function callback($module, $method, $params) { global $_SITE_CONFIG; if (isset($params['uId'])) { $space = getspace($params['uId']); if ($this->_needCheckUserId($module, $method)) { if (!$space['uid']) { $errCode = 1; $errMessage = "User({$params['uId']}) Not Exists"; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } } } $_SITE_CONFIG['uid'] = $space['uid']; $_SITE_CONFIG['uname'] = $space['uname']; @(include_once API_ROOT . '/class/' . $module . '.class.php'); if (!class_exists($module)) { $errCode = 3; $errMessage = "Class({$module}) Not Exists"; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } $class = new $module(); $response = @call_user_func_array(array(&$class, $method), $params); return $response; }
function eycp_register_to_ucenter($openid, $login, $email, $nickname) { ///////////////////////////////////// //好友邀请数据预处理 include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; $uid = empty($_GET['uid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['uid']); $code = empty($_GET['code']) ? '' : $_GET['code']; $app = empty($_GET['app']) ? '' : intval($_GET['app']); $invite = empty($_GET['invite']) ? '' : $_GET['invite']; $invitearr = array(); $reward = getreward('invitecode', 0); $pay = $app ? 0 : $reward['credit']; if ($uid && $code && !$pay) { //邀请玩应用home就不给奖励了? $m_space = getspace($uid); //$_SN在此被赋值 // echo var_dump($_SN)."--_SN在getspace这个函数中赋值了...<br>"; // echo var_dump($_SESSION['SN'])."--_SESSION['SN']<br>"; // echo var_dump($m_space['uid'])."--m_space['uid']<br>"; // echo var_dump($app)."--app<br>"; // echo var_dump($code)."--code<br>"; // echo var_dump($_SCONFIG['sitekey']).'--sitekey<br>'; // echo space_key($m_space, $app)."--space_key<br>"; if ($code == space_key($m_space, $app)) { //验证通过 $invitearr['uid'] = $uid; $invitearr['username'] = $m_space['username']; } $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&app={$app}&code={$code}"; // echo var_dump($uid)."--uid<br>"; // echo var_dump($m_space['username'])."--m_space['username']<br>"; // echo var_dump($invitearr)."--_invitearr1<br>"; // echo var_dump($url_plus)."--url_plus1<br>"; } elseif ($uid && $invite) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; $invitearr = invite_get($uid, $invite); $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&invite={$invite}"; // echo var_dump($invitearr)."--_invitearr2<br>"; } $jumpurl = $app ? "userapp.php?id={$app}&my_extra=invitedby_bi_{$uid}_{$code}&my_suffix=Lw%3D%3D" : 'space.php?do=home'; //好友邀请数据预处理结束 ///////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// //注册到ucenter // 不采用uhome及ucenter自己的登录机制,所以随机填个它的密码 $password = md5("{$newuid}|{$_SGLOBAL['timestamp']}"); //本地密码随机生成 //用ucenter api注册新用户 include S_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; $newuid = uc_user_register($login, $password, $email); // echo var_dump($newuid)."--newuid<br/>"; // breakpoint(); if ($newuid <= 0) { if ($newuid == -1) { showmessage('user_name_is_not_legitimate'); } elseif ($newuid == -2) { showmessage('include_not_registered_words'); } elseif ($newuid == -3) { // showmessage('user_name_already_exists'); // 如果已经在ucenter存在先通过discuz注册的用户,则为他开通uchome //同步获取用户源 if (!($passport = get_passport_by_login($login))) { showmessage('login_failure_please_re_login', ''); } // echo var_dump($passport)."--passport<br/>"; $setarr = array('uid' => $passport['uid'], 'username' => addslashes($passport['username']), 'password' => md5("{$passport['uid']}|{$_SGLOBAL['timestamp']}")); // echo var_dump($setarr)."--setarr<br/>"; // echo var_dump($email)."--email<br/>"; ey_regiter_user_to_uchome($setarr, $openid, $login, $email, $nickname, $invitearr, $url_plus, $app, $jumpurl); } elseif ($newuid == -4) { showmessage('email_format_is_wrong'); } elseif ($newuid == -5) { showmessage('email_not_registered'); } elseif ($newuid == -6) { showmessage('email_has_been_registered'); } else { showmessage('register_error'); } } else { $setarr = array('uid' => $newuid, 'username' => $login, 'password' => md5("{$newuid}|{$_SGLOBAL['timestamp']}")); ey_regiter_user_to_uchome($setarr, $openid, $login, $email, $nickname, $invitearr, $url_plus, $app, $jumpurl); } }
if ($ms[1] != 'cp' || $ms[2] != 'sendmail') { $refer = ''; } } if (empty($refer)) { $refer = 'space.php?do=home'; } //好友邀请 $uid = empty($_GET['uid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['uid']); $code = empty($_GET['code']) ? '' : $_GET['code']; $app = empty($_GET['app']) ? '' : intval($_GET['app']); $invite = empty($_GET['invite']) ? '' : $_GET['invite']; $invitearr = array(); $reward = getreward('invitecode', 0); if ($uid && $code && !$reward['credit']) { $m_space = getspace($uid); if ($code == space_key($m_space, $app)) { //验证通过 $invitearr['uid'] = $uid; $invitearr['username'] = $m_space['username']; } $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&app={$app}&code={$code}"; } elseif ($uid && $invite) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; $invitearr = invite_get($uid, $invite); $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&invite={$invite}"; } if ($_SCONFIG['seccode_login']) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; if (!ckseccode($_POST['seccode'])) { $_SGLOBAL['input_seccode'] = 1;
function getUserSpace($uId) { global $_G; $space = getspace($uId); if (!$space['uid']) { return false; } $_G['uid'] = $space['uid']; $_G['username'] = $space['username']; return true; }
function stream_save($strdata, $albumid = 0, $fileext = 'jpg', $name = '', $title = '', $delsize = 0, $from = false) { global $_G, $space; if ($albumid < 0) { $albumid = 0; } $setarr = array(); require_once libfile('class/upload'); $upload = new discuz_upload(); $filepath = $upload->get_target_dir('album') . $upload->get_target_filename('album') . '.' . $fileext; $newfilename = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './album/' . $filepath; if ($handle = fopen($newfilename, 'wb')) { if (fwrite($handle, $strdata) !== FALSE) { fclose($handle); $size = filesize($newfilename); if (empty($space)) { $_G['member'] = $space = getspace($_G['uid']); $_G['username'] = addslashes($space['username']); } $_G['member'] = $space; $maxspacesize = checkperm('maxspacesize'); $maxspacesize = $maxspacesize * 1024 * 1024; if ($maxspacesize) { space_merge($space, 'common_member_count'); space_merge($space, 'common_member_field_home'); if ($space['attachsize'] + $size - $delsize > $maxspacesize + $space['addsize']) { @unlink($newfilename); return -1; } } if (!$upload->get_image_info($newfilename)) { @unlink($newfilename); return -2; } require_once libfile('class/image'); $image = new image(); $result = $image->Thumb($newfilename, NULL, 140, 140, 1); $thumb = empty($result) ? 0 : 1; $image->Watermark($newfilename); $pic_remote = 0; $album_picflag = 1; if (getglobal('setting/ftp/on')) { $ftpresult_thumb = 0; $ftpresult = ftpupload('album/' . $filepath); if ($ftpresult) { if ($thumb) { ftpupload('album/' . $filepath . '.thumb.jpg'); } $pic_remote = 1; $album_picflag = 2; } else { if (getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) { @unlink($newfilename); @unlink($newfilename . '.thumb.jpg'); return -3; } } } $filename = addslashes($name ? $name : substr(strrchr($filepath, '/'), 1)); $title = getstr($title, 200, 1, 1, 1); if ($albumid) { $albumid = album_creat_by_id($albumid); } else { $albumid = 0; } $setarr = array('albumid' => $albumid, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'filename' => $filename, 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'title' => $title, 'type' => $fileext, 'size' => $size, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'remote' => $pic_remote); $setarr['picid'] = DB::insert('home_pic', $setarr, 1); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " SET attachsize=attachsize+{$size} WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('pic'); return $setarr; } else { fclose($handle); } } return -3; }
function getmember() { global $_SGLOBAL, $space; if (empty($_SGLOBAL['member']) && $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { if ($space['uid'] == $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { $_SGLOBAL['member'] = $space; } else { $_SGLOBAL['member'] = getspace($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); } } }
if ($invitearr['email'] == $email) { updatetable('spacefield', array('emailcheck' => 1), array('uid' => $newuid)); } //统计更新 include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; if ($app) { updatestat('appinvite'); } else { updatestat('invite'); } } //变更记录 if ($_SCONFIG['my_status']) { inserttable('userlog', array('uid' => $newuid, 'action' => 'add', 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']), 0, true); } capi_showmessage_by_data('registered', 0, array("space" => getspace($space["uid"]), "m_auth" => rawurlencode($auth))); } } $register_rule = data_get('registerrule'); //include template('do_register'); } elseif ($op == "checkusername") { $username = trim($_REQUEST['username']); if (empty($username)) { capi_showmessage_by_data('user_name_is_not_legitimate'); } @(include_once S_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'); $ucresult = uc_user_checkname($username); if ($ucresult == -1) { capi_showmessage_by_data('user_name_is_not_legitimate'); } elseif ($ucresult == -2) { capi_showmessage_by_data('include_not_registered_words');
if (!checkperm('allowshare')) { showmessage('no_privilege_share'); } cknewuser(); $type = empty($_GET['type']) ? '' : $_GET['type']; $id = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['id']); $note_uid = 0; $note_message = ''; $note_values = array(); $hotarr = array(); $arr = array(); $feed_hash_data = ''; switch ($type) { case 'space': $feed_hash_data = "uid{$id}"; $tospace = getspace($id); if (empty($tospace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } if (isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) { showmessage('is_blacklist'); } $arr['itemid'] = $id; $arr['fromuid'] = $id; $arr['title_template'] = lang('spacecp', 'share_space'); $arr['body_template'] = '<b>{username}</b><br>{reside}<br>{spacenote}'; $arr['body_data'] = array('username' => "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$id}\">" . $tospace['username'] . "</a>", 'reside' => $tospace['resideprovince'] . $tospace['residecity'], 'spacenote' => $tospace['spacenote']); loaducenter(); $isavatar = uc_check_avatar($id); $arr['image'] = $isavatar ? avatar($id, 'middle', true) : UC_API . '/images/noavatar_middle.gif'; $arr['image_link'] = "home.php?mod=space&uid={$id}";
$query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE sid='{$id}'"); $share = DB::fetch($query); if (empty($share)) { showmessage('sharing_does_not_exist'); } $tospace = getspace($share['uid']); $hotarr = array('sid', $share['sid'], $share['hotuser']); $stattype = 'sharecomment'; break; case 'pid': $query = DB::query("SELECT p.*, pf.hotuser\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('home_poll') . " p\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('home_pollfield') . " pf ON\n\t\t\t\tWHERE'{$id}'"); $poll = DB::fetch($query); if (empty($poll)) { showmessage('voting_does_not_exist'); } $tospace = getspace($poll['uid']); if ($poll['noreply']) { if (!$tospace['self'] && !in_array($_G['uid'], $tospace['friends'])) { showmessage('the_vote_only_allows_friends_to_comment'); } } $hotarr = array('pid', $poll['pid'], $poll['hotuser']); $stattype = 'pollcomment'; break; default: showmessage('non_normal_operation'); break; } if (empty($tospace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); }
$invitepay = getreward('invitecode', 0); if ($uid && $code) { $m_space = getspace($uid); if ($code == space_key($m_space, $app)) { //Ñé֤ͨ¹ý $invitearr['uid'] = $uid; $invitearr['username'] = $m_space['username']; } $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&app={$app}&code={$code}"; } elseif ($uid && $invite) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; $invitearr = invite_get($uid, $invite); $url_plus = "uid={$uid}&invite={$invite}"; } $jumpurl = $app ? "userapp.php?id={$app}&my_extra=invitedby_bi_{$uid}_{$code}&my_suffix=Lw%3D%3D" : 'space.php'; $space = getspace($_GET['uid']); $arr_classfriend = array(); $usertype = ''; $sub = ''; if (empty($op)) { if ($_SCONFIG['closeregister']) { if ($_SCONFIG['closeinvite']) { showmessage('not_open_registration'); } elseif (empty($invitearr)) { showmessage('not_open_registration_invite'); } } checkclose(); if (submitcheck("registersubmit")) { //ÒѾע²áÓû§ if ($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) {
@(include_once S_ROOT . './data/data_click.php'); $clicks = empty($_SGLOBAL['click']['tid']) ? array() : $_SGLOBAL['click']['tid']; //分页 $page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $id = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['id']); if ($id) { //话题 $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('thread') . " WHERE tid='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); if (!($thread = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query))) { showmessage('topic_does_not_exist'); } //验证空间是否被锁定 $space = getspace($thread['uid']); if ($space['flag'] == -1) { showmessage('space_has_been_locked'); } realname_set($thread['uid'], $thread['username']); //群组信息 $tagid = $thread['tagid']; if ($eventid && $event['tagid'] != $tagid) { showmessage('event_mtag_not_match'); } if (!$eventid && $thread['eventid']) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("event") . " WHERE eventid='{$thread['eventid']}' LIMIT 1"); $event = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (empty($event)) { updatetable('thread', array("eventid" => 0), array("eventid" => $thread['eventid'])); }
realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username']); if (empty($value['upid'])) { $value['upid'] = "do"; } $tree->setNode($value['id'], $value['upid'], $value); } $values = $tree->getChilds("do"); foreach ($values as $key => $id) { $one = $tree->getValue($id); $one['layer'] = $tree->getLayer($id) * 2; $clist[] = $one; } } realname_get(); } elseif ($op == 'getmood') { $space = empty($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) ? array() : getspace($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); if ($space['spacenote']) { $space['spacenote'] = getstr($space['spacenote'], 50); } } elseif ($op == 'deluserapp') { if (empty($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { showmessage('no_privilege'); } $hash = trim($_GET['hash']); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('myinvite') . " WHERE hash='{$hash}' AND touid='{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}'"); if ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM " . tname('myinvite') . " WHERE hash='{$hash}' AND touid='{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}'"); showmessage('do_success'); } else { showmessage('no_privilege'); }
while ($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if (!strcmp($row['uid'], $_GET['uid'])) { $space = getspace($_GET['uid']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } include template("invite"); return; } } } else { if (empty($_GET['type']) && !empty($_GET['u'])) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('emailinvite') . " where uid='" . $_GET['u'] . "'"); while ($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if (!strcmp($row['uid'], $_GET['u'])) { $space = getspace($_GET['u']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } include template("invite"); return; } } } } if (!empty($_GET['type']) && !strcmp($_GET['type'], 'mobile')) { $var = $_POST['var']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $flag = false; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('mobileinvite') . " WHERE uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . " and mobile=" . $mobile . " and var=" . $var); while ($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
} else { if (!checkperm('allowshare')) { showmessage('no_privilege'); } //实名认证 ckrealname('share'); //新用户见习 cknewuser(); $type = empty($_GET['type']) ? '' : $_GET['type']; $id = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['id']); $note_uid = 0; $note_message = ''; $arr = array(); switch ($type) { case 'space': $cspace = getspace($id); if (empty($cspace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } //黑名单 if (isblacklist($cspace['uid'])) { showmessage('is_blacklist'); } $arr['title_template'] = cplang('share_space'); $arr['body_template'] = '<b>{username}</b><br>{reside}<br>{spacenote}'; $arr['body_data'] = array('username' => "<a href=\"space.php?uid={$id}\">" . $_SN[$cspace['uid']] . "</a>", 'reside' => $cspace['resideprovince'] . $cspace['residecity'], 'spacenote' => $cspace['spacenote']); $arr['image'] = avatar($id, 'middle'); $arr['image_link'] = "space.php?uid={$id}"; //通知 $note_uid = $id; $note_message = cplang('note_share_space');
$rw_count = count($rws); for ($rw_i = 1; $rw_i < $rw_count; $rw_i = $rw_i + 2) { $_GET[$rws[$rw_i]] = empty($rws[$rw_i + 1]) ? '' : $rws[$rw_i + 1]; } } unset($_GET['rewrite']); } //允许的方法 $acs = array('space', 'doing', 'blog', 'album', 'mtag', 'thread', 'share'); $ac = empty($_GET['ac']) || !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs) ? 'index' : $_GET['ac']; $theurl = "network.php?ac={$ac}"; //是否公开 if (empty($_SCONFIG['networkpublic'])) { checklogin(); } $space = $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] ? getspace($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) : array(); //数据处理 include_once S_ROOT . "./source/network_{$ac}.php"; //菜单激活 $menuactives = array('network' => ' class="active"'); //应用列表 @(include_once S_ROOT . './uc_client/data/cache/apps.php'); //模板调用 $actives = array($ac => ' class="active"'); include_once template("network_{$ac}"); //判断搜索积分 function cksearchcredit($ac) { global $space, $gets; //搜索积分 $paycredit = creditrule('pay', 'search');
if ($count) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('doing') . " {$f_index}\r\n\t\tWHERE {$wheresql}\r\n\t\tORDER BY dateline DESC\r\n\t\tLIMIT {$start},{$perpage}"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username']); $doids[] = $value['doid']; $list[] = $value; } } //单条处理 if ($doid) { $dovalue = empty($list) ? array() : $list[0]; if ($dovalue) { if ($dovalue['uid'] == $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { $actives = array('me' => ' class="active"'); } else { $space = getspace($dovalue['uid']); //对方的空间 $actives = array('all' => ' class="active"'); } } } //回复 if ($doids) { $values = array(); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('docomment') . " WHERE doid IN (" . simplode($doids) . ")"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $values[$value['dateline']] = $value; } //排序 ksort($values); include_once S_ROOT . './source/class_tree.php';
include_once 'do_mobileverify.php'; include_once 'function_mobileapi.php'; //$userid=trim($_POST["sess_userid"]); $perpage = empty($_POST['count']) ? 15 : intval($_POST['count']); //$perpage = 20; //$userid=3; $page = empty($_POST['page']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['page']); $time = empty($_POST['dateline']) ? 0 : intval(trim($_POST['dateline'])); //$time = 0; //$page=3; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage; $result = array(); $space = getspace($userid, 'uid'); //$DBstarttime = time(); if ($space[feedfriend]) { $wheresql = "uid IN (0,{$space['feedfriend']},{$space['uid']}) and dateline>{$time}"; } else { $wheresql = "1"; } $wheresql .= " and (body_template not like '%{eventname}%' and body_template not like '%{option}%') and icon in ('doing','blog','arrangement','thread','share','album')"; chdir(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); // go the ihome dir. $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('feed') . " USE INDEX(dateline) WHERE " . $wheresql . " ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $perpage); //$DBendtime = time(); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { realname_set($value[uid], $value[username]); // start by an, modified by xuxing. 2013-3-27. //deal with the image size, if the picture is from ihome-self, get the thumb pic, if from foreign site, resize it.
} if ($op == 'send' || $op == 'reply') { if (!checkperm('allowpoke')) { ckspacelog(); showmessage('no_privilege'); } //实名认证 ckrealname('poke'); //新用户见习 cknewuser(); $tospace = array(); //获取对象 if ($uid) { $tospace = getspace($uid); } elseif ($_POST['username']) { $tospace = getspace($_POST['username'], 'username'); } //视频认证 if ($tospace['videostatus']) { ckvideophoto('poke', $tospace); } //黑名单 if ($tospace && isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) { showmessage('is_blacklist'); } //打招呼 if (submitcheck('pokesubmit')) { if (empty($tospace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } $oldpoke = getcount('poke', array('uid' => $uid, 'fromuid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']));
$inserts[] = "('{$value['fuid']}', '{$mtag['tagid']}', '{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}', '{$_SGLOBAL['supe_username']}', '{$_SGLOBAL['timestamp']}')"; } } } if ($inserts) { $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("REPLACE INTO " . tname('mtaginvite') . " (uid,tagid,fromuid,fromusername,dateline) VALUES " . implode(',', $inserts)); } showmessage('do_success', "cp.php?ac=mtag&op=manage&tagid={$tagid}&subop=invite&page={$_GET['page']}&group={$_GET['group']}&start={$_GET['start']}"); } elseif (submitcheck('membersubmit')) { //人员管理 mtag_managemember($mtag, array($_GET['uid']), $_POST['grade']); showmessage('do_success', $_POST['refer'], 0); } //编辑用户 if ($_GET['subop'] == 'member') { $tagspace = getspace(intval($_GET['uid'])); $grades = array($tagspace['grade'] => ' selected'); } elseif ($_GET['subop'] == 'members') { //分页 $perpage = 24; $start = empty($_GET['start']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['start']); $list = array(); $count = 0; //检索 $wheresql = ''; $_GET['key'] = stripsearchkey($_GET['key']); if ($_GET['key']) { $wheresql = " AND username LIKE '%{$_GET['key']}%' "; } //检查开始数 ckstart($start, $perpage);
$get = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($_GET['app']) { $reward['credit'] = ''; } if ($_GET['u'] && empty($reward['credit'])) { //Free invitation $invite['uid'] = $_GET['u']; $theurl = "invite.php?u={$_GET['u']}&app={$_GET['app']}&c={$_GET['c']}"; $url_plus = "uid={$invite['uid']}&app={$_GET['app']}&code={$_GET['c']}"; } else { $invite = getinvite($get); $theurl = "invite.php?{$get}"; $url_plus = "uid={$invite['uid']}&invite={$invite['code']}"; } //Get Invited member $space = getspace($invite['uid']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } //Check the invite code if ($_GET['u'] && empty($reward['credit'])) { if ($_GET['c'] != space_key($space, $_GET['app'])) { showmessage('invite_code_error'); } } //Check for self-invite if ($space['self']) { showmessage('should_not_invite_your_own'); } $space['isfriend'] = 0; if ($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] && $space['friends'] && in_array($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'], $space['friends'])) {
$appid = empty($_G['gp_id']) ? '' : intval($_G['gp_id']); if ($appid) { $mod = 'app'; } $discuz->cachelist = $cachelist; $discuz->init(); if (empty($_G['uid']) && $mod != 'index') { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } else { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode('userapp.php')); } showmessage('to_login', null, array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1)); } if (empty($_G['setting']['my_app_status'])) { showmessage('no_privilege_my_app_status', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if ($mod != 'index' && !checkperm('allowmyop')) { showmessage('no_privilege', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } $space = $_G['uid'] ? getspace($_G['uid']) : array(); define('CURMODULE', 'userapp'); runhooks(); getuserapp(); $navtitle = str_replace('{bbname}', $_G['setting']['bbname'], $_G['setting']['seotitle']['userapp']); if (!$navtitle) { $navtitle = $_G['setting']['navs'][5]['navname']; } else { $nobbname = true; } require_once libfile('userapp/' . $mod, 'module');
if (!empty($blog['noreply'])) { showmessage('do_not_accept_comments'); } if ($blog['target_ids']) { $blog['target_ids'] .= ",{$blog['uid']}"; } $hotarr = array('blogid', $blog['blogid'], $blog['hotuser']); $stattype = 'blogcomment'; break; case 'sid': $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE sid='{$id}'"); $share = DB::fetch($query); if (empty($share)) { showmessage('sharing_does_not_exist'); } $tospace = getspace($share['uid']); $hotarr = array('sid', $share['sid'], $share['hotuser']); $stattype = 'sharecomment'; break; default: showmessage('non_normal_operation'); break; } if (empty($tospace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if ($tospace['videophotostatus']) { if ($idtype == 'uid') { ckvideophoto('wall', $tospace); } else { ckvideophoto('comment', $tospace);
$actives = array($op => ' class="active"'); if ($op == 'add') { if (!checkperm('allowfriend')) { ckspacelog(); showmessage('no_privilege'); } //检测用户 if ($uid == $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { showmessage('friend_self_error'); } if ($space['friends'] && in_array($uid, $space['friends'])) { showmessage('you_have_friends'); } //实名认证 ckrealname('friend'); $tospace = getspace($uid); if (empty($tospace)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } //黑名单 if (isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) { showmessage('is_blacklist'); } //用户组 $groups = getfriendgroup(); //检测现在状态 $status = getfriendstatus($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'], $uid); if ($status == 1) { showmessage('you_have_friends'); } else { //检查数目
function callback($module, $method, $params) { global $_SGLOBAL; if (isset($params['uId'])) { $space = getspace($params['uId']); if ($this->_needCheckUserId($module, $method)) { if (!$space['uid']) { $errCode = 1; $errMessage = "User($params[uId]) Not Exists"; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } } } $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] = $space['uid']; $_SGLOBAL['supe_username'] = $space['username']; @include_once S_ROOT . './api/class/' . $module . '.php'; if (!class_exists($module)) { $errCode = 3; $errMessage = "Class($module) Not Exists"; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } $class = new $module(); $response = @call_user_func_array(array(&$class, $method), $params); return $response; }
include_once './common.php'; include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_admincp.php'; //是否关闭站点 checkclose(); //需要登录 if (empty($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { ssetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } else { ssetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode('admincp.php?ac=' . $_GET['ac'])); } // showmessage('to_login', 'do.php?ac='.$_SCONFIG['login_action']); //原始版 showmessage('to_login', ''); //OpenID登陆 } $space = getspace($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } if (checkperm('banvisit')) { ckspacelog(); showmessage('you_do_not_have_permission_to_visit'); } $isfounder = ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); $acs = array(array('index', 'config', 'privacy', 'ip', 'spam', 'hotuser', 'defaultuser', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'magic', 'magiclog', 'profield', 'ad', 'userapp'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'event', 'report', 'space'), array('cache', 'network', 'profilefield', 'eventclass', 'click', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron', 'app', 'log'), array('feed', 'blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'share', 'poll')); if (!empty($_SC['allowedittpl']) && $isfounder) { $acs[2][] = 'template'; } if ($isfounder) { $acs[2][] = 'backup'; }
function sendmail_touser($touid, $subject, $message, $mailtype = '') { global $_G; if (empty($_G['setting']['sendmailday'])) { return false; } require_once libfile('function/home'); $tospace = getspace($touid); if (empty($tospace['email'])) { return false; } space_merge($tospace, 'field_home'); space_merge($tospace, 'status'); $acceptemail = $tospace['acceptemail']; if (!empty($acceptemail[$mailtype]) && $_G['timestamp'] - $tospace['lastvisit'] > $_G['setting']['sendmailday'] * 86400) { if (empty($tospace['lastsendmail'])) { $tospace['lastsendmail'] = $_G['timestamp']; } $sendtime = $tospace['lastsendmail'] + $acceptemail['frequency']; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_mailcron') . " WHERE touid='{$touid}' LIMIT 1"); if ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $cid = $value['cid']; if ($value['sendtime'] < $sendtime) { $sendtime = $value['sendtime']; } DB::update('common_mailcron', array('email' => addslashes($tospace['email']), 'sendtime' => $sendtime), array('cid' => $cid)); } else { $cid = DB::insert('common_mailcron', array('touid' => $touid, 'email' => addslashes($tospace['email']), 'sendtime' => $sendtime), 1); } $message = preg_replace("/href\\=\"(?!http\\:\\/\\/)(.+?)\"/i", 'href="' . $_G['siteurl'] . '\\1"', $message); $setarr = array('cid' => $cid, 'subject' => addslashes($subject), 'message' => addslashes($message), 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']); DB::insert('common_mailqueue', $setarr); return true; } return false; }
function smail($touid, $email, $subject, $message='', $mailtype='') { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SCONFIG; $cid = 0; if($touid && $_SCONFIG['sendmailday']) { //获得空间 $tospace = getspace($touid); if(empty($tospace)) return false; $sendmail = empty($tospace['sendmail'])?array():unserialize($tospace['sendmail']); if($tospace['emailcheck'] && $tospace['email'] && $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - $tospace['lastlogin'] > $_SCONFIG['sendmailday']*86400 && (empty($sendmail) || !empty($sendmail[$mailtype]))) { //获得下次发送时间 if(empty($tospace['lastsend'])) { $tospace['lastsend'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; } if(!isset($sendmail['frequency'])) $sendmail['frequency'] = 604800;//1周 $sendtime = $tospace['lastsend'] + $sendmail['frequency']; //检查是否存在当前用户队列 $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM ".tname('mailcron')." WHERE touid='$touid' LIMIT 1"); if($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $cid = $value['cid']; if($value['sendtime'] < $sendtime) $sendtime = $value['sendtime']; updatetable('mailcron', array('email'=>addslashes($tospace['email']), 'sendtime'=>$sendtime), array('cid'=>$cid)); } else { $cid = inserttable('mailcron', array('touid'=>$touid, 'email'=>addslashes($tospace['email']), 'sendtime'=>$sendtime), 1); } } } elseif($email) { //直接插入邮件 $email = getstr($email, 80, 1, 1); //检查是否存在当前队列 $cid = 0; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM ".tname('mailcron')." WHERE email='$email' LIMIT 1"); if($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $cid = $value['cid']; } else { $cid = inserttable('mailcron', array('email'=>$email), 1); } } if($cid) { //插入邮件内容队列 $setarr = array( 'cid' => $cid, 'subject' => addslashes(stripslashes($subject)), 'message' => addslashes(stripslashes($message)), 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] ); inserttable('mailqueue', $setarr); } }
<?php if (!defined('IN_UCHOME')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $friends = array(); //Get all your friends usernames $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT fusername\r\n FROM " . tname('friend') . "\r\n WHERE uid={$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}\r\n AND status='1'"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $value['fusername'] = saddslashes($value['fusername']); $friends[] = $value['fusername']; } $friendstr = implode(',', $friends); //For rebate of information $touid = (int) $_GET['uid']; if (!empty($touid)) { $toInfo = @getspace($touid); if (!empty($toInfo['username'])) { $fusername = $toInfo['username']; } } $giftlist = getGiftList(); // (gift type) include_once template('gift/view/index');
if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $result = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_setting') . " WHERE skey='profilegroup'"); $defaultop = ''; if (!empty($result['svalue'])) { $profilegroup = unserialize($result['svalue']); foreach ($profilegroup as $key => $value) { if ($value['available']) { $defaultop = $key; break; } } } $operation = in_array($_GET['op'], array('base', 'contact', 'edu', 'work', 'info', 'password', 'verify')) ? trim($_GET['op']) : $defaultop; $space = getspace($_G['uid']); space_merge($space, 'field_home'); space_merge($space, 'profile'); $seccodecheck = $_G['setting']['seccodestatus'] & 8; $secqaacheck = $_G['setting']['secqaa']['status'] & 4; $_G['group']['seccode'] = 1; @(include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './data/cache/cache_domain.php'); $spacedomain = isset($rootdomain['home']) && $rootdomain['home'] ? $rootdomain['home'] : array(); if ($operation != 'password') { include_once libfile('function/profile'); loadcache('profilesetting'); if (empty($_G['cache']['profilesetting'])) { require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('profilesetting'); loadcache('profilesetting'); }
returnflag($arrs); } elseif ($event['grade'] <= 0) { $arrs = array('flag' => 'event_under_verify'); //活动未通过审核 returnflag($arrs); } if (!$event['allowpost']) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("userevent") . " WHERE eventid='{$id}' AND uid='{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}' LIMIT 1"); $value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (empty($value) || $value['status'] < 2) { $arrs = array('flag' => 'no_privilege'); returnflag($arrs); } } //检索空间 $tospace = getspace($event['uid']); $hotarr = array('eventid', $event['eventid'], $event['hotuser']); $stattype = 'eventcomment'; //统计 break; default: $arrs = array('flag' => 'failed'); returnflag($arrs); break; } //黑名单 if (isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) { $arrs = array('flag' => 'is_blacklist'); returnflag($arrs); } if ($idtype == 'doid') {