예제 #1
            } else {
                $m_disabled[] = $module;
        if (count($m_disabled)) {
            print_message('Disabled poller modules:');
            print_message('  ' . implode("\n  ", $m_disabled));
if (!isset($options['q'])) {
    $latest['version'] = get_obs_attrib('latest_ver');
    $latest['revision'] = get_obs_attrib('latest_rev');
    $latest['date'] = get_obs_attrib('latest_rev_date');
    if ($latest['revision'] > OBSERVIUM_REV) {
        print_message("%GThere is a newer revision of Observium available!%n", 'color');
        print_message("%GVersion %r" . $latest['version'] . "%G (" . format_unixtime(datetime_to_unixtime($latest['date']), 'jS F Y') . ") is %r" . ($latest['revision'] - OBSERVIUM_REV) . "%G revisions ahead.%n\n", 'color');
    //  print_message("%g".OBSERVIUM_PRODUCT." ".OBSERVIUM_VERSION."\n%WPoller%n\n", 'color');
    if (OBS_DEBUG) {
if ($options['h'] == "odd") {
    $options['n'] = "1";
    $options['i'] = "2";
} elseif ($options['h'] == "even") {
    $options['n'] = "0";
    $options['i'] = "2";
예제 #2
function get_http_request($request, $context = array(), $rate_limit = FALSE)
    global $config;
    $ok = TRUE;
    if (defined('OBS_HTTP_REQUEST') && OBS_HTTP_REQUEST === FALSE) {
        print_debug("HTTP requests skipped since previous request exit with timeout");
        $ok = FALSE;
        $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = array('code' => '408', 'status' => 'Request Timeout');
    } else {
        if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
            print_debug('HTTP requests disabled, since PHP config option "allow_url_fopen" set to off. Please enable this option in your PHP config.');
            $ok = FALSE;
            $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = array('code' => '501', 'status' => 'Not Implemented');
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/^https/i', $request) && !check_extension_exists('openssl')) {
                // Check if Secure requests allowed, but ssl extensin not exist
                print_debug(__FUNCTION__ . '() wants to connect with https but https is not enabled on this server. Please check your PHP settings, the openssl extension must exist and be enabled.');
                logfile(__FUNCTION__ . '() wants to connect with https but https is not enabled on this server. Please check your PHP settings, the openssl extension must exist and be enabled.');
                $ok = FALSE;
                $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = array('code' => '501', 'status' => 'HTTPS Method Not Implemented');
    if ($ok && $rate_limit && is_numeric($rate_limit) && $rate_limit >= 0) {
        // Check limit rates to this domain (per/day)
        if (preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\/([\\w\\.]+[\\w\\-\\.]*(:\\d+)?)/i', $request, $matches)) {
            $date = format_unixtime($config['time']['now'], 'Y-m-d');
            $domain = $matches[0];
            // base domain (with http(s)): https://test-me.com/ -> https://test-me.com
            $rate_db = json_decode(get_obs_attrib('http_rate_' . $domain), TRUE);
            //print_vars($date); print_vars($rate_db);
            if (is_array($rate_db) && isset($rate_db[$date])) {
                $rate_count = $rate_db[$date];
            } else {
                $rate_count = 0;
            set_obs_attrib('http_rate_' . $domain, json_encode(array($date => $rate_count)));
            if ($rate_count > $rate_limit) {
                print_debug("HTTP requests skipped because the rate limit {$rate_limit}/day for domain '{$domain}' is exceeded (count: {$rate_count})");
                $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = array('code' => '429', 'status' => 'Too Many Requests');
                $ok = FALSE;
            } else {
                if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) {
                    print_debug("HTTP rate count for domain '{$domain}': {$rate_count} ({$rate_limit}/day)");
        } else {
            $rate_limit = FALSE;
    if (OBS_DEBUG > 0) {
        $debug_request = $request;
        if (OBS_DEBUG < 2 && strpos($request, 'update.observium.org')) {
            $debug_request = preg_replace('/&stats=.+/', '&stats=***', $debug_request);
        $debug_msg = PHP_EOL . 'REQUEST[%y' . $debug_request . '%n]';
    if (!$ok) {
        if (OBS_DEBUG > 0) {
            print_message($debug_msg . PHP_EOL . 'REQUEST STATUS[' . $GLOBALS['response_headers']['code'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['response_headers']['status'] . ']', 'console');
        return FALSE;
    $response = '';
    if (!is_array($context)) {
        $context = array();
    // Fix context if not array passed
    $opts = array('http' => $context);
    $opts['http']['timeout'] = '15';
    // User agent (required for some type of queries, ie geocoding)
    if (!isset($opts['http']['header'])) {
        $opts['http']['header'] = '';
    // Avoid 'undefined index' when concatting below
    $opts['http']['header'] .= 'User-Agent: ' . OBSERVIUM_PRODUCT . '/' . OBSERVIUM_VERSION . '\\r\\n';
    if (isset($config['http_proxy']) && $config['http_proxy']) {
        $opts['http']['proxy'] = 'tcp://' . $config['http_proxy'];
        $opts['http']['request_fulluri'] = TRUE;
    // Basic proxy auth
    if (isset($config['proxy_user']) && $config['proxy_user'] && isset($config['proxy_password'])) {
        $auth = base64_encode($config['proxy_user'] . ':' . $config['proxy_password']);
        $opts['http']['header'] .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . $auth . '\\r\\n';
    $start = utime();
    $context = stream_context_create($opts);
    $response = file_get_contents($request, FALSE, $context);
    $runtime = utime() - $start;
    // Parse response headers
    $head = array();
    foreach ($http_response_header as $k => $v) {
        $t = explode(':', $v, 2);
        if (isset($t[1])) {
            $head[trim($t[0])] = trim($t[1]);
        } else {
            if (preg_match("!HTTP/([\\d\\.]+)\\s+(\\d+)(.*)!", $v, $matches)) {
                $head['http'] = $matches[1];
                $head['code'] = intval($matches[2]);
                $head['status'] = trim($matches[3]);
            } else {
                $head[] = $v;
    $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = $head;
    if (OBS_DEBUG > 0) {
        if (OBS_DEBUG < 2 && strpos($request, 'update.observium.org')) {
            $request = preg_replace('/&stats=.+/', '&stats=***', $request);
        print_message($debug_msg . PHP_EOL . 'REQUEST STATUS[' . $head['code'] . ' ' . $head['status'] . ']' . PHP_EOL . 'REQUEST RUNTIME[' . ($runtime > 3 ? '%r' : '%g') . round($runtime, 4) . 's%n]', 'console');
        if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) {
            print_message("RESPONSE[\n" . $response . "\n]", 'console', FALSE);
    // Set OBS_HTTP_REQUEST for skip all other requests
    if (!defined('OBS_HTTP_REQUEST')) {
        if ($response === FALSE && empty($http_response_header)) {
            $GLOBALS['response_headers'] = array('code' => '408', 'status' => 'Request Timeout');
            // Timeout error, only if not received responce headers
            define('OBS_HTTP_REQUEST', FALSE);
            print_debug(__FUNCTION__ . '() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check proxy settings.');
            logfile(__FUNCTION__ . '() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check proxy settings.');
        } else {
            define('OBS_HTTP_REQUEST', TRUE);
    // FIXME. what if first request fine, but second broken?
    //else if ($response === FALSE)
    //  if (function_exists('runkit_constant_redefine')) { runkit_constant_redefine('OBS_HTTP_REQUEST', FALSE); }
    return $response;
예제 #3
            print_error("DB schema not installed, first install it.");
    } else {
        // Disable STRICT mode for DB session (we not fully support them)
        $db_modes = explode(',', dbFetchCell("SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;"));
        $db_mode_exclude = 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES';
        if (in_array($db_mode_exclude, $db_modes)) {
            $db_modes = array_diff($db_modes, array($db_mode_exclude));
            dbQuery('SET SESSION `sql_mode` = ?', array(implode(',', $db_modes)));
            print_debug('DB STRICT mode disabled');
        // Maybe better in another place, but at least here it runs always; keep track of what svn revision we last saw, and eventlog the upgrade versions.
        // We have versions here from the includes above, and we just connected to the DB.
        $rev_old = @get_obs_attrib('current_rev');
        if ($rev_old < OBSERVIUM_REV || !is_numeric($rev_old)) {
            set_obs_attrib('current_rev', OBSERVIUM_REV);
            log_event("Observium updated: {$rev_old} -> " . OBSERVIUM_REV);
            // FIXME log_event currently REQUIRES a device, the SQL query will fail.
// Load SQL configuration into $config variable
 * OHMYGOD, this is very dangerous, because this is secure hole for override static definitions,
 * now already defined configs skipped in load_sqlconfig().
// Reload configuration file into $config variable to make sure it overrules all SQL-supplied and default settings
// Not the greatest hack, but array_merge was unfit for the job, unfortunately.
예제 #4
if (isset($config['syslog']['fifo']) && $config['syslog']['fifo'] !== FALSE) {
    // FIFO configured, try to grab logs from it
    #echo 'Opening FIFO: '.$config['syslog']['fifo'].PHP_EOL; //No any echo to STDOUT/STDERR!
    $s = fopen($config['syslog']['fifo'], 'r');
} else {
    // No FIFO configured, take logs from stdin
    #echo 'Opening STDIN'.PHP_EOL;                            //No any echo to STDOUT/STDERR!
    $s = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
while ($line = fgets($s)) {
    if (isset($config['syslog']['debug']) && $config['syslog']['debug']) {
        // Store RAW syslog line into debug.log
        logfile('debug.log', $line);
    // Update syslog ruleset if they've changed. (this query should be cheap).
    $new_rules = get_obs_attrib('syslog_rules_changed');
    if ($new_rules > $cur_rules) {
        $cur_rules = $new_rules;
        $rules = cache_syslog_rules();
        $device_rules = cache_syslog_rules_assoc();
        $maint = cache_alert_maintenance();
        // logfile('debug.log', "Rules updated: ".$new_rules);
    // host || facility || priority || level || tag || timestamp || msg || program
    $entry = array();
    // Init!!!
    list($entry['host'], $entry['facility'], $entry['priority'], $entry['level'], $entry['tag'], $entry['timestamp'], $entry['msg'], $entry['program']) = explode("||", trim($line));
    process_syslog($entry, 1);
    unset($entry, $line);
    if ($i > 10) {