예제 #1
function optimize_tables($tbl_list = null)
    if (!$tbl_list) {
        $tbl_list = get_fud_table_list();
    q('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . implode(', ', $tbl_list));
예제 #2
<script language="Javascript1.2">
	var intervalID;
	function scrolldown()
		window.scroll(0, 30000);
	intervalID = setInterval('scrolldown()', 100);
draw_stat('Locking the database for checking');
if (__dbtype__ == 'mysql') {
    q('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $tbl . 'tmp_consist');
    q('CREATE TABLE ' . $tbl . 'tmp_consist (p INT, ps INT UNSIGNED, c INT)');
$tbls = get_fud_table_list();
// add the various table aliases
array_push($tbls, $tbl . 'users u', $tbl . 'forum f', $tbl . 'thread t', $tbl . 'poll p', $tbl . 'poll_opt po', $tbl . 'poll_opt_track pot', $tbl . 'msg m', $tbl . 'pmsg pm', $tbl . 'mod mm', $tbl . 'thread_rate_track trt', $tbl . 'msg_report mr', $tbl . 'cat c', $tbl . 'forum_notify fn', $tbl . 'thread_notify tn', $tbl . 'buddy b', $tbl . 'user_ignore i', $tbl . 'msg m1', $tbl . 'msg m2', $tbl . 'users u1', $tbl . 'users u2', $tbl . 'attach a', $tbl . 'thr_exchange te', $tbl . 'read r', $tbl . 'mime mi', $tbl . 'group_members gm', $tbl . 'group_resources gr', $tbl . 'groups g', $tbl . 'group_members gm1', $tbl . 'group_members gm2', $tbl . 'themes thm');
db_lock(implode(' WRITE, ', $tbls) . ' WRITE');
draw_stat('Validating category order');
$i = 1;
$c = q('SELECT id, view_order FROM ' . $tbl . 'cat ORDER BY view_order, id');
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
    if ($r[1] != $i) {
        q('UPDATE ' . $tbl . 'cat SET view_order=' . $i . ' WHERE id=' . $id);
draw_stat('Done: Validating category order');