/** * @desc Return an array containing all the presents languages in i18n */ public function getList() { require_once 'languages.php'; $lang_list = get_lang_list(); $dir = scandir(LOCALES_PATH); $po = array(); foreach ($dir as $files) { $explode = explode('.', $files); if (end($explode) == 'po') { $po[$explode[0]] = $lang_list[$explode[0]]; } } return $po; }
/** * @desc Return an array containing all the presents languages in i18n */ public function getList() { require_once 'languages.php'; $lang_list = get_lang_list(); $dir = scandir(LOCALES_PATH); $po = []; foreach ($dir as $files) { $explode = explode('.', $files); if (end($explode) == 'po' && array_key_exists($explode[0], $lang_list)) { $po[$explode[0]] = $lang_list[$explode[0]]; } } $po['en'] = 'English'; return $po; }
$cfg["lang"] = "english.php"; } if (!eregi("^[0-9]+\$", $cfg["entry_pp"]) || $cfg["entry_pp"] == 0) { $cfg["entry_pp"] = 1; } $CLASS["db_input"] = new input2db(); $result = $CLASS["db_input"]->update_db_row($POLLTBL["poll_config"], $cfg, "config_id", 1); if ($result) { $pollvars = $CLASS["db"]->fetch_array($CLASS["db"]->query("SELECT * FROM {$POLLTBL['poll_config']}")); $pollvars['SELF'] = basename($PHP_SELF); $CLASS["db"]->free_result($CLASS["db"]->result); unset($lang); include "../lang/{$pollvars['lang']}"; $message = $lang["Updated"]; } else { $message = $lang["NoUpdate"]; } } $CLASS["template"]->set_templatefiles(array("admin_settings" => "admin_settings.html")); $pollvars = addspecialchars($pollvars); $langlist = get_lang_list("../lang"); $check_ip = $pollvars["check_ip"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""; $no_ip_check = $pollvars["check_ip"] == 2 ? "selected" : ""; $votes = $pollvars["type"] == "votes" ? "checked" : ""; $percent = $pollvars["type"] == "percent" ? "checked" : ""; $order_usort = $pollvars["result_order"] == "usort" ? "selected" : ""; $order_asc = $pollvars["result_order"] == "asc" ? "selected" : ""; $order_desc = $pollvars["result_order"] == "desc" ? "selected" : ""; $admin_settings = $CLASS["template"]->pre_parse("admin_settings"); no_cache_header(); eval("echo \"{$admin_settings}\";");
/** * * @param string $str The value to validate * @param string $class Class name which will search with * @param string $method Class method to search with * @param string $idFieldName The identity field in the table * @param string $idFieldValue The value of identity field * @param bool $isStatic To determine if the $method is a static function or not * @return int */ public function unique_multi($str, $class, $field) { if ($str == '') { return true; } foreach (get_lang_list() as $key => $lang) { if (strlen(array_shift(explode('_' . $key, $field))) < strlen($field)) { $field = array_shift(explode('_' . $key, $field)); break; } } if (preg_match('/\\(/', $class)) { $exp = explode('(', trim($class, ')')); $model = $exp[0] . 'Table'; $obj = $model::getOneBy($field, $str); if ($obj && $obj['id'] != $exp[1]) { return false; } } else { $model = $class . 'Table'; $obj = $model::getOneBy($field, $str); if ($obj && $obj[$field] == $str) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Return an array containing all the presents languages in i18n/ * */ function loadLangArray() { $lang_list = get_lang_list(); $dir = scandir(LOCALES_PATH); $po = array(); foreach ($dir as $files) { $explode = explode('.', $files); if (end($explode) == 'po') { $po[$explode[0]] = $lang_list[$explode[0]]; } } return $po; }
function get_langs_data_js() { $arr_langs = get_lang_list(); foreach ($arr_langs as $k => $v) { $arr_data[] = '{id:"' . $k . '", text:"' . $v . '"}'; } $js_langs_data = '{' . 'text:"", children:[' . implode(',', $arr_data) . ']}'; return $js_langs_data; }