예제 #1
 *   	Return a string with full address formated
 * 		@param	Translate	$outputlangs		Output langs object
 *   	@param  Societe		$sourcecompany		Source company object
 *   	@param  Societe		$targetcompany		Target company object
 *      @param  Contact		$targetcontact		Target contact object
 * 		@param	int			$usecontact			Use contact instead of company
 * 		@param	int			$mode				Address type ('source', 'target', 'targetwithdetails')
 * 		@return	string							String with full address
function pdf_build_address($outputlangs, $sourcecompany, $targetcompany = '', $targetcontact = '', $usecontact = 0, $mode = 'source')
    global $conf;
    $stringaddress = '';
    if ($mode == 'source' && !is_object($sourcecompany)) {
        return -1;
    if ($mode == 'target' && !is_object($targetcompany)) {
        return -1;
    if (!empty($sourcecompany->state_id) && empty($sourcecompany->departement)) {
        $sourcecompany->departement = getState($sourcecompany->state_id);
    //TODO: Deprecated
    if (!empty($sourcecompany->state_id) && empty($sourcecompany->state)) {
        $sourcecompany->state = getState($sourcecompany->state_id);
    if (!empty($targetcompany->state_id) && empty($targetcompany->departement)) {
        $targetcompany->departement = getState($targetcompany->state_id);
    if ($mode == 'source') {
        $withCountry = 0;
        if (!empty($sourcecompany->country_code) && $targetcompany->country_code != $sourcecompany->country_code) {
            $withCountry = 1;
        $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset(dol_format_address($sourcecompany, $withCountry, "\n", $outputlangs)) . "\n";
        if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DISABLESOURCEDETAILS)) {
            // Phone
            if ($sourcecompany->phone) {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("PhoneShort") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($sourcecompany->phone);
            // Fax
            if ($sourcecompany->fax) {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? $sourcecompany->phone ? " - " : "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Fax") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($sourcecompany->fax);
            // EMail
            if ($sourcecompany->email) {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Email") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($sourcecompany->email);
            // Web
            if ($sourcecompany->url) {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Web") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($sourcecompany->url);
    if ($mode == 'target' || $mode == 'targetwithdetails') {
        if ($usecontact) {
            $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->getFullName($outputlangs, 1));
            if (!empty($targetcontact->address)) {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset(dol_format_address($targetcontact)) . "\n";
            } else {
                $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset(dol_format_address($targetcompany)) . "\n";
            // Country
            if (!empty($targetcontact->country_code) && $targetcontact->country_code != $sourcecompany->country_code) {
                $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Country" . $targetcontact->country_code)) . "\n";
            } else {
                if (empty($targetcontact->country_code) && !empty($targetcompany->country_code) && $targetcompany->country_code != $sourcecompany->country_code) {
                    $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Country" . $targetcompany->country_code)) . "\n";
            if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_ADDALSOTARGETDETAILS) || $mode == 'targetwithdetails') {
                // Phone
                if (!empty($targetcontact->phone_pro) || !empty($targetcontact->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Phone") . ": ";
                if (!empty($targetcontact->phone_pro)) {
                    $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->phone_pro);
                if (!empty($targetcontact->phone_pro) && !empty($targetcontact->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= " / ";
                if (!empty($targetcontact->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->phone_mobile);
                // Fax
                if ($targetcontact->fax) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Fax") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->fax);
                // EMail
                if ($targetcontact->email) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Email") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->email);
                // Web
                if ($targetcontact->url) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Web") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcontact->url);
        } else {
            $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset(dol_format_address($targetcompany)) . "\n";
            // Country
            if (!empty($targetcompany->country_code) && $targetcompany->country_code != $sourcecompany->country_code) {
                $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Country" . $targetcompany->country_code)) . "\n";
            if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_ADDALSOTARGETDETAILS) || $mode == 'targetwithdetails') {
                // Phone
                if (!empty($targetcompany->phone) || !empty($targetcompany->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Phone") . ": ";
                if (!empty($targetcompany->phone)) {
                    $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->phone);
                if (!empty($targetcompany->phone) && !empty($targetcompany->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= " / ";
                if (!empty($targetcompany->phone_mobile)) {
                    $stringaddress .= $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->phone_mobile);
                // Fax
                if ($targetcompany->fax) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Fax") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->fax);
                // EMail
                if ($targetcompany->email) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Email") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->email);
                // Web
                if ($targetcompany->url) {
                    $stringaddress .= ($stringaddress ? "\n" : '') . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Web") . ": " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->url);
        // Intra VAT
        if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_TVAINTRA_NOT_IN_ADDRESS)) {
            if ($targetcompany->tva_intra) {
                $stringaddress .= "\n" . $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIntraShort") . ': ' . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->tva_intra);
        // Professionnal Ids
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PROFID1_IN_ADDRESS) && !empty($targetcompany->idprof1)) {
            $tmp = $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId1", $targetcompany->country_code);
            if (preg_match('/\\((.+)\\)/', $tmp, $reg)) {
                $tmp = $reg[1];
            $stringaddress .= "\n" . $tmp . ': ' . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->idprof1);
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PROFID2_IN_ADDRESS) && !empty($targetcompany->idprof2)) {
            $tmp = $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId2", $targetcompany->country_code);
            if (preg_match('/\\((.+)\\)/', $tmp, $reg)) {
                $tmp = $reg[1];
            $stringaddress .= "\n" . $tmp . ': ' . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->idprof2);
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PROFID3_IN_ADDRESS) && !empty($targetcompany->idprof3)) {
            $tmp = $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId3", $targetcompany->country_code);
            if (preg_match('/\\((.+)\\)/', $tmp, $reg)) {
                $tmp = $reg[1];
            $stringaddress .= "\n" . $tmp . ': ' . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->idprof3);
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PROFID4_IN_ADDRESS) && !empty($targetcompany->idprof4)) {
            $tmp = $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("ProfId4", $targetcompany->country_code);
            if (preg_match('/\\((.+)\\)/', $tmp, $reg)) {
                $tmp = $reg[1];
            $stringaddress .= "\n" . $tmp . ': ' . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($targetcompany->idprof4);
    return $stringaddress;
예제 #2
  *  Return name of contact with link (and eventually picto)
  *	Use $this->id, $this->lastname, $this->firstname, this->civility_id
  *	@param		int			$withpicto		Include picto with link
  *	@param		string		$option			Where the link point to
  *	@param		int			$maxlen			Max length of
  *  @param		string		$moreparam		Add more param into URL
  *	@return		string						String with URL
 function getNomUrl($withpicto = 0, $option = '', $maxlen = 0, $moreparam = '')
     global $conf, $langs;
     $result = '';
     $label = '<u>' . $langs->trans("ShowContact") . '</u>';
     $label .= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("Name") . ':</b> ' . $this->getFullName($langs);
     //if ($this->civility_id) $label.= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("Civility") . ':</b> '.$this->civility_id;		// TODO Translate cibilty_id code
     if (!empty($this->poste)) {
         $label .= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("Poste") . ':</b> ' . $this->poste;
     if (!empty($this->email)) {
         $label .= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("EMail") . ':</b> ' . $this->email;
     $phonelist = array();
     if ($this->phone_pro) {
         $phonelist[] = $this->phone_pro;
     if ($this->phone_mobile) {
         $phonelist[] = $this->phone_mobile;
     if ($this->phone_perso) {
         $phonelist[] = $this->phone_perso;
     $label .= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("Phone") . ':</b> ' . join(', ', $phonelist);
     $label .= '<br><b>' . $langs->trans("Address") . ':</b> ' . dol_format_address($this, 1, ' ', $langs);
     $link = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/contact/card.php?id=' . $this->id . $moreparam . '"';
     if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER)) {
         $label = $langs->trans("ShowContact");
         $link .= ' alt="' . dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1) . '"';
     $link .= ' title="' . dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1) . '"';
     $link .= ' class="classfortooltip">';
     $linkend = '</a>';
     if ($option == 'xxx') {
         $link = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/contact/card.php?id=' . $this->id . $moreparam . '" title="' . dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1) . '" class="classfortooltip">';
         $linkend = '</a>';
     if ($withpicto) {
         $result .= $link . img_object($label, 'contact', 'class="classfortooltip"') . $linkend . ' ';
     $result .= $link . ($maxlen ? dol_trunc($this->getFullName($langs), $maxlen) : $this->getFullName($langs)) . $linkend;
     return $result;
예제 #3


<div class="entete">
<div class="logo"><?php 
print '<img src="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=companylogo&amp;file=' . urlencode('/thumbs/' . $mysoc->logo_small) . '">';
<div class="infos">
<p class="address"><?php 
echo $mysoc->name;
print dol_nl2br(dol_format_address($mysoc));

<p class="date_heure"><?php 
// Recuperation et affichage de la date et de l'heure
$now = dol_now();
print dol_print_date($now, 'dayhourtext') . '<br>';
print $object->ref;

예제 #4
  * 	Return full address of contact
  * 	@param		int			$withcountry		1=Add country into address string
  *  @param		string		$sep				Separator to use to build string
  *	@return		string							Full address string
 function getFullAddress($withcountry = 0, $sep = "\n")
     if ($withcountry && $this->country_id && (empty($this->country_code) || empty($this->country))) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/company.lib.php';
         $tmparray = getCountry($this->country_id, 'all');
         $this->country_code = $tmparray['code'];
         $this->country = $tmparray['label'];
     return dol_format_address($this, $withcountry, $sep);
예제 #5
  * testDolFormatAddress
  * @return	void
 public function testDolFormatAddress()
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $conf = $this->savconf;
     $user = $this->savuser;
     $langs = $this->savlangs;
     $db = $this->savdb;
     $object = new Societe($db);
     $object->country_code = 'FR';
     $address = dol_format_address($object);
     $this->assertEquals("21 jump street\n99999 MyTown", $address);
     $object->country_code = 'GB';
     $address = dol_format_address($object);
     $this->assertEquals("21 jump street\nMyTown, MyState\n99999", $address);
     $object->country_code = 'US';
     $address = dol_format_address($object);
     $this->assertEquals("21 jump street\nMyTown, MyState, 99999", $address);
     $object->country_code = 'AU';
     $address = dol_format_address($object);
     $this->assertEquals("21 jump street\nMyTown, MyState, 99999", $address);