} unset($_from); $this->pop_vars(); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="related-brands" class="m m2"> <div class="mt"> <h2>同类品牌</h2> </div> <div class="mc"> <ul class="lh"> <?php $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('get_cat_brands', get_cat_brands($this->_var['goods']['cat_id'])); ?> <?php $_from = $this->_var['get_cat_brands']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); } $this->push_vars('', 'brand_cat'); $this->_foreach['get_cat_brands'] = array('total' => count($_from), 'iteration' => 0); if ($this->_foreach['get_cat_brands']['total'] > 0) { foreach ($_from as $this->_var['brand_cat']) { $this->_foreach['get_cat_brands']['iteration']++; ?> <li><a href="brand.php?id=<?php echo $this->_var['brand_cat']['id']; ?>
function get_goods($catid, $ages) { //首页获取热销的商品 $arr = array(); $all = array(); $name = array(); $id = array(); foreach ($catid as $key => $cat) { //获取所有的商品 //array(977,981,1000) $fen1 = get_children1($cat); //cat_id IN ('977','477','1053','1054','1055') $all[$key]['name_id'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll('select cat_id,cat_name from ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table("category") . ' where cat_id=' . $cat); /* array 'cat_id' => string '977' (length=3) 'cat_name' => string '母乳喂养用品' (length=18) */ //var_dump($all[$key]['name_id']);exit; $age = $ages; $age = $age == 0 ? '' : ' AND (is_age =0 OR is_age = ' . $age . ')'; $cnt_children_goods = get_children_pro_goods_num($cat, $age); $fen = array(); foreach ($cnt_children_goods as $proId => $queryNum) { if ($queryNum == 0) { continue; } $sql = 'SELECT goods_id, goods_name,market_price,shop_price,goods_thumb FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table("goods") . ' WHERE ' . 'cat_id = ' . $proId . $age . ' LIMIT 0, ' . $queryNum; $tmp = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($tmp as $val) { $val['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $val['goods_id']), $val['goods_name']); $fen[] = $val; } } $goods_recommend = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll('select a.cat_id,a.cat_name,b.recommend_type from ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table("category") . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table("cat_recommend") . ' AS b on b.cat_id=a.cat_id where a.parent_id=' . $cat . ' AND b.recommend_type = 3 LIMIT 0,8'); //获取品牌推荐分类,recommended_type为3的 热门推荐 guan foreach ($goods_recommend as $grKey => $grVal) { $goods_recommend[$grKey]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $grVal['cat_id']), $grVal['cat_name']); //build_uri('article', array('aid' => $val['article_id']), $val['title']);; } $all[$key]['moreUrl'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $cat)); $all[$key]['recommend'] = $goods_recommend; $all[$key]['goods'] = $fen; $all[$key]['brands'] = get_cat_brands($cat); } return $all; }
} unset($_from); $this->pop_vars(); ?> </div> <div class="promo_brand"> <div class="recommend-brand"> <div class="gw_con"> <div class="anli"> <div class="anli_con"> <ul class="yyyy_<?php echo $this->_var['goods_cat']['id']; ?> anli_con_num" style="position: absolute; width:1210px; height:40px; top:0px; left: 0px;"> <?php $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('catbrand', get_cat_brands($GLOBALS['smarty']->_var['goods_cat']['id'], 14)); ?> <?php $_from = $this->_var['catbrand']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); } $this->push_vars('', 'item'); $this->_foreach['catbrand'] = array('total' => count($_from), 'iteration' => 0); if ($this->_foreach['catbrand']['total'] > 0) { foreach ($_from as $this->_var['item']) { $this->_foreach['catbrand']['iteration']++; ?> <li <?php if ($this->_foreach['catbrand']['iteration'] <= 1) { ?>