function editEvent() { $id = (int) $this->Get['id']; load::logic('event'); $EventLogic = new EventLogic(); $postman = $EventLogic->get_postman($id); if ($postman != MEMBER_ID) { $this->Messager("你无权修改该活动"); } $free = 'checked'; $all = 'checked'; $info = array(); $info = jconf::get('profileeventinfo'); $val = array(); if ($id) { $act = "edit"; $val = $EventLogic->get_event_info($id); $item_id = $val['item_id']; $title = $val['title']; $moneys = $val['money']; $content = $val['content']; $address = $val['address']; if ($val['image']) { $image = $val['image']; } $edit_fromt = date("Y-m-d", $val['fromt']); $edit_fromt_h = date("H", $val['fromt']); $edit_fromt_i = date("i", $val['fromt']); $edit_tot = date("Y-m-d", $val['tot']); $edit_tot_h = date("H", $val['tot']); $edit_tot_i = date("i", $val['tot']); if ($val['money']) { $money = 'checked'; $free = ''; } else { $money = ''; $free = 'checked'; } $qualification = unserialize($val['qualification']); if (count($qualification)) { $qua = "checked"; $all = ""; if ($qualification['fans_num']) { $fans = "checked"; $fans_num = $qualification['fans_num']; } if ($qualification['same_city']) { $same_city = "checked"; } if ($qualification['inqun']) { $inqun = " checked "; } } $need_app_info = unserialize($val['need_app_info']); if (count($need_app_info)) { foreach ($need_app_info as $value) { $info[$value]['checked'] = "checked"; } } } $rs = $EventLogic->get_event_type(TRUE); $event_type = jform()->Select("type", $rs, $val['type_id']); $province = $EventLogic->get_province(); $province_id = $val['province_id']; $hid_province = $province_id; $province_list = jform()->Select("province", $province, $province_id, "onchange=\"changeProvince();\""); $city_id = $val['city_id']; $hid_city = $city_id; $area_id = $val['area_id']; $hid_area = $area_id; $fromt = $edit_fromt ? $edit_fromt : my_date_format(TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d'); $edit_fromt_h = $edit_fromt_h ? $edit_fromt_h : false; $edit_fromt_i = $edit_fromt_i ? $edit_fromt_i : false; $hour_select_from = mk_time_select('hour', $edit_fromt_h, 'hour_select_from'); $min_select_from = mk_time_select('min', $edit_fromt_i, 'min_select_from'); $tot = $edit_tot ? $edit_tot : my_date_format(TIMESTAMP + 7 * 24 * 3600, 'Y-m-d'); $edit_tot_h = $edit_tot_h ? $edit_tot_h : false; $edit_tot_i = $edit_tot_i ? $edit_tot_i : false; $hour_select_to = mk_time_select('hour', $edit_tot_h, 'hour_select_to'); $min_select_to = mk_time_select('min', $edit_tot_i, 'min_select_to'); $member = $this->Member; $this->Title = "修改活动"; include template('event/event_create'); }
function eventPost() { $is_allowed = ''; if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { $is_allowed = "请先登录或者注册一个帐号"; } if (MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE != 'admin' && !$is_allowed) { load::logic('event'); $EventLogic = new EventLogic(); $is_allowed = $EventLogic->allowedCreate(MEMBER_ID, $this->Member); } if ($is_allowed) { exit($is_allowed); } $item = $this->Get['item']; $item_id = $this->Get['item_id']; $top = 'top'; $free = 'checked'; $all = 'checked'; $info = array(); $info = jconf::get('profileeventinfo'); $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event_sort order by id"); while ($rsdb = $query->GetRow()) { $rs[$rsdb[id]]['value'] = $rsdb['id']; $rs[$rsdb[id]]['name'] = $rsdb['type']; } $event_type = jform()->Select("type", $rs); if ($this->Member['province']) { $province_id = DB::result_first("select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "common_district where name = '" . $this->Member['province'] . "' and `upid` = '0'"); } else { $province_id = DB::result_first("select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "common_district where `upid` = '0' order by list"); } $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "common_district where `upid` = '0' order by list"); while ($rsdb = $query->GetRow()) { $province[$rsdb['id']]['value'] = $rsdb['id']; $province[$rsdb['id']]['name'] = $rsdb['name']; } $hid_province = $province_id; $province_list = jform()->Select("province", $province, $province_id, "onchange=\"changeProvince();\""); if ($this->Member['city']) { $city_id = DB::result_first("select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "common_district where name = '" . $this->Member['city'] . "' and upid = '{$province_id}'"); $where_city = " and upid = '{$city_id}' "; } $hid_city = $city_id; if ($this->Member['area']) { $area_id = DB::result_first("select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "common_district where name = '" . $this->Member['area'] . "' {$where_city}"); } $hid_area = $area_id; $fromt = my_date_format(TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d'); $hour_select_from = mk_time_select('hour', false, 'hour_select_from'); $min_select_from = mk_time_select('min', false, 'min_select_from'); $tot = my_date_format(TIMESTAMP + 7 * 24 * 3600, 'Y-m-d'); $hour_select_to = mk_time_select('hour', false, 'hour_select_to'); $min_select_to = mk_time_select('min', false, 'min_select_to'); include template('event/event_options'); }
function get_publish_form_param($dateline = '') { if (empty($dateline)) { $expiration = my_date_format(TIMESTAMP + 7 * 24 * 3600, 'Y-m-d'); $hour_select = mk_time_select(); $min_select = mk_time_select('min'); } else { $expiration = my_date_format($dateline, 'Y-m-d '); $hour_select = mk_time_select('hour', my_date_format($dateline, 'H')); $min_select = mk_time_select('min', my_date_format($dateline, 'i')); } return array('expiration' => $expiration, 'hour_select' => $hour_select, 'min_select' => $min_select); }
function edit() { $vid = empty($this->Get['vid']) ? 0 : intval($this->Get['vid']); $vote = $this->VoteLogic->id2voteinfo($vid); if (empty($vote)) { $this->Messager("当前投票不存在"); } $opt_info = $this->VoteLogic->get_option_by_vid($vid); $options = $opt_info['option']; $max_range_num = count($options) > 40 ? 50 : count($options) + 9; $range = range(0, $max_range_num); $checked = array(); $checked['is_view'][$vote['is_view']] = 'checked="checked"'; $checked['recd'] = $vote['recd'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $selected[$vote['maxchoice']] = 'selected="selected"'; $date = my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'Y-m-d'); $hour_select = mk_time_select('hour', my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'H')); $min_select = mk_time_select('min', my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'i')); include template('admin/vote_edit'); }
function manage() { $tab = 'word'; $op = empty($this->Get['op']) ? '' : $this->Get['op']; if (empty($op)) { exit; } $vid = empty($this->Get['vid']) ? 0 : intval($this->Get['vid']); $vote = $this->VoteLogic->id2voteinfo($vid, 'm'); if ($vote['tab']) { $tab = 'pic'; } if (empty($vote) || $vote['verify'] == 0) { json_error('当前投票不存在或正在审核中'); } if (jdisallow($vote['uid'])) { json_error("你没有权限"); } if ($op == 'modify_date') { $exp_info = $this->VoteLogic->get_publish_form_param($vote['expiration']); extract($exp_info); } else { if ($op == 'edit_opt') { $info = $this->VoteLogic->get_option_by_vid($vid); $options = $info['option']; $option_num = count($info['option']); if (MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE != 'admin') { $is_voted = $this->VoteLogic->get_count_vote_user($vid); } } else { if ($op == 'edit') { $max_option = 50; $this->Get['arf'] = "edit"; $opt_info = $this->VoteLogic->get_option_by_vid($vid); $opts = $opt_info['option']; $vote['message'] = $this->VoteLogic->get_vote_field_message($vid); $options_num = count($opts); $maxchoice = array(); if ($options_num > 1) { $maxchoice = range(1, $options_num); } $perpage = ceil($options_num / 5) * 5; $options = range(1, $perpage); for ($i = $options_num; $i < $perpage; $i++) { $opts[$i]['picurl'] = 'images/none.png'; } $is_voted = $this->VoteLogic->get_count_vote_user($vid); $checked = array(); $checked['is_view'][$vote['is_view']] = 'checked="checked"'; $checked['recd'] = $vote['recd'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $selected[$vote['maxchoice']] = 'selected="selected"'; $expiration = my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'Y-m-d'); $hour_select = mk_time_select('hour', my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'H')); $min_select = mk_time_select('min', my_date_format($vote['expiration'], 'i')); include template('vote/vote_edit'); exit; } } } include template('vote/vote_manage'); }