInput = '<div class="bulk-edit-form-input va-t">' . $renderedInput . '</div>'; echo '<div class="bulk-edit-form-input-container">' . $enablerSwitch . $renderedInput . '</div>'; } catch (Exception $exc) { echo '<div>' . $exc->getMessage() . '</div>'; echo '<pre>' . nl2br($exc->getTraceAsString()) . '</pre>'; } } ?> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 text-left"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">
echo $renderedInput; } else { if ($inputConfig->isShownOnCreate()) { // display only when creating echo $ifCreate . $renderedInput . $endIf; } else { // display only when editing echo $ifEdit . $renderedInput . $endIf; } } } catch (Exception $exc) { echo '<div>' . $exc->getMessage() . '</div>'; echo '<pre>' . nl2br($exc->getTraceAsString()) . '</pre>'; } } echo modifyDotJsTemplateToAllowInnerScriptsAndTemplates($formConfig->getAdditionalHtmlForForm()); ?> </div> <div class="box-footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-3"> <a class="btn btn-default" href="#" data-nav="back" data-default-url="<?php echo $backUrl; ?> "> <?php echo \PeskyCMF\Config\CmfConfig::transBase('.form.toolbar.cancel'); ?> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 text-center">
echo $config->getName(); ?> "> <th class="text-nowrap"> <?php if ($config->hasLabel()) { echo $config->getLabel(); } else { echo trans("{$translationPrefix}.item_details.field.{$config->getName()}"); } ?> </th> <td width="80%"> <?php try { echo modifyDotJsTemplateToAllowInnerScriptsAndTemplates($config->render(['translationPrefix' => $translationPrefix])); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo '<div>' . $exc->getMessage() . '</div>'; echo '<pre>' . nl2br($exc->getTraceAsString()) . '</pre>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php View::stopSection(); ?>