if ($transactionInfo != -1) { if ($_REQUEST['branchonsuccess_id']) { $lt_ID = intval($_REQUEST['branchonsuccess_id']); } $sql = "select lt.*,plt.lt_subject as parent_lt_subject from cs_live_tree as lt left join cs_live_tree as plt on lt.lt_parent_ID = plt.lt_ID where lt.lt_ID = '{$lt_ID}' {$sql_lt_type};"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error()); $cs_live_tree = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } else { $_SESSION['cs_found_reference_number'] = NULL; $cs_error_msg = "Transaction could not be found. Please try another search method.<BR>If you have tried all methods, please select 'Could Not Find Transaction' option."; } } if ($cs_live_tree['lt_action'] == 'refund') { if ($_REQUEST['refundtd'] && $_REQUEST['refundtd'] == $reference_number) { $refund_type = "Customer Service Refund"; $error_msg = exec_refund_request($transactionInfo['transactionId'], $refund_type, $_REQUEST['refund_reason']); $cs_live_tree['lt_question_text'] = "Refund Request Completed. You will recieve an email notification as soon as your refund is processed. ({$error_msg})"; $_SESSION['cs_found_call_log'] = $_REQUEST['refund_reason']; $_SESSION['cs_found_call_subject'] = 'Refund Request for ' . $transactionInfo['reference_number']; $_SESSION['cs_found_call_resolved'] = true; } else { $options = NULL; $actionurl = "livetree.php?lt_ID=" . $cs_live_tree['lt_ID']; $options[] = array("name" => "refund_text", "descr" => "Please Enter the Reason for this Refund:", "type" => "textarea", "title" => "Refund Request for {$reference_number}:\n"); $options[] = array('url' => $actionurl . "&refundtd=" . $reference_number, 'title' => 'Refund Order', 'descr' => 'Refund Order:', "fields" => array(array("var" => "refund_reason", "val" => "refund_text"))); } } if ($cs_live_tree['lt_action'] == 'cancel') { if ($_REQUEST['canceltd'] && $_REQUEST['canceltd'] == $reference_number) { $trans = new transaction_class(false); $trans->pull_transaction($transactionInfo['transactionId']);
$cancel = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancel']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancel']) : ""; $refund = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['refund']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['refund']) : ""; $trans_id = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['tid']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['tid']) : ""; $reference_number = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['reference_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['reference_number']) : ""; $user_id = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_id']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_id']) : ""; $crorcq1 = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['crorcq1']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['crorcq1']) : ""; $str_bill_date = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['billDate']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['billDate']) : ""; $note_id = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['note_id']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['note_id']) : ""; $msgtodisplay = ""; if ($trans_id != "") { $ref_no = func_Trans_Ref_No($trans_id); $table = "`cs_transactiondetails` as t "; $show_select_val = getTransactionInfo($trans_id, false); if ($refund != "") { $etel_debug_mode = 0; $msg = exec_refund_request($trans_id, "Customer Service Refund", "{$cancelreason}:{$cancelreasonother}"); $msgtodisplay = "<table width='370' height='100' align='center' valign='top' style='border:2px solid black'><tr><td align='center' valign='middle'><font face='verdana' size='2' color='red'>{$msg}. Callback through '{$contactmethod}'.<br></font></td></tr><tr><td align='center'><a href='startpage.php'><img border='0' src='../images/back.gif'></a></td></tr></table>"; } else { if ($cancel != "") { $cancelreason = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['selectReason']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['selectReason']) : ""; $cancelreasonother = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['txtNotes']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['txtNotes']) : ""; //$str_is_cancelled = func_get_value_of_field($cnn_cs,"cs_transactiondetails","cancelstatus","transactionId",$return_insertId); if ($show_select_val['td_enable_rebill'] == "0") { $msgtodisplay = "<table width='370' height='100' align='center' valign='top' style='border:2px solid black'><tr><td align='center' valign='middle'><font face='verdana' size='2' color='red'>This transaction/subscription has been already canceled.<br>You will no longer be rebilled for this subscription.</font></td></tr><tr><td align='center'><a href='startpage.php'><img border='0' src='../images/back.gif'></a></td></tr></table>"; } else { $strCurrentDateTime = func_get_current_date(); $str_approval_status = $show_select_val['status']; if ($strCurrentDateTime >= $str_bill_date && $str_approval_status == "A") { $qrt_update_details = "Update cs_transactiondetails set td_enable_rebill='0' where transactionId={$trans_id} AND reference_number = '{$reference_number}'"; // and userid=$user_id"; if (!($qrt_update_run = mysql_query($qrt_update_details))) {
$untracked_orders = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['untracked_orders']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['untracked_orders']) : ""; $trans_table_name = "cs_transactiondetails"; if ($display_test_transactions == 1) { $trans_table_name = "cs_test_transactiondetails"; } $trans_recur = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_recur']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_recur']) : ""; $trans_chargeback = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_chargeback']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_chargeback']) : ""; $compID = $sessionlogin; if (!$compID) { $compID = -1; } if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Issue Refund" && !$display_test_transactions) { $transID = intval($_POST['id']); $etel_debug_mode = 0; etelPrint($transID); $msg = exec_refund_request($transID, "Merchant Refund", ""); } if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Cancel Rebill" && !$display_test_transactions) { $trans = new transaction_class(false); $trans->pull_transaction($_POST['id']); $status = $trans->process_cancel_request(array("actor" => 'Administrator')); } $search_date_type = "transactionDate"; $email = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["email"]) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS["email"]) : ""; if ($companyBlocked != 1) { $check_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['check_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['check_number']) : ""; $credit_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['credit_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['credit_number']) : ""; $account_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['account_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['account_number']) : ""; $routing_code = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['routing_code']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['routing_code']) : ""; $decline_reason = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['decline_reasons']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['decline_reasons'] : ""; $cancel_reason = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cancel_reasons']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['cancel_reasons'] : "";
$curinc = 0; } $reason = ""; $i_num_records_per_page = isset($_GET["cbo_num_records"]) ? quote_smart($_GET["cbo_num_records"]) : "20"; $i_lower_limit = isset($_GET["lower_limit"]) ? quote_smart($_GET["lower_limit"]) : "0"; if ($i_lower_limit < 0) { $i_lower_limit = 0; } $transID = quote_smart($_POST['TransactionId']); if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Issue Refund") { $refund_type = "Administration Refund"; if ($adminInfo['li_level'] == 'bank') { $refund_type = ucfirst($adminInfo['username']) . " Refund"; } $etel_debug_mode = 0; $error_msg = exec_refund_request($transID, $refund_type, ""); } if (0 && $_POST['Submit'] == "Remove Refund") { $qry_details = "UPDATE {$trans_table_name} SET `cancelstatus` = 'N', `reason` = '' WHERE `transactionId` = '{$transID}'"; $rst_details = sql_query_read($qry_details) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Cannot execute query"); } if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Set Chargeback") { $qry_details = "UPDATE {$trans_table_name} SET `td_is_chargeback` = '1' WHERE `transactionId` = '{$transID}'"; $rst_details = sql_query_read($qry_details) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Cannot execute query"); } if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Remove Chargeback") { $qry_details = "UPDATE {$trans_table_name} SET `td_is_chargeback` = '0' WHERE `transactionId` = '{$transID}'"; $rst_details = sql_query_read($qry_details) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Cannot execute query"); } if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Cancel Rebill") { $trans = new transaction_class(false);