function vInsertIntoOwnerLoginTable($SafeFirstName, $SafeLastName, $SafeEmail, $SafePWD) { global $mysqli; $UserID = $SafeFirstName . $SafeLastName; $iOwnerExists = iCheckIfOwnerEmailExists($SafeEmail); #if this is the first claim. if ($iOwnerExists == 0) { #Obtain a cryption and save it in the DB. $salt = salt(); #Hash a string that is comprised of password and a salt. #Save it as a password. This will create a second level of security. $hash = getHash($SafePWD, $salt); # The folloing is for email activation of validation. $email_code = md5($SafeEmail + microtime()); if (DEBUG) { echo "salt =" . $salt . "<br>"; echo "SafePWD =" . $SafePWD . "<br>"; echo "hash =" . $hash . "<br>"; } #user_id is also email address. $mysqli->autocommit(FALSE); $InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO \r\n login_table ( id, user_id, salt, password, email_address, email_code, type )\r\n\t\t\t\t values ( NULL, '" . $SafeEmail . "', '" . $salt . "', '" . $hash . "', '" . $SafeEmail . "', '" . $email_code . "', 'O' )"; $add_post_res = $mysqli->query($InsertCommand); # or die($mysqli->error); if (!$mysqli->commit()) { $mysqli->rollback(); } SendActivateEmailNotice($SafeEmail, $email_code); echo "Please activate your email to complete the registration. Please respond to your email. Thanks."; } else { /*popup( "You have already registere!", OWNER_LOGIN_PAGE ); */ echo "You have already registered!"; } }
// All the echo statements will be displayed on the element designated by AJAX. // $q = $_REQUEST["q"]; $InputArray = explode("|", $q); $owner_email = $InputArray[0]; $owner_password = $InputArray[1]; $token = $InputArray[2]; if (DEBUG) { echo "Hello from owner_login.php <br>"; var_dump($InputArray); echo "TOKEN: {$token}<br>"; echo "_SESSION['owner_login_token'] = " . $_SESSION['owner_login_token'] . "<br>"; } //$SafeEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string( $mysqli, $owner_email); $SafePWD = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $owner_password); $iOwnerExists = iCheckIfOwnerEmailExists($SafeEmail, $SafePWD, $ID, $Email_status, $email_code, $Password_status); #if the owner exists. if (Token::check("OWNER_LOGIN_FORM", $token)) { if ($iOwnerExists == 1) { if (DEBUG) { echo "TOKEN matches<br>"; } //If email is already activated. if ($Email_status == 1) { $_SESSION['user'] = '******'; $_SESSION['id'] = $ID; //If owner wants to reset the password. if ($Password_status == 1) { // header() function didn't work. header() function displayed a nested website . // This function worked. I think it has to do with angularJS. echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0;URL=owner_reset_password_front_end.php">';
} else { $Email_Exists = 0; } $objGetResult->free_result(); } return $Email_Exists; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* SCRIPT BEGINS HERE */ /*****************************************************************************/ $q = $_REQUEST["q"]; $InputArray = explode("|", $q); $owner_email = $InputArray[0]; $token = $InputArray[1]; $SafeEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $owner_email); $iOwnerExists = iCheckIfOwnerEmailExists($SafeEmail); if (Token::check("OWNER_RECOVER_PW_FORM", $token)) { if ($iOwnerExists == 1) { // This assignment is used at owner_reset_password.php. $_SESSION['email'] = $SafeEmail; // Generates a temporary password. $Temp_PW = substr(md5(rand(999, 999999)), 0, 8); //Send temporary password via email. SendTemporaryPWNotice($SafeEmail, $Temp_PW); //Obtain a encryption and save it in the DB. $salt = salt(); #Hash a string that is comprised of password and salt and save it as a password. #This will create a second level of security. $hash = getHash($Temp_PW, $salt); // Update password_recover flag to 1. This tells that the user is going thru password recover phase. $mysqli->autocommit(FALSE);