public function wx_get_jsapi_ticket() { $ticket = ""; do { $ticket = S('wx_ticket'); if (!empty($ticket)) { break; } $token = S('access_token'); if (empty($token)) { $this->wx_get_token(); } $token = S('access_token'); if (empty($token)) { logErr("get access token error."); break; } $url2 = sprintf("", $token); $res = file_get_contents($url2); $res = json_decode($res, true); $ticket = $res['ticket']; // 注意:这里需要将获取到的ticket缓存起来(或写到数据库中) // ticket和token一样,不能频繁的访问接口来获取,在每次获取后,我们把它保存起来。 S('wx_ticket', $ticket, 7000); } while (0); return $ticket; }
/** * Creates the square image from the given image in maximum size. * Scales the image up or down and makes the non-covered parts transparent. * * @param string $origPath Full path to original image * @param string $ext File extension ("jpg" or "png") * @param string $targetPath Full path to target image file * @param integer $maxSize Maxium image size the server supports * * @return boolean True if all went well, false if there was an error */ function createSquare($origPath, $ext, $targetPath, $maxSize) { if ($ext == 'png') { $imgOrig = imagecreatefrompng($origPath); } else { if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') { $imgOrig = imagecreatefromjpeg($origPath); } else { //unsupported format return false; } } if ($imgOrig === false) { logErr('Error loading image file: ' . $origPath); return false; } $imgSquare = imagecreatetruecolor($maxSize, $maxSize); imagealphablending($imgSquare, false); imagefilledrectangle($imgSquare, 0, 0, $maxSize - 1, $maxSize - 1, imagecolorallocatealpha($imgSquare, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($imgSquare, true); $oWidth = imagesx($imgOrig); $oHeight = imagesy($imgOrig); if ($oWidth > $oHeight) { $flScale = $maxSize / $oWidth; } else { $flScale = $maxSize / $oHeight; } $nWidth = (int) ($oWidth * $flScale); $nHeight = (int) ($oHeight * $flScale); imagecopyresampled($imgSquare, $imgOrig, ($maxSize - $nWidth) / 2, ($maxSize - $nHeight) / 2, 0, 0, $nWidth, $nHeight, $oWidth, $oHeight); imagesavealpha($imgSquare, true); imagepng($imgSquare, $targetPath); imagedestroy($imgSquare); imagedestroy($imgOrig); return true; }
function updateUser($uid, $mysqli) { //TODO save an history of (different) ip and ua for each user $ip = getUserIP(); $ua = sanitize($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $hd = getHeaders(); $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($mysqli->query("UPDATE users SET ip='" . $ip . "', ua='" . $ua . "',lastupdate='" . $d . "',status=1,lastonline='" . $d . "',headers='" . $hd . "' WHERE id=" . $uid . ";") === FALSE) { logErr("Failed to update information of the user [" . $ip . "]"); } }