function yazCclArray($ccl) { global $config; $system = $config['lib']['system']; // Create an array to hold settings for the different systems $zopts = array(); $zopts['aleph'] = array('syntax' => '', 'yaz_con_opts' => array('piggyback' => true)); $zopts['bibliofil'] = array('syntax' => 'normarc', 'yaz_con_opts' => array('piggyback' => true)); $zopts['bibsys'] = array('syntax' => '', 'yaz_con_opts' => array('piggyback' => false)); $zopts['koha'] = array('syntax' => '', 'yaz_con_opts' => array('piggyback' => true)); $zopts['mikromarc'] = array('syntax' => 'normarc', 'yaz_con_opts' => array('piggyback' => true)); /* The Glitre project has not been able to find sample servers fot these systems, even after asking the vendors if any exist: $zopts['reindex'] = array( 'syntax' => '', 'yaz_con_opts' => array( 'piggyback' => false, ), ); $zopts['tidemann'] = array( 'syntax' => '', 'yaz_con_opts' => array( 'piggyback' => false, ), ); */ $hits = 0; $type = 'xml'; $id = yaz_connect($config['lib']['z3950'], $zopts[$system]['yaz_con_opts']); yaz_element($id, "F"); yaz_syntax($id, $zopts[$system]['syntax']); yaz_range($id, 1, 1); yaz_ccl_conf($id, get_zconfig()); $cclresult = array(); if (!yaz_ccl_parse($id, $ccl, $cclresult)) { echo 'Error yaz_ccl_parse: ' . $cclresult["errorstring"]; } else { // Norwegian Z39.50 have no or limited support for yaz_sort // See for details // yaz_sort($id, "1=31 di"); $rpn = $cclresult["rpn"]; yaz_search($id, "rpn", utf8_decode($rpn)); } yaz_wait(); $error = yaz_error($id); if (!empty($error)) { $yaz_errno = yaz_errno($id); // echo "<p>Error yaz_wait: $error ($yaz_errno)</p>"; $error = array('error' => true, 'stage' => 'yaz_wait', 'desc' => $error, 'num' => $yaz_errno); return $error; } else { $hits = yaz_hits($id); } $data = array(); for ($p = 1; $p <= $hits; $p++) { $rec = yaz_record($id, $p, $type); if (empty($rec)) { continue; } $data[] = $rec; // If a max number of records is set for this library, respect it - otherwise use the default. $records_max = $config['lib']['records_max'] ? $config['lib']['records_max'] : $config['records_max']; if ($p == $records_max) { break; } } $ret = array("hits" => $hits, "result" => $data); return $ret; }
function yazCclArray($ccl, $syntax = 'marc21', $host = 'default') { global $config; if ($host == 'default') { $host = $config['libraries'][$_GET['bib']]['z3950']; } $zconfig = get_zconfig(); $hits = 0; $type = 'xml'; $id = yaz_connect($host); yaz_element($id, "F"); yaz_syntax($id, $syntax); yaz_range($id, 1, 1); yaz_ccl_conf($id, $zconfig); $cclresult = array(); if (!yaz_ccl_parse($id, $ccl, $cclresult)) { echo 'Error: ' . $cclresult["errorstring"]; } else { // NB! Ser ikke ut som Z39.50 fra Bibliofil støtter "sort" // Se nederst her: // PHP/YAZ-funksjonen yaz-sort ville kunne dratt nytte av dette: // // Sort Flags // a Sort ascending // d Sort descending // i Case insensitive sorting // s Case sensitive sorting // Bib1-attributter man kunne sortert på: // // yaz_sort($id, "1=31 di"); $rpn = $cclresult["rpn"]; yaz_search($id, "rpn", utf8_decode($rpn)); } yaz_wait(); $error = yaz_error($id); if (!empty($error)) { echo "Error yazCclArray: {$error}"; } else { $hits = yaz_hits($id); } $data = array(); for ($p = 1; $p <= $hits; $p++) { $rec = yaz_record($id, $p, $type); if (empty($rec)) { continue; } $data[] = $rec; if ($p == $config['maks_poster']) { break; } } $ret = array("hits" => $hits, "result" => $data); return $ret; }
function antall_treff($q) { global $config; $bib = $_GET['bib']; $debug = 0; if ($config['libraries'][$bib]['sru']) { // SRU $qu = urlencode($q); $query = '(' . $qu . '+or+dc.title=' . $qu . ')+and+dc.title=lydopptak'; $sruurl = $config['libraries'][$bib]['sru'] . '?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&query=' . $query; if ($xml = file_get_contents($sruurl)) { preg_match("/numberOfRecords>(.*?)</", $xml, $matches); return $matches[1]; } else { echo 'error'; } } else { //Z39.50 $ccl = "(fo={$q} or in={$q} or ti={$q}) and ti=lydopptak"; $host = $config['libraries'][$bib]['z3950']; $zconfig = get_zconfig(); $type = 'xml'; $syntax = 'NORMARC'; $id = yaz_connect($host); yaz_element($id, "F"); yaz_syntax($id, $syntax); yaz_range($id, 1, 1); yaz_ccl_conf($id, $zconfig); $cclresult = array(); if (!yaz_ccl_parse($id, $ccl, $cclresult)) { echo $debug ? 'Error: ' . $cclresult["errorstring"] : 'error'; } else { $rpn = $cclresult["rpn"]; yaz_search($id, "rpn", utf8_decode($rpn)); } yaz_wait(); $error = yaz_error($id); if (!empty($error)) { echo $debug ? "Error yazCclArray: {$error}" : 'error'; } else { return yaz_hits($id); } } }